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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 38, September 16, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week, NBS member Norman R. Glassburn. Welcome aboard! We've had one cancellation and have lost some other subscribers due to bounced emails in recent weeks. Our subscriber count is now 416. SEPTEMBER 11 A firsthand account of Tuesday's tragic events was posted to the internet (and copied to the Colonial Coins mailing list) as the day unfolded by E-Sylum subscriber Eric Cheung. Some excerpts: "I haven't yet gone off to Stanford yet but I will be doing just that in a week and a half. I live down around City Hall in Manhattan and it's a pretty commercial area; at this time in the morning there's normally quite some commotion down here particularly since everyone is trying to get to work. I just heard a rumble that was about twenty seconds long. ... A couple minutes later, my mom came into my room and told me a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center. In utter disbelief, I kicked out of my bedsheets and looked out the window and saw lots of people running around in the streets heading up Broadway away from the explosion. I also checked out the living room and saw CNN extensively covering this disaster. About eight or ten minutes later, ... I heard a huge explosion as the legs of my bed and the floor of my 9th floor apartment shook. The first world trade center collapsed down to the bottom... I walked not ten feet from my neighbor's apartment when I heard an even louder rumble. My neighbors summoned me to return to the apartment, and in the last second as I dashed to the window, I saw the final section of World Trade Center 2 tumble straight down into the ground. My neighbors and mother were hysterical. Moments later the debris and ash of the aftermath rose into the blazingly sunny sky. I returned to my apartment about 10:28, the hallways in my building filling with smoke. I continued down the hallway where there are windows every ten feet or so, four or five in all down about a hundred feet corridor. There was white dust atop every roof I could see, and it looked like a snowstorm had just hit us, or radioactive waste from a nuclear explosion had just rained down upon us. After a while, the two look the same, and are both frightening and frustrating in equal magnitude." Eric's full journal may be found at this address: http://www.livejournal.com/~chopin The journal entries appear in reverse chronological order. To follow events as they progressed, first scroll down to the [11 Sep 2001|11:02am] entry. Be warned that portions are disturbing, though not graphic. Electricity and phone service to their apartment was lost later in the day, and his family split up to stay with friends elsewhere in the city. Eric walked 20 minutes to a friend's place. As of Friday the 14th there was still no word of when his family would be able to return home. Eric recently won the ANA's Outstanding Young Numismatist of the Year Award. We wish him and his family all the best, as he heads off to Stanford amid this tragic backdrop. AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY EFFECTS At 1:25 PM Tuesday, September 11, Michael Bates of the American Numismatic Society (located far uptown at Broadway and 125th) sent this note : "The ANS is closed now, but with several others I'm stuck here because there's no way to get home. The chaos downtown has not had much effect this far north. Before noon, I walked 20 blocks north to the bus station for New Jersey commuters, only to find both the bus station and the George Washington Bridge closed, so I walked back. Traffic is being diverted at different points along Broadway, but there is no gridlock that we can see here. Some Manhattan subways are running. Buses are running on Broadway. On my walk I encountered many mothers taking their children home from school. I can't say if the ANS will be open tomorrow. All staff members are safe, although some may be stuck somewhere in the city trying to get to Brooklyn or Queens--or New Jersey." On Friday, September 14th, ANS Executive Director Ute Wartenburg sent this note: "Many of you will be curious about the state of the new ANS building, which is within a few blocks of Ground Zero. Right now, we have not been able to get to William Street. Just before the attack on downtown Manhattan, subcontractors were working on the final stages of demolition on all floors in the new building. At this point we are uncertain when this work can resume. We are also waiting to hear whether the exhibition "Drachms, Doubloons and Dollars. A History of Money" will open on October 17th as planned. Designers, mountmakers, printers, and ANS staff are on schedule, but the final decision will be taken jointly with the Federal Reserve Bank. Although the future about our major projects, which are all located in the downtown area, is uncertain, we feel fortunate as our members have been so supportive. Many of you have sent emails or called to express their support at this difficult time. We at the ANS are very grateful for these kind words and the help that we were offered. We are presently unable to make outgoing long-distance calls but we will stay in touch with everyone via email.... The best news from the ANS is that Sebastian Heath, our Director of Information and Technology, and his wife Sarah had a healthy son on September 11th. We are all very happy for them." [Congratulations! -Editor] EXHIBIT OPENING POSTPONED As a result of the emergency, the opening of the long-awaited "Numismatics in the Age of Grolier" exhibit, scheduled for September 12th, has been postponed. The exhibit was set to open at the Grolier Club headquarters in midtown Manhattan (47 East 60th Street). AUCTIONS RESCHEDULED On Wednesday the 12th, Vicken Yegparian of Stack's (57th Street) wrote on the Colonial Coins mailing list: "--everyone, including family, is fine, but necessarily a bit shaken up. We did postpone our Auction Sale scheduled for yesterday and today, and the new dates are November 12 and 13. As for Sotheby's--they are located even further away from the disaster than we are, so they were not directly affected. I did hear that they closed down yesterday and that they might not have been open today." Coin World Online (http://www.coinworld.com/) reported that Bowers and Merena Galleries announced they postponed their September 14-15 public auction scheduled for New York City. As of today, no new date has been announced. These rescheduled auctions will take their place in numismatic history alongside the J.N.T. Levick sale by Edward Cogan. Originally scheduled for April 27-29, 1865, the sale was postponed due to the assassination of President Lincoln on April 14th, 1865. Lincoln was shot while attending a performance at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. The following information about the sale was published in the December 26, 1999 issue of The E-Sylum (v2#52): "E. J Attinelli, in his 1876 work "Numisgraphics", had this to say about the sale: "... it was thought advisable to postpone, in consequence of the excited state of the entire people, consequent upon the assassination of President Lincoln by Junius B. Booth, who had escaped, but was subsequently captured mortally wounded." [NOTE: Attinelli confused the facts here - Junius B. Booth, also an actor, was the FATHER of John Wilkes Booth, the Lincoln assassin.] "The catalogue was printed and issued in several ways, with and without the part in which was the catalogue-portion of Mr. Levick's collection, also each separately; also, 12 copies of each printed on large paper. Mr. Levick, in consequence of the state of affairs, issued but few copies with the cover bearing the preceding date, the greater portion of the edition was stripped of its covers and replaced with a new one, bearing the following date, when the sale took place." Attinelli lists the sale as having taken place May 29th." [Will any of the September 2001 catalogs be reissued or amended? Most are already in the hands of bidders. Will sale-day copies be overprinted or updated with an addendum? -Editor] NEW YORK NUMISMATIC CLUB MEETING RESCHEDULED A note from Michael Bates on Thursday, September 13 read: "I am informed by David Alexander, Secretary-Treasurer of the New York Numismatic Club, that the Club's meeting scheduled for tomorrow, September 14, will have to be canceled because the 7th Regiment Armory--which is still, after all, a military site--is closed for the duration of the current emergency. David and the club officers are trying to arrange an extraordinary meeting on September 21 or 28, at a site to be determined." [We now resume our regularly scheduled coverage of numismatic literature and research. -Editor] NUMISMATIC BOOKS ON CD Fred Reed writes: "Regarding the first numismatic book on CD-ROM, I don't claim that "Civil War Encased Stamps: The Issuers and Their Times" was the first, but it was available in 1995 on CD-ROM. Check out the back of the title page for information. We burned a dozen copies as an experiment. I only had one inquiry, but the guy didn't want to pay the price requested, which was more than the hard back price. The book was also reproduced on microfiche but not for sale." Allan Davisson writes: "Question: The Scott Catalog on stamps is now published on CD-ROM and is compatible with Windows and Macintosh. When will Krause do the same for their world coin catalogs? As much as I value actual books on my shelves, the sheer size of the Krause volumes coupled with their potential utility when I am traveling would seem to make them strong candidates for the CD-ROM format. WEB SITE WRITING CONTEST On the subject of electronic literature, Jim Halperin writes: "Thanks for another enjoyable issue. Perhaps some E-Sylum subscribers might be interested in entering Heritage's Numismatic Writing Contest. For more information, see http://www.heritagecoin.com/features/NumisArticles/contest.asp" From the web page: "Heritage Numismatic Auctions is pleased to announce a major contest for ... numismatic writers, for articles to appear on the world's leading numismatic website: HeritageCoin.com. The most popular article will receive the $5,000 Grand Prize." A Heritage press release issued on September 12th stated: "Articles from America's leading numismatists are pouring in to the Heritage website at the rate of 2-3 articles per day, on numismatic subjects as diverse as Building a Liberty Nickel Set, Great Numismatists I Have Known, Survey of Colombian Cobs in Major English Museums - Ashmolean, and Collecting and Classifying Indian Peace Medals and Related Medals & Currency. On September 10, Heritage began allowing its members to rate each article for selection as the Grand Prize winner." HAWAIIAN REFERENCES Ed Krivoniak writes: " I noticed that no one has answered David Yamamoto's question on the periodical that mentioned Hawaiian coins. I don't have time to look through my library for the reference but the following might be of some help: 1) The OIN (Organization of International numismatics) had a journal called JOIN in the 70's. 2) Coins Monthly a monthly periodical published in the United Kingdom had an annual periodical called COIN. 3) A little more offbeat could be Coin World if Mr.Yamamoto didn't remember the last word. 4) COIN -- I believe it was the Congress of International Numismatists used to put on world coin shows in Los Angeles. They may have had an organizational periodical." FITZWILLIAM WEB SITE Mike Hodder writes: "Interesting bit about Fitzwilliam College's on-line library. I believe that Theodore Buttrey was curator of their collection of coins at one time. Fitz was also my Dad's college after he was demobbed from the RAF." NUMISMATIC AUTHORS In response to the topic of famous numismatic authors, Dr. Howard M. Berlin writes: "In my case, I have three patents and have written 29 books. 21 of which are on electrical engineering/electronic circuit design, 4 are on the stock and bond markets, 3 are on film/cinema, and 1 on numismatics (Coins and Banknotes of Palestine Under the British Mandate, 1927--1947) - awarded the NLG 2001 prize for the "best specialized book on world paper money." Perhaps in time I will be as famous as some of the other authors :)" INDIAN SULTANATES BOOK PUBLISHED Achal Madhavan, Director of Vedams, New Delhi, India, writes: "A new book entitled "The Coins of the Indian Sultanates : Covering the Area of Present Day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh/Stan Goron and J.P. Goenka" has just been published. Lavishly illustrated with several hundred plates, this book is printed on art paper. It is definitive study on Indian coins. The details of the book can be accessed on our website: http://www.vedamsbooks.com/no21272.htm COINS OF PELLA JORDAN EXCAVATION From a press release: "The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation, University of Sydney, is pleased to announce the publication of: PELLA IN JORDAN (1979-1990): THE COINS Kenneth Sheedy, Robert Carson & Alan Walmsley with a contribution by J. Basil Hennessy editor: Kate da Costa 2001 This volume contains the catalogue and associated commentaries for the 1106 coins from the University of Sydney's excavations at Pella in Jordan from 1979 to 1990. The material includes Ptolemaic, Seleucid, Hellenistic city, Jewish, Roman Imperial, Greek Imperial, Byzantine, Umayyad, Abbasid and Mamluk issues. The volume also includes a short introduction to the site and concordances of mints, hoards, findspots and registration numbers to locate the coin corpus within the overall publication plan of the excavation project. 210 x 265mm, softcover, 186 text pages, 15 black and white plates. $AUD75.00 plus postage Please visit our web site for a pdf order form, or further contact details: http://www.archaeology.usyd.edu.au/neaf/Adapa/Pella_in_Jordan_The_Coins.html FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission. The awards were created by industrialist Andrew Carnegie, who was inspired to act after a massive explosion on January 25, 1904, in a coal mine at Harwick, Pa., near Pittsburgh, claimed 181 lives. Two of the accident's victims had entered the mine after the explosion in ill-fated rescue attempts. "Within three months of the disaster, Carnegie had set aside $5 million under the care of a commission to recognize "civilization's heroes" ...and to provide financial assistance for those disabled and the dependents of those killed helping others." "The Commission's definition of a hero has been largely unchanged since 1904: A civilian who knowingly risks his or her own life to an extraordinary degree while saving or attempting to save the life of another person. The cases submitted for consideration--in excess of 75,000 to date -- are scrutinized by a full-time staff before formal review by the Commission itself. Persons selected for recognition receive a bronze medal and a grant of $3,500, and each becomes eligible for scholarship aid. Those disabled in their heroic acts or the dependents of those killed are eligible for additional benefits, including ongoing aid to meet living expenses. Approximately 20 percent of the awards are made posthumously, reflecting a verse from the New Testament embossed on each medal: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13)." http://www.carnegiehero.org/History.shtml "Over the 97 years of its existence, the Fund has awarded 8,510 medals and $24.9 million in accompanying grants, including scholarship aid and continuing assistance." As a result of Tuesday's events, the fund could become swamped with nominees, beginning with New York police and fire personnel who raced to the scene of the World Trade Center attack, only to lose their lives in the collapse. Just a few weeks ago, a featured web site highlighted the Congressional Gold Medal (August 5, 2001, v4#32). While medals of any sort are on no one's priority list at the moment, perhaps someday there will be awards for some of those who perished on the fourth hijacked airliner, which crashed in Pennsylvania after some passengers tried to stop the hijackers, according to cell phone messages from the doomed aircraft. From a Sunday, September 16th New York Times account: "[Vice President] "Cheney guessed that "some real heroism by Americans" aboard that plane had prevented the hijackers from crashing it into the Capitol in Washington. "What they did was to foil the attack on Washington," the vice president said of the passengers who fought back." These brave citizens were among the first to resist and fight this incarnation of evil, and they won't be the last. Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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