I have been following this series on John J. Ford and the Nova Constellatio patterns and I have to say I have rarely read more propaganda than
what has been printed in these columns. First, Ford openly (and I add in
a most arrogant manor, almost proudly), told a number of collectors that
day on the auction floor that he believed that all the Nova coins were
fake in order to lessen competition, and Melnick (who was a personal
friend of mine), was none to happy to play a part.
While no one can lessen the shear amount of information
Ford knew, or his stature in the coin community due to the impact of
his collection, his ethics are questionable. And you can quote me.
Thanks for the auction-day story, and consider yourself quoted. We could probably write a book about pre-auction maneuvering by sellers and buyers alike - these games are as old as the human race.