I just wanted to say I knew Steve Tannebaum as a buyer for many years and though we were not close he was a gentleman and an expert at what ever item I bought from Indian Peace Medals to common tokens. It was always a chore to get his attention because so many were demanding his attention at once, the true mark of an expert. I am sorry for his untimely loss and best wishes to his loved ones.
Steve, of all people, was kind enough to share important token stories with me over the years that helped me understand the distribution of western tokens from collections, and he was the source of much of the information I have written in our articles and catalogs, particularly the Moise story.
We shared a passion for tokens as the relics of American civilization, and the fact that we can actually put faces on the people that issued them. His wall of directories attested to the fact that he insisted on good research, and we had many discussions about this aspect of collecting. What a loss.