I cannot remember the first numismatic show I met Lou Hudson at but it was likely my first International Paper Money Show in Memphis, which was the last one held at the Holiday Inn. The picture of him in The E-Sylum is a classic Hudson look! That first time I believe I saw that look was when I bought some chopmarked Spanish colonial coins from him. He started questioning me about my knowledge about the coins under the chops and I knew very little. He immediately started to teach me about them at that show and others.
We soon realized we could insult each other with gusto and still get along, and we especially did it at every Memphis, which shocked anyone close to us. When his health started going the wrong way, his daughter started to accompany him. She could not handle our banter so we stopped doing it, but we always had a good handshake and he would growl something under his breath. My sympathies go to her and his other relatives. It will be a long time for me to forget to look for Lou at Memphis and other shows!