Peter Bertram in last week's E-Sylum corrects one statement I made about Confederate coins at the New Orleans mint. He wrote:
I must, however, respectfully disagree with one statement, specifically - “…the Mint struck coins for the Confederacy for less than one month, as it quickly ran out of bullion.”
As I am not an expert on U.S. coins, or those of many other countries, I generally take photos of the text material along with the items on display when I visit museums. My memory is not the greatest several weeks later when I need to recall certain facts about an exhibit when writing about it. So I use my camera as a “note taker” of sorts, often taking over 400 photos during one visit.
Attached is a photo of the text on the card at the museum that cites my quote. If Peter is indeed correct, then the museum should correct its information.
Even museums get their facts wrong sometimes! I think Peter made a pretty good case for his position. Perhaps it's time to start a dialogue with the museum.