I was sorry to learn via Coin World that longtime columnist Col. Bill Murray has passed away. Here's the Coin World
piece. -Editor
Retired Coin World columnist Col. William Bain Murray, 96, has died.
Murray died Nov. 16, 2015, three days after his 96th birthday.
Murray authored a column for Coin World from March of 1976 until filing his final column on his 90th birthday, Nov. 13, 2010.
The column originally was titled “The New-Mismatist,” but in 1993 was changed to “The New Collector.”
Col. Murray had written a column for Numismatic Scrapbook magazine since the June 1974 issue and then in Coin World
starting in March 1976 after the monthly Numismatic Scrapbook was folded into the pages of Coin World.
Col. Murray was an advocate for new collectors, whether they were young or adult, just as long as they were beginning their hobby
journey. He was the 1996 recipient of the Clemy Award, the highest honor of the Numismatic Literary Guild.
Born in Harvard, Ill., he lived in Laguna Beach, Calif., before starting his military career. He served in the Pacific Theater during
World War II and retired from the Army in 1972.
He is survived by his wife, Jeanne Hershey Murray; son Bill and daughter-in-law Charlotte Murray; daughter Mary and son-in-law Ed
Shugert; daughter Donna Covey; and several grandchildren.
 I visited Bill and his wife at their lovely military retirement home in San Antonio while on a business trip there in the early 2000s. He
had a nice numismatic library and was still publishing his column, where he often reviewed or recommended numismatic books to collectors. He was a
longtime member of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. A true gentleman, he will be missed. Pete Smith provided this more whimsical portrait of a
younger Bill Murray from his online obituary. Thanks! -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
Former Coin World columnist Bill
Murray dies (www.coinworld.com/news/us-coins/2016/02/former-coin-world-columnist-bill-murray-dies.html)
To read the online obituary, see:
Col. William Bain Murray II, US Army, Retired
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at coinbooks.org.
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