Here is the press release for this month's
numismatic literature sale from Kolbe & Fanning. Lots of great
books here! -Editor
Kolbe & Fanning are pleased to announce that our 143rd
sale of important numismatic literature will be held on October
21 and 22, 2016. The two-part sale will feature the remarkable
library of American numismatic auction catalogues formed by a
prominent Texas collector, buttressed by a wide-ranging library
on foreign and ancient coins formed by a collector in Ohio.
Printed catalogues have been mailed at this time and will be
arriving in the mailboxes of established clients shortly.
Part I, featuring 293 lots, will be conducted as a live online
sale at 12:00 noon on Friday, October 21. Bidders may participate
in this part of the sale in a variety of ways: in advance via
mail, phone, fax or email--or on the day of the sale through our
live bidding platform at Register in
advance, browse lots and place bids at your leisure: all lots in
the first part are illustrated in the online catalogue. Live
bidding will commence at noon eastern time on October 21.
Part II features over 800 lots of numismatic books,
periodicals and catalogues from around the world, and will be
conducted as a traditional mail-bid sale (no online component).
This second part of the sale will close at 9:00 PM EDT on
Saturday, October 22. Bids may be placed via mail, phone, fax or
email; bids will be treated as limits and reduced as competition
Some highlights include the following:
Lot 273: the exceptionally rare 1884 Adolph Weyl catalogue
offering the Dexter 1804 dollar, complete with the famous
Lot 146: a rare plated copy of Tom Elder’s catalogue of the
William H. Woodin collection (1911); other plated Elder sales
present include the Peter Gschwend sale and the 1917 Miller sale,
among others
Lot 113: a beautifully bound copy of Henry Chapman’s 1912
plated catalogue of the Earle collection, from the libraries of
William H. Woodin and John J. Ford, Jr.; the sale also includes
plated copies of the David S. Wilson and John Story Jenks
collections, among other plated catalogues of the Chapman

Lots 236 and 253
Lot 236: John J. Ford’s copy of the rare plated Maris sale
(H.P. Smith, 1886)
Lot 253: J.N.T. Levick’s copy of the very rare Descriptive
Catalogue of the Seavey collection (Strobridge, 1873), with 5
Lot 70: the 20-volume reprint edition of Victor Emmanuel III’s
Corpus Nummorum Italicorum
Lot 210: a plated copy of the New York Coin & Stamp Company’s
1890 sale of the Lorin G. Parmelee collection, from the library
of W.W. Hays
Lot 261: a plated copy of the United States Coin Company’s
1915 sale of the Granberg collection

Lots 4 and 7
Lot 4: the useful Forni edition of Babelon’s Traité des
monnaies grecques et romaines
Lot 7: Crawford on Roman Republican coins
Lot 293: a first edition Red Book signed by R.S. Yeoman.
The sale’s offerings include hundreds of early American
auction catalogues, most of which are individually catalogued,
providing clients with a valuable opportunity to fill gaps in
their libraries.
As mentioned above, printed catalogues are being mailed to
established clients; a PDF of the catalogue has been posted to
the main website for those who prefer to read
online. In addition, prospective bidders are able to access the
live online catalogue and register to bid in Part I of the sale
Kolbe & Fanning Numismatic Booksellers LLC is a licensed and
bonded auction firm in the State of Ohio. For more information,
please see the Kolbe & Fanning website at or email
David Fanning at We look forward to your
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at
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