On Friday I again spent the morning at the Sheraton working on email and The E-Sylum. The Pinot Noir was clogging my head, and I dragged all day long.
NBS General Meeting
My first stop was the annual General Meeting of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society at 11:30. When I arrived David Fanning and new President Tom Harrison were busily setting up the room and auction
Tom called the meeting to order and the audience took turns standing to introduce themselves and discuss their literature collecting interests. Next, Tom presented some awards, including the Jack
Collins Award for Best New Author in The Asylum, which went to Shanna Schmidt.

Paul Hybert introduces hmself

Crowd listens to a question
Left: Tom Harrison with his dapper NBS-logo tie
Right: Tom Harrison presents Jack Collins award to Shanna Schmidt
After the awards I gave about an 18-minute overview of the process of creating The E-Sylum each week - not the buttonology so much as the decision and workflow process. I begin each week
with a skeleton template and gradually fill it in as articles and emails come my way. I discussed the priority and ordering of articles, with NBS news first, followed by literature sales, new books
and book reviews.
Next up was the auction. Tom had prepared bidder paddles. Since I was sitting right up front, I was able to secure bidder #1. I really wanted to bid on the deluxe version of Neil Musante's
book, but all of us in the room got skunked by an absentee bidder. I took home two lots, the ANA Centennial volume and the Douglas book on New Jersey Coppers. I didn't have the latter, and the
former was going to cheap to let pass.

Left: Auction lots displayed

Right: Prospective bidders examine lots
Not even Tom's tie was safe - that too was auctioned off to the highest bidder. Over $3,500 was raised for the NBS Treasury.
1792 Presentation
After the NBS meeting I went back to the bourse for a bit. I ended up across the street at Stout Street Social for a very quick lunch of grilled chicken salad. Next it was back to the convention
meeting rooms for the Money Talks presentation by the team behind 1792: Birth of a Nation's Coinage.

Joel Orosz explaining one of the book's paintings by John Ward Dunsmore

Pete Smith explaining 2nd striking diagnostics

Young numismatists Garrett Ziss and Kellen Hoard up front
Whitman Booth
My next stop was the Whitman Publications booth, where the star of the show was Dennis Tucker's alternately chirpy and shy daughter. At left are Ken Bressett and Whitman's Mary Burleson.

Proud Papa Dennis forwarded these two additional photos.
The clock was ticking and I made a sprint through the exhibit area. There were some great exhibits, some of which I'd seen earlier in the year at Central States. Here are a few that caught my eye
this time around.

Women on Confederate Money

The Special Government Medal

North American Horescar Tokens, Case 1

North American Horescar Tokens, Case 2
I was especially wowed by the Horsecar token exhibit, and gave it my vote for People's Choice. Some of these are extremely rare, and I'd never seen so many at once in my life.
Siege Money
My friend Dr, Lawrence Korchnak presented a talk on paper siege currency at 4pm. He had some of these rare pieces on display.

Larry's working on a book based on his many years of collecting and studying siege money, both coins and paper. If anyone is interested in or can contribute to the work, let me know and
I'll put you in touch.
Lesher Dollar Exhibit
I couldn't leave the show without checking out the Lesher dollar exhibit.

An amazing grouping. I enjoyed seeing the literature of Lesher Dollars, including the new book by Bob Leonard.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: LESHER DOLLAR COLLECTION EXHIBIT (
NGC Continental Dollar Display

I arrived a little too late to see the Continental Dollar exhibit at the NGC Booth. I got a nice consolation prize when Dave Lange gave me a slabbed 2017-D Kennedy Half. A number of these were
prepared for the evening's ANA Awards Banquet,where Dave received the Numismatist of the Year honor.
Dinner With Kellen
After a jaunt back to the hotel to change I set out again for the Bistro Vendome restaurant, where me, Joel, Len Augsburger and his wife Deb Kurtz were having dinner with Kellen Hoard and his Mom
Cathy. I said hello as I passed Julian Leidman on the street and hopped on the 16th Street Mall bus to Larimore Street.
The restaurant was tucked away in a courtyard, New Orleans style. The rest of our party was already seated. We had great conversation about the events of the convention, Kellen's recent trip
to the ANA Summer Seminar, numismatic luminaries, and the future of the hobby. Here's a group shot taken afterwards by Kellen's Mom.

Len, Deb, Kellen, Joel, Wayne
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at
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