Last week Dick Johnson noted that one of the Hawaiian islands was misspelled on some of the the Hawaii Statehood Medals, but
didn't know which ones. -Editor
Paul Williams of Holabird Western Americana writes:
The gold Hawaii statehood medal (lot 1435) sold for $10,500 (plus buyers premium), and the silver sold for $600 (lot 1441). The sale was June 22,
The way I understood it, it was the silver medals that they misspelled the name of the state as two words, but I may be mistaken.
Thanks for the great job on The E-Sylum. Every time I Google Esylum on a new computer I get a Matt Damon movie, but I find you
Matt Damon? I guess we're cooler than we thought... To help Paul stay in touch I added him to our mailing list. But it
doesn't make us any less cool. -Editor
Dick Grinolds writes:
The island of Niihau was misspelled as Nii Hau (two words) on the initial strikings of the Hawaiian Statehood medal struck by Medallic Art
Company. The error was corrected to the proper spelling of Niihau (one word) which is the western most major island in the Hawaiian chain. Both the
bronze and silver examples of the medal were struck with and without the spelling error; all of the gold medals were spelled correctly.
Although I have never seen any information on how many of each variety were struck, the misspelled medals are definitely more elusive and command
higher prices.
Jon Radel concurs that "Niihau was misspelled on many medals, though apparently none of the gold ones." He also
forwarded a link to a page on the NGC Collectors Society site which details infornation on the medals. Dick Johnson had supplied overall mintage
information - an earlier E-Sylum article is cited. In addition to Dick, Joe Boling and Bob Rhue contributed.
Thanks everyone, including Joe Levine, who also responded this week. The below images are from the NGC site. -Editor

Left; NII HAU; Right: NIIHAU
(serial number 1043 is the last NII HAU error and serial number 1044 is the first NIIHAU correction medal).
To read the NGC Collectors Society page, see: The Official
Hawaii Statehood Medals (
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see: MORE ON THE 1959 HAWAII GOLD STATEHOOD
Wayne Homren, Editor
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