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Volume 02, Number 48, November 28, 2018
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Click here to access the complete archive To comment or submit articles, reply to whomren@gmail.com Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE'S WORDS: THE E-SYLUM NOVEMBER 28, 2018
Other topics this week include electrotypist Charles Enders, Jr., the Endwell-Union Company, dealer Joe Mitula, collector Orion Thomas Mason, the American Legion dollar, the Dickin medal's anniversary, a world cup medal, and Bitcoin. To learn more about The Cinderella Coin, Rhode Island Civil War tokens, the coin collection of Her Majesty the Queen, ball feet, the New Jersey Numismatic Society Nettleship Award, SS Central America artifacts, Charles C. Rood's 1st catalog of Numismatic Literature, the lost city of Tenea, Greece, and the bathtub full of Russian coins, read on. Have a great week, everyone! Wayne Homren
NEW BOOK: THE CINDERELLA COINKin Carmody has published a book on the 1838-O half dollar. -Editor
In THE CINDERELLA COIN, the reader becomes a member of a real life treasure hunting team and will follow all the twists, turns, failures and triumphs of the treasure hunt as they actually occurred. In the end, the amazing deception and illegal production of 1838-O PROOF half dollars is exposed that has kept this great Numismatic mystery unsolved for 180 years. THE CINDERELLA COIN is revealed as the only surviving legally struck 1838-O half dollar and the rarest U.S. circulation strike ever made. The reader will also learn all the lessons needed to start his or her own successful treasure hunt. The actual CINDERELLA COIN will be featured and on display for the very first time at THE WINTER FUN CONVENTION in Orlando, Florida January 10 -14, 2019, and the research behind the discovery will be presented in an educational forum on Thursday January 11 at 4:30 pm. For more information, or to order, see: The Cinderella Coin: A Beginner's Guide for Treasure Hunting on the Internet (https://www.amazon.com/Cinderella-Coin-Beginners-Treasure-Internet/dp/1478798556/ref=sr_1_3) To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
NEW BOOK: CIVIL WAR TOKENS OF RHODE ISLANDThe Civil War Token Society has published a new book by Dave Bowers on the CWTs of Rhode Island, Here's the information from their web site. -Editor
To order:
For more information about the Civil War Token Society, see:
NEW BOOK: MONARCHY, MONEY & MEDALSSPINK has published a new book by Jeremy Cheek on the Queen's numismatic collection. -Editor
With foreword by HRH The Prince of Wales
Hardback, jacketed
The Royal Collection is famous as one of the finest art collections in the world, but less well known are its coins, medals and banknotes, which include many extremely rare pieces. This book, published by Spink in association with Royal Collection Trust, describes and illustrates the most important items in the collection, giving their historical background, how they came to be in the collection, and their importance. The development and dispersal of the early collections under the great royal collectors Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, Charles I and George III are described. No monarch since then has been a devoted collector of coins or medals, but occasional important additions have been made to the Royal Collection, particularly by King George V and Queen Mary. Other major items have been received as gifts from visiting Heads of State; coin finds on Duchy of Lancaster land (e.g. the Cuerdale Hoard of 1840) have also contributed to the Collection, as well as items presented by the Royal Mint – a set of pattern coins of King Edward VIII, and gold coins for the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II not issued to the public. Most of the items have never been exhibited before, and several are supported by descriptions and images of other relevant important objects from the Royal Collection. Jeremy Cheek, Honorary Numismatic Consultant to Royal Collection Trust since 2008, presents the fascinating background to the objects featured in the book, with the wealth of illustrations included helping to shine a spotlight on this little known but highly important part of the Royal Collection. For more information, or to order, see:
NOTE: Charles Davis is the distributor of SPINK titles in the U.S. For information on pricing and availability, contact Charlie at numislit@aol.com -Editor NEW BOOK: COINS OF ENGLAND 2019 EDITIONThe 2019 54th edition of Coins of England & the United Kingdom is available or preorder from SPINK. -Editor
This historic reference work for British coins is still the only catalogue to feature every major coin type from Celtic to the present day, arranged in chronological order and divided into metals under each reign, then into coinages, denominations and varieties. Under Elizabeth II the decimal issues are separated from the pre-decimal coinages, with all decimal coinage since 1968 listed in a separate volume. The catalogue includes up-to-date values for every coin, a beginner’s guide to coin collecting, numismatic terms explained and historical information about each British coin, from our earliest (Celtic) coins, Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Norman coins, the coins of the Plantagenet Kings, the Houses of Lancaster and York, the Tudors and Stuarts, to the more modern Milled coinage, minted for the first time in 1561 during the reign of Elizabeth I. From the earliest of times, coins have been used by states or monarchs to communicate with people; Coins of England is therefore not only a reference book for collectors, but a fascinating snapshot of British history, illuminating its economics, technology, art, politics and religion. As always, the content has been updated and improved throughout by the editors, with numerous new images, entries and values based on activity in the current market. For more information, or to order, see:
NOTE: Charles Davis is the distributor of SPINK titles in the U.S. For information on pricing and availability, contact Charlie at numislit@aol.com -Editor ![]() AUSTRALIAN VICTORIA CROSS MEDAL BOOK LAUNCHEDAs reported in July, there is a new book on the Australian recipients of the Victoria Cross medal. Author Michael Madden spent four and a half years writing it. A launch ceremony was held this week near Sydney. Here's an excerpt from the November 21, 2018 Wollondilly Advertiser, which includes a nice photo gallery of the event. -Editor
It was also an emotional moment for many other family members of VC recipients who joined NSW Governor David Hurley and a large crowd at Ingleburn RSL Memorial Garden on Tuesday. The Victoria Cross is the highest award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. Author Michael Madden – who met with about 60 families as part of his research – gave a fascinating speech about the history of the medal, dating back to the Crimean War of the 1850s. He pointed out that each medal is only worth a few dollars in actual materials, but – once a war hero’s name is engraved – it is suddenly worth about $1 million. The Governor said the book was about telling the story of “the individuals” behind the deeds of valour. Students from St Patrick’s College, Macquarie Fields High School and Holy Family Catholic Primary School joined the ceremony. Edna Wheatley was delighted to meet the girls from St Pat’s, led by history teacher Fran Music Rullo, and got teary-eyed as spoke about her husband, who was killed in action in 1965. Also among the guests was 98-year-old war widow Daphne Dunne, whose special relationship with Prince Harry has made headlines around the world. Her husband was Albert Chowne, killed in action near the end of WWII. ![]() ![]() Cutting a ‘slouch hat’ cake at the launch See an article elsewhere in this issue about the acquisition of a Canadian Victoria Cross by the Canadian War Museum. -Editor To read the complete article, see:
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
DAVE BOWERS AND THE GARRETT COLLECTIONThe CDN Blog published a nice article by Dave Bowers on the sale of the landmark Garrett collection from Johns Hopkins University and the publication of his classic book, The History of United States Coinage as Illustrated by the Garrett Collection. Here's a short excerpt, but be sure to read the complete article. -Editor
In time, Dr. Zdanis came and said to Bill Hawfield and me, “you have been selected. Please come to Garland Hall and meet with the board.” We went back, met the group, and Dr. Steven Muller, president of the university, was the spokesman. A nice discussion ensued. He said something to the effect, “I suppose you wonder why you were picked?” I replied in the affirmative. He said, “because I think Bowers and Ruddy Galleries can give some P.T. Barnum to the sale, and we need the money.” I examined coins, made notes, and also at the Ferdinand Hamburger University Archives on the university campus and at the nearby Evergreen House, where I reviewed many thousands of invoices, letters, and other items pertaining to T. Harrison, Robert, and John Work Garrett, eventually making over 4,000 Xerox copies! These went into the creation of a book, The History of United States Coinage as Illustrated by the Garrett Collection. This volume, 592 pages, took quite a bit of time to prepare, but was finally done in the late summer. In the meantime, the first section of coins was catalogued by me and our talented staff. Dr. Zdanis suggested that The Johns Hopkins University Press publish the book, and I met with them, giving them details. Their reply was that coins were such an obscure pursuit, that it would probably take ten years to sell as many as 1,000 copies. They might print it if forced to, but it did not sound very interesting. No problem. We decided to print it ourselves. The first order was for 4,000 copies. Announcements were made in the trade press, excitement arose, and the entire run was sold out within a few weeks! We had to have a second printing. In time about 15,000 were sold! To read the complete article, see:
THE DAVID LISOT VIDEO LIBRARYThe latest addition to the Newman Numismatic Portal is the David Lisot Video Library. Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided the following report. -Editor The David Lisot Video Library
Searching for “Breen”, for example, locates two videos from David Lisot featuring Walter Breen, from 1986 and 1990, in addition to a number of audio recordings. Or, as another example, searching on “buffalo” delivers ten results, primarily related to the Buffalo nickel series. More obscure phrases may also work – a search on “Washington Before Boston” locates a 1989 video featuring Dick Buckley, who I have never heard of, but would definitely watch if writing about this medal. Image: Walter Breen, from the 1986 video “ANA Numismatic Personality: Walter Breen” I've lost touch with Dick Buckley, but knew him in my Pittsburgh days. An engineer in the Nuclear Power division of Westinghouse corporation, Dick hailed from Boston and was a member of the Western Pennsylvania Numismatic Society and The Sphinx Society. -Editor Link to David Lisot Video Library on Newman Portal:
Link to advanced search page on Newman Portal:
ELECTROTYPIST CHARLES ENDERS, JRThis note has been lost in my inbox for a couple weeks - sorry for the delay. Great question from Craig Sholley. -Editor The photo of the Austrian medal sign in the November 11 Numismatic Nuggets sent in by Jeff Rock caught my eye due to the name of the electrotyper - H. Enders. One of the most prolific purveyors of electrotypes in America during the 1880's was Charles Enders, Jr. of New York. Here's his fixed price list, found on the Newman Numismatic Portal. You have to wonder if they were related. So - is anyone aware of a connection? Here's the first page of the fixed pricelist; follow the NNP link to read the whole thing. Also linked below is a November 2014 submission by Dave Hirt about Charles Enders ephemera and advertising. -Editor ![]() To read the complete FPL on NNP, see:
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
![]() NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: NOVEMBER 25, 2018Kudos for Lianna Spurrier
![]() Malcolm Johnson writes: Ms. Spurrier's video about the Nova Constellatio series was just wonderful. I hope she decides to pursue, at least as a sidelight, production of other numismatic themed videos. She is very talented and her production work on the video was outstanding. Indeed. The industry has taken notice. See the item under LOOSE CHANGE elsewhere in this issue by Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez of CDN Publishing. -Editor To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Holland Wallace and Whitman Publishing
There's something that needs correction or clarification in Dale's commentary, though. He says that "After the sale of Whitman to Western Publishing Holland moved to California and became a dealer specialized in Latin American coins." Whitman was never sold to Western Publishing. It was a subsidiary of Western Printing & Lithographing Company (later called Western Publishing Company) since it was formed in 1916. (Western was sold to Mattel in 1982, but Dale's narrative places Holland Wallace's leaving the company at some time pre - July 1980.) Ken Bressett writes: Sorry to say that I have no recollection of precisely when Holland left Whitman. I'm pretty sure it was in the late 1970's, probably around 1978. Thanks, gentlemen. -Editor To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
More on the End of Pitt Token
![]() Jeff Rock writes:
The piece is listed by Dalton & Hamer as their Middlesex 1092. The "Even Fellows" obverse comes with 8 different reverse dies (including one that depicts two other busts -- this time King George III and an ass, which are labelled "Odd Fellows") and was clearly something made for collectors of the day as most exist in nice condition today. Good points. Thanks. Great token! -Editor To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Visiting Block Island
I have two of the 2018-S silver ones and plan to visit Block Island. I have visited Cumberland Island (GA) by boat and it's beautiful too. I am a fisherman from Maryland...and part time numismatist. It sounds like a great place to visit. -Editor To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
More on the Oklahoma State Quarter "Hidden Image"
LOVE the Oklahoma State Quarter bit! Almost as good as finding the devil in Queen Elizabeth’s hair. ![]() ![]() To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Howard Daniel Reports from Vietnam
![]() Howard A. Daniel III writes: Here is a picture of me with some of the collectors attending the Sunday morning collectors’ meeting at the Art Museum in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) on November 18, 2018. It is good to be back with old friends for the next 45 days. This just in from Howard tonight (November 25, 2018): This morning's collectors’ meeting did not happen at 9AM at the Fine Arts Museum at 97A D Pho Duc Chinh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam because of a typhoon. The eye of the storm came within 14 miles of the city center. We were in our Sedona Suites serviced apartment on the 32nd floor and watched it hit the city. There was a ton of rain and it is still sprinkling this Monday morning. If a philatelist or numismatist is visiting Ho Chi Minh City on a Sunday morning, they are very welcome to attend the meeting. Walk through the main gate and then left about 100 feet to a café. Just before the café are some outside tables and chairs and the collectors will be there until about noon. First Man on the Moon Blunders
![]() Regarding packaging material for the 2019 Pobjoy Mint First Man on the Moon coin, Gary Greenbaum writes: This is amusing. While the coin may or may not be based on the famous photo of Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11, the image being used for the packaging is not from Apollo 11, but from Apollo 15! There are no mountains on the Sea of Tranquility which is why they landed 11 there. For 15 they got more daring. But the guy saluting is Jim Irwin, eighth man on the moon; the photo was taken near the end of the second extravehicular activity (EVA) on August 1, 1972. To view the photo on Wikipedia, see:
DAVE BOWERS AND THE ENDWELL-UNION COMPANYDave Lange submitted these notes on a recent acquisition of numismatic ephemera. -Editor ![]() A recent purchase on eBay for me was a very choice example of the Ticker and Treasure coin album from 1963-65. I usually avoid all-plastic items in my album collecting, but the cleverness of this gadget always intrigues me. The lot came with a premium list catalog I'd never seen before. The name Endwell-Union Company stuck out in my mind as something associated with Dave Bowers years ago. Sure enough when I looked up his bio in Pete Smith's book I found that business listed for the years 1959-60. The catalog I have is dated 1960, and it must be a pretty rare item if it has eluded me until now. ![]() Correct. Those are indeed rare. I've been fortunate to acquire three different examples over the years for my numismatic ephemera collection, all dated 1960. Dave Lange's example is in better condition than any of mine. -Editor VOCABULARY TERM: BALL FEETDick Johnson submitted these entries from his Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. Thanks. -Editor ![]() ![]() Images from Collectors Weekly. See Milwaukee Journal Pulitzer Prize Brass Paper Weight (https://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/174932-milwaukee-journal-pulitzer-prize-brass-p) Ball Feet. Hemisphere of metal attached to the back of a medallic item to make a paperweight of it. Most manufacturers used half spheres; called half ball feet, which they make themselves or obtained from jewelry supply houses. If the piece was struck with the hemispheres formed from such cavities in the reverse die it was called integral ball feet, but most were made by fabricating (attaching) separate ball feet. Other styles of feet appearing on paperweights are square, pylon and flat-top pyramid. This form of medallic item was popular in the first half of the 20th century. In 1919 the Milwaukee Journal won the Pulitzer Medal and issued a plaquette to commemorate this event. The unknown maker attached two size brass ball feet – larger in back, smaller in front – to give a sloping effect to the piece lying on a flat surface. The brass spheres resemble ball bearings. A more sophisticated medal manufacturer would have used bronze half ball feet. Looking for the meaning of a numismatic word, or the description of a term? Try the Newman Numismatic Portal's Numismatic Dictionary at: https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/dictionary Or if you would like a printed copy of the complete Encyclopedia, it is available. There are 1,854 terms, on 678 pages, in The Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology. Even running two a week would require more than 19 years to publish them all. If you would like an advance draft of this vital reference work it may be obtained from the author for your check of $50 sent postpaid. Dick Johnson, 139 Thompson Drive, Torrington, CT 06790. ![]() ALBIN JOSEPH MITULA, JR. (1896-1972)John Lupia submitted the following information from the online draft of his book of numismatic biographies for this week's
installment of his series. Thanks! As always, this is an excerpt with the full article and bibliography available online. This week's subject is
Houston dealer Joe Mitula. -Editor
Albin Joseph Mitula preferred to be called "Joe", and was popularly known simply as Joe Mitula. He graduated his local high school and entered the workforce in the advertising industry. On November 23, 1925, he married Mrs. Mary Edna Burns, nee Thompson (1892-1979). From 1926-1930, he was president of Mitula Publishing Company, the publisher and manager of Houston Greeters Guide. Henry L. Doherty & Co., were his sales distributors. In 1930, he opened and operated the Albin J. Mitula Inc., Dealer in Postage Stamps, located in the Union National Bank Building, Room 420, Houston, Texas. He advertised in the Houston Chronicle.
In the 1940s, he expanded to become the Mitula Stamp & Coin Company. In April 1944, he was ANA Member No. 10221, and would advertise in The Numismatist. He was somewhat famous for the rumor that he had accumulated a million 1950-D nickels during those 1950s. Q. David Bowers wrote about Mitula's having made much money off the 1950-D nickels in his Historian's Diary column in The Numismatist, February 2009. In March 1965, he donated $1,000 to the A.N.A. Building Fund. ![]() ![]() Mitula's ads in The Numismatist May 1956 and July 1960 He died of arterial thrombosis on July 18, 1972, at Medical Arts Hospital, Houston, Texas. He is buried in Forest Park Cemetery, Houston, Texas. The Greater Houston Coin Club established the A.J. Mitula award in his honor for Best-in-Show exhibitors. To read the complete article, see:
The entire inventory of the Lupia Numismatic Library is for sale. Individual items will be available before the remaining archives are broken up into parcels sold at philatelic auctions in the U. S. and Hong Kong. Check NumismaticMall.com frequently as dozens of new items with estimates will be posted daily until everything is sold. All inquiries will be given prompt and courteous attention. Write to: john@numismaticmall.com . ORION THOMAS MASON (1865-1943)The topic of O. T. Mason came up last week when Ray Williams was searching for information on a colonial paper note pedigreed to an O. T. Mason. John Lupia provided biographical information about anthropologist and collector Otis Tufton Mason, but it remained unclear whether THAT O.T. Mason was THE O.T. Mason that Ray sought. Reader Julia Casey did some digging and submitted this information. Thank you! -Editor
In the Springfield Republican Wednesday, December 26, 1934 there is an article (reprinted from the Lowell Courier-Citizen) entitled "Commodity Currency" which states: "Hon Orion Mason of Medway has lent us from his fine collection of colonial and early state currency and notes a document which may help to an understanding of this subject."
To read the complete article, see:
![]() Ray also contacted David Sklow, Director of the Dwight N. Manley Numismatic Library at the American Numismatic Association, who writes: There was an Orion T. Mason from Massachusetts who joined the ANA November 1930 - membership number 3832. That is all we have on him. Harley Freeman bought a colonial paper collection from an O. T. Mason in 1935. This evidence is no smoking gun, but documents that THIS O.T. Mason was alive in 1935 and owned a colonial paper money collection as of 1934. That makes him much more likely to be our man. Thanks, everyone! Intrigued by the reference to "Prof. Fisher's commodity dollar" I did a little digging of my own to learn that Fisher was an American economist and proponent of a plan to issue a stable paper currency tied not to a fixed amount of gold but to an amount of gold sufficient to buy a standard basket of commodities. I came up empty looking for a numismatic connection - no medals, prototype commodity notes etc. Let us know if you find any! -Editor To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
DR JONAS FLUECK FORMS LUGDUNUM GMBHDr Jonas Flueck is the creator of the Ex-Numis tool for searching coin auction catalogs by image. Here's a press release about his new firm, Lugdunum GmbH. -Editor
The catalogs of both his public auctions as well as his e-auctions demonstrate his strong commitment to the highest scientific standards. He organizes online auctions several times a year. Once or twice a year, public auctions are planned in Zurich. The first appraisal of any possible consignment is free of charge. In addition, Lugdunum GmbH specializes in consulting and supporting collectors, particularly regarding auction representations. However, you can certainly also expect all of the services good coin dealerships are known for, including the acquisition of coins and medals. Dedicated coin collectors certainly already know Dr. Jonas Emmanuel Flueck, who speaks several languages fluently. The historian has been working in the coin business for more than a decade. As a numismatist working at Spink in London and later at Hess Divo – where he advanced to the position of managing director – he was in charge of numerous catalogs and auctions. Dr. Emmanuel Flueck is part of the young generation of coin dealers who are generally referred to as “digital natives”. He considers new technologies both a chance and a challenge. As a trained archeologist, he is aware of the problems that can arise in the context of cultural property laws. Which is why he established the Ex-Numis project in 2016. The latest image detection software and an archive of hundreds of thousands of auction catalog images allow him to quickly find out whether or not a coin has already been shown in an auction catalog. Needless to say, the research of provenance of ancient coins is part of his own auction catalogs as well. Dr. Flueck is also an active member of numerous international associations. In 2017, he held the office of treasurer at the IAPN (International Association of Professional Numismatists). In 2018, he took over the position of general secretary at the Verband Schweizerischer Berufsnumismatiker. For more information on Lugdunum GmbH, see:
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
![]() JEFF BURKE WINS NJNS NETTLESHIP AWARDRay Williams of the New Jersey Numismatic Society passed along this announcement. Congratulations to Jeff Burke! -Editor Charles F. Nettleship Award Presented to: Jeff Burke, NJNS Member #369 I am pleased to announce the recipient of the 2017-2018 New Jersey Numismatic Society (NJNS) Charles F. Nettleship Award, as deemed by all past awardees to be a worthy candidate. This individual has served the New Jersey Numismatic Society as a current officer, providing a leadership role in society activities and business. His interests include Early American Coppers, Tokens, Jetons and World Coins. He has shared his knowledge and expertise in multiple areas through presentations and articles written for several numismatic publications, including those serving the everyday collector as well as scholarly journals. I have personally witnessed his enthusiastic leadership at NJNS meetings and other numismatic activities. He has demonstrated all the qualities sought by one of our founding fathers, Charles F. Nettleship. Charles F. Nettleship was the founding father of the NJNS in October, 1933. In 1982, he donated $50.00 to the Society and it was decided to establish a service award in his name. Nominations are made by past awardees at the October meeting. If a nominee is to be named; the Nettleship Medal, suitably engraved, will be presented to the member deemed most worthy by reason of his service to the Society. ![]() Ray Williams, Jeff Burke, and NJNS President Pete LaConte Nettleship Award Recipients: 1. Herbert Oechsner 1983
TRASK FAMILY YN SUMMER SEMINAR SCHOLARSHIPThis announcement got buried deep in my inbox, but there are still a few days to go before the deadline, so here goes. Sorry for the delay! -Editor
Susan and Frank Trask have been instrumental in supporting education and outreach in the collecting of Civil War tokens; pushing the envelope and inspiring great numismatists. Applicants should be excited about the hobby and eager to contribute to its growth. How to Apply:
The awarded recipient must produce a self-directed project using the skills acquired from the Summer Seminar. Examples may include but are not limited to:
Fine Details:
The award is not guaranteed on an annual basis and is subject to the scholarship committee review, composed of Civil War Token Society Board of Governors members. In the event that a Civil War token specific course, similar course (19th century coinage, exonumia, etc.) is not available or is cancelled by the ANA, the applicant must demonstrate in their application an ability to use the Summer Seminar education to apply to the study and promotion of Civil War tokens. Submissions to:
For more information about the Civil War Token Society, see:
THE AMERICAN LEGION COMMEMORATIVE SILVER DOLLARBrandon Christopher Hall published a nicely illustrated piece on Coin Update November 20, 2018 about the design of the 2019 American Legion commemorative silver dollar. See the full article online for more pictures, including the coin's designers. -Editor ![]() ![]() When reminiscing about classic American coin designs, it’s almost impossible not to think of the gorgeous double eagle by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the elegant Flowing Hair Stella by Charles E. Barber, or the ubiquitous silver dollar by George T. Morgan. While it is important to honor the contributions of these legendary figures to American coinage, it’s equally important not to get stuck in a time-warp so that we do not miss the exciting things going on in U.S. coinage right now. One such exciting development is the 2019 American Legion commemorative silver dollar, which boasts timeless designs generated from fresh minds and hands. The coin was born from the diversity of the Mint’s Artistic Infusion Program. Its obverse was designed by Paul C. Balan, a Filipino, and the reverse was designed by Patricia Lucas-Morris, a woman.
No claims of political correctness can justly be levied at the American Legion coin that sprung from the minds of Balan and Lucas-Morris, as it relies heavily on iconography and metaphor, not unlike the coins that some collectors mention when they ask for a return to American tradition. Balan’s obverse features a beautiful tribute: The emblem of the American Legion graced with leaves of oak and lily. Not to be outdone, Lucas-Morris also did not disappoint. Her reverse design features a fleur-de-lis framed by crossing U.S. and American Legion flags, continuing the theme from the obverse. The strength in her design is in its simplicity and tasteful use of negative space. Instead of arguing against the lack of diversity in the past (among America’s coin designers) or about perceived political correctness in today’s coin design, I instead call for a celebration of a triumph for both diversity and excellent coin design. The future will likely include an increasingly diverse population, but that does not mean that the past will not be honored. The answer to the clash between past and present is not further acrimony, but timelessness, and the 2019 American Legion commemorative silver dollar is here to deliver a timeless design crafted by new hands. To read the complete article, see:
![]() SS CENTRAL AMERICA ARTIFACTS FOR SALENumismatists are well familiar with the coins and other numismatic treasures recovered from the wreck of the SS Central America. This Columbus Dispatch article excerpt notes that a warehouse full of other recovered artifacts are now for sale. -Editor ![]() Bob Evans with SS Central America artifacts It’s a hulk of an apparatus, a massive tangle of hoses and cords and cameras and lights and steel, complete with a large robotic arm. Three decades ago, the custom-built, remotely operated research submersible, named the Nemo, was being guided to a storied shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean, about a day’s boat trip off the South Carolina coast. Online video footage shows the Nemo in action, gingerly picking up gold bars and coins and other artifacts from one of the greatest lost treasures in U.S. history. “It’s quite a beast,” said Bob Evans, the chief scientist and historian of the expedition. Today, the Nemo rests, long motionless, in a dark corner of a warehouse northeast of Downtown. And it’s for sale. So is the large bronze bell from the shipwrecked S.S. Central America, submerged in water in a case near the Nemo and among a treasure trove of cultural artifacts that are on the market. They’re part of continued court proceedings against Thomas “Tommy” Thompson and his exploration group after lawsuits were filed by investors who say they did not share in the profits of the lucrative expedition they financed. Local auctioneer Robert Cassel is working for the court-appointed receiver responsible for selling the shipwreck findings and other items connected to the project. He’s entertaining all offers. “There are thousands of items,” Cassel said, adding, “There’s still cigars rolled that you could smoke. There’s jewelry that people wore that’s part of the recovery. There’s clothing. There’s shaving gear. They have tickets from the passengers.” The ship sunk in a hurricane in September 1857, carrying tons of Gold Rush-era gold from California. Thompson and his exploration group spent years recovering items from the underwater site. “The treasure of the S.S. Central America is just so huge and vast, it is like nothing else I expect to work on in my life,” Evans said. Cassel said the entire lot is probably worth between $500,000 and $1 million. The aforementioned bell alone is valued at $100,000 or more. He’s been working with some individual buyers who were considering purchasing the entire lot. The items will be sold to the highest bidder piecemeal beginning early next year if a single buyer can’t be found before then. Evans, who devoted years to the exploration and who was on hand when the items were initially pulled from the ocean, hopes some sort of museum will be established. “It clearly can’t be maintained like this,” Evans said. “I would love it if there could be a museum or something that would memorialize and immortalize the efforts that we put forth doing this project. it was an American dream.” Could there be an SS Central America museum in the future? I do hope a home can be found. The ship's bell is an amazing artifact in itself. I've always thought there ought to be an East Coast Treasure Museum, combining artifacts from multiple finds in a single large attraction to compete with Pirates of the Caribbean (or at least give families traveling to or from Disney World a fun and educational side trip). Stories of real pirate treasure, warships, the Confederate submarine H. L. Hunley and the SS Central America? That would be well worth a visit. -Editor To read the complete article, see:
ARCHIVES INTERNATIONAL SALE 50Here is the press release for the December 3-4, 2018 sale by Archives International Auctions. Some great rarities here! -Editor U.S., CHINESE & WORLDWIDE BANKNOTES, SCRIPOPHILY, AUTOGRAPHS AND SECURITY PRINTING EPHEMERA WILL BE OFFERED AT ARCHIVES INTERNATIONAL AUCTIONS 50TH MILESTONE AUCTION ON DECEMBER 3 & 4, 2018 The auction will be held by Archives International Auctions, in NYC and their offices in Fort Lee, N.J.
“The worldwide banknote market has been exceptionally strong this past year with dozens of price records being set every sale. We do our best to cater to every level of collector and dealer and look forward to celebrating our 50th Milestone Auction with the collecting community with another exciting offering that includes hundreds of worldwide banknotes, scripophily and historic autographs,” said Dr. Robert Schwartz, president of Archives International Auctions. The first and second sessions scheduled on December 3rd to take place at the Collectors Club in New York City begins with U.S. & Worldwide Scripophily with many highlights from the John E. Herzog Collection including major rarities such as the impressive Spanish, Real Compania de San Fernando de Seville, 1740's Share Certificate; 2 different 1917, Dominion of Canada War Loan Specimen bond rarities as well as many 18th and 19th century rarities. Modern Scripophily is represented by numerous stocks such as Apple Computer, Amazon.com, NYSE Group, Inc. and Berkshire Hathaway Specimens. Additional Highlights include a 1778 Danish West Indies Bond; 2 different Nathan Rothschild Russian Bonds; an 1845 Michigan, Mackinac and Lake Superior Copper Co. Stock Certificate and hundreds of additional desirable Bonds and shares emphasizing railroads, mining and modern bonds and shares offered over the 2-day auction. Security Printing Ephemera is highlighted by a spectacular 1866 British American Bank Note Company, Engravers & Printers, Proof Advertising Sheet Rarity, dozens of spectacular early advertising notes from ABN, BW&C as well a pioneer polymer Tyvek and DuraNote banknote rarities and numerous other desirable items. We are also privileged to offer a historic group of Presidential signed documents including an Abraham Lincoln signed Military Appointment of N. J. Sappington, later assigned to Elmira Prison to feed captured Confederates, as Commissary of Subsistence of Volunteers; 2 different James Madison signed documents and numerous other Presidential signed documents from an old estate collection that has been off the market for over 30 years. ![]() Lot 147. Farmers Bank of New Jersey, 1861 Issued Obsolete Banknote ![]() Lot 173. Alaska. First National Bank of Fairbanks, 1902, $5 PB. ![]() Lot 185. Central NB of Washington City, 1875, $10-20, Ch# 2382. U.S. banknote highlights begin with impressive obsolete banknotes including a dramatic 1850-60s Continental Bank $3 Obsolete with the well-known Polar Bear attacking men in boat image as well as dozens of rare and attractive obsoletes, both issued and proofs; National banknotes are highlighted by an extremely rare Uncut Pair of 1875, $10-$20, Charter #2382, The Central National Bank of Washington City, with this being the only known uncut pair of notes from this bank; an Alaska, First National Bank of Fairbanks, 1902, $5, Plain Back rarity; a German National Bank of Memphis, 1866 Proof $5 Banknote Rarity; an Oilfields National Bank in Brea, CA, $5 Ty.2 in CU 64; a First National Bank in Reno, $5 Uncut Sheet of 6 notes, Ch#7038; a Nevada, 1929, First National Bank of Lovelock, Nevada, $10, T1, Ch#7654 rarity, and dozens of other outstanding U.S. Obsolete, Type and National notes from various collections and estates. ![]() Lot 235. National Bank of the DWI, 1905 Proof Banknote. ![]() Lot 319. Banco Espanol De Puerto Rico, ND (1894) Specimen Banknote. Foreign Banknotes include many desirable rarities such as an Australia, 1941, Camp Seven Bank Hay Internment Camp 2 Shillings note; a 1937 Bank of Canada, $100 Specimen graded PCGS 66 OPQ; a Chile, 1878-79 Banco Nacional de Chile Specimen Banknote Quartet, all extremely rare notes; a DWI, 1905 Proof $100 National Bank of the Danish West indies rarity; an amazing Irish Republic, 1866 Issued Uncut Sheet of 3 $5 Notes; Possibly the finest known, Germany, Imperial Treasury Note - Reichskassenschein 1906 Issued Banknote in AU 55 EPQ with no other notes listed in the PMG census as well as dozens of additional rare and desirable notes. ![]() Lot 430. China. Deutsch-Asiatische Bank 1907 $1 Issued Banknote. We are ending the first day with a significant offering 128 lots of rare China and Hong Kong Banknotes and Chinese Scripophily featuring a Hong Kong, Mercantile Bank of India, 1941, $5, Issue Banknote Rarity; a Sin Chun Bank of China, 1908, $10 high grade Private Banknote; a 1920, 10 Tael Specimen Commercial Bank of China Rarity and dozens of other rare and desirable Chinese banknotes. The first day end with Chinese scripophily highlighted by a Chinese Government 5% Gold Loan of 1912, Issued £1000 Bond The auction features hundreds of additional rare and desirable banknotes, coins, and scripophily in every price range, for the beginner to the advanced collector. Previews will be held at Archives International Auctions offices Wednesday to Friday, November 28, 29 and 30 from 10 AM to 5 PM and by appointment and on Monday, December 3rd at the Collectors Club located at 22 East 35th Street in New York City beginning at 9:30 am until 2:00 pm EST. For an appointment call 201-944-4800 or email info@archivesinternational.com . The Online catalog for the December 3rd and 4th sale is on Archives International Auctions’ website and can be viewed via the ArchivesLive bidding platform. It can also be viewed as a virtual catalog or downloadable .pdf on their website. To pre-register for live internet bidding, log on to the Archives International Auctions website, at www.ArchivesInternational.com . Archives International Auctions is currently seeking quality consignments for 2019 Winter and Spring auctions and is looking for U.S. and worldwide banknotes, coins, stocks, bonds, stamps, postal history, historic ephemera, autographs, and documents to buy outright. To sell or consign one piece or an entire collection, please call AIA at (201) 944-4800; or e-mail them at info@archivesinternational.com . You can also view AIA’s weekly eBay offerings at their eBay ID ArchivesOnline. You may also write to Archives International Auctions, at 1580 Lemoine Ave., Suite #7, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 U.S.A. To learn more about Archives International Auctions and the auctions planned for 2019, log on to www.ArchivesInternational.com . SELECTIONS FROM THE HOLBIRD DECEMBER 2018 SALEHere are some items that caught my eye in day one of the upcoming Holabird December 2018 Auction- A Sale to "Die" for. -Editor Lot 1281: Numismatic Literature
![]() Description: Lot of seven vintage auction catalogs: Thomas Elder's sale of Dr. D. W. Valentine's collection, December , 1927; Official program 1940 ANA Convention; Charles C. Rood's 1st catalog of Numismatic Literature 1930; Scott Stamp & Coin Auction, March 1937; Geoffrey Charlton Adams' auction of the Anderson Collection, June, 1905; Wayte Raymond, December, 1937; J.C. Morgenthau, Feb. 1937; B. Max Mehl's auction of William Knapp Collection, March, 1945. State: City: Date: HWAC# 85561 There are some numismatic literature lots beginning at Lot 1280. As a bibliophile Charles C. Rood's 1st catalog of Numismatic Literature (1930) especially stood out - I don't have one in my ephemera collection. Pete Smith has written about Rood in The Numismatist our print journal,The Asylum. -Editor To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 1323: Two Foreign Counterstamped Pieces
![]() Description: Lot of two: 1) Ceylon, Coffee token, Mac Kenzie & Co., counterstamped with a wagon wheel. 2) 1840 One Rupee from the East India Company, with "PM" counterstamped on Victoria's cheek. State: City: Date: HWAC# 85529 The piece stamped with the wagon wheel looks like a U.S. Large cent to me. I reached out to our go-to Ceylon expert, my old friend Dr. Kavan Ratnatunga of Sri Lanka. -Editor Kavan writes: Neither piece is cataloged in Pridmore as Ceylon Coffee Tokens. The copper piece may have been identified as Ceylon based on that 8-spoke countermark, but it is is significantly different than the documented pieces. Some U.S. Large Cents with the "TC" countermark have been identified with Ceylon, as Ceylon coins with the same countermark are known. Thanks. Here are some images from Kavan's web site. -Editor ![]() ![]() For more information, see: http://coins.lakdiva.org/coffee/m_m.html /a>. ![]() ![]() For more information, see: http://coins.lakdiva.org/coffee/lyall/tc_cm.html /a>. To read the complete lot description, see:
Lot 1338: Counterstamped U.S. Coins
![]() Description: Lot of four: large cent stamped: "Wells Fargo / Bonded / Gardena, Calif."; silver quarter stamped "J.E.W. / to / CFC / 86." 1827 large cent with a heart stamped in the obverse field; 1845 large cent stamped "Vote The Land Free." State: City: Date: HWAC# 84718 Some more neat counterstamps. VOTE THE LAND FREE is a famous one. I don't believe I've ever seen heart image or the Wells Fargo one. The quarter isn't an advertising piece but some sort of love token or other personal event souvenir. We may never know who J.E.W. and C.F.C. were. -Editor To read the complete lot description, see:
![]() NUMISMATIC NUGGETS: NOVEMBER 25, 2018Here's a selection of interesting or unusual items I came across in the marketplace this week. Tell us what you think of some of these. -Editor c1894 Iran Gold 10 Toman
![]() I saw this Iranian gold coin on Sixbid - it is in the recent Sincoa AG Auction 49 held last month. Gotta love the 'stache. I believe this is lot 52, a gold 10 Toman of Shah Naser al-Din (1848-1896). -Editor To read the complete description, see:
Two Dollar Bill With Andy Warhol Signature
![]() ![]() Andy WARHOL (1928-1987) 2 DOLLAR banknote signed in the felt on the face with postage stamp and postmark, 1976 WARHOL workshop stamp on the back Dimensions: 6.5 x 15.5 cm These are plenty of postmarked bicentennial two dollar bills around, but how many with the signature of Andy Warhol? Cool item. But where was it postmarked - can anyone make out the name of the town? -Editor To read the complete item description, see:
We discussed a different Warhol-signed note in October. -Editor To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Gold Medal
![]() ![]() A FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Final Match Winning Player’s Original Gold Medal. This medal was one of the actual medals that were awarded to the Germany National Team Squad members & staff in their celebration ceremony for winning the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Final Match against Chile National Team on July 2nd, 2017 in Krestovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg, Russia, where Germany defeated Chile (1-0) via a 20th-minute goal from Lars Stindl to claim their first FIFA Confederations Cup title. The medal is in excellent condition. An absolutely historic and breathtaking piece of Soccer history. Comes directly out of the German traveling Camp to Russia from the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup; a Tournament which is held once every four years! Not a beautiful medal, but a nice piece of sports memorabilia. see the article elsewhere in this issue about the sale of a Croatian World Cup medal. -Editor To read the complete lot description, see:
COINS UNEARTHED IN LOST CITY OF TENEA, GREECEArthur Shippee forwarded this New York Times article about a great archaeological find in Greece. Thanks! -Editor First, the archaeologist and her team uncovered a sarcophagus from a village in southern Greece in 1984. Thirty-four years later, an ancient road in the same village led to a Roman mausoleum. Then, in October, a lost city called Tenea was found. Before the discovery, no evidence of the ancient city of Tenea existed; it was found only in historical texts and myths. ![]() Among the other items found was a collection of more than 200 coins that dated from the early Hellenistic years, a historical period that started after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C., and to the Roman Empire. “During the Roman years, Tenea cut coins,” Dr. Korka said, adding, “This shows full independence.” The tombs showed that the area’s population had been a wealthy one. Dr. Korka’s team found a Roman mausoleum outside the city, as well as seven Roman and Hellenistic tombs, all of which had been adorned with ancient urns and gold and silver coins, among other things. To read the complete article, see:
CAMP FIRE COUPLE FINDS HONEYMOON COINA Paradise, CA couple managed to find a cherished souvenir coin after a fire destroyed their home. -Editor
According to a Twitter post about them, their home had been destroyed but they returned hoping to uncover a coin in the ruins. This was not just any nickel or dime. This was a special coin. The Spainhowers got married and went on their honeymoon in 2004. During their trip they made a souvenir coin to “commemorate their love,” photographer Marcus Yam wrote on his now viral Twitter post. The coin reads: “KIM & RYAN SOULMATES 4EVER.” Silver coins and other metals are unlikely to burn or melt in a house fire, according to the National Institute of Fire and Safety Training. So, the Spainhowers had some hope. But they were basically searching for a needle in a haystack. After some digging, they miraculously discovered the coin they’d kept for 14 years. Photographers captured the moment it was found, and the internet can’t get enough of it: Yam’s post has been shared almost 2,000 times. We hope the coin brings them some more luck. -Editor To read the complete article, see:
CANADIAN WAR MUSEUM ACQUIRES VICTORIA CROSSThe Canadian War Museum has acquired its 39th Victoria Cross medal. -Editor ![]() The Canadian War Museum announced Monday that it has acquired another Victoria Cross to add to its Hill 70 collection thanks to a donation from the Hill 70 Memorial project. The medal, the highest honour bestowed to a combatant of a Commonwealth military organization, was awarded to Lt. Robert Hill Hanna of B Company of the 29th Infantry Battalion for “outstanding gallantry, personal courage and determined leading of his company.” The medal is the fourth that the museum has acquired. Six in total were awarded to Canadians. The cross was acquired by the Hill 70 Memorial Project in which Cyril Woods is a founding member. Woods is a philanthropist who has worked to memorialize the battle of Hill 70 and those who served and perished in the battle, including Robert Hanna. “It’s unbelievable and I’m very proud, ” said Cyril Woods as the medal was officially handed over to the Canadian War Museum. Woods felt a strong connection to Hanna, which is why he came forward with an undisclosed amount of money to help purchase the medal. The museum is currently working on plans to display the Hill 70 Victoria Cross medals to be unveiled in 2019. According to Eric Feinberg, collections specialist at the museum, there have been 99 Victoria Crosses awarded to Canadians since 1856 and the museum has acquired 39 of them. “This is the story of our Canadian military, this is valour and heroism. It’s something that really speaks to the deep commitment of our service personnel who were fighting for Canada. (A Victoria Cross) is the one mark that stands out above all.” To read the complete article, see:
DICKIN MEDAL CELEBRATES 75TH ANNIVERSARYThis Forces Network article notes a celebration on the 75th anniversary of the Dickin medal. -Editor
Its recipients include 34 dogs, 32 pigeons, four horses and one cat. Mali, a retired British military working dog, is the only living recipient of the award. The Belgian Malinois was awarded the Dickin Medal after a deployment in Afghanistan. Whilst there Mali searched for explosives under direct fire on two occasions and was seriously injured by grenade blasts. Created 75 years ago by animal charity worker, Maria Dickin, the Dickin Medal bears the inscription "We Also Serve" and is considered by some as the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross. To read the complete article, see:
CROATIA WORLD CUP MEDAL FOR SALEMedals awarded for accomplishments are a personal thing and inspire emotion. Sometimes when one comes up for sale there's a public outcry, as happened in Croatia this week. Here's an excerpt from an Art Daily article. -Editor
Croatia's third place 20 years ago was the country's historic first success as an independent football nation, although they went one step better last July by reaching the final before losing to France. "There were only 30 copies of this medal. Absolutely rare, extra fine," says the description of the item at The Saleroom auction web portal. Auctioneer Agon Sports World estimated the price at 7,500 euros ($8,570) and the auction is set for December 7 and 8. "I don't believe that some of my players would put it on sale since they are all well-off," the team's 1998 coach Miroslav 'Ciro' Blazevic said. "Maybe it was stolen," the 83-year-old told the Vecernji List daily paper. "It will certainly not stay anonymous, such things are always revealed," he added. Contacted by AFP, the Croatian Football Federation (HNS) stressed "all medals are in the private ownership of individuals who can do with them what they deem adequate". "Someone is in a deep trouble when they are selling the medal," Croatian team doctor Boris Nemec said, vowing he would not sell his "for anything". The Croatian Football Federation correctly noted that the medals are the private property of the individual recipients. The public outcry, as always, is from people who are neither buyers nor sellers and have no real say in the transaction. -Editor To read the complete article, see:
BITCOIN AND THE VALUE OF PAPER MONEYAuthor Jeff Wing submitted these thoughts on Bitcoin. Thanks. -Editor
Bitcoin is a digital currency created by an anonymous computer programmer or group of programmers known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Owners of bitcoins can use various web sites to trade them for physical currencies, such as US dollars or euros, or can exchange them for goods and services from several vendors. The number of vendors that accept bitcoin for some of their products is growing, and includes companies such as Subway, Microsoft, and Dell. As quoted by the bitcoin.org on their website in June of 2018. “The price of a bitcoin is determined by supply and demand. When demand for bitcoins increases, the price increases, and when demand falls, the prices fall. “ “Bitcoins have value because they are useful as a form of money. Bitcoin has the characteristics of money (durability, port- ability, fungibility, scarcity, divisibility, and recognizability) based on the properties of mathematics rather than relying on physical properties (like gold and silver) or trust in central authorities (like flat currencies). In short, bitcoin is backed by mathematics. With these attributes all that is required for a form of money to hold value is trust and adoption. In the case of bitcoin, this can be measured by its growing base of users, merchants, and startups. As with all currency, bitcoins value comes only and directly from people willing to accept them as payment.” ![]() 1946 Hungary note for 1 Sextillion Pengo (21 zeros). (Typically Trillion is the largest term that most people are familiar with, however after the trillion there is a Quadrillion, Quintilian, and then Sextillion.) When the book Paper Money Messages Volume 1 was written the value of bitcoin was about $7,700, which was considered an incredible valuation. However, the value of bitcoin continued to increase after that time until it reached $19,539 in December of 2017. However, doubts about the value of Bitcoin and other cyber currencies (there are many of them besides bitcoin) has caused the value to drop. Currently as of 11/23/18 it is trading for $4,249 (a decrease of 78% from the peak!) What is the correct value? This is for the market to determine. What is the most stable money: digital money, government issued money, collectible coins, collectible paper money, or gold/ silver? Therefore, as can be seen, there is a direct parallel between the “value” of the bitcoin and the “paper money” that is shown in Paper Money Messages Volume 1. Where do we place “value” is a great thing to consider during this holiday season. ![]() 2008 Zimbabwe 100 Trillion Dollar note. The lowest denomination in the series is a one dollar note. In 2006 the lowest denomination was a one cent note! For more information, see:
LOOSE CHANGE: NOVEMBER 25, 2018Here are some additional items I came across in the media this week that may be of interest. We'll start with one for the bibliophiles. -Editor The Royal Portuguese Cabinet of Reading
From Art Daily for November 20, 2018. -Editor ![]() Employee Jeferson Deodata da Silva climbs a ladder at the Royal Portuguese Cabinet of Reading in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on November 19, 2018. The institution was founded in 1837 by a group of forty-three Portuguese immigrants -political refugees- to promote culture among the Portuguese community in Brazil. Opened to the public since 1900, the collection receives around 6,000 new titles a year and houses many rare and valuable books which are available to view by the public on request. To read the complete article, see:
Lianna Spurrier's Numismatic Star Rises
Last week we profiled new subcriber Lianna Spurrier, who had created an excellent video about the Nova Constellatio pattern coinage. My inbox was abuzz with compliments on her work and people reaching out to her for new projects. Here's an article by Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez of CDN Publishing. -Editor ![]() Before this past summer, Spurrier was sure she’d stick to writing only fiction and venture into a full-time position as a graphic designer. But her video about the Nova Constellatio has been turning heads in the coin industry and may have her reconsidering her career choices. “I had been planning to work as a graphic designer after graduation (you know, until my writing career takes off!), but now it looks like I might end up in numismatic journalism instead. Who knows?” Indeed… So many coin collectors have turned their hobby and love of writing into successful numismatic journalism careers, and perhaps Spurrier will, too. For now, she’s happy with the numismatic attention her video skills have earned her. She also suggests numismatists who aren’t on Instagram to jump in on the fun there. “I’ve just been really impressed by the community of collectors I’ve found on Instagram, and I highly encourage others to join in – even if you’re not comfortable buying or selling on it, it’s great to just see other collections and be able to share your own with people who will understand. I’ve learned so much just from reading what others share.” To read the complete article, see:
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Coins Added With Bennington Monument Capstone
On November 25, 1889 the capstone of the Bennington (Vermont) Battle Monument was set in place. Coins flew into the cement for posterity. Here's an article from the Bennington Banner -Editor A crowd of hundreds had gathered, alerted by two gunshots at sunrise that the weather-dependent event was on. All were given the chance to see and touch the capstone before it began its trip skyward. It was made of the same material as the rest of the monument, Sandy Hill dolomite quarried in present-day Hudson Falls, N.Y., and measured 4 feet, 4 inches square at its base and 3 feet tall, topped with an 8-inch-square flat surface. At 2:40 p.m., the capstone began its trip to the top, where a small crowd waited. At 3 p.m. precisely, the stone was set in place. "During the cementing process many of those present threw into it half and quarter dollars, and other silver coin, and none of the workmen were more active than Master 'Jack' Parsons, with his little silver trowel, procured especially for this occasion," the Banner reported. To read the complete article, see:
Man Buys Phone With Bathtub Full Of Coins
This story from Russia comes via the Society of Paper Money Collectors News & Notes blog (November 20, 2018, Volume IV, Number 22). -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
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