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Welcome to The E-sylum: Volume 2, Number 15: April 11, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES Subscriber Bruce Burton is back in the fold at his new email address. Numismatic researcher David J. Davis subscribed this week. Welcome! RESEARCH REQUESTS One of Mr. Davis' current research projects is the U.S. Half Dime of 1802, the rarest date in the series. He's looking for sale prices and buyers of 1802 Half Dimes in the following auctions. If you own or have access to priced and/or named copies of the following catalogs, write to him at djdavis4@provide.net Jos. N.T. Levick, Edward Cogan, 12/19/1859, Lot 187 Wm. A Lilliendahl, Wm. H. Strobridge 12/15/1863, Lot 696 John F. McCoy, W.E. Woodward, 10/28/1867, Lot 619 C.N. Bodey, John W. Haseltine 10/29/1872 Lot 271 Col. M.I. Cohen, Edward Cogan 10/25/1875, Lot 813 Subscriber Ben Keele is researching two diverse areas of numismatics. He can be reached at keele@tcgcs.com "First, I am looking for information on Biafra. It was a small country that tried to break off from Nigeria in 1967. It surrendered in 1970 after a bloody civil war. I am looking mainly for data on when, where, why and how Biafra's currency was made and where its leader ran off to when Biafra lost. I am also researching National Banks of Hastings, Nebraska. Any information on National Banks in Hastings would be appreciated." CATALOGS FOR THE ASKING Member John Adams (JAdams@ahh.com) writes: "As I clean house, I find nice/near-complete runs of the following: A.N.A. sales, Johnson&Jensen, Kagin, Kreisberg and Hans Schulman. Would anyone in E-sylum be interested for the cost of the box and the freight ?" THE BIBLIOGRAPHY PROCESS Larry Mitchell, compiler of the NBS General Numismatic Bibliography, writes: Your bibliographer would like to thank Tom Fort for offering some excellent suggestions apropos to our sections on Dark Ages and Anglo-Saxon Coinages (several of Tom's suggested titles will shortly be incorporated into these sections as an update). Suggestions as to additions/updates/corrections are ALWAYS welcome from EVERYONE (don't let the fact that you may be a "newbie" to our hobby make you shy!). I can't guarantee that your suggestion(s) will make my "final cut", but I will guarantee that ALL suggestions will be seriously reviewed for possible inclusion. (I usually consider hundreds of titles for each section, then pare the final selection down to no more than a dozen titles [so as not to overwhelm folks new to the hobby] ). Your updates/additions/corrections should be addressed to either myself directly (ldmitchell@qnet.com) or to Wayne (whomren@coinlibrary.com), who will in turn direct them to me. Keep in mind that our audience is predominantly English- speaking, so titles in the English language are what we're focused on. Where am I headed next? Well, my roadmap, in a very rough way (there having been to date numerous digressions, shortcuts, wrong turns, etc., along the way), is Clain-Stefanelli's excellent NUMISMATIC BIBLIOGRAPHY. Of course, much has been published in the 15 years since this wonderful work came out, so the opportunities to make helpful suggestions are numerous. (Published titles on Celtic coinage, for example, didn't really "explode" till after Van Arsdell reinvigorated this specialty with his now-standard-reference CELTIC COINAGE OF BRITAIN in 1989.) So, turn to C/S page 523 and pray that I don't start heading the wrong way down a one-way street.... :-) BIBLIOGRAHY UPDATE Sections added this week (under MEDIEVAL COINAGES) are: 45. MEROVINGIANS & CAROLINGIANS 46. ISLAMIC: BOOKS FOR BEGINNERS 47. ISLAMIC: GENERAL WORKS 48. THE CRUSADERS ASYLUM IN THE WORKS President Michael Sullivan reports that the first 1999 issue of our journal, The Asylum, should be printed and mailed to NBS members at the end of this month. Bear with us - ink and paper move at a naturally slower pace than the electrons that speed the E-Sylum to you each week. FEATURED WEB SITE Recent subscriber Jim McGarigle (ID: krisjim) has a collector site on Ancient and Medieval coins at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/ancientandmedievalcoins Judging from the front-page photo, he'll blend in well with the existing inmate population here at the E-Sylum. Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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