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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 2, Number 47: November 21, 1999: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have three new subscribers this week: Mike Grogan, Richard Jozefiak, and M. Iskender Targac of Istanbul, Turkey. Welcome aboard! This brings our subscriber count to 251. Address change: numismatic literature dealer Karl Moulton of Great American Sales has a new email address: numiscats@aol.com NUMISMATIC LITERATURE SALES RECORD SET A Press Release from numismatic literature dealer George Frederick Kolbe announces that "For the first time in history, a numismatic literature firm has sold over one million dollars of numismatic literature at auction in less than a year." In the eleven-month period beginning December 12th, 1998 (sale 75, the "Bass I" sale) $1,200,000 of literature was sold. "approximately $500,000 were works on ancient and foreign numismatic topics, the remainder being on American numismatic topics. A great many alltime price records were set, especially in the Bass sales." Some highlights were: * Two complete sets of the American Journal of Numismatics ($11,000 and $9,000) * Raphael Thian's 1880 Register of the Confederate Debt brought $11,550 * Milford Haven's monumental work on British and foreign naval medals realized $4,840 ARMENIAN COIN FINDS PUBLISHED Georges Depeyrot of France sent notice that the first volume of the series "Inventory of Coin Finds in Armenia" by Khatchatur Mousheghian, Anahit Mousheghian and Georges Depeyrot will be available in January, 2000. The series covers hoards and site finds from Armenia, and includes new studies. 84 pages, maps, graphics, 23 plates, BEF 3000 The book may be ordered via http://www.cultura-net.com/moneta/ QUICK QUIZ ANSWER #1 A few subscribers came through with correct answers to last week's quiz questions. First question: What well-known U.S. colonial numismatic items trace their pedigree through the Bank of New York? Tom DeLorey, Bill Swoger, and Michael Schmidt correctly identified the answer as a hoard of Fugio Cents, the first coin authorized by the Continental Congress, minted by James Jarvis. [See "The Fugio Cents", by Alan Kessler, 1976]. Bill Swoger gets bonus points for noting that the "$7 1/2 and $15 gold pieces struck by Ephraim Brasher" can also be traced through the Bank of New York. QUICK QUIZ ANSWER #2 What famous 1930's crime was solved by tracing serial numbers? Bonus: an item of numismatic ephemera which led to the arrest of the suspect was sold in what recent auction? Tom Delorey, Bill Swoger, and Bob Cochran all correctly answered the question, although no one collected the bonus. Bob Cochran summed it up best: "I believe the second question has to do with a listing of the Gold Certificates used to pay the Lindbergh baby kidnap ransom. "The note that "nailed" Bruno Hauptman was a $10 Gold Certificate. He passed it at a gas station, and the clerk was so intrigued by the "funny-looking bill" that he wrote the license plate of Hauptman's car in the margin on the back. The police were watching for notes from the ransom to hit the banks, and when they noticed the numbers in the margin one of the officers had a hunch that it might be a license number - and the rest is history. This took place in (I believe) 1934, about 2 years after the ransom had been paid. An article in "American History" magazine about 2 years ago about the first "Trial of the Century" recapped the Hauptman trial, and contained illustrations of some evidence in the New Jersey State Police Museum - including a color photo of the back of the $10 Gold Certificate with Hauptman's license plate number written in the margin." Here's an interesting web site about the crime and trial: http://www.lindberghtrial.com/html/front.html The bonus answer? Lot 1660 of the June 19, 1999 R. M. Smythe sale at the Memphis International Paper Money show was a copy of "The Official List of U.S. $5-$10-$20 Notes Paid by Colonel Lindbergh to the Kidnappers of His Son" The 57-page pamphlet lists the "serial numbers of all the small size notes comprising the Lindbergh ransom money." The lot was estimated at $250-$300, but brought $1660. SUBSCRIBER PROFILE: M. ISKENDER TARGAC A numismatist and coin collector since 1967, M. Iskender Targac is a member of the Turkish Numismatic Society and the Oriental Numismatic Society. "My main concerns are the Anatolian minted coins and researching the Anatolian Beyliks ( AD 1071 - 1400 ), which is the most dark area for Islamic numismatists." CENT CIRCULATION IN THE SOUTH A visitor to my personal web site asked "Do have any idea why pennies were not accepted in the South in the 1890s? I am researching a book based on my grandfather's memoirs and he states that when he was in New Orleans in 1898 he was branded as a Northerner when he tried to spend pennies." Does this ring true to any of you? I don't recall hearing this story before. I referred them to one of my favorite books, "Fractional Money" by Neil Carothers, 1930. SHE'S GOT A POINT Patricia A. McGuire, President of Trinity College and a member of the committee of experts chosen to pick the design of the new dollar coin, was quoted in the November 19, 1999 Wall Street Journal in an article about the new Sacagawea coin: "Ultimately, we decided that we wanted someone who had actually lived, not an allegorical figure. After all, no one ever says we need to have mythical men on our currency." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is a story about the newly announced designs for the U.S. $5 and $10 bills, featuring new portraits of non-mythical men Lincoln and Hamilton. http://www.cbs.com/flat/story_202895.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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