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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 2 January 9, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have five new subscribers this week: Carl Greve, Thomas P. Wolf, Clement V. Schettino, Adrian Gonzalez Salinas of Monterrey, Mexico, and Mark Van Winkle, Chief Cataloger at Heritage Auctions Welcome aboard! However, we also have five lost sheep whose email addresses are no longer valid: Mike Grogan, Terry Guthrie, Reed Marton, Michael Rea, and Carlo Poggi. This keeps our net subscriber count at 269. FUNCTION ASSOCIATES EMAIL ADDRESS In last week's issue I neglected to include literature dealer Fred Lake's email address - it is fredlake@aol.com. I already forwarded to Fred all requests for catalogs that we sent to me instead. SEEING DOUBLE? Unless NBS member Brad Karoleff has an evil twin, something's fishy about his new column, "Designs of the Times", which began appearing in the January 17, 2000 issue of COIN World. The column will address Flowing Hair, Draped Bust, and Capped Bust designs of the U.S. Mint. In my copy, the article appears on p44 and AGAIN, in its entirety, on p58. It's not a binding error - the pages are quite different except for the article. CURRENCY REPRODUCTION IN FRANCE My apologies for the delay in publishing this note from Georges Depeyrot, responding to November's discussion on laws relating to the reproduction of currency: "There is the same problem in France. The Banque de France does not allow reproduction of bank notes. A periodical for collectors did it and reproduced all the bank notes. The Banque de France went to court. The first time to stop immediately the periodical (they lost). It was a very quick procedure. The second time to stop the periodical (they lost). The next time they asked a new court to break the first and second judgments. They lost last week... " SOURCE FOR OREGON BEAVER MONEY HISTORY Michael J. Sullivan writes: "With all of the controversy over the recent Spink's sale cancellation, it may be time to return to the time-honored tradition of reaching for a good book. During my 11 years seeking out bank histories across the United States for my burgeoning collection, I found the following item: Richter, A. Century of Banking in the Rogue River Valley. Medford, OR: Pacific Coast Banking School, 1967. vii, 204 pp. "Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Pacific Coast Banking School conducted by Western States Bankers Association of the University of Washington, Seattle." The book includes a history of the Oregon Exchange Co. gold coins (aka "Beaver Money") which is reasonable well written. A copy of this thesis can be borrowed from your local library on the inter-library loan program. The copy I borrowed was secured from the Jackson County Library System, Medford, OR in June 1998." COLLECTIONS PUBLISHED, BUT NOT AUCTIONED Allan Davisson writes: "The discussion of sales that did not occur as scheduled suggests another numismatic publishing byway -- great collections that would have made an outstanding sale that were bought and then published before dispersal: Arguably the most important catalog I have in my library that fits this description is the October 1890 publication by Spink and Son of the Montague collection of milled English coins featuring patterns and proofs. They published a special catalog of this "unrivaled collection of English coins -- a portion so rich in patterns of extreme rarity--we felt it would be a matter for regret did we not make some permanent record of it" The items were numbered (1853 lots) in the same manner as a sale catalog. The plates, however, are photos in the text rather than plates at the end. My copy also has the prices neatly inked in in the same manner as sale catalogs from that era. And another "never held" sale: Henry Platt Hall's collection of British coins; Part III catalogued by Glendining's for a July 26, 1950 sale but the entire collection was purchased outright by Spink before the sale. 423 lots with a particularly important group of Charles I provincial issues included; 11 plates." KEEPING ACTIVE VIA EBAY Dick Johnson writes: "This week's E-Sylum mentions eBay in two separate items. I find eBay sellers are quite chatty. I bought a book from a Maine dealer and dropped her a line why I was buying it. I was working on two books and a film script, I mentioned, and that I was 69 but staying active by writing while retired. She wrote back that she was 74 and selling books was her passion, and that at this age you have to be passionate about something! Also, I wish the use of the term Mint as a condition would not be permitted on eBay. While searching for Denver Mint up came "Denver Co Mint" but was a postcard of the Denver skyline in mint condition. I have yet to learn how to search for our kind of mint, and eliminate the word for the condition of the piece." ANS LIBRARY CATALOGUE PROJECT According to the Fall 1999 issue of the American Numismatic Society Newsletter, "the library's dictionary card catalogue is now completely converted to machine-readable records. Some 120,000 records, representing the entire catalogued library collection of books and periodicals, have been converted." Auction catalogue records are still being processed. The records will "ultimately appear on the Society's web site where they can be accessed by keyword searching." Wow! LAST WORD ON "THE GREAT DEBATE"? A four-column comment article by Q. David Bowers regarding the "Great Debate" over Western Assay Bars appears in the same issue of the ANS newsletter. While the article contains much of interest to numismatic bibliophiles, I'll just quote one paragraph, which follows up on an earlier mention in The E-Sylum: "Researcher Dan Owens has completed the manuscript for a new book, the working title of which is "An Encyclopedia of California Coiners and Assayers Related to Numismatics, 1849-1863." Upon publication, Mr. Buttrey will find hundreds of pages of documentation about firms that issued gold bars, nearly all of this material having come from readily available sources." The ANS newsletter's editor notes, after stating the usual disclaimer that all such articles and publications do not represent the opinion of the ANS, its officers, and staff, that "this communication will conclude discussion on this topic in any of the publications of the American Numismatic Society." NUMISMATIC COLLECTION AT MINT HQ? In an interview in the January 4, 2000 issue of Numismatic News, U.S. Mint Director Philip N. Diehl remarks: "I very much want to see a new home for American numismatics. What I'm really talking about here is a visitor's center and/or museum here in Washington, D.C., that pays tribute to the American coin collector and to numismatics... There has been a lot of talk about the National Numismatic Collection and the fact that there hasn't been a great deal invested in it over the last several years. We have been talking to the Smithsonian about the possibility of entering into an agreement that would allow the Mint to take a more active role in that collection." The new Mint headquarters building was designed to have a visitor's center on the ground floor. It would be an interesting turn of events to see part of the collection come full circle and return to the Mint, where it was started (albeit in Philadelphia, not Washington). Having driven past the building this spring while it was under construction, I can attest to the fact that it is a substantial structure, located at the edge of Washington's Chinatown, with plenty of restaurants nearby. FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is a page from the U.S. Mint site listing the past Directors of the Mint from 1792 to date, David Rittenhouse to Philip Diehl. http://www.usmint.gov/facts/past.cfm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21701 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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