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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 24, June 11, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Our subscriber count holds at 296. EMAIL PROBLEM Your editor's email address (whomren@coinlibrary.com) was accidentally out of commission for a couple days this week. I hope we didn't miss any subscription requests as a result. The problem has been corrected. If any messages were returned to you, please send me a new copy. ASYLUM MAILED After a lengthy delay at the printer, The 2000 No. 1 issue of The Asylum was finally mailed last week. This issue includes a dues notice; if you're among the few who already sent in your dues for the year 2000, please ignore the notice - it was included with every issue mailed. Institutions and hobby publications which receive a complimentary copy needn't send dues either. We're putting the finishing touches on the No 2. issue, and it should go to the printer at the end of the month. E-Sylum subscribers who are not yet members of NBS should consider signing on - you will receive all four issues of the year 2000 volume. If you like The E-Sylum, you'll love the in-depth articles in our print journal. There is a membership application on our web site. KEN BRESSETT WRITES In response to last week's E-Sylum, "Red Book" editor Ken Bressett writes: "Thanks for another great issue of E-Sylum. It just keeps getting better each week and is always something to look forward to each Monday. Your dedication and work is very much appreciated. Peter and Donna Jones were two of the nicest people in all of the numismatic world. The comments about her hospitality and entertaining were not exaggerated. Unfortunately I lost contact with them some years ago, but I would like to send Donna a note of sympathy. Can you or anyone supply an address? (Editor's note: Paul Withers has received several such requests; Donna Jones has recently moved, and Paul is working to find her new address). To Tom DeLorey's request for info on an early auction of patterns, I can offer the following: There was an auction on Wednesday, May 30th, 1860 by Leonard & Co, of Boston, Mass. that contained several lots of patterns all described as such. Many were 1859 varieties, others went back to Gobrecht dollars of 1838. It is interesting to note that Feuchtwanger pieces were included. One lot is described as "full set of 1858 Pattern Cents, proofs, 12 varieties." Thanks for your kind words about "The Fantastic 1804 Dollar" book. Somehow the coin continues to get more fantastic with each passing year." MORE ON PATTERNS Charlie Horning writes: "In reply to Tom DeLorey's inquiry on the earliest known sale of "identified" patterns, I have a bit of information that may be helpful to him. I am a collector of Bangs auction literature ... on a quick perusal of my collection, I was able to identify an earlier catalogue containing patterns: Bangs, Merwin & Co. sale of June 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1859 The term "proof patterns" is even listed on the cover's description of the sale. There are several lots of patterns: i.e. lot 293 -- Copper Pattern of 1/4 eagle 1803 sold to a Mr. Moses for $.10 (ten cents). In the addenda, several patterns appear: Lots 127-130 Pattern cents from 1858 -- all proofs. Lot 131 a "Nickle Flying Eagle Cent, very Rare in that metal --1855". My catalogue is priced and named in pencil for all the U.S. coins Attenelli attributes the collection to John K. Curtis and E.M.Camp. Hope this is of some value." ISLAMIC NUMISMATICS IN GERMANY A new survey has been published on Islamic Numismatics in Germany. Edited by Stefan Heidemann, and written in German, "Islamische Numismatik in Deutschland - eine Bestandsaufnahme" had its genesis in 1996, when "all interested directors and researchers of Oriental collections in Germany met in Jena in order to review the history of Islamic numismatics and to coordinate the future research." "In the past Islamic numismatics did not belong either to the core of Oriental studies nor to the classical numismatics. Its history is marked by frequent ruptures, each standing for a loss of knowledge. The history and their research potential of the collections of the 19th century were hardly known." (from the publisher's press release) For more information: HARRASSOWITZ VERLAG The Harrassowitz Publishing House Taunusstrasse 14, 65183 Wiesbaden, Germany Mail Address: 65174 Wiesbaden, Germany DEALING WITH CELEBRITY COLLECTORS Dick Johnson writes: "I'm sure every major dealer can list one or more celebrities that he knows has purchased numismatic items. Here is what I have learned in dealing with celebrities: 1) Honor their privacy (Bill Rosenblum in last week's E-Sylum was 100% right). 2) Learn to schmooze with them (they enjoy conversing with knowledgeable people on mutual interests). 3) Never, never, never take them off your mailing list. Often they have shifting interests, which may be numismatics this week, rare books next week, and something else next month. But I found after one large purchase, and then a long dry spell, they may come back even three or four years later and, with rekindled numismatic interest, would make another major acquisition. Malcolm Forbes bought medals from our auction catalogs. The bids would often come in telephone calls from secretaries. While his secretaries were more sophisticated than most, I dealt with some who did not understand reduced bidding and wondered why their boss won the item at less than the bid the secretary had submitted. I will mention three celebrity coin collectors from radio broadcasting: Chris Schenkel (Bowers and Merena sold his collection), Paul Harvey (still on the air) and Robert Elliott (of Bob and Ray) fame." MORE FAVORITES Doug Owens writes: "I enjoyed your recommendations, and will begin an effort to obtain the three books you mentioned. I wonder if you can recommend any books on the paper money of the colonial and revolutionary war era? Thanks." Well, here are three favorites in that area: McKay, George L, "Early American Currency", 1944. This short, 85-page, illustrated book is a great one-stop starting point for information on colonial currency and economics, and particularly on the printing of the bills. It was also produced as an ANS Monograph. Brock, Leslie V., "The Currency of the American Colonies 1700-1764: A Study in Colonial Finance and Imperial Relations." Like Carothers, this work was written as a PhD thesis in economics (University of Michigan, 1941). It took me years to find my copy, but it's not necessarily a scarce book, just scarce in numismatic circles. My copy is a 1975 reprint in book form. Professor Brock has a web page at the University of Virginia with links to many online documents relating to Colonial money: http://www.virginia.edu/~econ/brock.html Scott, Kenneth, "Counterfeiting in Colonial America", Oxford University Press, 1957. I agree with the Preface that "This book might have been a dull and pedantic recital of counterfeiting in Colonial America. Instead, it is a lively combination of true detective and adventure stories told in terms of real people of the past ..." One unfortunate real person was Willet Larabe, who was convicted in November 1751 "at the superior court of King's County, Rhode Island, for passing several counterfeit twenty shilling new tenor bills of New Hampshire. He was sentenced to stand in the pillory for half an hour, to have both ears cropped, to be branded with R on each cheek with a hot iron, to be imprisoned for one month, to pay double damages to the persons injured by his counterfeit bills and the costs of prosecution, and to forfeit the remainder of his estate, both real and personal, for the use of the colony." (p178). And sent to bed without his supper, too, no doubt. So what was the penalty for selling overgraded coins? While on the subject of favorite books, we should note the column by longtime NBS member and E-Sylum subscriber Brad Karoleff in the June 19th issue of COIN World. In addition to Carothers' book (and several others), he mentions one book on U.S. coinage that I regretted not including in last week's list: Don Taxay's "The U. S. Mint and Coinage", 1966. I like this one so much that last week I bought two copies on behalf of a local numismatic organization; the books will be given to local school and community libraries. LINCOLN, THREE BITS, AND A HEADACHE The following note is from "A Treasury of White House Tales" by Webb Garrison (Rutledge Hill Press, Nashville, TN, 1996) It mentions a purchase in what seems like a very odd amount today. But at a time when use of Spanish silver coins was not uncommon, these odd denominations were commonplace. The Spanish Milled Dollar was valued at 8 reales; two reales equaled one-fourth of a dollar, thus the nickname "two bits" for a quarter. The following denominations were seen frequently: 6 1/4 cents (half bit), 12 1/2 cents (one bit), 25 cents (two bits), 37 1/2 cents (three bits). "Abraham Lincoln, who often complained about severe headaches after reading for three or four hours, purchased eyeglasses in Bloomington, Illinois, for 37 1/2 cents. Years later, examination showed that they were at least three times more powerful than needed." All the better for reading fine print in bills from Congress, I suppose. Perhaps that's why the Gettysburg address was so short... FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is the Department of Coins and Medals at the Fitzwilliam Museum at the University of Cambridge. Of special interest to bibliophiles is "The Departmental library, together with the personal library of the Honorary Keeper, Professor Philip Grierson, which is partly on deposit in the Museum, has a very good coverage of numismatics in general, and is especially strong in Ancient Greek, Roman, Oriental, medieval European and British numismatics, historical medals and tokens." http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/coins/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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