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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 28, July 9, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Our subscriber count holds at 299. GREETINGS FROM BOB COCHRAN Bob Cochran is back online after a stint in the hospital. He writes: "I had an angioplasty procedure, and I'm doing quite well. I've been participating in a cardiac rehabilitation program at the hospital gym, and they've pretty much told me that I'm about ready to take the training wheels off. I was planning on going to Memphis last month and re-acquainting myself with all of the "All-U-Kin-Eat" Bar-B-Q joints! Well, I won't be doing that any more, although I AM able to have one moderate size serving of ribs or pulled pig, but no more of the fried catfish, unfortunately. I'm from the South, and being told you can't have all the fried catfish you want is quite catastrophic! But it beats the alternative, doesn't it? I continue to marvel at your ability to produce a quality issue of the E-Sylum each week, with nice articles and CONTINUED contributions from the readership!" ADAMS REPRINT IN PREPARATION Joel Orosz' article in the recent Asylum issue laments the fact that many of the standard references for United States numismatic literature are out of print, including John W. Adams' 1982 work, "United States Numismatic Literature. Volume I: Nineteenth Century Auction Catalogs". Publisher George Frederick Kolbe notes on his web site that an "updated reprint" is "in preparation". But your help is needed - please send any comments, corrections or updates to George at numislit@compuserve.com ANA LITERATURE EXHIBITS ANA Chief Judge Joe Boling reports that there are three exhibits entered in the numismatic literature category this year: Building a Set of The Numismatist Numismatic Revelations Auction Catalogs That Led Me to Collect Numismatic Literature Best of luck to all the exhibitors. Be sure to stop by the exhibit area during the convention. ANA MEETING TOPIC: EARLY DOLLAR LITERATURE At our annual meeting at the ANA convention, W. David Perkins will speak on "The Ostheimers of Philadelphia and their Extraordinary Collection of Silver Dollars". Dave is a collector, student and researcher of the early United States silver dollars 1794-1803. Dave also collects tokens and numismatic literature, especially books, catalogs and documents pertaining to the great early silver dollar collections and collectors. In addition to NBS, Dave is a member of numerous numismatic organizations; he has authored over 15 articles for the John Reich Journal as well as articles for the TAMS Journal, Civil War Token Journal and Talkin' Tokens. His articles have won awards from NLG, JRCS and TAMS. His interest in Civil War Store Cards (or tokens) started with a discovery that his great-great grandfather issued two Detroit, Michigan Civil War tokens in 1863. Dave was a consultant to Bowers & Merena in the cataloging of the Eliasberg early silver dollars, and was a major contributor to Jules Reiver's new book The United States Early Silver Dollars 1794 to 1803. His talk is based on his research over the last decade. The Ostheimer early silver dollar collection 1793-1805 [note '1805' is not a typo] included specimens from many of the great sales and collections from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. CAROTHERS' EDITIONS Fred Reed writes: "I'm not quite sure what Henry Bergos was saying, but my copy of Carothers was co-published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. of New York and Chapman & Hill, Ltd. of London in 1930. The book is copyright Neil Carothers (1930) and was actually printed by the Press of Braunworth and Co. Book Manufacturers, Brooklyn. If this is the "original PhD dissertation" to which Bergos refers, it definitely is not "near impossible to get." I have seen dozens of copies over the years. The copy presently in my library was purchased at the ANA in Denver several years ago for $35." [My copies are also of the 1930 edition; I've never seen a copy of the original thesis. Does anyone else have a copy with the original dust jacket? (spoken like a true biblio-nut) -Editor] BREEN: FINAL ANALYSIS Mike Hodder writes: "I've read Karl Moulton's essay on Breen's shortcomings and Stuart Segan's more recent apologia. Karl and I have discussed some of Breen's mistakes of fact, many of which are well known, now. I'm sure Karl would agree with me when I say no one can be expected to produce flawless work, so mistakes are to be expected. I'm not sure I detect in Breen's work what Stuart characterizes as scientific method, however. If he means making factual observations, constructing an hypothesis to explain them, and then testing that hypothesis by experimentation, discarding it if proven wrong, adopting it as an argument if shown to be right, then I'm not sure I see much if any there. Breen typically reports on what he sees in various sources, documentary and anecdotal. He gives equal weight to both at times. He relies on his memory for details of sales, coins, varieties, and owners, even if his recollections are of events 40 years in the past. He is uncritical of his sources and rarely puts them into their contexts. He finds connections and causations when there is no verifiable evidence for them. There is little of synthesis in Breen and little that's really original, especially in the colonial sections of his opus magnum. There is almost no testing of conclusions. I could go on but there's little point in rehearsing Breen's shortcomings (and god help me when someone starts on mine). In the final analysis, Breen did what no one else had before him and if he produced a flawed book, it's one we all use. Breen's personal life has nothing to do with his published numismatic work. But let's not bang the drum too loudly for his apotheosis, either. Or if we must, let's find some other reason than scientific method for his deification." NOW THOSE BOOKS ARE *REALLY* RARE NBS Board member Bill Murray writes: "I offer the following, found in a 1999 calendar under the heading, On Bookstores, Unusual: "Rare, Out-of-Print, and Non-Existent Books," purportedly a sign in a bookstore in Jacksonville, Florida." In his "The New Collector" column in the July 17th issue of COIN WORLD, Bill offered this quotation: "Old people like to give good advice, as solace for no longer being able to provide bad examples." (Duke of Rochefoucauld, 1613-1680). AN OBLIQUE REFERENCE The collective vocabulary of our subscribers keeps me running for my dictionary. In an article on images of Lincoln in the same issue of COIN WORLD, Fred L. Reed III writes: "... an image of Lincoln does appear on this $3 note, in the form of an oblate revenue stamp at the left center." The online Information Please Almanac (www.infoplease.com) has these entries for adjective and noun definitions: Pronunciation: (ob'lAt, o-blAt'), [key] —adj. flattened at the poles, as a spheroid generated by the revolution of an ellipse about its shorter axis (opposed to prolate). —n. 1. a person offered to the service of and living in a monastery, but not under monastic vows or full monastic rule. 2. a lay member of any of various Roman Catholic societies devoted to special religious work. FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web page relates a few amusing stories from the history of the Bank of England, on the bank's web site. http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/museum/funny.htm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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