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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 34, August 20, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Dick Duncan of Lancaster, PA. Welcome aboard! This brings our subscriber count to 334. ANA EXHIBIT WINNERS NBS Board member Pete Smith writes: "It was NBS Vice President Tom Sheehan's exhibit on "Building a Set of The Numismatist" that took first place in the Numismatic Literature classification. Board member Scott Rubin took second place with "Auction Catalogs That Led Me to Collect Numismatic Literature." My exhibit on "An Illustrated History of Four Mints in Philadelphia" took second place in the Local Interest class. IN SEARCH OF THE FIRST MINT Pete Smith also sent this note about his convention experiences: "My talk on literature and illustrations of the Philadelphia Mints ran longer than the time suggested. I had at least a half an hour of additional material that I could have included. As an example, I did not tell of my attempt to visit the first Philadelphia Mint. The current Mint shows a map of the location of previous mints and mentions a marker on the Federal Building commemorating the first mint. I walked around three sides of the Federal Building and could not find a marker. I asked two guards at the public entrance and they had never heard of a marker for the first mint. Another guard at the employee entrance had the same reaction. She suggested I try the GSA office on the fourth floor saying they would know if anyone would. There I found two more people who had never heard of a marker for the first mint. One woman said that she had worked for the government for 29 years and had worked in that building since it was opened. She assured me that there was no marker on the building. I talked to someone at the ANA convention who had seen the marker on a previous visit. The south end of the Federal building was inaccessible because of construction. I suspect the marker, if it still exists, was behind the construction fences. I wonder if any of the workers in the current Federal Building are aware that they occupy the site of the first building constructed by our government." MINT VISITOR'S RECORDS Last week's excerpt from the 1863 pamphlet "Something About Coins" led us to wonder if the San Francisco mint's visitors logs still exist, which would enable us to pinpoint the date of author Barra's visit. Karl Moulton writes: "I agree with the view that if the San Francisco visitor register does survive, it would be in the Pacific Division of the National Archives. Jenny and I spent several days going through the visitor registers for the Philadelphia Mint (1836-1851) and found many interesting entries. I can say with certainty that the Branch Mint visitor registers are not in the Mid-Atlantic region office in Philadelphia." MANATEE COINS Denis Loring ferreted out a manatee coin with the help of some E-Sylum readers. He had been looking for one as a gift to his wife. Your editor consulted a local club member (Corleen Chesonis) who collects images of wildlife on coins. She knew of the following issues: * 1 cent from Guyana minted 1976-1980 (and maybe later) * 1974 50 colones from Costa Rica - part of the Wildlife Conservation series, non-circulating legal tender Denis reports: "Pete Smith not only found out about this one [the Costa Rican piece], but got one for me at ANA! I gave it to Donna when she picked me up at the airport -- her grin lit up the room!" THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL Paul Schultz writes: "I found the "Something About Coins" pamphlet interesting, but I think the pamphlet contains and perpetuates a common misquote. It cites the proverb of money as the root of all evil, and goes on to defend its (money's) use. The original quote is from the Bible, and it states that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil (First letter of Paul to Timothy (i.e.1st Timothy), Chapter 6 verse 10. Here are verses 9 and 10 together to maintain the context: 9. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10. For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs. Since this is about 1,950 years old, I think we can probably regard it as the original source of the saying. Obviously, money is not being called evil here, but the love of it above other things that are more important. The misquote, however, is a very common one, and it leads to a very different meaning which can easily be disputed, like in the pamphlet." USED BOOK SOURCES [Editor's note: as mentioned previously, we generally avoid referencing businesses or commercial web sites, but the following submissions are sure to be of interest to bibliophiles, especially those who are still new to using the net to search for books,] Howard Daniel writes: "Paper Treasures is a very large used book and periodical store at 9595 Congress Street in New Market, Virginia which is open seven days a week. Their mailing address is P.O. Box 1160, New Market, VA 22844 and their telephone number is 540-740-3135. In their "Hobby" section, they always seem to have numismatic material that would be of interest to NBS members. It is rare that I find something in my area of interest (Southeast Asia), but I often see old U.S. auction catalogs with and without the prices realized, and many other U.S. numismatic publications. Their prices are reasonable and every NBS member should stop there when they are in the northern half of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia." Doug Andrews of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada writes: "I am an avid reader of The E-Sylum. I offer the following reviews of used booksellers' websites that may well interest NBS members. The first is abebooks.com. This site boasts a staggering 19 million listings from used book vendors. It bills itself as "the world's largest network of independent booksellers." Online payment is accepted by participating dealers. A search using the keyword "numismatics" returned 4750 matches; "coin collecting" some 820. These are significant numbers, and represent offerings that are focused on American, British, and Canadian numismatic interests. There are, however, many volumes dealing with ancient and European coinage and related topics. The other website is alibris.com. It offers books sold by both itself and by member dealers. Alibris guarantees the security of its online payment system. Its trademark is "Books You Thought You'd Never Find," and it seems to live up to this promise. The books cover a considerable range of worldwide numismatic tastes. Searching under "numismatics" returned hits for 1691 volumes. Both websites offer browse, search, payment, and shipping options that show the companies operating them intend to be competitive with the most advanced e-tailers on the Internet." ANOTHER REASON FOR AN ASSAY COMMISSION Donn Pearlman, in his "Pearlman's People" column in the August 2000 issue of The Numismatist, wrote a tongue-in-cheek Question & Answer segment using real questions frequently submitted by hobby newcomers. Here's one gem: Q: Why do so many of the new golden dollars have ugly spots and tarnish? A: Obviously, the Mint used impure gold. FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site showcases Philippine guerrilla money of World War II: http://www.softcom.net/users/jmarcum/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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