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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 36, September 3, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. (Summer doldrums, perhaps?) Our subscriber count holds at 335. If you know of someone who would enjoy our publication, please encourage them to subscribe. OUR 100TH ISSUE The present issue is the 100th E-Sylum issued since we started on September 4th, 1998. That issue began as follows: "This message is being sent to members and friends of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society (NBS). ... In a Press Release going out soon to the numismatic press, we describe the purpose of the mailing list as follows: Numismatic Bibliomania Society Vice President Wayne Homren is collecting email addresses for NBS members, a process which began at the national meeting at the Portland ANA convention. The resulting mailing list will be used to keep members and interested parties updated on NBS events and changes to the NBS web site. ... A number of folks signed up at the meeting in Portland. To that initial group we've added the addresses of other current and former members that the Board is aware of, plus a few numismatic pen pals we thought might be interested. This is intended to be a moderated, low-volume mailing list, with no more than one message every week or so. Its purpose and use will evolve over time - please send us your comments and suggestions." Well, we've come a long way since then. The newsletter didn't even have a name until the February 8, 1999 issue, when we announced: "These email missives are in their sixth month now, but they've never had a formal name. To remedy that situation, we've decided on "The E-sylum", an obvious play on our print journal "The Asylum". " The NBS Board had lengthy email deliberations about the name before deciding on The E-Sylum. We voted on a list of about a dozen suggestions. I believe E-Sylum was my idea, but it was my second choice - I lobbied for "The Babbler", that being what members of an Asylum are wont to do. But saner heads prevailed, and The E-Sylum was born. That first email message went to 49 people. Less verbose announcements were also sent to the COINS and BIBLIONUMIS mailing lists, as well the the Early American Coppers "Region 8" mailing list. By noon subscription requests began arriving from around the world. Peter Gaspar of St. Louis, MO was the first. Jere Bacharach of the University of Washington in Seattle, was second, with Dr. Hubert Emmerig of Austria a close third. Over the course of the Labor Day weekend another twenty people subscribed, mostly from the U.S., but from as far afield as Italy, Poland, and the Russian Federation. Today we have grown to 335 subscribers. We've far exceeded our original expectations. The E-Sylum serves not only as a vehicle to promote NBS and serve its members, but has also become a clearinghouse of sorts for numismatic research. We're a community of kindred souls who work together to further our numismatic knowledge. It's always gratifying to see articles, monographs, and books which credit The E-Sylum and its readers with inspiration and research assistance. It is the internet serving its highest purpose - bringing together people across geographic boundaries, 24 hours a day. We're in a place that didn't exist for most people just a few years ago, and now most of us don't know how we ever muddled along without it. I'll have to admit, I was wary of being able to come up with enough material to fill a weekly publication, although that was always my goal. It's never easy, but some issues almost write themselves with the help of our readers. So keep those emails coming, folks - you're the backbone of The E-Sylum, and your editor couldn't do it without you. LAKE BOOKS 54TH MAIL BID SALE Fred Lake reports: "Lake Books has made its latest sale of numismatic literature available for viewing on the web. The 640-lot catalog features books on a variety of United States coinage and also is replete with works pertaining to coinage of the Ancient World to more modern world coins. The section dealing with Tokens and Medals has nearly 100 entries and contains some hard-to-find books. Other areas covered are Paper Money, U.S. auction catalogs, World auction catalogs, Numismatic Literature Dealer catalogs and a variety of miscellaneous items. The catalog can be viewed at this address: http://www.lakebooks.com/current.html or you can email me at fredlake@aol.com for more information. A new Fixed Price List of over 200 items is also posted on the web site." THE ASYLUM Our print journal, The Asylum, got some publicity with a nice article in the September 11, 2000 issue of COIN WORLD (p68). It summarized the two articles from the Spring 2000 issue on Burns' Coinage of Scotland and Samuel Breck. Editor Tom Fort is preparing the next number of The Asylum. The issue will feature several interesting shorter articles from a variety of contributors. SAN FRANCISCO VISITORS REGISTER Dave Lange writes: "Until I moved to New Jersey in 1994, I lived in San Bruno within a mile of the Pacific Region Archives. One would think that I'd have taken the time to visit there looking for records of the SF Mint, but of course I didn't. I suppose that's the same mentality that precluded my seeing Yosemite while I lived in California. I'm now doing my very best to avoid taking advantage of New York's many museums and tourist attractions. I suppose that's the price we pay for spending so much time reading! A web search turned up this entry at the Oakland Museum of California: Anyone contemplating a visit to San Francisco should absolutely include a day at the Oakland Museum, just across the bay. In addition to its fine art collection, this is the real repository of California's history, far more so than any museum in SF. One is able to go from room to room with dioramas and artifacts illustrating the social and economic history of the state from native times to the present. The Oakland Museum also has a pretty good bookstore." E. I. BARRA'S BOOK To add to his earlier comments on the pamphlet by E. I. Barra, Dave Bowers writes: "Here is the citation on Barra's book. There is hardly anything in it about the Gold Rush (I read it), but a lot of stuff about life at sea and in ports. Well written. Barra, E.I. Tale of Two Oceans; New Story by an Old Californian. San Francisco, CA: Press of Eastman & Co., 1893. I would be desirous of communicating with anyone who has any contemporary information 1849-1857 concerning the actual use, and described as such, of $50 slugs, bars, gold coins, etc., in gambling halls, stores, etc., in California. I have gathered quite a few, some of which are quite fascinating, but I would like to get more. The "payment" will be a credit line in a new book I and a bunch of researchers are working on re: the S.S. Central America, with emphasis on the numismatic aspects." The Library of Congress web site provides this information: "Barra, E. I. (Ezekiel I.) A tale of two oceans : a new story by an old Californian : an account of a voyage from Philadelphia to San Francisco, around Cape Horn, years 1849-50, calling at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and at Juan Fernandez, in the South Pacific / by E.I. Barra. San Francisco : Press of Eastman & Co., 1893. 198 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. (See http://www.loc.gov/) Another web search turned up a reference to this book: Weinpahl, ed. A Gold Rush Voyage on the Bark Orion from Boston around Cape Horn to San Francisco, 1849-1850. A unique record based upon the journals of Foster H. Jenkins, Henry S. Bradley, Seth Draper and Ezekial I. Barra. 1978. So we have a few more clues about the no-longer-so- mysterious E. I. Barra. His first name was Ezekiel, he was an adult by 1849, probably living in Philadelphia. He sailed to California to seek his fortune. He visited the San Francisco Mint and published "Something About Coins" in 1863, and sold coins in the Keller sale that year, also in San Francisco. It seems very likely that he was living that city, perhaps having stayed from his arrival in the Gold Rush. He lived in California at least to 1893, when he published his memoir. NBS Secretary-Treasurer Dave Hirt notes that the Keller sale of Barra's collection is probably the earliest numismatic auction held on the West Coast. MORE ON L. Q. C. ELMER In the "be careful what you ask for" department, we have this note from Pete Smith on Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus Elmer: "The book that immediately comes to mind is, "History of the Early Settlement of Cumberland County, New Jersey, and of the Currency of this and Adjoining Colonies." He wrote other works on the law and New Jersey including, "Elmer's Digest of the Laws of New Jersey," Elmer's Book of Law Forms," "Reminiscences of the Bench and Bar of New Jersey," "History of the Constitutional Government of New Jersey with Biographical Sketches of the Governors from 1776 until 1845" and "Genealogy and Biographical Account of the Elmer Family" Elmer was born in Bridgeton, New Jersey, on February 3, 1793, the son of Revolutionary War officer Ebenezer Elmer and Hannah Seely. He served as an officer during the War of 1812. He was a lawyer practicing in Bridgeton until he got involved in politics. As a democrat he served in the state assembly, State Attorney General, Congressman, and Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court. He died at Bridgeton on March 11, 1883." The first book Pete mentioned, "History of the Early Settlement of Cumberland County, New Jersey, and of the Currency of this and Adjoining Colonies," is the one we had in mind. The scarce 1869 work has one chapter on Continental and Colonial Currency as it circulated in New Jersey. It was reprinted in 1976 by the Cumberland County Historical Society. Interestingly, Pete added: "First, Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus Elmer is more than just a funny name. The original Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus was the Roman personification of citizen-soldier who left the farm to serve his country in time of crisis and, when the crisis was over, resigned to return to the farm. He was chosen as the symbol for the Society of Cincinnati, a veteran's organization for American Revolutionary War officers. In naming his son, General Ebenezer Elmer paid tribute to the noble Roman and to his former comrades-in-arms. And second, for several years I have been writing a genealogy of the Eckfeldt family showing their connection by marriage to the DuBois, Patterson, Ewing and Gallatin families. My manuscript of more than 150 pages includes about 2500 names. Lucius Elmer's grandparents had the last names of Elmer, Lawrence, Seeley and Fithian. All those names appear in my genealogy and represent intermarriages with the Ewing family. I have found one connection: Lucius' cousin Harriet Seeley married William Belford Ewing, a second cousin of Thomas Ewing, who was Secretary of the Treasury. There are many intermarriages of the same families so the relationships can get to be complex. This has no numismatic importance but represents the type of obsessive search I sometimes do while following a research thread." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is from The United States Civil War Center at Louisiana State University. It's an online exhibit titled "Beyond Face Value: Depictions of Slavery in Confederate Currency" (Thanks to John Wilson for pointing this one out). http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/cwc/BeyondFaceValue/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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