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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 45, October 29, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Our subscriber count remains at 348. FINN AND KENT DEATHS Paul Withers writes: "The sad news had to come and I am sorry to say that Patrick Finn died on Friday. Another shock death, though it had been known for some time that he was ill, is that of John Kent, author and editor of several RIC volumes, and former Keeper of Coins at the British Museum." BERGMAN FUNERAL Dan Demeo writes: "On Monday, Oct. 23, I attended the service for John Bergman, who passed away last week at age 56. The service and interment were at Forest Lawn, Cypress, CA, a few miles east of John's home in Lakewood. In attendance were his parents, wife, son and daughter, and grandson. A number of John's former co-workers also attended, as well as numerous friends and neighbors. The foyer of the church had several displays of Bergman family photos, spanning over 50 years, from photos of young John, to recent photos with his grandson, Brett. Dr. Paul Estebo of New Hope Community Church in Santa Ana, CA officiated. As a bibliophile and coin collector, I recognized a few faces, but fewer names. George Kolbe and I saw each other and talked awhile, and reminisced with John's dad about the drawings of past numismatic personalities he had done a few years ago. From my collecting of ancient coins, I recognized Dr. Paul Rynearson, a local dealer and author, and his wife, and Catharine Lorber, author and respected researcher. A reception at the family home followed, but I did not attend." [Editor's note: The editor of our print journal, The Asylum has received over 20 tributes to John, to be published in our 2000 No. 4 issue. He writes: "The quality of the man is measured by how people miss him." Tom is still accepting material - he can be reached at etfort@aol.com.] ANNE BINGHAM CONNECTION SOUGHT Reid Goldsborough writes: "I'm a journalist doing research on Draped Bust coins, specifically on the model that many, though not all, numismatic authors believe was used for Liberty, Anne Willing Bingham. I'm wondering if any of your readers might know the earliest reference to Anne Bingham as being the Draped Bust Liberty. I do know that this is mentioned in Walter Breen's Complete Encyclopedia of U.S. and Colonial Coins, copyright 1988. In documenting this, Breen in a footnote references page 177 of the book Washington and National Medals by former U.S. Mint director James Snowden, copyright 1861. However, Snowden does not make this connection at all. All Snowden does is suggest that Gilbert Stuart created the sketch that was used by Mint engraver Robert Scot in designing the Draped Bust coins. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that Anne Bingham was the model. But I'm trying to uncover proof in the form of early references to Anne Bingham and Draped Bust coins. I thought one or more of the eminently edified participants NBS's e-mail list might know. P.S. I'll be happy to share with the participants of your list, all the information about this that I turn up." A previous issue of The E-Sylum (Volume 3, Number 6, February 6, 2000) references an article by Red Henry in the January 15, 2000 issue of "Penny Wise", the journal of the EAC - perhaps that article can shed some light. Mr. Goldsborough can be reached at: reidgold@netaxs.com LEAD WEIGHTS: THE DAVID ROGERS COLLECTION Paul Withers writes: "I am pleased to announce the birth of a new book : LEAD WEIGHTS The David Rogers Collection by Norman Biggs and Paul Withers, with a foreword by Geoff Egan. The book is A4 format with card covers and has 70 pages with a separate 4 page supplement which has prices and a guide for collectors. Lead weights might at first seem to be unconnected with numismatics, but David Rogers the late owner of the collection was a keen numismatist and some of the weights are clearly intended to check the weights of coins, or to weigh coins as bullion. A few goldsmiths weights, intended to weigh precious metal, are also included. Price 15 GBP. Post extra. Lead weights have been used in Britain for about 2000 years, but very little has been written about them and what does appear is usually buried deep in archaeological reports. The late David Rogers was collecting at a time when the advance of metal detecting meant that large numbers of new finds were turning up in greater profusion than ever before, or have since. His collection, due to his dedication to the subject, was by far the largest and most important assembled. Nearly 300 items are arranged, described and illustrated. Geoff Egan writes in his foreword : "The David Rogers Collection of lead weights, here published in a catalogue raisonne, is probably the largest and most diverse in existence in England for the period it represents. It was assembled over some fifteen years, at a time that turns out to have been uniquely provident of uncharted excavated material, then available in unprecedented quantity. This combination of chance factors was fortunately exploited by a shrewd collector's instinct, so that with this present work the subject is now advanced significantly...... This present guide is a milestone in the rational, carefully considered interpretation of a most difficult topic." Galata Print Ltd., The Old White Lion, Market Street, LLANFYLLIN Powys UK SY22 5BX Those in the US may obtain the book through the US distributor, Allan Davisson, who may be contacted at DAVCOIN@aol.com" COLLECTING COIN ALBUMS In response to last week's "Gee honey, it's not as bad as collecting <fill in the blank here>", David Lange writes: "Here's my "blank." I collect any and all coin albums and folders, excepting those made entirely or mostly of plastic. When asked why I do this (and I get that question a lot), I simply say, "because no one else does." While this is not enough to satisfy my girlfriend, who derisively refers to my treasured archive as "dust collectors," it does usually prompt most coin people to pause for a moment and reflect on what is being lost. Dealers routinely buy collections in albums, pop out the coins (damaging the albums in the process) and then discard the albums as just so much junk. Those that are saved for resale are usually marred further by the dealer writing what he paid for each piece below the holes or applying some irremovable price sticker on the album's front cover. My attempt to preserve these relics of our hobby's past has proved to be a fascinating treasure hunt. Many dealers know of my interest and simply hand me any albums they can't sell. While some brands, particularly the Library of Coins series, are still sought by collectors for the storing of coins (why would someone do that?), most old albums and folders have little secondary value. The most obscure brands are usually the least valued, and I can acquire very rare items for a dollar or so. I've amassed a large collection of boards, folders and albums, saving them by title, edition, printing variants, and so on. Nothing has been published on this subject, other than my own articles, and only the most prominent brands ran advertisements that help me to reconstruct their history. For all the others, all that is known is what may be gleaned from the albums themselves. There seems to be no area of numismatics remaining in which one can still be a pioneer, so I'm enjoying this opportunity to collect and catalog items that are otherwise disregarded by the numismatic community. I hope it remains that way for many years. I don't want to be priced out of yet another collecting field!" THOMAS CLENEAY Dave's quest to assemble a collection of coin albums is not unlike the quest of earlier numismatic pioneers such as Thomas Cleneay, who was mentioned in the catalog of The Harry W. Bass Jr. Collection - Part IV (Bowers and Merena, November 20-21, 2000, Lot 610) "... In the annals of gold coins, he looms as a very significant figure - a numismatist of the stripe of Virgil Brand: buying one piece is nice, having two is nicer yet, and having three is even better... No doubt we can all thank Thomas Cleneay for preserving for numismatic posterity many gold coins that he was able to acquire from banks and elsewhere in the late 19th century, in an era when the series did not draw a wide circle of interest. Collectors of Civil War Tokens may know that Cleaneay is one of the most important figures who collected these tokens in the 1860's, in the time when they were produced." Many thanks to the cataloguer (QDB?) for mention of The Asylum and the Numismatic Bibliomania Society later in the lot description. CONFEDERATE HALF DOLLAR One of your editor's favorite coins is the Confederate Half dollar. A visitor to my web site wrote about a coin in their possession: "It is an 1861 Confederate Half Dollar. Now please don't think I'm crazy, I know the chances are 5 billion to 1, if not more, but there you go. How else can you tell (other than weight) if it is a copy, and are the whereabouts of the real coins known? Why would someone make a copy of this? If it is a copy is it worth about 2cents? Even if it is a copy, I learned a bit of history last night, and it was great fun. Thank you so much for replying, and if its real, hey; you can help us celebrate!!" My response: "Well, there are restrikes and there are copies. Copies are a dime a dozen, but the restrikes are actually collectible and worth $2,000 - $3,000. I had two at one time, but sold one. There were only four originals made and all are accounted for, although I don't personally know the whereabouts of the fourth specimen. One is in the collection of the American Numismatic Society in New York, one in the hands of a St. Louis collector, and the Jefferson Davis specimen is in the hands of an Arizona collector. The fourth was sold to a private collector about 25 years ago. [Perhaps one of our readers knows its whereabouts - Editor] The restrikes were made from the original dies by striking them on a planed-off 1861 Half Dollar. The diagnostics are: 1. Lighter in weight than a real 1861 Half 2. Reverse shows pitting from die rust 3. Obverse is flattened from the blow of the reverse die. Here's an illustration of the Confederate Half RESTRIKE in the ANS collection: http://ans.openarchaeology.com/cgi-bin/showobj?accnum=1906.98.5" FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is Douglas Bell's Military Payment Certificate site: http://www.starcomm.net/bell/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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