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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 50, December 3, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Todd Ballen, a previous subscriber who just rejoined. Welcome back! Lionel Silva unsubscribed. This keeps our subscriber count at 352. ASYLUM MAILED The 2000 No. 3 issue of The Asylum was mailed on November 28th, and many NBS members have already received it. Contents: Wayne Homren: "President's Message" Karl Moulton: "Behind the Scenes" Mike Paradis: "A Research Query: Guttag Publications" Joel Orosz: "Missing Masterpieces: The Twilight Zone of American Numismatic Literature" John and Nancy Wilson: "The Ken Lowe Library Sale" Pete Smith: "News from the Net" John and Nancy Wilson: "Overprinted Coin Show 'Red Books' and Mr. Yeo" E. Tomlinson Fort: "CD Review: Scottish Currency" The back cover is a Memorium of John F. Bergman, featuring a photo of John taken by E-Sylum editor Wayne Homren during a visit to his library in 1991. The upcoming 2000 No. 4 issue of The Asylum will feature several remembrances of John. The issue is nearly ready to go to the printer and should be in members' hands by the end of the year. If you are not already a member of NBS, please consider joining. Only paid members receive The Asylum. For more information, see the end of this newsletter. MICHIGAN STATE SHOW Michael E. Marotta writes: "The Michigan State Numismatic Society annual Fall show over Thanksgiving Weekend draws about 200 dealers. If you count the two newspaper publishers, this year there were six literature sellers. I had the opportunity to meet John H. Burns of North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. I bought a reprint of Adams & Woodin from him. It looks nice next to my Judd. I got it because Adams' catalog of Western Gold served so well for those with a latter day interest and because Woodin was instrumental in keeping legal to own during the New Deal common gold coins priced near London Spot such as the Three Dollar." FUN MEETING A regional meeting of NBS will be held Saturday, January 6, 2001 at the Florida United Numismatists convention in Orlando, Florida. Held from 11:00am-Noon in room 231C, the featured speaker will be Mike Ellis, former President of CONECA and editor of the 4th edition of "The Cherrypicker's Guide to Rare Die Varieties." Mike's topic is "The Proliferation of Recent Numismatic Literature on the subject of Varieties and Errors." Room 231C. Many thanks to Fred Lake and NBS Board member Bill Murray for putting this event together. [Editor's note: Yours truly will be en route to Orlando for a family vacation that morning, and with luck, will attend the NBS meeting. I hope to many of you there.] MORE MARIA THERESIA REFERENCES Ronald Greene writes: "I don't know if the person wanting Maria Theresia taler information is aware of "1780 Restrike Talers of Maria Theresia" by M.R. Broome Doris Stockwell Memorial Papers No. 1, reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle, Seventh series, Vol XII, 1972 illus, 4 plates." Greene's recommendation was seconded by Granvyl G. Hulse, Jr., Librarian of Numismatics International: "The best work I have found on this subject is Michael R. Broome's "The 1780 Restrike Talers of Maria Theresia" published in 1972, 24pp, w/plates. He has done quite a job of determining the mints by the change in design on the outer rims. One other book not mentioned is Josef Hans "Zwei Jahrhunderte Maria Theresien Taler 1751-1951", pub 1950, 60pp, illus. I can't speak for how well it is written as my German is very poor." MORE ON THE 1850 ECKFELDT-DUBOIS George Kolbe writes: "I can add two more colors to Dave Bowers' 1850 Eckfeldt-Du Bois palette, namely, black and white. In my admittedly limited experience, black and blue turn up most often, then red, and, rarely, white. The printing must have been large, though many copies have surely perished, and many appear to have been vandalized (i.e., the gold samples have been removed). I first met John J. Ford, Jr. over an enjoyable breakfast at the old Statler Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles (probably in June 1977) and recall that this book, and the binding colors, were among the topics discussed. Several years a ago a stunning copy of the 1850 Eckfeldt- Du Bois came up for sale in Los Angeles, at an auction by Austin, Texas bookseller Dorothy Sloan (herself stunning) of Henry Clifford's "Zamorano 80" and other Western Americana holdings. It was a superb, "blazing" royal blue copy, inscribed to "J. B. Longacre with the respects of the authors, Feby 1850." I attended the sale, intending to bid on this and several other lots, but I never got a chance to raise my hand when the volume in question came up for sale. Estimated at $2,500-$4,500, it opened at low estimate and bids were rapidly batted back and forth between the "book" (I believe) and a floor bidder, who eventually prevailed at $5,100. I should'a been willing to pay more - the mournful refrain of the unsuccessful bidder." PERKINS BANK BILL TEST Eric P. Newman writes: "You asked in your Nov.26, 2000 Bulletin about the present location of the JACOB PERKINS BANK BILL TEST from the Streeter sale in l966-70. It is in its original marbled paper thin boards and is in choice condition. It has been in my library (actually in my bank safe deposit box) since shortly after the sale. If my recollection is correct I was unsuccessful in my bid for it because one of the institutions outbid the limit my agent had from me. Then the institution decided that they really didn't want it and asked my agent to try to sell it to the underbidder for what I had bid. I was just lucky to back into it that way. The only other one I have ever heard of was the Fuld - Bass copy which was completely rebound and which I think Kolbe sold rather recently. Does anyone know of any other originals, as I have not checked carefully? Fuld made reproductions of his piece long ago. As soon as others furnish you with information as to what other numismatic books were in the Streeter Sale I believe I can comment further." COIN THEFTS Just one response so far to the "Famous Coin Thefts" query - the controversial case of William Sheldon and the Clapp coppers from the American Numismatic Society collection. Some lesser known documentary evidence of 19th century coin thefts include broadsides printed just after the theft - do any of our ephemera collectors have any of these? 1804 DOLLAR FOUND IN CHINA Just when you've thought you'd heard every cockamamie story about someone finding an 1804 dollar, along comes another one. We last visited this perennial subject in the January 23, 2000 issue (Volume 3, Number 4), after an ad appeared in COIN WORLD offering a "$25,000 REWARD for the location and legitimate recovery of my 1804 SILVER DOLLAR." The full issue is archived on our web site at this address: http://www.coinbooks.org/club_nbs_esylum_v03n04.html Nearly a year later, we're treated to a web site titled "King of Kings of American Dollar?", where the author (whose English needs some work) notes: "I have discovered an incredible coin in China. The 1804 dollar to be precisely. " Quoting from the web pages: "The main purpose here is not to make my simulation one true event. Rather my attempt is to draw interests to my collection. Just in case this coin of mine is a genuine one. This much I must do on my site so that other researchers can direct their attentions on unexplored water." "This coin was purchased in a Chinese flea market where most items were once owned by families for decades if not centuries. The very point of purchase in itself constitutes a strong case." The site includes illustrations of the coin - see for yourself. http://www.geocities.com/coinpoints/king_coin.htm Perhaps one of you "other researchers" out there would like to render an opinion... FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web pages are devoted to Saint Eligius. This past Friday, December1st, was the festival day of St. Eligius. Most commonly known as the patron saint of goldsmiths and blacksmiths, Eligius is also considered to be the patron saint of minters, minting, numismatics, and numismatists. From http://www.catholic.org/saints/saints/eligius.html: "Eligius (also known as Eloi) was born around 590 near Limoges in France. He became an extremely skillful metalsmith and was appointed master of the mint under King Clotaire II of Paris. Eligius developed a close friendship with the King and his reputation as an outstanding metalsmith became widespread. With his fame came fortune. Eligius was very generous to the poor, ransomed many slaves, and built several churches and a monastery at Solignac." http://www.catholic.org/saints/saints/eligius.html: To see what St. Eligius may have looked like, refer to the painting "St. Eligius in His Workshop", created in 1449 by Petrus Christus (active 1444-1472/73 Oil on wood, 98 x 85 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The second page shows a statue of St. Eligius in France. http://gallery.euroweb.hu/html/c/christus/eligius.html http://www.keenjunk.com/sketchbk/sh80409a.htm For details of his life, see The Medieval Sourcebook: The Life of St. Eligius, 588-660 http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/basis/eligius.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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