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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 3, Number 52, December 17, 2000: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2000, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Our subscriber count holds at 353. Why not give a "gift subscription" to The E-Sylum? If you know someone who would enjoy our forum, you can subscribe for them (with their permission, of course). Just send me their email address and they'll be added to the mailing list. They can unsubscribe at any time if they decide it's not for them. DAVIS LITERATURE SALE RESULTS Charlie Davis writes: "Here are highlights from our November 4 Mail Bid Sale. The sale in total with buyers premium grossed $100,000. Prices realized lists will be mailed out in the next several days. Volume I of the Numismatist $2900 S. H. Chapman's Hunter sale with plates $2300 Hill 2 volume set of Italian Medals $1700 Complete set of 13 volumes Scott Coin Collector's Journal $1525 Steigerwalt's Coin Journal $1200 Early ANS Proceedings 1878-1917 $1200 Run of Numisma 51 of the 59 issues $1050 1905 Bolen with Boyd's notes $900 Bathe on Jacob Perkins $875 Run of Plain Talk $750 Woodward's large paper Finotti $700 Complete set of Empire Investor's Reports $650 Autographed 1st edition Red Book $575 superb original Mickley catalogue $475 About 10% of the lots did not sell including a complete set of Remy Bourne publications on Fixed Price Lists." MORE NUMISMATIC THEFTS John Kraljevich of Bowers & Merena Galleries writes: "Speaking of numismatic thefts, here's the 411 on a little known one I just found out about last week while researching the March sale. I emailed my alma later, the University of Virginia, to ask about a Jefferson Inaugural listed in their Special Collections online "card" catalogue. The curator informed me that they had experienced a theft in 1973 and that this piece was among the casualties. it was given to UVa in 1922 from a descendant of the Eppes side of the Jefferson family (the branch from Jefferson's younger daughter Maria who died in 1804.) Both she and her mother-in-law received Inaugural medals from Jefferson in February 1802 and this piece was almost certainly one of these. The curator remembered the piece and said it was silver (though it could have been white metal) and couldn't confirm that pictures exist. I'll try to pass along more info if I can get it -- it would be a victory for all of us if a Jefferson-pedigreed Inaugural medal could be tracked down again. By the way, the March sale is going to be a barnburner. We'll be offering the biggest selection of Indian Peace Medals since Raymond's 1925 Wilson sale and the largest collection of Betts medals ever to be sold at auction -- the second part of this collection will be offered in May. Get your copies early ... I expect this catalogue will be a keeper." WASHINGTON FUNERAL MEDAL INFO FOUND Over on the colonial coin collectors forum, Chris Stevens wrote about some research he's doing on Jacob Perkins.: In reading 18th century issues of The Essex Journal "I also stumbled upon a number of interesting things. One being the original ads run by Perkins for the sale of the Washington Funeral medals. In an add on the front page of the E.J., Perkins states (exaggerates?) that bulk inquiries are welcome, and he has ability to execute 3-5 thousand pieces daily!" The ad appeared in the Jan 10, 1800 issue; here's the full text, from a picture published on the forum's web site: http://www.egroups.com/message/colonial-coins/2559 Jacob Perkins Takes leave to inform the pub- lic that he will now be able to answer orders for the Medals in memory of the late illustrious Gen. WASHINGTON, from any part of the continent, and to any a mount, executed on Gold, Silver, or White Metal, with punctuality and dispatch -- from 3 to 5 thousand can be made daily. A liberal discount will be made to those who purchase quantities to sell again. Jan 7 [Editor's note: the colonial coins web pages on the egroups site are open only to subscribers of the newsgroup. Luckily, anyone can subscribe] PERKINS' BANK BILL TEST ROUNDUP Charlie Davis writes: "In answer to Eric Newman's note about the Perkins' Bank Bill Test, I had the honor of viewing three copies within four weeks in mid 1999. The first belongs to a suburban Boston collector who was offered it about 20 years ago by Goodspeed's. Leonard Finn had first refusal, but with five kids in college, he passed (at something like $350.00!) and the present owner snapped it up. The second I "discovered" in the Rare Book Room at the A.N.A. during the 1999 Summer Seminar where its presence was undocumented. Bob Hoge, ANA Curator, seems to remember that it came from Roy Pennell. And the third, the Fuld copy, was shown to me at the Chicago ANA by George Kolbe just prior to its being included in the Bass III sale. Years ago, I saw the copy in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and something tells me there is one in the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester as well but that is not substantiated. That would make the population five for sure (Fuld, Streeter/Newman, Goodspeeds/Boston collector, MHS, and Pennell/ANA), and possibly six." THE SIMEC STOPS THERE Chuck Shepard's News of the Weird reports: "Wealthy retired Italian law professor Giacinto Auriti began in July to circulate a private currency, called the "simec," among citizens (and about 40 shopkeepers) in the town of Guardiagrele (about 125 miles from Rome), to "prove" his longstanding theory that any currency, if put in the hands of consumers instead of banks, yields more purchasing power. Auriti prints the simecs, sells them at par with the lira, and then guarantees to merchants that he will redeem them at double their value (by paying out from his family fortune), thereby encouraging merchants to lower their prices. The simec has caused an explosion of consumer sales, but the government believes the whole idea is ridiculous and will collapse as soon as Auriti stops guaranteeing simecs' value." Here are a couple of web pages with more information on Prof. Auriti's venture and theory: http://utenti.tripod.it/dinogranata/fotointerviste.html http://www.gdrc.org/icm/owner-money.html BIBLIOGRAPHY SUBMISSION Dick Johnson writes: "I support an NBS-sponsored project of compiling a 19th century Numismatic Bibliography. And I have an unreported candidate for inclusion. This is a 3-part series of articles which ran in the weekly newspaper "Philadelphia Dispatch" January 23 and 30, 1853 and February 6, 1853. Headlined "The Way Coins Are Made, A Rare Visit to The United States Mint," it is outstanding for reporting the technology in use by the Mint at that time. The articles are unsigned, and nowhere is the author's identity revealed. I suspect he was either an Englishman, or one who was trained in England. Seven words are spelled in British English (yet color was not spelled in British English, "colour"). I have visited the National Archives in Philadelphia twice and have examined the Philadelphia Mint Visitors Registers for January and February 1853 and the year prior to learn the author's name, but without luck. I found no useful notation. The author's scenario goes through the Mint a department at a time -- he calls them rooms -- and describes what goes on in 14 such rooms. There is no mention of a Director or Superintendent, but the author gives credit to Edward C. Dale, the Mint treasurer, who, I suspect, was his guide." GUTTAG PUBLICATIONS In response to an article in our print publication, William A. Burd writes: "In the Asylum Volume XVIII, No. 3 Summer 2000, Mike Paradis asked about Guttag Publications. I have a set of the 1928 Bulletins (without hole punches as issued). Volume 6, No. 1, March 1928 is 16 pages long, is 6" by 9". The last page says (to be continued). Vol 6, No. 2 starts with page 17 and ends with page 32. This continues thru the year with No. 10, the December issue, ending with page 160. On page 142 of the Nov. issue is a request for $1.00 for a one year subscription for 1929. I also have a price sheet titled "Coin Bulletin" which is dated February 1936 and is one sheet printed on both sides, is 8 ½ by 14, white paper and appears and be mimeographed. No series number. I also have one on blue paper and is titled "New Foreign Issues", also dated February 1936, printed one side only, and 8 ½ by 14. No series number." COGAN-MASON RANDALL CATALOG DEBATE Former NBS President Michael J. Sullivan writes: "Your mention of the Cogan letter in the Library of Congress provided just the first paragraph of a lengthy letter by Cogan on the Randall Collection cataloguing debate between himself and "Brother" Mason. Mr. Charlie Davis has done the numismatic community quite a favor by reprinting all known Cogan letters on this topic in his three volume reprint of a complete set of Mason periodicals. The letters appear as a supplement in the third volume. By reading the Mason periodicals and the Cogan letters, one can see how the initial rankling turned into a lambasting debate. Copies of the book are available from Charlie Davis. Besides, the reprint at around $160 is only about 2% the cost of originals if you can ever find them." SULLIVAN CHANGE OF ADDRESS Michael adds: "Having moved within Cincinnati several times in the last 12 years, it is time to move the old mail box closer to home. My new address is: Michael J. Sullivan PO Box 1309 West Chester, Ohio 45071 OUT-OF-THE-BOOK THINKING An excerpt from the December 15th Newscan Daily (http://www.newsscan.com/) provides food for thought for bibliophiles: Do you have a reverence for books? Noted essayist Joseph Epstein writes in The Weekly Standard: "Fine things books, but perhaps the moment has come to stop taking them so seriously. Who was it said that people who are always reading never discover anything? I'm not sure if that is true, but I do know that reading and thinking are not necessarily the same thing. Sometimes reading supplies the most cunning of all means of avoiding thought. It would be good once in awhile to try thinking without the stimulus of books, to become not an out of-the-box -- never, please, that -- but at least an out-of-the-book thinker. Books may furnish a room, but there surely are other things quite as suitable for furnishing a mind. Time, I think, for me to attempt to find out what these might be." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is recommended by John and Nancy Wilson: "The Coins and History of Asia," by Thomas K. Mallon-McCorgray: http://www.grifterrec.com/coins/coins.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, contact Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, 5911 Quinn Orchard Road, Frederick, MD 21704 (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at whomren@coinlibrary.com) |
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