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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 37, September 9, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Corleen Chesonis. Welcome aboard! This brings our subscriber count to 420. GROLIER CLUB EXHIBIT OPENS As first mentioned in the August 13, 2001 issue of The E-Sylum (Volume 4, Number 33), an upcoming exhibition at the Grolier Club (47 East 60th Street, New York, NY) will feature numismatic literature. "Numismatics in the Age of Grolier" will open this Wednesday, September 12, 2001. For more information, see http://www.grolierclub.org/ExNumismatics.htm From the exhibition press release: "Numismatic literature was among the most elegant and fascinating expressions of the printer’s art during the European Renaissance. A wide selection of these works, as well as Renaissance medals and the Greek and Roman coins which inspired them, will be on view at the Grolier Club September 12 through November 17, 2001. "Jean Grolier, the famous French book collector for whom the Club is named, was recognized by contemporaries for his collection of ancient coins as well as for his numismatic books, which formed a significant portion of his library." One featured item from Grolier’s collection will be on view in the show - The first numismatic book – the 1514 Paris edition of Budé’s De Asse et partibus, published by Josse Bude. POSTCARD FROM LONDON Denis Loring writes: "I'm in London, getting ready to testify as a witness in an arbitration hearing. Whenever I'm over here I try to find a little time for antique browsing, but haven't yet found anything of interest in numismatic literature. Hope springs eternal, though..." I WAS THERE IN SPIRIT The September 17, 2001 issue of Coin World mentions NBS activities at the recent American Numismatic Association convention in Atlanta (see p68). "Pete Smith, president of the NBS, introduced outgoing President Wayne Homren, editor of the society's online publication, The Esylum." Well, I don't know who it was that Pete introduced, but it wasn't me - I was attending a wedding in Virginia with my family. But I was in Atlanta in spirit, y'all. ELECTRONIC NUMISMATIC BOOKS The same issue of Coin World contains not one, but TWO mentions of electronic numismatic books introduced at the ANA convention. We've discussed the first electronic auction catalogs in the E-Sylum before, but these may be among the first electronic books. John Baumgartner introduced a CD book he compiled on the "Hot 50" Morgan dollars at the August 11th meeting of the Society of Silver Dollar Collectors' meeting. "The 'book' is really a software program that allows users to learn die characteristics or diagnostics to facilitate identification of the "Hot 50" VAM [Van Allen-Mallis] variety coins..." (p70) Earlier, at the August 9th meeting of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club, "Gerry Fortin spoke to an enthusiastic audience about the status of his CD 'book' on the Liberty Seated Dime series.... He said he believes that electronic books are the future in numismatic research publications" (p88). FITZWILLIAM ONLINE NUMISMATIC BIBLIOGRAPHY Mark Rabinowitz writes: "I stumbled upon an interesting web site today which E-Sylum readers might be interested in, if it's not already generally known. The site is for the Fitzwilliam Museum at the University of Cambridge and includes on-line listings of numismatic books, periodicals and over 26,000 sale catalogues. The URL is http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/coins/library.html [The Fitzwilliam was a Featured Web Site back in the June 11, 2000 issue (v3#24), but good sites are always worthy of fresh coverage. It was revisited by Bill Malkmus on May 6, 2001 (v4n19), highlighting the listings of sale catalogs. From the Featured Web site text: "Of special interest to bibliophiles is "The Departmental library, together with the personal library of the Honorary Keeper, Professor Philip Grierson, which is partly on deposit in the Museum, has a very good coverage of numismatics in general, and is especially strong in Ancient Greek, Roman, Oriental, medieval European and British numismatics, historical medals and tokens." -Editor] CATALOG OF B.E.P. SOUVENIR CARDS In response to last week's question about a catalog of Bureau of Engraving and Printing Souvenir Cards by "Brookman and Mellone", Tom DeLorey writes: "There is a popular U.S. stamp catalog published by Brookman. Perhaps this is it, or perhaps a stamp dealer could provide a more precise reference..." By way of Pete Smith, Lee Quast writes: "Brookman is a publication for stamp collectors. Souvenir cards have a connection with stamp collectors, so they list the BEP and ABNC [American Bank Note Company] souvenir cards in their catalog of U. S. Stamps. Mellone's is a Photo Encyclopedia of Souvenir Cards published in 1997. It lists BEP cards, ABNC cards, Postal and UN [United Nations] cards as well as some of the forerunner cards. It is the only souvenir card catalog published that has pictures of the cards listed. " John Muchow gave us the bibliographic details: "The book is titled "(Mellone's) Photo Encyclopedia of Souvenir Cards" by Howard C. Tiffner, F.D.C. Publishing Co., 1997, 104 pages. It's the only book of its kind that I've seen for souvenir card collectors and has become the bible for helping me to complete my collection of souvenir cards." Jan Monroe adds: "The Souvenir Card Collectors Society produced a catalog entitled "The Souvenir Card Collectors Society Numbering System For Forerunner and Modern Day Souvenir Cards" It was published in 1989 by the society. The book is 234 + pages and I recommend it not only because of the info on current cards but because of the historical info on BEP presidential engravings. The society usually has a booth at the ANA show and the FUN show. This work is now out of print and Mellone's book is smaller but more recent." Several other E-Sylum readers chimed in with assistance and/or copies of the book for sale. I've forward the information to Mr. Rennick. Thanks, everyone! PROMINENT NUMISMATIC AUTHORS NBS President Pete Smith writes: "I would like to respond to the question from H. Douglas Owens about numismatic authors who were prominent in other fields. There are many. The first that comes to mind is Dr. William Sheldon, who wrote the classic reference on early large cents. He wrote four books on topics related to Sociology. His theories were taught back when I went to college but have been discredited by the current generation of educators. When I was researching my book, "American Numismatic Biographies", I found that many numismatic authors were prominent in some other field such as business, education, law or medicine. I will suggest that past authors fall into three groups. (A) numismatic dealers; (B) numismatic collectors who write about their areas of interest; and (C) numismatic scholars. The people in group C are also likely to be prominent in some other field." EDWARD GIBBON'S NUMISMATIC WRITINGS E. Tomlinson Fort writes: "In reply to H. Douglas Owens' question about Edward Gibbon as a numismatic writer: Most people may not know this, but Gibbon was well acquainted with ancient numismatics. His letters, journals and autobiography record that he studied the coins in a number of great collections in France, Italy and Switzerland. Around 1765 he began work on an essay entitled: "Principes de Poids, des Monnoies, et des Mesures des Anciens," ["Principles of the weights, coins and measures of the Ancients." Gibbon was bilingual and equally at home in French as he was in English.] For a number of reasons, the work was never finished and never progressed beyond the stage of some notes and a very rough and uncompleted draft. The original manuscripts are now in the collection of the British Library. It was eventually edited and published under the guidance of Gibbon's friend and literary executor Lord Sheffield in 1815. Numismatic discussions also appear in Gibbon's most famous work, "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (London, 1776-1788). If you are using a modern edition, be sure that it is unabridged since most of his numismatic comments are in the extensive footnotes [I recommend the three volume edition edited by David Womersely recently published by Penguin Books]. I will quickly admit that Gibbon's numismatic work was not of the volume or level of many scholars but he was well read in the subject and had a firm grasp (by the standards of his day) on the use of coinage as historical evidence." QUOTE'S AUTHOR STILL MISSING No one has been able to come up with an attribution for the quote "Having a coin without studying it is the same as having a book without reading it." David Ganz writes: "The short version of that is "buy the book before the coin" and sounds like something Aaron Feldman had posited for many years." [It's a similar sentiment, no doubt, but not quite the same Perhaps one possibility is that something was changed in a translation of Feldman's remarks into Spanish. -Editor] SPECIAL CENTRAL AMERICA REDBOOK The September 3, 2001 issue of "The Coin Collector" by Bowers and Merena Galleries (Issue #116), notes that "a special commemorative edition" of the "Redbook" (A Guide Book of United States Coins) will be given to purchasers of the new restrikes of the 1855 Kellogg fifty dollar gold piece. The cover of the book is pictured with an imprint of the ship and the words, "S. S. Central American Special Edition" By the way, a two-page section on California Gold Ingot bars has been added to the 2002 edition of the Guide Book (p306-307). WAYTE RAYMOND ARTICLE An article by David Alexander on "Numismatic Laureate" Wayte Raymond was published in the October 2001 issue of Coinage magazine (p80-86). The article tells the story of Raymond's life and numismatic career, drawing much from John J. Ford's obituary in the February 1957 Numismatist, which he notes, interestingly, was "the only obituary ever to win the ANA's Heath Literary Award." "Through Ford, Raymond was introduced to an already eccentric young numismatic genius, Walter Henry Breen, then about 22 years of age. Raymond took the historic step of hiring Breen to go to the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and there research the total scope of U.S. coinage from the original documents. Breen was surprised to find that no one had taken this direction before, recalling later that he had to unseal bundles of papers which had not been touched since being deposited in the archives." "The Raymond-financed investigation of he archives was a revolutionary approach, and the results transformed the face of American numismatics." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is recommended by John and Nancy Wilson of Ocala, FL: "The below is a great site for accessing all of the Federal Reserve Banks. Go to Minneapolis branch. On the right will be Federal Reserve System and below that Fed History. All of the Fed's have wonderful information on banking and histories. Some even send free brochures that deal with historical facts regarding money." http://www.clev.frb.org/fedlinks.htm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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