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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 39, September 23, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have three new subscribers this week: Bob Fritsch, invited by Wayne Homren, Roger Desouches of the U.K., and John Lai of Hong Kong. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 419. FALL 2001 ASYLUM AT THE PRINTER Asylum Editor E. Tomlinson Fort reports that the Fall 2001 issue of our print journal has been sent to the printer. The contents include: "An American Numismatic Pamphlet Featuring the Execution of a Counterfeiter," by Eric P. Newman. "Bibliomaniacs Share in ANA Exhibit Hall," by John Kraljevich. "Sitting on the Shelf," by Karl Moulton. "An Old Book Brings Old and New Collectors Together," by William E. Daehn. "The Origin of Coin World Annual Book Edition and Remembrances of Frank J. Katen," by D. Wayne Johnson. "The Printer's Devil: Dr. James Mease: A Forgotten Pioneer of Numismatic Literature," by Joel J. Orosz. "Numismatics in the Age of Grolier." Only paid-up members of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society will receive the issue. If you would like to join, or your dues are in arrears, please contact our Secretary- Treasurer David Sklow. His contact information is at the end of this newsletter. BACK TO BUSINESS Alan Luedeking writes: "I appreciated all the pieces concerning the numismatic impact of Tuesday September 11th's terrible events in your last E-Sylum. Although thought of numismatics may seem frivolous at a time of such great national tragedy, it is clear that succumbing to lugubrious thoughts and canceling all the more enjoyable aspects of our daily lives will do little to further the cause of peace and justice, and much to play into the terrorist's aims of disrupting our way of life. I do not mean to justify a pursuit of fun above and at the expense of all else, however, for any who might be feeling ashamed of entertaining thoughts of a hobby at a time like this, I say--- don't! Let's do all we can to help our cause of a just democracy based on good, without sacrificing a balanced focus on life, and to hell with those who would have us regress through evil to the level of a cave-dwelling dog-eat-dog existence. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL? Bill Rosenblum writes: "Another numismatic casualty... nothing of course compared to the real tragedy..is that the New York International Show in December and the numerous auctions associated with it were to take place in December at the World Trade Center and the Marriot Hotel attached to WTC. The organizers are scrambling to find a new location. On a more personal note, my brother Andy, works for National Development and Research, located on the 16th Floor of Building #2. They were ordered via a loud speaker announcement a few minutes after the 1st plane hit to evacuate, which he, and all his colleagues, did. He was about two blocks away from the building when the 2nd plane hit and all kinds of debris started falling. At that time he became one of the countless people, who we saw on TV running away from the WTC. Some people might remember Andy who worked with WP Andrews Co and set up at numerous NYC coin shows in the 70's & 80's. Thank God, he is alive and well." Alan Luedeking adds: "I never much liked the New York International Numismatic Convention in the World Trade Center, but now that it's gone and I will never see it there again, I wish I could. Does anybody know yet if NYINC will still be held this December, and if so when and where?" SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 AND ITS AFTERMATH Howard A. Daniel III writes: "My wife is VP, International Development for the NASDAQ Stock Market and she works about three weeks of every month in Tokyo, Japan. She is the project manager for creating the NASDAQ-Japan Stock Market site that will be operational in about April, 2002. She was in Tokyo, Japan, with three of her staff and they were out of harm's way on September 11. But the Japanese government had warned them a few days prior about possible bomb threats against Americans in Japan. Besides Tokyo, she has offices in Washington, DC; London, England; and at One Liberty Plaza in New York City. One Liberty Plaza is the location of her three primary US-based staff people and it was badly damaged on September 11. At one time, it was thought that the building might fall down or even have to be torn down. But the engineers have reported it to be stable and repairable, but it is now being used as a morgue and triage for the emergency medical services supporting the digging out of the building debris of and around the World Trade Center. Her three staff people flew back to New York City on September 14 but they have not yet been able to enter their offices to inspect the damage. I was scheduled to fly to Tokyo on Friday, September 14, on All Nippon Airlines (ANA) to visit my wife for ten days. All ANA flights were stopped on September 11 until they flew the one plane they had on the ground at Dulles International Airport back to Japan on September 13. ANA told me that when they were allowed to fly their regular daily flights, all of the people who had not flown out on earlier flights were going to be offered seats ahead of me and I might have to wait up to four or more days for a seat. My wife could not reschedule me into her very tight schedule, so we canceled this month's trip. During my trip, I was going to attend a coin show in Tokyo on September 16 and 17. Herb Cook, an American dealer who lives in Tokyo, was going to take me around the bourse to introduce me to the Japanese dealers and translate for me as I ask them for Southeast Asian numismatic pieces and related references in any language. But my search for pieces for my collection and references for my library is small potatoes compared to the tragedies created by four hijacked planes on September 11, so I easily pushed the show out of my thoughts. My first thoughts were about my wife and her people. After satisfying myself that she and they were safe, I went to my closet and storage room. I am a retired US Army Master Sergeant, but I am in a category of retirees who can be recalled to active duty until I am 65 years old or until I cannot pass a physical. I will be 60 years old next month and am physically fit for my age, so I am recallable. The Army has already proved my status by recalling me for Operations Desert Shield and Storm. Because I had volunteered, I was in the first group of 300 men, much to the dismay of my wife. So if the situation "hits the fan", it is likely I will eventually receive a second telephone call for me to report for active duty. So my second thoughts were about my uniforms and gear. I assembled everything in one of my guest bedrooms in case I needed to quickly leave and drive to Fort Meade, Maryland, where I was last processed onto and off of active duty. The business of the US Army requires young men and women, but there is work some of us old farts can do to release younger soldiers for more difficult duty. I hate to think about replacing any American to be sent into harm's way, but I am still hoping I will be recalled, so I can somehow directly contribute to finding and eliminating those who caused and/or supported the September 11 and earlier tragedies. My wife has warned me not to volunteer again, but it is becoming very irresistible, and anyway, I finished a book on the computer I took with me during my last stint of active duty. I did my Army 12-hour shifts, and afterwards, so I could sleep, I slowed down by completing the writing of a numismatic reference about Southeast Asia. The people we are after can slow us down for a few days but Americans have a spirit and drive in them that no one can permanently put down. I know we can find them, destroy them, and continue our lives at the same time. Do not let the terrorists change your life! Support the effort to take care of our people in need because of the tragedies, and to rid the world of these bastards, but please continue working and doing your thing, to include numismatics." FITZWILLIAM CLARIFICATION In response to a note in last week's issue, Ted Buttrey writes: "The numismatic collection of Cambridge University is housed in the Fitzwilliam Museum, one of the great museums of Britain. Fitzwilliam College, also part of the University, has no connection with the Museum, or with numismatics." COLONIAL NUMISMATIC ARTICLES ONLINE Oliver D. Hoover, Editor, Numismatic Literature at the American Numismatic Society, posted this note on the Colonial Numismatics mailing list on September 18th: "This is just to announce that a number of Coin World articles on colonial numismatics have just been added to the online version of Numismatic Literature. NumLit can be viewed at http://amnumsoc.org/numlit/." [Go to the subject index and scroll down to United States Colonial. There are sixteen articles by Dan Friedus dated from March 2000 to August 2001, plus one article by Mark Rabinowitz. -Editor] LITTLE-KNOWN FACTS ON THE CARNEGIE HERO MEDALS. Dick Johnson writes: "Few numismatists know the background on the Carnegie Hero Medal. After the Carnegie Medal Committee was established in 1904 they chose Charles Osborne, a virtual unknown artist -- then and still! -- to design the medal. He did this and patented the design in his name 11 December 1905. To manufacture the medal the Committee chose J.E. Caldwell Jewelry firm of Philadelphia (perhaps with an office then in Pittsburgh where the committee was located). While Caldwell had made badges prior to 1905 (no medals), their work was not in the same class with the medallic productions of Tiffany or Gorham of New York City. (Medallic Art Company was not in existence in 1905.) Osborne's design was modeled by Charles F. Hamann, another little-known artist, and since Caldwell did not have diemaking equipment, they commissioned Whiting Manufacturing Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut, to make the Carnegie Medal dies. Caldwell struck the medals, in 1905 and ever since to my knowledge. Interestingly enough, Andrew Carnegie established similar funds in other countries, with locally-produced Hero Medals. [See the Country list on the Committee's website.] The Italian version of the Carnegie Hero Medal is a stunning work of medallic art with the best portrait of Carnegie I have ever seen. (Oh, if only the American version was as handsome!) The American medal design was pedestrian, uninspired. Decades later Medallic Art Company offered to replace their Carnegie medal with a far more artistic medallic work of art. I remember the vice president of sales futile comment after returning from a meeting with the Committee, "the proposal fell on deaf ears of a bunch of lawyers sitting in an office in Pittsburgh!" The American Numismatic Society acquired an American Carnegie Hero Fund Medal specimen for their collections in 1908. The U.S. Mint Collection had received a specimen perhaps as early and was recorded and cataloged by Thomas Louis Comparette in the 1912 edition of his "Catalogue of Coins, Tokens, and Medals in the Numismatic Collection of the Mint of the United States at Philadelphia." (The Mint Collection was ultimately transferred to the Smithsonian Institution for the National Numismatic Collection in 1923.) For numismatic bibliophiles, David Gladfelter's article, "A Tribute to Heroes: The Carnegie Medal" in the TAMS Journal (June 1975, pages 93-94), is quite interesting (and is the only numismatic reference in the Bibliography on the Committee's website)." ON THE USABILITY OF CD-ROM BOOKS In response to the earlier suggestion that the Krause volumes would be "strong candidates for the CD-ROM format," Joe Boling writes: "... please, only if the images can be loaded a page at a time, and instantly. The auction catalogs on CD that I have used are very cumbersome and frustrating, because it takes so long to page through the information. One can scan a paper page in a fraction of a second for whatever one is seeking (illustration, heading, key word); it takes forever to scan the equivalent amount of information on a CD-ROM." [The September 21-22, 2001 catalog of the Heritage / Currency Auctions of America sale includes a CD-ROM of the full catalog in the form of web pages. The text can be browsed quickly, with images appearing only on demand. -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is the British Art Medal Society. "The British Art Medal Society is non profit making, run by its members through an elected committee and linked to a charity, the British Art Medal Trust. Besides commissioning contemporary medals it issues a journal The Medal, published twice yearly and containing illustrated articles on historical and contemporary medals, organises regular meetings and conferences, and gives advice to individuals or companies who wish to commission medals." http://www.bams.org.uk/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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