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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 02, January 13, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have two new subscribers this week: ANA Executive Director Ed Rochette (courtesy of John & Nancy Wilson), and Dr.Thomas Offermanns of Germany. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 428. NBS WEB SITE UPDATE Many thanks to subscriber Bruce Perdue, who came forward with an offer to assist with the NBS web site. Thanks to his efforts, the E-Sylum archive has been updated, and the navigation links have been improved. Great job! The web site is at http://www.coinbooks.org/ EXPOSITION MEDAL RESEARCH Jan Monroe writes: "In response to Geoff Bell's request, it depends on what exhibitions he is interested in. I suggest the following book for a general overview of world exhibitions: "The Story of Exhibitions" by Kenneth W. Luckhurst, published by The Studio Publications, London & New York, 1951. It has a nice bibliography. I am currently writing a book on State Anniversary Medals which has an extensive bibliography for each state celebration. I can suggest one book that I recently acquired entitled "he History of the Trans-Missippi and International Exhibition of 1898", by James B. Haynes, 1910. This book describes the medals given to the executive committee and the president on pages 325 and 326. Pages 154 and 155 describe the souvenir "coins" and award medals struck by the U.S. Mint, and page 257 has a table showing the number of gold, silver, and bronze award medals issued by category (Manufacturing, Mining, Agriculture etc.) I can say that collecting these original source books is great fun!" AMBROSE ACCUSED OF PLAGIARISM How close is too close? An article published on Forbes.com accuses popular author Stephen Ambrose of plagiarism. "Judging from his book sales, Stephen Ambrose must be America's favorite historian. But this week Ambrose finds himself enmeshed in controversy. First, The Weekly Standard revealed that The Wild Blue, his current bestseller, contains words and phrases borrowed from another author, without quote marks. Then Forbes.com identified three earlier Ambrose books that fit the same pattern." "After The Weekly Standard report appeared, Forbes.com identified Ambrose's Crazy Horse and Custer as lifting words and phrases from a source in a similar fashion. That report prompted several e-mails from readers nominating other Ambrose books for inspection. Among them was a note from military historian Joseph Balkoski, who said he was "very disappointed and somewhat depressed" when Citizen Soldiers came out in 1997, and he came across certain passages that relied heavily on his 1989 book Beyond the Beachhead. "The writing seemed very familiar, and much to my astonishment, it was my own," he said today in an interview. " http://www.forbes.com/2002/01/10/ambroseintro.html http://www.forbes.com/2002/01/09/0109ambrose.html http://www.forbes.com/2002/01/09/0109ambrose_2.html So, numismatic authors, mind your manners and don't forget the quotes and attribution when using material from other sources. You know, I've sometimes wondered if past articles in the numismatic press were recycled from the work of earlier writers. It's that sense of deja vu when reading yet another article about a given subject. If the article doesn't include some recent discovery, then it could have been written ten or twenty years ago and no reader would be the wiser. It's so hard to check since the combination of an extensive back issue collection and decent index is rare if not nonexistent. NUMISMATIC MEMORY LANE John Kraljevich writes: "Granvyl Hulse's memories of Fred Pridmore made a real impression. This was one of the more interesting things I've read in the E-Sylum. Could you put something in asking other subscribers of an older generation to submit similar memories of famous collectors of a bygone era? These would be great to read and actually getting them in print would be a lasting contribution. Thanks!" [Well, folks? Got some interesting yarns to share with us? We'd love to hear them. To kick things off, the following is a second-hand tale from John Ford that I've always found fascinating.] REUNITING THE NOVA CONSTELLATIO PATTERN SET The following was a little something your editor posted to the USENET rec.coins.collecting newsgroup on July 21, 1994. [Yes, there was life before the World Wide Web and The E-Sylum came along...] This week's Numismatic News announced that John Ford's unique 1783 Nova Constellatio pattern set will be on display at Stack's table at the ANA Convention next week. Wow! To me, this set is the ultimate U.S. numismatic treasure, far more important historically than the King of Siam set (of 1804 Dollar fame). The coins were struck in April 1783 for Robert Morris, and were the first attempt to create a national coinage for the new government. The denominations were based on a unit equal to 1/440th of a Spanish Milled Dollar. The silver "mark" was 100 units, the "quint" 500, the "bit" 100. The smallest was a copper "5". The following is the story of Ford's acquisition of the set, as near as I can remember it. I have a tape recording of a talk he gave one time, and spoke to him in person about it once. He had a lot of explaining to do to his wife when he needed to liquidate other assets to come up with some cash after the Garrett sale. Ford bought the copper "five" in 1977. It was found in a Paris collection and was sold to a U.S coin dealer who thought it was a pattern for the later Nova Constellatio copper coinage - he didn't realize it was the missing link in the Morris set (the other three silver pieces resided in the Garrett collection at Johns Hopkins University). The dealer offered it to a wealthy collector who in turn asked John Ford for his advice. The collector met Ford in midtown Manhattan while on the way to a fishing trip. As the two shared a cab, the collector pulled the piece from his shirt pocket and showed it to Ford. "How much should I pay for it" he asked. "Just buy it," Ford said, recognizing the significance of the piece. "But how much is it worth?" "Just BUY it - whatever it takes - BUY it!" The collector put the piece back in the pocket of his fishing shirt, and left for the woods. When he later contacted the dealer, the asking price was $20,000, and the collector balked. He sent the coin back to the dealer. Before long John Ford got a call himself from the dealer, and later bought the piece for his own collection. Two years later, Ford bought the remaining three pieces at the Garrett sale for $425,000. The set of four coins that passed through the hands of Morris and Thomas Jefferson was united again after nearly 200 years. After holding the set for 15 years, Ford is apparently putting it up for sale. "The price is available on request." Those of us who'd have to ask, can't afford it. But this collector will make sure he takes the opportunity to see the coins before they disappear for another 15 years or more." [At the Detroit ANA , I spent nearly half an hour examining the set at Stack's table. John Ford came by while I was there, and we talked more about the set. It was in the largest Capitol Plastic holder I'd ever seen (making it difficult to shoplift). I've seen plenty of rare coins in my time, but it's hard to imagine any coins more significant in U.S. numismatic history. There is a photo of the prodigal "five" on the U.S. Patterns web site, and the Notre Dame site has more information on the patterns than I've ever seen gathered in one place. The page notes that the dealer who sold the piece to Ford was Fred Werner. http://uspatterns.com/uspatterns/17novconpat.html http://www.coins.nd.edu/ColCoin/ColCoinIntros/NovaPatterns.intro.html -Editor] ANA EXHIBIT DEADLINES The Numismatic Bibliomania Society sponsored the creation of the Aaron Feldman Memorial Exhibit Award, given to the top exhibit in the numismatic literature category at American Numismatic Association conventions. NBS members and all numismatic bibliophiles are encouraged to consider exhibiting at one of the upcoming conventions. Please be aware of the following application deadlines: Applications must be received by February 11, 2002 for the Jacksonville, FL convention (March 7 - 9, 2002) and by June 3, 2002 for the New York, NY convention (July 31 - August 4, 2002). Exhibit rules and applications are available on the ANA's web site: http://www.money.org/exhibitrules2002jac.html http://www.money.org/exhibitrules2002nyc.html FRACTIONAL GOLD SOUVENIRS Sometimes a piece of ephemera turns out to be the missing link that solves an old mystery. One numismatic debate that has raged for ages concerns the circulation (or lack thereof) of the small fractional California gold pieces. An article by Robert Chandler in the Winter 2001 issue of The Brasher Bulletin (Newsletter of the Society of Private and Pioneer Numismatics) has an illustration and transcription of an 1853 letter confirming that at least one of the pieces was sold as a souvenir. James G. Hughes, a Marine stationed aboard the fifty-gun frigate St. Lawrence at San Francisco, CA, wrote a letter dated September 5, 1853 to Abraham R. Springer of Kulpsville, PA (near Philadelphia). "The[re] is a coin heir is a cureoserty in the U.S. for the people are buying them up at 37 1/2 cents and sending them home so I thought I would send you one." Chandler notes: "In a small packet fixed to the letter, a bit of red sealing wax held a 50 cent piece by Pierre Frontier & Eugene Deviercy - either BG 401 and 407, or BG 409, from 1853. The wax retained the imprint of the box on the reverse, while the paper shows the impression of the coin." ["BG" stands for Breen-Gillio, the standard reference for Pioneer Fractional Gold. -Editor] ASYLUM AND E-SYLUM SUBJECT MATTER Steve Pellegrini writes: "Being something of a newbie I have not read enough issues of The Asylum to really get a clear understanding of which subjects are appropriate and which are not. Personally, I buy books for my library for my numismatic education and as research and attribution resources for my medal collection. I collect mostly by maker, that is, the sculptor, designer, engraver etc. Collecting rare books is a bit beyond my means and all things being equal a third edition used with a coffee ring on the cover at $50 is preferable to a signed first edition of vellum and buckram at $1,000. Having said all that, what could I contribute which would be useful and of interest? Perhaps you could make a statement in E-Sylum explaining what you feel is the type of material, topics, focus the journal is looking for. I'm really good at making work for other people, no?" Well, yes, but two can play that game. I'll give a quick response and leave the floor open to NBS members. First, I should remind our readers that the weekly electronic newsletter you're reading now is called The E-Sylum. Our quarterly print journal is The Asylum. The print journal is sent only to paid-up members of NBS, but The E-Sylum is free to all. Second, as Steve and John Kraljevich's questions point out, there are always newcomers entering our hobby and organization, and thus there will always be a ready audience for interesting stories and research, even if the subject has been visited before in the past. So authors needn't be too concerned about avoiding topics that have been written about before. Each author brings a new perspective, which is always welcome. So what kind of articles are our readers looking for? Well, if you look at the winners of the yearly "Best Asylum Article" voting, I think you'd find that they fall into three main categories: 1. New research into early numismatic books and periodicals, with a focus on the lives of the people responsible. Joel Orosz is the undisputed master of the genre, and has the awards to prove it. 2. Reminiscences of collectors. Randolph Zander's memoir comes to mind as a very warmly received member of this genre. 3. Lists. A number of important articles revolve around the simple compilation of lists, such as: known copies of a certain important book; past owners of a certain important copy of a book; important references for a given topic, such as a bibliography of a specialized topics, such as large cents, Washingtonia, or (as mentioned above) medals. Several authors have contributed articles of this type. Well, that's an initial list. What do our readers have to say? MORE DEFINITIVE CATALOGS Bill Rosenblum writes: "As usual, the E-Sylum is a jewel sitting amongst the junk mail and the unsolicited questions asking me how much a roll of 1804 dollars is worth. As for Definitive Catalogs in my area, Judaic Numismatics, I would like to recommend a few. For ancient coins The Abraham Bromberg Collection of Jewish Coins Parts I and II come to mind as the among most important ever and at least the most important of the last part of the 20th century. The sales were conducted in December of 1991 and 1992 by Superior in collaboration with Leu Numismatics of Zurich. They were primarily written by Paul Rynearson with perhaps some input from Leo Mildenburg. The material offered was incredible and the sale would be important if it just listed the coin and the grade. But of course it didn't. Wonderful photographs (many enlargements), precise weights and alignments, wonderful research and pedigrees where known are all included. And of course the sale was attended by virtually ever dealer and collector who specializes in this field world-wide. On a more pedestrian note, our Spring mail bid sale of May 2001 was highlighted by the Harry Flower collection of Albert Einstein coins and medals. We offered 140 lots of Einstein material with photographs of the obverse and reverse of most every lot. While certainly not as "important" as some fields of numismatics, I would doubt that a more important numismatic collection of Einstein material will come on the market in the near future." Bob Cochran writes: "I concur with the comments of Fred Lake that the seven Bluestone catalogs of the Albert Grinnell collection of U.S. paper money are magnificent. However, in my mind the "set" of Grinnell catalogs isn't complete without a copy of the Max Mehl catalog of "The Albert A. Grinnell Collection" sale of June 15, 1943. Supposedly Mr. Grinnell was disappointed in the results of the Mehl auction, and that was the reason he consigned the remainder of his collection to Barney Bluestone. Among the "bargains" in the Mehl auction was a set of the Confederate Montgomery issues of the $1000, $500, $100 and $50 notes, graded "practically uncirculated," "Uncirculated" (and Uncancelled), "Beautiful uncirculated" (and Uncancelled), and "Uncirculated and uncancelled" respectively, which fetched $55, $65, $21, and $15. Nolan Mims proposed the CAA Sale catalog containing the Dr. Walter B. Jones Collection of Alabama Obsolete Notes and Scrip as his choice for a definitive work. I would certainly agree. I talked with Walt Rosene about his book a few times, and he said he'd been given complete access to Dr. Jones' collection. Some years ago, the late Paul Garland did me a great favor. I was seeking an illustration of the $20 note (Rosene 134-7) issued by the Northern Bank of Huntsville (my home town). Rosene's description of the vignette in the center of the note is "Two females seated, view of Huntsville." I mentioned my quest to Paul, since he had lived in Huntsville for some time. Paul gave me the name and phone number of a man in Huntsville and said to ask him about the note. The man was Warren P. Jones, and he turned out to be Dr. Jones' son. Warren kindly provided me with a photocopy of his father's note, and I used it in an article for Paper Money, published by SPMC. The vignette was adapted from a painting of the famous "Big Spring" in Huntsville, and it includes a portion of the rear of the building of the Northern Bank of Alabama! I'm pretty sure I met Dr. Jones at least once. I was a 12-year-old Charter Member of the Rocket City Coin Club in 1958, and I'm certain Dr. Jones attended a few of the club's early meetings." DEATH OF PRINT? George Kolbe writes: "Yet another interesting and informative "E". Regarding "The Death of Print?" I must say that I have never seen a period when printed numismatic books have flourished more than at the present time. Spink in London - along with whole raft of academic and institutional publishers in Europe and Asia - and here in the U. S, . a wide range of numismatic specialists (either through their respective clubs or on their own), along with the ubiquitous Q. David Bowers, have made the last decade surely the most prolific ever for important published numismatic research. Even your humble writer realized a few days ago that he had published no less than three books in the past year: "Illustrium Imagines" (though dated 2000 did not come out until 2001) + Adams 1 reprint + Bassoli translation). This, after deciding several years ago, not to publish anything further. Truth be told, I too believe that printed books will eventually fade into obscurity. But, for now, it seems to me that the numismatic publishing community is on steroids! We are blessed." NUMBER ONE RETURNS George Fuld writes: "As a matter of interest, my wife Doris and I have chaired the Brandeis used book sales in northwest Baltimore. We had 40,000 to 50,000 for sale, all donated. It is interesting that coin books have always been donated. Over the years some twenty-five or more Redbooks were donated, the earliest being 1962! Most books are the cheap investor-oriented ones, with only one exception. Perhaps you are familiar with the large format Civil War Store Card book published in 1972 in the red cloth binding. We were given some 50 copies of the book as our "fee". These were presented or sometimes sold with a rubber stamp inside reading "Limited Edition" and a number. Copy 1 and 2 were for my father, Melvin, and myself. Somehow copy number 1 disappeared. One fine morning I went to the depot where books were sorted and on the desk with no note or anything was copy number 1 of the Civil War book!! To this day we have no idea who "borrowed" it or why it was donated to Brandeis as our names were not associated directly with the sale. This year nothing notable was donated, but two early city directories. One was sold, but we put aside a copy of the 1851 Worcester, Ma. Directory which is still available for benefit of the Brandeis Libraries. If anyone is interested, contact me. We retired this year from running the sales, but one would be amazed at what has turned up. We do put aside books valued at $50 or more and put them in the Baltimore Book Auction sales. This year the special books realized over $3,400. The sale itself at a suburban mall grossed of $35,000 including the auction results. We raised well over $100,000 in the past few years for the benefit of the Brandeis University libraries." PATENT DRAWINGS TRASHED NBS Board Member Joel Orosz writes: "Here is another case of literature vandalism that might merit mention in the E-Sylum." The article relates to our earlier discussion of the book "Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper" by Nicholson Baker. (see The E-Sylum v4#17, April 22, 2001). It was published in The New York Times December 30, 2001. Ingenuity's Blueprints, Into History's Dustbin By ALISON MITCHELL ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 27 - On these frigid winter nights, Randy Rabin can be found combing through trash bins outside the United States Patent and Trademark Office, trying to rescue from destruction yellowed copies of patents from America's golden age of invention. The patent office, home to nearly 6.5 million patents dating to 1790, is converting to an electronic database and discarding a significant portion of its paper files after they have been scanned and digitized. Tonight, at least 30 large recycling bins are sitting in a driveway near the patent office's public search room, crammed with documents ready for destruction. A few random swoops into the bins produce aged prints of patent documents dated from the 1880's and 90's, with spidery intricate sketches of inventions. Four of the reproductions have the name T. A. Edison at the top of the page. That's Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of the light bulb and the holder of more than 1,000 United States patents. One of the sketches retrieved from the dust bin of bureaucracy is of Mr. Edison's "dynamo electric machine or motor," patented March 15, 1892." http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/30/national/30PATE.html [A number of patents have numismatic connections, including minting equipment, counting machines, and scales. One of my personal favorite numismatic items, encased postage stamps, was patented by its inventor, John Gault. This paticular patent drawing found its way into the National Archives many years ago, and I was thrilled to be able to examine it in person during a visit to Washington, DC. -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is devoted to Emperor Norton (1819-1880), the famous San Francisco resident who issued the first of his proclamations on September 17, 1859, declaring himself the Emperor of the United States. Joshua Norton, a failed businessman, having lost his fortune, appeared to have lost his mind as well. Living in a cheap rooming house and scrounging meals, he donned an old uniform and walked around like, well, an Emperor. The townsfolk humored him, and after the local papers published his proclamation as a humorous filler, he gained a local following. Joining in the fun, shopkeepers treated him royally, and theater companies reserved a seat for him on opening night. "He continued to make proclamations throughout his reign. These included commanding that the Golden Gate bridge be built and one about the name of the city, "Whoever after due and proper warning shall be heard to utter the abdominal word 'Frisco,' which has no linguistic or other warrant, shall be deemed guilty of a High Misdemeanor." Penalty for noncompliance was $25. Newspapers of the day printed his proclamations (and even made some up which were not from Norton!)" It being only fitting that an Emperor should have his face on money, Norton had a printer produce certificates for bonds of "The Imperial Government of Norton I" Most are in the denomination of fifty cents. Upon accepting said sum from passers by or tourists, Norton wound sign the bonds with great ceremony and hand them over. While payable at some date on the future, it is not known if any were ever actually redeemed. The notes today are rare. The web site has a page illustrating Norton notes from the Wells Fargo History Museum collection. http://www.zpub.com/sf/history/nort.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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