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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 04, January 27, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have two new subscribers this week, both new NBS members: David Crenshaw of Lawrenceville, GA, and Len Harsel. Welcome aboard! We lost three due to email bounces, bringing our subscriber count to 427. MOVIE PROP MONEY RESEARCH UPDATE Fred Reed writes: "Last summer you published a note from Granvyl Hulse, the Numismatics International Librarian, asking if someone was interested in cataloging motion picture prop money and offering assistance. I contacted Granvyl and told him I was interested. He put me in contact with John Pieratt, and I began the project by cataloging John's collection. Six months and about two dozen additional contributors later, our catalog effort is coming along fine. I thought I'd send a progress report since The E-Sylum was the catalyst. The manuscript is now 400 pages. It has about 1,100 illustrations and catalogs about 700 different motion picture, TV, stage and advertising prop notes. Since no catalog of this material has ever been done before, this effort is ground breaking if not monumental. If any E-Sylum readers have movie prop notes or related items, they can contact me at freed3@airmail.net I'd be obliged for any help your readers could render, and I thank you for putting out such a wonderful medium for numismatic research and publication." KOLBE MARCH SALE DATE SET George Kolbe writes; "A press release for our upcoming auction sale follows. The catalogue should be posted on our web site by February 10th or earlier. Featuring outstanding surplus works from the American Numismatic Society, along with the John S. Davenport library & numismatic archives, the March 22, 2002 sale by George Frederick Kolbe/Fine Numismatic Books will be one of the most important auctions to be conducted in many years featuring rare and important works on foreign and ancient coins. A number of important works on American numismatics and Renaissance and historical medals will also be sold. The catalogue is accessible at the firm's web site: www.numislit.com and illustrated catalogues may be obtained by sending $20.00 to the firm ($10.00 to NBS members not currently on our mailing list). Sale highlights include a complete set of the Numismatic Chronicle; Ned Barnsley's unique notebook on Vermont copper coins; Adolfo Herrera's monumental 56 volume work on Spanish medals, one of only twelve sets issued; George Clapp's large cent microscope; a 1636 work in English featuring illustrations of ancient Roman coins; John S. Dye's 1855 Bank Note Plate Delineator; C. E. Green's deluxe leather-bound copy of the 1941 Dunham sale catalogue; several rare titles on Latin American numismatics by J. T. Medina; an outstanding selection of rare works on Islamic coins; an extensive offering of key works on German coins and medals, including a complete set of Koehler's Muenz-Belustigung; a large number of early numismatic books; major works and sale catalogues on ancient Greek and Roman coins; etc." U.S. MINT DIE RETENTION Eric P. Newman writes: "It is important that the 19th century U.S. Mint Die Retention matter was published in the January 20, 2002 E-Sylum as submitted by Bob Dunfield. It helps emphasize what unusual practices took place. It is all detailed and discussed on pages 84-86 in THE FANTASTIC 1804 DOLLAR, (published in 1962), but needs reemphasis." THREE TOPICS FROM ALLAN DAVISSON Allan Davisson writes: "Re Granvyl Hulse's request for references on farthings: I do not think there is anything more recent than Freeman. He should familiarize himself with Colin Cooke's excellent farthing catalog. I used his latest (List 41) as a reference as I worked through two important farthing collections. (They are listed and described in detail in the sale catalog I am taking to the printer this week.) [Claud Murphy adds: "Lobell covers them pretty well in his book but I don't have the exact title handy."] Plagiarism? It is a problem and I am aware of a breach or two of ethics in the use of one person's work in someone else's publication. I personally usually do not place a "copyright" notice in my catalogs. This does not seem to me personally to be as important as it once was since most of what I write in my catalogs is casual. But serious work should be credited (which I try to do--several years as a college prof made me sensitive to such issues.) Finally, if anyone has a copy of Valsto on Tarentine coins, an original, I would appreciate hearing about it. I met an enthusiastic new collector this past weekend at the New York International Show and he is collecting by Vlasto type without owning the book." NEW YORK TRIP REPORT Alan Luedeking writes: "Just got back from the New York International coin show and thought I'd share a bit of the experience. The Waldorf Astoria hotel was nice, but seems a far cry in opulence and service from its heyday way back when. It was very nice to be back in the heart of Manhattan instead of downtown at the World Trade Center. The show was spread across three small rooms and one big one, interconnected via a labyrinthine network of passages. There was a lot of grumbling amongst dealers set up in the less favored rooms. The only literature dealer present was John Burns (in the littlest room of all), whose stock consisted 90% of material on ancient coinage. He took a page out of Art Rubino's book and set up the wooden packing cases into a bank of bookshelves. I'm sorry to say, his cases did not appear substantially denuded by show's end, despite what seemed to me reasonable prices. Dealer Del Parker also had lots of books, 95% on ancients as well. His stock likewise appeared far from depleted at show's end. Jan Lis of London had an original Medina on proclamations in a modern cloth binding with front (but not rear) cover bound in; with an initial asking price of £850, needless to say it went back home with him. I'm quite sure he would have sold it for less had anyone dared ask, but I know he turned down an offer of US$500. I also took a hike up to the Grolier book club, very mindful of E. Tomlinson Fort 's missive in E-Sylum v4n46. Upon arrival, a solitary lobby attendant took time to help me and confirm that the fabulous "Numismatics in the Age of Grolier" exhibit had been dismantled and the books dispersed back to their owners. I then asked for the exhibit catalog, and purchased mine for cash on the barrelhead. Only four are left. I later asked a friend of mine (a strong collector of world gold coins and respected Manhattanite) how to become a member of the Grolier book club. I was surprised to hear that membership is extremely hard to obtain, as it is by invitation only. I'm told these invitations are very rare indeed, being restricted to only the most serious book collectors in the world, having a certain social and economic standing. I'm told that member meetings are very formal dinner gatherings followed by brandy and cigars and erudite discussions on books where everyone present can quote from their 1500's tomes without an instant's hesitation. Oh, how I'd like to experience that... then again, maybe better not!" STACK'S SALE RESULTS The January 15-17, 2002 Stack's Americana sale included some items of interest to bibliophiles. Here are a few highlights. Hammer prices listed are unofficial - these were taken over the phone. Stack's hasn't yet posted the official prices realized list to their web site. LOT 475: "George T. Morgan Letters and Receipt for Proof Morgan Dollars and Bechtler Proof Restrikes, 1921- 1922". 4 pieces. $4500. LOT 476: "1906 Photographic Album of the United States Mint at Philadelphia" 15 photos. $3750. LOT: 488: "Delightful 50c Note of California's Famed Emperor Norton I / The Marckhoff Plate Note" $4250. LOT 522: "Numismatic Manuscripts. 'Rare United States Coins' A.M. Smith's handwritten signed manuscript copy of the text published on pages 133-115 of his 1881 (4th ed.) 'Coins and Coinage: The United States Mint, Philadelphia; 'American Game Counters' Howard H. Kurth's typewritten manuscript dated 1940. 2 pieces. $200 ALEXANDER'S CHAPMAN ARTICLE David T. Alexander has a nice article on the Chapman Brothers in the March 2002 issue of COINage magazine. Writing first of Philadelphia coin dealer Capt. John Haseltine, Alexander writes: "Amid a long and event- filled career, few of Haseltine's acts had the long-range effect of his hiring of two youthful trainees, Samuel Hudson Chapman and Henry Chapman in 1876. ... The brothers left Haseltine during 1878 to launch their own business ..." "...they wasted little time in reaching their highest goals and within three years scored an amazing coup, obtaining the Charles ira Bushnell collection for auction on June 20, 1882." MEMORIES OF GENERAL JOE FOSS Bob Cochran writes: "The article about General Joe Foss being "hassled" about his Congressional Medal of Honor jogged my memory. When I first started working for Hewlett-Packard in 1973, I was calling on Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers in the upper Midwest. I often flew Frontier Airlines in those days, as it provided the best service to the smaller cities in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. If I haven't lost my mind completely, I believe that General Foss ("Call me Joe") was also President of Frontier Airlines at that time. I can distinctly remember his by-line in their "in-flight" magazines, and the wonderful viewpoint he brought to the adventure of "puddle-jumping" from town to town in a Convair 580 Turboprop! One story in particular stands out, one in which Governor Foss and many members of the South Dakota Legislature were "snowed in" for several days at the State Capitol building. They slept in the halls, ate bread sandwiches, and, according to the former Governor, passed quite a few bills! In World War II Joe Foss was credited with shooting down 26 enemy aircraft and received the Congressional Medal of Honor. When he returned to South Dakota he was instrumental in organizing the South Dakota Air National Guard." [Here's a web page with more background on Foss. -Editor http://www.westnet.com/~ssherman/usmc_foss.html ] MEDAL OF HONOR RESTRICTIONS Tom Delorey writes: "Not only can the Congressional Medal of Honor not be bought, sold or traded, it can only be inherited by a descendent of the recipient. I would assume that this means that if a recipient or his lineal heir(s) dies without children, the medal would revert to the government. The status of other U.S. military decorations is vaguer. The government tells dealers that they cannot buy or sell other decorations, but nobody can seem to quote a law forbidding it. Enforcement is very spotty, if at all. P.S. The website for the Orders and Medals Society of America is http://www.omsa.org." TORTURING THE EURO NOTES The Euro rollout is generating a lot of press. A January 22, 2002 article in The Wall Street Journal attempts to answer the question: "Will Europe's new currency stand the test of time?" The answer? "Maybe, provided you keep it out of the washing machine." The article describes a number of tests and experiments designed to see how well the new currency will stand up to the rigors of circulation. "The banknotes ran a gauntlet of everyday hazards, from vigorous crumpling to spilled wine, and from a tumble with sweat-stained laundry to the kiss of a steam iron. We even sent them to the dry cleaners. In the end, all the bills showed wear and tear. But the euro looked more haggard than some, losing much of the shiny hologram strip that runs down one edge. The 1,000-yen, 10,000-lira and 10-mark notes, meanwhile, came through relatively unscathed. ...Whether our euro's drubbing is a bad omen for the currency's long-term fate, only time will tell. But the shimmering holograms that are designed to bedevil would-be counterfeiters certainly appear fragile for other currencies as well (flecks from the one on the 10 pounds note came back from the dry cleaners pasted to poor Queen Elizabeth's face). "If there are fewer features on a note, there's less to come off," says Bert Melis, managing director of Joh. Enschede en Zonen Bankbiljettendrukkerij BV, a Dutch company that is printing euros for several countries, including the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Greece. "Those banknotes are not made out of steel." "Since the Jan. 1 launch, euro bills have gone through numerous public tortures in their short street lives by media and consumer groups. The European Central Bank generally declines to comment on the many tests, including the ones by the Wall Street Journal Europe. But Peter Walter, head of the German central bank's banknote division, which is responsible for printing about a third of all euro banknotes, says simply: "A banknote wasn't made to be washed." That didn't stop a German laboratory from sniffing out small quantities of toxic chemicals on 10-euro notes, prompting consumer magazine Oeko Test to warn that they should be considered poisonous. That earned this response from ECB board member Eugenio Domingo Solans: "There is a product in the ink which, if you ingest 400 notes, becomes toxic," he said. "So, besides being expensive, it is not recommended to eat euro notes." "Printers and central bankers have tried to make banknotes more robust ever since they came into widespread use in 10th-century China. But their task has always required a balance between making bills stand up to the wear and tear of daily use, and making them difficult for amateurs to reproduce -- a much greater challenge in the days of personal computers, fancy scanners and printers. The euro reflects European central bankers' love of anti- counterfeiting technologies, such as intricate water marks, holograms and special inks that change color when the light shifts. They're used even on the smallest 5 euro bill. The U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, meanwhile, has been conservative about adopting such whiz-bang features, particularly on the small-denomination bills that take the most punishment. The upshot: euro bills cost an average 8 euro cents to produce, compared to 4 U.S. cents for dollars." When the U.S. redesigned some bills in 1996, printers considered adding holograms, but decided they were too fragile. "It's a very thin piece of foil," says Thomas Ferguson, director of the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington. Even without the hologram, when it comes to thwarting counterfeiters, "we think the dollar stands up well against other currencies," he says. "It's just not very flashy." [Next time you're in the company of currency collectors, try working the name "Joh. Enschede en Zonen Bankbiljettendrukkerij BV" into casual conversation... -Editor] CLEANING & LACQUERING COINS Ron Guth writes: "Here's a tidbit from the May 20, 1953 Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine. I hope the Smithsonian doesn't follow their lead. Ouch! "Milwaukee Museum Collection Being Cleaned George Herrl of the Milwaukee Public Museum is engaged in the task of cleaning some 10,000 coins owned by that institution. He states "collectors don't clean coins because that reduces their value some, but the purpose of the museum is different. We are an educational institution. The public gets nothing out of looking at coins that are so tarnished you can't see the inscription." After cleaning the coins are being lacquered. Silver polish and a sodium compound are used on silver and nickel coins and cyanide dip for the copper and brass." [Do any of our subscribers know if this collection still exists? The museum's web site has information about a stamp collection curated by Herrl, but nothing about coins. See http://www.mpm.edu/ -Editor] MOST UNREAD NUMISMATIC BOOK An article about physicist Stephen Hawking and his popular book, "A Brief History of Time" (which few buyers were able to read beyond Chapter Two) prompts Dick Johnson to ask: "What is the numismatic field's most unread book? My vote: Albert Stockvis, a Cleveland coin collector who cataloged his own collection. Ever (never?) heard of it?" [I have heard of it, and may actually have a copy in my "archive" (i.e. unstructured mess) of numismatic ephemera. Cleveland numismatic publications were one specialty of The Money Tree's Ken Lowe; perhaps the Stockvis booklet was written up in one of their sales. -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is recommended by Jørgen Sømod of Denmark. He writes: "It is not in English, but try anyway to take a look. It is probably the biggest coin site in the world and only very few Danish collectors need now much more books than a price catalog. And the site is still growing day for day. Even if you spend a week with the site, I feel sure, you have not been on all the pages." http://www.gladsaxegymnasium.dk/2/indexeng.htm From the home page: "The WEB-site Dansk Mønt ("Danish Coins") is probably the largest site on Coins on the internet. The actual size is about 4500 files, roughly equally divided between text and illustrating files. This WEB site is a free service offered by Niels Jørgen Jensen and Mogens Skjoldager - with due thanks to our contributors. It is our ambition to present a maximum of information on Danish coins. The main emphasis is laid on the coins and coinage of historic Denmark - 1380-1814 including Norway - plus the coins struck under Danish rulers in the rest of Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, Tranquebar and Danish Virgin Islands. Although most of the site is in Danish, some articles include an English summary - and enjoying the illustrations requires no knowledge of Danish! " Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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