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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 11, March 10, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Our subscriber count holds at 442. MOULTON FEBRUARY 2002 FIXED PRICE LIST The February 2002 price list of American Numismatic Literature is now available from Karl Moulton, P.O. Box 1073, Congress, AZ 85332. His email address is numiscats@aol.com. The 44-page list covers 20th century auction catalogs from 1960 to date, plus reference books & periodicals. EURO CONVERSION REPORT Tony Tumonis reports: "I just returned from Europe on March 5th, and would like to say that my exchange of German Mark coins and currency to the new Euro went smoothly. To cash in old currency, you need to go to the Central Bank, however, I was informed that on April 1st, 2002, the Central Bank will start charging a 10% fee to count coins being exchanged. Airport security seemed to be very effective as well." H.M.S. SUSSEX COIN ESTIMATES Bob Lyall writes: "Headlines in British "quality" newspapers suggested there were 1,000,000 coins on the wreck of HMS Sussex, wrecked off Gibraltar, and the value of the find would be £2,900,000,000 (yes, £2.9 billion or $4 billion). Now it doesn't take a great brain to work out the average coin "value" is suggested at £2,900 ($4,000) which just goes to show how ridiculous the reporting of this wreck has been so far!" A VISIT TO THE CULION LEPER COLONY One interesting collectible item are tokens of leper colonies. Tokens were used by the population instead of local currency because of the fear of spreading the disease. One of the most prominent of these colonies was the Culion Leper Colony in the Philippines. A web search turned up the following account of a visit to the Culion colony from the autobiography of surveyor Captain Thomas J. Maher, entitled, "Around the World in Forty Years": "Getting back to the Colony, our principal triangulation station was in the center of the town. The lepers gathered around the instrument; they were curious but made no attempt to touch anything. We were instructed by the Medico-in-Charge not to touch them nor permit them to touch us. I understand that at this time there was an American, an excellent machinist and an inmate, and that some Americans had shaken hands with him. I never inquired as to details. The Colony was most unusual, a credit to the officials who governed it and to those who provided the funds for its operation. It was clean and sanitary. The patients did not have to work and if they did, they received payment. There was a special coinage which never left the Colony. However, an inmate could send funds to friends or relatives outside by depositing his earnings in the Colony bank where a draft would be drawn on the Bank of the Philippine Islands, Manila, for payment to the party designated. The lepers who were in bad shape were hospitalized. An invitation to visit the hospital was not accepted. The appearance of such human misery would not be pleasant and I believe could only be considered by the patients as satisfying morbid curiosity. If we were medical officers, such a visit would be professional. The lepers had considerable freedom. They fished in adjacent waters from bamboo rafts. Attempts at escape were infrequent." http://www.lib.noaa.gov/edocs/maherphi.html LOST & FOUND David Gladfelter writes: "Found: 6th signature or gathering (pages 121-144) of Sumner's History of American Currency, 1st ed. (1874). Came in a bulk lot. Useless by itself, but not something one would throw away. Owner may claim by writing dgladfelter@comcast.net. The item came from R. M. Smythe's 187th sale, lot 5023, therein described as "[p]art of a book, 'History of American Currency.'" This lot was part of a large collection of good literature from "numismatic libraries and related material of two well known numismatists." I believe one of them was George W. Wait, who I am told had gone into a nursing home and had pretty well withdrawn from numismatic pursuits at the end of his life. Most of the material was grouped into bulk lots of which I got a choice few. With hindsight, wish I had been a more aggressive bidder at this sale." DON'T DUST! DIRTY BOOKS LAST LONGER. Dick Johnson writes: "A report from London warms the heart of every busy bookman. The National Trust [of England] runs the estates of 156 homes throughout the British Isles. They are currently engaged in a test to determine the optimum length of time between dustings. The Associated Press quotes one of the home's managers, Graham Crane: "Dust can corrode the books, but cleaning can also damage them; their spines are particularly fragile." There are an estimated half million antiquarian books among the libraries in these homes. The test consists of inserting tiny sticky sheets (3M Post-Its?) between books randomly throughout the library. The sheets are removed every three months and examined for the amount of dust collected. "That way we hope to find out which parts need cleaning more regularly and which can be left for longer," Crane said. Instead of a three-week cleaning job of 2,000 books at Dunster Castle every year, they are hoping this can be done only once every three years. I can send them some book dust samples that are at least 20 years old! My custom is to pick up a dusty book, hold the spine close to my lips and blow the dust off the top edge." THE GERSHWINS AND THEIR GOLD MEDAL Carl Honore writes: "Of interest to Neil Shafer, Serge Koussevitsky conducted the premiere of George Gershwin's Second Rhapsody in Blue in Boston's Symphony Hall in 1932. Of interest to the numismatic community at large, George Gershwin and his brother Ira were honored with a gold medal a while back; it was a congressional Gold Medal similar to that awarded to John Wayne." RARE BOOK FINDS Tom Fort sent a link to an interesting article about a rare fifteenth-century book found recently in a Maine farmhouse. Printed in 1493, "The Nuremberg Chronicle" relates the history of the world starting with Genesis in Gothic text and a profusion of woodcut illustrations throughout nearly 600 pages. Compiled by physician Hartmann Schedel, it was produced by Anton Koberger, a Nuremberg publisher considered one of the era's most important in Europe. The book features the woodcuts of Michael Wohlgemuth, his stepson Wilhelm Pleyenwurff and Albrecht Durer, a masterful artist who elevated the status of graphic arts. The book contains more than 1,800 illustrations." http://www.cnn.com/2002/SHOWBIZ/books/03/02/nuremberg.chronicle.ap/ NUMISMATIC BOOK FINDS So, readers - have you ever found an interesting or valuable item of numismatic literature in an unusual or out-of-the-way place? If so, please share the story with us. One incident which comes to mind came after I contacted the bank handling the estate of local collector Emerson Smith. Smith worked at a Pittsburgh bank and often arranged appraisals of coin collections. He also knew Howard Gibbs, the nationally prominent collector of world and odd & curious money. After Smith's death, I called to inquire about any numismatically-related items. The banker handling the estate invited me to meet him at the house and look around. When I arrived I learned that the family had already been through the house and removed or consigned for sale furniture and other items of interest. What remained was considered trash, and he invited me to take whatever I wanted. As it happened, I ended up working one room ahead of two burly young men who were hauling the remaining contents of the house to a dumpster. Why I ever took a minute to look in the tool box under the workbench in the garage I'll never know, but it was there that I found a small stash of issues of Max Mehl's Numismatic Monthly, including several complete years. A search of a desk and filing cabinet yielded a number of papers relating to Howard Gibbs and his collection, letters and papers of dealer Hans Schulman, plus inventories and appraisals of the John Beck collection. Beck was a Pittsburgh industrialist whose collection was auctioned by Abner Kreisberg in the mid-1970's. His collection had been in bank vaults for fifty years after his death, until Smith arranged to sell it after the death of one of Beck's daughters. Beck was as much a hoarder and investor as he was a collector. The inventory included several PAGES of listings of duplicate large-denomination pioneer gold coins, and another several PAGES listing 1856 Flying Eagle cents, the largest such hoard ever assembled. SAVOT SOUGHT Hadrien Rambach of Paris sends this query about a book he is seeking: "Published in Geneva in 1865 by Anthony Durand, it is entitled "Médailles et Jetons des Numismates". I would like to know whether it gives information on the French 17th century numismatist SAVOT ." Can anyone answer his query? His email address is hadrien2000@hotmail.com GLEANINGS FROM THE ANA AND ANS Recent publications of the American Numismatic Association and American Numismatic Society include a number of items of interest to bibliophiles and researchers. The American Journal of Numismatics, Second Series, 2000, from the ANS has twenty-two articles and book reviews. Of interest to those who followed the discussions of "The Great Debate" over pioneer gold bars in The E-Sylum is John Kleeberg's "Three Notes on the Private Gold Coinage of the United States" (p215-237). The notes discuss dies and hubs of US Private Gold Coinage in the collection of the ANS, the undervaluing of the gold price by minters Bechtler, Moffat, and Kohler, and the dies of Kellogg & Co. Appearing in the March 2002 issue of the ANA's Numismatist are pieces by Q. David Bowers on early U.S. numismatists John Allan and Phillip Hone of New York City, and Pete Smith's piece on Wells, Fargo & Co. The ANA Library's "Bookmarks" column discusses recent donations to the library which will be added to the online library catalog on the ANA web site (http://www.money.org/) Also, NBS Secretary-Treasurer (and ANA Historian) David Sklow pictures a rare 1915 ANA medal related to the Panama-Pacific Exposition and seeks its current whereabouts. The medal "is not to be found in the collection of the ANA Money Museum. Its whereabouts were unknown from 1915 to 1991, when it surfaced as lot 297 in a June 29 sale conducted by Presidential Coin & Antique Company." Anyone with knowledge about the medal is asked to contact Dave at sdsklow@aol.com. SELF-PROMOTING HIS BOOK GONE WILD! Dick Johnson writes: "A Washington D.C. book author has perhaps overstepped his bounds in promoting a new book. He has purchased as many as 18,000 copies from BarnesAndNoble.com then returning many of them under their policy of full refund within 30 days. In addition to appearing on as many talk shows as he could get on, David A. Vise, a reporter on the staff of Washington Post, has attempted to inflate the demand for his book, "The Bureau and the Mole: the Unmasking of Robert Philip Hanssen." Was he attempting to push it into bestsellerdom? He was selling these copies himself online -- both with and without his autograph -- taking a 50-cent loss or a $5 profit. The full story is at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A51970-2002Mar6.html HOW TO SELF-PROMOTE A NUMISMATIC BOOK? Johnson continues: "This does bring up the issue between good taste and promoting your own book in the numismatic field. I am facing this shortly with the publication of my new book, "American Artists, Diesinkers, Engravers, Medalists and Sculptors of Coins and Medals, 1652 to date." Aside from the obvious -- advertising in all numismatic publications and attending as many coin shows as possible -- what can a numismatic author do? My last conversation with my publisher included a long discourse on numismatic mailing lists and possible tie-ins with dealers. He likes the idea of such with auction house mailings since this was most successful for his $299 threee-volume set on all American artists. I would welcome suggestions from E-Sylum readers (both what, and what not to do). Contact: dick.johnson@snet.net FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is a actually a collection of pages discussing the "Short Snorter". Popular throughout World War II, these pieces of paper money (often U.S. one dollar bills) signed by a number of people as souvenirs. Here is an excerpt from one of the pages - an interview with Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Edward Komyati: "During World War II, a short snorter was a little less than a full drink at a bar. But an aircrew member's short snorter was a chain of paper currency, taped together, end-to-end, from various countries they had visited. The longer your short snorter, the more countries you had visited. Long short-snorters also meant free drinks at the bar, since the person with the shortest one had to buy the round, says retired Lt. Col. Edward J. Komyati, an aviation historian and former WW II pilot. "You knew you always had your taxi fare home," Komyati explains. "You could also use the short snorter to collect phone numbers, keep track of crews, or get signatures of famous people." According to Komyati, he ran across former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt in the Pacific in early 1943. He happened to have his short snorter with him and got her to autograph it. Komyati's short snorter is also signed by "walk outs": men whose planes went down in the Himalayas, but who managed to walk out alive. Today, Komyati's short snorter is more than 6 feet long and held together with yellowing, crumbling Scotch tape. It begins with a dark green U.S. "Silver Certificate" dollar and moves on to blue Congo francs, deep red Chinese yuan, light green Ceylon rupees, and yellow, brown and purple currencies ranging from 500 Palestine mils to 10 Tripotania (modern day Libya) lire. Komyati's short snorter includes script issued to soldiers in Italy after World War II, and images of everything from a palm tree to the countenances of Chinese leaders and a pharoah. A few of the languages on his short snorter are Arabic, Portuguese, Burmese, French, Chinese and English. Though the autographs are now faded on the paper, the memories of the people Komyati knew and admired are still alive in his mind. http://www.af.mil/news/Jul1997/n19970711_970836.html http://www.winstonchurchill.org/fh108wit.htm http://www.scottiepress.org.uk/writers/snorter.htm http://www.456thbombgroup.org/47snortr.html http://www.456thbombgroup.org/moresnrt.htm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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