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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 25, June 16, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Joe Saldivar of Havelock, North Carolina, courtesy of Gar Travis. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 470. SPRING 2002 ASYLUM PUBLISHED Tom Fort, Editor of our print journal, The Asylum, notes that the Spring 2002 issue is at the printer's and should be published shortly. The journal is sent to all members of NBS. Contents of the issue include: "President's Message," by Pete Smith "Secretary/Treasurer's Message," by David Sklow "Plagiarism or Cooperation?: Two Identical Premium-Paid Lists of the Late Nineteenth Century," by David F. Fanning "Some Notes on Archives," by Q. David Bowers "A Misnomer Mystery Finally Solved," by David Cassel "Bibliomania through the Ages: Four Mini-Reviews," by William Malkmus One of our readers asked, "Why is it called The Asylum?" Well, that's where you'll find all the committed maniacs, of course... "Journal of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society" would use up too much ink, anyway... MINT EMPLOYEES ARRESTED An article in the Friday, June 14, 2002 issue of The Philadelphia Inquirer describes the latest events in the saga of error coin shenanigans at the Philadelphia Mint: "It is one of the most sought-after mistakes in mint history: a golden "Sacagawea" dollar coin with the soaring eagle on one side and the head of George Washington from the quarter on the other. Ten of these coins, all made in 2000 at the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia, are known to exist, and one sold last month for $75,000. Yesterday, federal prosecutors said they knew how five of those coins got past mint inspectors and into circulation - they were smuggled out and resold by two mint machine operators. The two - James Watkins, 41, of the 5400 block of North Fifth Street in Olney, and Raymond Jackson, 54, of the 1700 block of North Stillman Street in North Philadelphia - were indicted individually on charges of conversion of government property and witness tampering. Watkins, the indictment alleges, took four of the defective coins - called "mules" by collectors because they combine the sides of two different coins on one planchet, or blank - between February and June 2000. He then allegedly sold the coins to dealers and a "novice coin collector" for a total of $9,200, and the coins were subsequently resold for a total of $96,000. Jackson allegedly took one defective Sacagawea mule in June 2000 and sold it to a dealer-collector for $5,000. That dealer sold it on eBay for $41,395. The witness-tampering charges allege attempts made in early 2001 to persuade unnamed persons not to talk to federal agents investigating the coins. Neither man could be reached for comment." For the full text of the story, see http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/local/3468064.htm BREEN BIOGRAPHY Regarding the inquiry about Walter's Breen's biography, Andrew Pollock writes: "I was told years ago by Jack Collins that Walter Breen wrote an autobiography titled "A Minority of One." My guess is that if this still exists, it might be in the possession of a parole or probation officer, for whom I believe it had been written." David Gladfelter adds: "Breen published a brief autobiographical sketch in Penny Wise, vol. 12, pp 23-27 (1978). He was a frequent contributor to that publication which he called a "fanzine". [Penny Wise is the official publication of Early American Coppers, Inc. -Editor] BREEN BIBLIOGRAPHY David Fanning writes: "While Wayne was good enough to recommend Pete Smith's handy collection of biographies (which is available for loan from the ANA, incidentally), if Sr. González Salinas is looking for information on any specific aspect of Breen's life, he is welcome to contact me at fanning32@earthlink.net. One of my pet projects has been the compilation of a bibliography of the numismatic works of Breen as well as a bio. As some readers no doubt are aware, the bio of Breen is at times quite confusing, and even the year of his birth is not known with certainty, with some sources giving 1930 and some 1928. I hope to have a version of the bibliography online within the year for the suggestions of NBS members and other interested parties." BREEN AND ASTROLOGY Carl Honore writes: "I'll bet you didn't know that Walter Breen wrote an article entitled "Sherlock Holmes's Horoscope" In Sybil Leek's Astrology Journal of January 1971 there appeared an interesting astrological chart for Sherlock Holmes written by Walter Breen. This item was subsequently reprinted in "A Sherlock Holmes Compendium" edited by Peter Haining. Astrology was one of Walter's many varied hobbies and it was only natural to try to do a chart for one who was as mentally astute as Walter was. It's both interesting and fun to read" Carl adds: "While we're on the subject, one peculiar Numismatic reference is to be found in "The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual", wherein the story is told in the past tense by Holmes sitting in 221B Baker Street... "...some old rusty discs" which later turn out to be coins found in a box at the Musgrave estate in an underground vault next to Brunton the butler who had suffocated... Other references to Numismatics include "the Red Headed League in which Jabez Wilson is paid in gold sovereigns. I just thought this was fun -- can any of you find others?" [Well, it turns out someone has already gone to the effort of compiling numismatic references in Shakespeare. See "Coins in Shakespeare. A Numismatic Guide." 67pp, illus. by Engstrom, J.E., Dartmouth College Museum Publications, New Hampshire,1964. -Editor] LATIN LINGO John Adams' request for a translation of the Latin phrase AMAT AUREA CONDERE SAECLA brought several replies: Ken Berger writes: "My Latin is very rusty but I was a Latin scholar in high school many years ago. I would say it means something like "He who loves gold, builds a generation". Gar Travis attached a picture of a Jeton bearing the Latin phrase in question, which he found on a web site listed as a "Royal token". Allan Davisson writes: "I think "He loves gold more than God" probably comes close to the meaning of the phrase. (My Latin goes back more years than I care to remember.) Ferdinando Bassoli writes: "The expression can be found in Lucretius, the great Latin poet of the first century B.C.. (De rerum natura , III, 1088), and means: (he) who loves to live long golden centuries, i.e. a long time and well. I would like to know whether this is the inscription of a medal and to what or whom is referred." Ron Haller-Williams writes: "Here's my offering: AMAT [he/she/it] likes/loves AUREA (feminine singular or neuter plural form of AUREUS) AUREUS gold/golden/gilded; *figuratively*: beautiful/splendid SAECLUM/SAECULA (see SAECULUM/SAECULA) SAECULA (plural form of SAECULUM) SAECULUM generation/lifetime/century/the_age/the_times CONDERE [to] found/establish/build/make/pass/bring_to_a_close N.B. There is no need in Latin for an adjective to be adjacent to the noun which it describes. I think that, unfortunately, this is one of these cases where we need to convey an idea, rather than simply trying to "translate" as such! So, for example, AUREA CONDET SAECULA, as on a Dutch medal of 1631 commemorating four important victories, including the conquest of Pernambuco (1630) and Piet Hein's capture of Spain's silver fleet (1627), could translate roughly as THE GOLDEN AGE HAS COME TO PASS. [Van Loon wrongly dates this medal to 1630, and the engraving used by him wrongly reverses the "2" in the date of the Hertogenbosch victory (1629).] He translates it into Dutch as HY ZAL DE GOUDE EEUW OPRECHTEN, which may confuse people familiar with the more modern form OPRICHTEN. Anybody know what the French edition gives? (It would be in volume 2.) One could also offer an alternative of GOLD/EN [things] ESTABLISH THE ERA, or the more modern-sounding "gold things are the keynote of the epoch". Brits with long memories might like to compare with Harold Macmillan's alleged quote (while Prime Minister, 1957) of "You've never had it so good!". Actually "Most of our people have never had it so good", whereas the headline version seems to have been lifted from The U.S. Democratic party slogan during the 1952 election campaign. These convey a similar idea. It seems this three-word version originates in Virgil's Aeneid, Book VI, lines 792-793: ... Augustus Caesar, divi genus, aurea condet saecula qui rursus Latio regnata per arua ... I would try this, but I don't guarantee it!: "Exalted Caesar, of divine descent/birth, creates the golden age/s which again have prevailed through the plains in Latium" John - might I suggest that you double-check whether AMAT is actually part of the same motto/legend as the other three words, and also that it indeed reads CONDERE not CONDET ? If it is exactly as you stated, then I am not happy with "S/HE LOVES TO ESTABLISH THE GOOD TIMES", or "S/HE LOVES THE GOOD TIMES TO BE ESTABLISHED", or even the idea of some royal love-match towards such an end, because I reckon the Latin for this would read somewhat differently. FAROUK SALE BUYER INFO WANTED Denis Loring writes: "Does anyone have a named copy of the 1954 King Farouk sale by Sotheby's? In particular, I'd like to know the buyer of lot 355. Thanks. dwloring@aol.com FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM CATALOGUE ONLINE Andrew Pollock writes: "I stumbled across this today while updating my Numismalink website: http://www-cm.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/coins/ [This nice site has been mentioned a few times before in The E-Sylum (June 11, 2000, May 6 2001 and September 9, 2001. But it's always worth another look - there is a lot of great information here. -Editor] 1794 DOLLAR MANUSCRIPT David Perkins writes: "I corresponded with Jack Collins (both in writing, and in person) and forwarded information on certain 1794 dollars prior to his passing away. The manuscript exists, probably in different stages depending upon whose copy is being viewed. I saw the original manuscript once, at the Anaheim ANA convention, and as I recall the photo quality was uneven. My understanding was some were good (taken by Jack or negatives secured), some were shot from old catalogs, some photocopied, etc. This may have been one reason Jack did not publish the book. I pushed getting the 1794 Dollar book published a few years ago at the New York City ANA Convention. I had a number of people, myself included, willing to fund bringing the research up to date and publishing the book. If I recall correctly, the conversation was with Hodder, Martin, myself and maybe one other party. The research was most likely current up to when Jack passed away, thus someone would have to bring the book up to date. The copy I have is titled something like "The History and Genealogy of the 1794 Dollar." RARE BIBLES BROUGHT TOGETHER Joel Orosz sends us this item from the New York Times (June 10, 2002). He notes: "This guy sounds like the Dan Hamelberg of bible collecting!" http://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/10/arts/10BIBL.html PRINCETON, N.J. - In a bibliographic convergence that has not occurred in more than 150 years, copies of the first four printed editions of the Bible have come under the ownership of a single person - a little-known, cantankerous and very wealthy 88-year-old collector named William Hurd Scheide, who keeps them in his private jewel-box of a library at Princeton University. Mr. Scheide completed the rare-book grand slam late last year with his quiet, seven-figure purchase of a Mentelin Bible, printed by Johann Mentelin in 1460 in Strasbourg. While word of the acquisition has been coursing through the antiquarian book world ever since, a public presentation of the Bibles at the library May 31 during Princeton's Reunion Weekend has spread the news to a larger audience. "It's phenomenal," said Peter E. Hanff, deputy director of the Bancroft Library at the University of California at Berkeley. "To bring together those four monumental records of Western culture in a single place, and in the New World, is of international significance." Indeed, the sight of all four books, some of their pages illuminated with burnished gold and delicate illustrations of animals and flowers, is for some a transcendent experience. Only two other individuals, King George III of England and the second Earl Spencer, great-great-great-grandfather of Diana, Princess of Wales, have ever owned copies of all four of the Bibles, which, because they were printed in roughly the same period in Germany, constitute a distinct group for scholars. All the books in the Scheide Library are available for study by scholars." ANA LIBRARY NOTES Regarding the IBNS Library, ANA Librarian Nancy Green writes: "The ANA received the IBNS library several years ago on the condition it be maintained for members of both organizations and that the ANA library be available to IBNS members. The arrangement works very well. IBNS members do not make heavy demands on the ANA staff and often a photocopy from a named source answers any questions. The obvious advantages are that the materials are preserved and maintained with a professional staff able to provide research help as needed. As time goes by and other individual organization libraries expand beyond the resources of that organization, this may be a solution for other numismatic groups to make their collections available to everyone. PERIODICAL NUMBERING SCHEMES In response to Paul Withers' note about periodical numbering scheme, David Gladfelter writes: "Volume/Number should not be a problem if the periodical uses consecutive pagination within each volume. Citations can then be simplified to volume, title, page and year, thus for the following: 12 Penny Wise 23-27 (1978)." Stuart Segan writes: "Each time the discussion over numbering systems arises I am always motivated to respond. However, after a few minutes of writing, the topic takes on more and more issues until a concise response about numbering systems becomes impossible. Rather than justify my statements I will simply assert some of the issues that make the "solution" to numbering systems a not-so-easy-task. First and foremost, the driving motivation behind numbering schemes in numismatics of late, whether pertaining to coins, literature, die varieties or whatever, is driven by the ease with which non-experts are able to create a relational database. For the average enthusiast the database is usually Microsoft Access or variations thereof. Not meaning to take Mr. Wither's to task , let me respond to his cry "Why, oh why, volume 1, Number 1?" that frankly Volume 1, Number 1 is much more intuitively approachable for non-linear, non-binary thinking human beings. Sure, Volume 1, Number 1 takes up two fields at a minimum in a database but so what? Of what utility is it that the hardcopy of the American Numismatic Society Magazine says 39, or issue 39, or whatever without anything further. As a mathematician type if I encountered 39 my "hunch" would be March of the third year of the periodicals run, however, if there were omissions this is a problem. Volume III, Number 3 therefore is much more structured an approach. The conversion to the so called unique identifiers necessary in the world of relational databases is easily accomplished. Taken to the extreme, presenting a numbering system in "straight through" fashion, numbering all the objects under consideration by 1,2,3, etc....presents severe limitations to the ordinary user of the numbering scheme. Interestingly, Breen numbered all entries in his encyclopedia straight through from Breen 1 to Breen 8035. Care to guess what say Breen 4017 might be? It's an 1858-S Large S quarter. Breen 8035 by the way is the 1883 Hawaiian half dollar and Breen 1 is an undated Sommer Islands piece. Though everything is given a unique ordinal number - precisely what is prescribed by a relational database - building queries and a user friendly electronic version of Breen's encyclopedia would necessitate some serious organization OTHER than by Breen numbers alone. Otherwise a programmer (or God forbid, the user) would have to memorize lovely tidbits like "Buffalo nickels are covered by Breen 2584 to 2656 with the caveat that Proofs are not separated from business strikes" and so on. What it comes down to for me is pretty simple. the interest in numbering systems today is motivated by different dynamics than were present 10 years ago, let alone 25, 50 and 100 years ago. While I can appreciate Mr. Withers frustration with respect to the numbering of the American Numismatic Society Magazine, his desire for convenience actually forfeits much of the true strength of the essence of a unique identifier and the role that a unique identifier plays within a relational database. The statement "that numbers are (a) sequential and (b) unique, so only ONE number is necessary for identification" is based upon the very narrow reading that it makes life easier for the cataloger. It does not make life easier for the researcher, the programmer, or the user of an application that queries a database in the hopes of finding out, for example, in what year issue 39 was produced and so forth." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web page is an interesting compilation of the origins of various money-related terms and phrases, such as "pin money", "to shell out" and "to ring true": http://www.hoganfinancial.com/QuarterlyNotes/Moneyexp.pdf Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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