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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 5, Number 39, September 29, 2002: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2002, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE This week's new subscribers are Robert Christie, Joe Wolfe, John Shagren Jr., Marco Fiumani of Italy, courtesy of Jose Luis Rubio, and Gawain O'Connor, courtesy of Martin Purdy Welcome aboard! This brings our subscriber count to 491. PLAIN BROWN WRAPPERS In response to Richard Crosby's note entitled "Plain Brown Wrappers," Greg Heim writes: "I could not agree more. When I moved last year, I was talking to one of the postal employees when she started asking me questions about those "neat" coin magazines I was getting. I got the same response from Coin World as you did, and I could not agree with them less. Just because you have a P.O. box does not mean that other people can't see you with the magazine in the vestibule. I would gladly play an extra $10.00 a year for the security. BTW, I believe that Numismatic News ships in a plain brown wrapper for their first class mail option. COIN WORLD GOES NON-POSTAL William T. Gibbs, News Editor of Coin World writes: "Regarding the note from Mr. Richard Crosby published last week: It is true that Amos Hobby Publishing, publishers of "Coin World," "Linn's Stamp News" and other hobby publications, lacks the necessary equipment to place their publications into a "plain brown wrapper" of the sort used by the publishers of the other magazines mentioned. Because we lack the necessary equipment, our circulation department cannot provide that service to our subscribers. Up to now, the best they could do is suggest subscribers have their issues sent to a post office box. Placing the issues in an unprinted wrap of the kind sold several times a year by the advertising department would require additional postal and paper costs, which would be passed on to advertisers and subscribers. However, an alternative will be available soon, when "Coin World" follows in the electronic footsteps of "Linn's" and begins offering the complete weekly issue in print and online versions (same publication, one print and one electronic). Linn's recently began offering each complete weekly issue online (all contents, editorial and advertising) as a subscription-based publication in addition to the standard print edition. We'll announce details about the online issue of "Coin World" as they become available, both at our main Web site and in the print edition of "Coin World." The subscribers to this e-mail publication generally love traditional literature in all of its printed glory even as they embrace the immediacy of "The E-Sylum." My own bookshelves at home (not to mention boxes upon boxes) are filled with books on many topics. Electronic publishing, however, is a wave of the future, and "Coin World" is poised to take its next step into that future. The online edition will offer several advantages: It will get to subscribers' homes faster than the USPS can get the print edition to them (moving at the speed of light vs. snail mail). Subscribers who chose the online-only option will have no worries about security. Most interesting, I think, to the subscribers of this journal, we'll gradually build an online, searchable archive of every article and every advertisement we publish each week." [A searchable online archive would be nirvana for researchers. Bring it on! -Editor] ADAMS LIBRARY SALEROOM MEMORIES SOUGHT Robert Christie writes: "In The Money Tree's 23rd sale of numismatic literature on June 24th, 1995 I won Del Bland's auction room copy of George Kolbe's sale of Selections From The John W. Adams library held in June, 1990. Inside the front cover is a list of all the bidders and their bidder numbers. Alongside each lot in the public part of the auction is the number of the bidder who won the lot and what they paid. Del Bland was bidding on lots for Dennis Mendelson. I have both of their invoices. I could give Del a hug for keeping such meticulous records of a great auction. The following people attended this auction with their bid numbers following. R.E. Naftzger Jr. bidding for ANS 15 Dan Hamelberg 1 Del Bland 14 Dennis Mendelson 16 Alan Meghrig 17 John Bergman 4 Armand Champa 7 Jess Patrick 6 Dick Punchard 342 Dr. Phillip W. Ralls 12 Tom Reynolds 3 Dan Demeo 19 Jan Valentine 11 Chris Victor-McCauley 25 Ray Bisordi 5 Jeff Rock 50 Stuart Levine 23 Denis W. Loring 281 I know that several of the above people are no longer with us, but I would very much like to hear from the rest and have them share their memories of that auction with me. Del Bland made me feel as though I was there. Maybe George Kolbe has some memories of that auction to share. My address is Robert Christie, 233 Fair Street, Carmel, N.Y. 10512 I look forward to hearing from you." ITALIAN TELEPHONE TOKEN NOTES Christopher Rivituso's note about phone box tokens in Italy elicited a number of new responses: Neil Shafer writes: "With reference to Italian telephone tokens in circulation, I believe the years they were thus used were 1975-78 for sure, possibly also earlier and later. Those were the years of the severe coin shortage in Italy that spawned the issuance of a large variety of Mini-assegni, small checks from a number of banks that circulated in place of the vanished coinage. Along with those mini-checks were some private tokens and these telephone tokens. As I recall, their value was pegged at 50 lire. Does anyone have more definitive information on this? My interest was mainly the mini-assegni but I did get several examples of the hard money as well." Ted Buttrey writes: "I go back and forth to Italy, and my aging brain will not now allow me to give exact dates; but you might know of a period some years ago when small-change coins of all values were simply unobtainable in Italy. Telephone tokens were at least monetiform, and had the fixed value of 200 lire. Otherwise people were using the smallest wrapped piece of candy, at 10 lire -- I used them at toll stations on the highway -- and many banks issued small denomination paper. When some of them got in trouble for printing notelets of 100, 500 or 1000 lire they retaliated by issuing them in odd denominations like 150 lire. I can remember being in a shop in Sicily where the customer proffered such a small note, and it was refused -- not because it was paper, because that stuff circulated everywhere, but because the shopkeeper read it first, found that it came from a bank in northern Italy, and didn't know if he could get rid of it. None of this stuff was legal tender, of course, but without it small transactions would have been impossible. I seem to recall that this situation lasted well over a year. The banks must have made a nice profit from the notes that were never redeemed. Come to think of it, I wonder -- though I have no idea -- whether any of the notelets were produced purely to profit from collectors, who wouldn't ever redeem them, like much of the German Notgeld of the 1920's." [Interesting experience. You know, E-Sylum readers have great vocabularies. Your editor hasn't seen the word "monetiform" before - can someone provide a definition?] Bruce Purdue adds: "In 1973 I was stationed in Istanbul, Turkey with the U.S. Air Force and "getton" or "gettone" was the word used in Turkey for the phone tokens... perhaps this is a European term. After some thought I realized that in Turkey it was a "Jeton", which is the french word for token ... older version was "jetton". I found the following information using "Google". This is from http://www.takeourword.com/Issue032.html: "Our town recently started a jitney. My friends and I could not come to an agreement on the origin of the word. Is it a word for a nickel or some pacific slang for an American jeep? Funnily enough, both guesses have an element of truth. Such a vehicle was originally called a jitney bus because when it was introduced (around 1900) the standard fare was one nickel and the then current slang for a nickel was a jitney. But why was a nickel called a jitney? One theory is that it comes from jetton (from the French jeton), "a gambling token", but this is not widely accepted. The Philippines has a kind of bus called a jeepney. This is a portmanteau word formed from jeep + jitney." Kavan Ratnatunga adds that Ceylon has a telephone token from WWII. "It's associated with a change in the 10-cent coin from Silver to copper. It was need to let the phone booths to continue to operate." For more information, see his web page: http://lakdiva.net/coins/token/gpo_token.html CITY DIRECTORIES IN FORT WAYNE, INDIANA In response to the discussion about numismatic research in old city directories, George Fitzgerald writes: "I am a volunteer at the Allen County Public library in Fort Wayne, IN. I work in the Genealogy section which has most of the City Directories in both books and microfilm. This library is in downtown Fort Wayne, it is the second largest Genealogy library in the country. It is open 7 days a week from Labor Day to Memorial Day. It will be closed in Jan 2003 because it is moving to temporary quarters for 2 years. The present library will be doubled in space. We also have all of the U.S. census on microfilm." CITY DIRECTORIES: THE NEXT STEP. Dick Johnson writes: "For three weeks I have been writing about how numismatists can use City Directories in their numismatic research. I received an email from Dave Bowers this week that reveals his use of these research tools. Here is what he said: "About 25 years or so ago a full set of all of the microfiche catalogues (directories to 1861) was available, and I bought [the set] for $5,000. This was done, if I recall, by John J. Ford, Jr. He called a number of interested people and rounded up five (I think) subscribers -- then simply made a deal with the compiler of the microfiches." Wow! What a fortunate purchase. If you recall last week I mentioned the current cost of that set of microfiches was over $26,000. Five times what Dave and a handful of other farsighted researchers paid. Name a coin that has increased five times since 1977! Dave went on to suggest a consortium of researchers might do the same today. Frankly, I would rather put that kind of money in numismatic book purchases. The reason?: the ease of obtaining these microfiches -- and Dave mentioned this -- on Inter-Library Loan. "One thing," he wrote, "that is essential to anyone is this: Nearly all microfilms can be obtained by inter-library loan, obviating the necessity to buy them. All you have to do is establish a rapport with a friendly local public or university library and have them order the microfilms on loan. I have done this for many years with hundreds of microfilms, and the system is efficient and superb!" I would like to add another tip here if you are researching people. City Directory microfilms (and a vast library of information) can also be obtained at your local Mormon Church. I like researching at these just as much as the university libraries Dave mentioned. Call your local Mormon Church (Church of Later Day Saints). Ask if they have a Family History Center, and learn of the hours they are open. Often these include an evening or two and a full day session, sometimes on Saturday. They welcome people of all faiths to search people of the past. They can borrow microfilm from Salt Lake City and you can use it in this Church Center. Sometimes it is crowded, but the staff can often answer questions that would stump public or university librarians. Dave's additional comments are pertinent: "Concerning available microfilms of later directories, these have been compiled on a catch as catch can basis, and for a given city, say Cincinnati, it is difficult to get a FULL set of anything. Newspapers are even worse, as often a particular "popular" newspaper (such as, for San Francisco, the Alta California) has been chosen for microfilming, and a dozen or more other newspapers have never been filmed (in the meantime, as with SF newspapers, existing archives of originals continue to be scattered)." After you have exhausted your City Directory search, then what? The next step is Census Records, or as Dave suggests, newspapers. Next week I'll discuss researching in these historical newspapers. Doesn't all this research talk make you want to start digging about some numismatic item of interest to you?" EUROPEAN COIN SCRAP PILE In with the new, out with the old. It's a common situation when a new coinage system is put into place. It's happening again with the introduction of the Euro. Kavan Ratnatunga sends this link to an article from BILBAO, Madrid, Spain: http://www.theage.com.au/breaking/2002/03/09/FFXYURLAKYC.html "A little bit of Europe's history is disappearing into the melting pots of a small firm in the Basque country of northern Spain. The firm, Elmet, in Bilbao's industrial suburbs, is making a handsome profit out of melting down millions of Irish pennies delivered in denominations of one, two, 10 and 20 pence. So far more than a million coins have been shipped here for recycling." SUBSCRIBER PROFILE: JOE WOLFE New subscriber Joe Wolfe writes: "I have a slightly different interest than most of your members I am sure. I have a hobby I am very serious about and do research on coin caches. I am what people like to call a treasure hunter. I have a metal detector and go out and search for dropped or lost coins hoping to find a few valuable ones. First I research to find a good location and then go look. I enjoy the research more. Presently I am researching turnpikes here in Loudoun County, Virginia. They started collecting tolls about 1795 and did so up to about 1925. I hope the tolltakers dropped a few coins at the tollgates and that I can find where the tollgates sat. I've searched about 10 sites already and found only a few coins: a 1807 large cent, 1773 reale, and another large cent I could not see a date on. As it turns out roads were widened drastically from 1800 and most tollgate locations were destroyed unless the road was moved or a historical building existed at the tollgate and it was preserved. Even with a building, surrounding ground was sometimes graded and dirt added to yards to make them attractive. The research is an education. Some of these tollgates operated for 50 years or more. So there must be dropped coins in large numbers. Just to give you an idea, the Little River Turnpike here in Virginia started around 1824 and in their best year collected about $20,000.00 at 6 tollgates. A lot of it was in pennies so many coins changed hands. I also noted with enthusiasm that the tolls were often collected quarterly by the treasurer. My question now is where were the tolls kept until the treasurer took charge of them? Think of it as Active Numismatic Research - I research and then perform actions. A magazine called Lost Treasure just published my first article. I want to write my next article on tollgates. True, the articles are about treasure hunting but the research is often about coins and coin caches." [Joe may be reached at cachenut at hotmail.com -Editor] MORE ON EURO NICKEL ALLERGIES Gawain O'Connor writes: "In response to Martin Purdy's comment about euro allergy hogwash - The article about euros in the Sept. 14 issue of "Science News" shows a photo comparison to the nickel Swiss franc coin. The pure nickel coin stays intact in their solution. So it appears that the bi-metallic aspect is what causes the problem, not the amount of nickel. The online version can be seen at http://www.sciencenews.org/20020914/fob1.asp The original article in Nature: http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/ nature/journal/v419/n6903/full/419132a_fs.html [The Nature site requires a free registration. -Editor] But it certainly could be that the study was prompted by bias against the new euro coins, as Mr. Purdy suggests." BIBLIOGRAPHY LINKS AND CLAIN-STEFANELLI Chris Hopkins, Morten Eske Mortensen, Granvyl G. Hulse, Jr. and Mike Metras all wrote to add to our list of bibliography links. Bruce Perdue offered to add them to the internet Open Directory to make them more accessible to a wider audience. On a related note, Granvyl G. Hulse, Jr. writes: "We have talked on and off of a master listing of books and articles on coins, etc. If Elvira Clain-Stefanelli's "Numismatic Bibliography" could be transferred to disk, it would be a perfect place to start from in compiling a master listing of numismatic material. Do you have any idea if this has been done? I went surfing some of the listings you gave and it struck me first that if we pulled down all of the library indexes, compiled them into one master index we would have an excellent reference. Then I thought of Elivra's book and realized that if it was placed on a disk, two-thirds of our work would already be done, and we could build from there. What I would like to know is who holds the copyright to her book. It was published in the era of computers so it is possible that it is already on disk. I think that it is worth checking." ANOTHER SPACE-AGE MONEY CONCEPT From the New Scientist comes an article about a new kind of token that cannot be counterfeited and could one day be used in credit cards and other secure identification applications. A team at the MIT Media Lab's Center for Bits and Atoms has discovered that "a transparent token the size of a postage stamp and costing just a penny to make can be used to generate an immensely powerful cryptographic key." "The team created tokens containing hundreds of glass beads, each a few hundred micrometres in diameter, set in a block of epoxy one centimetre square and 2.5 mm thick. These are "read" by shining a laser beam of a particular wavelength through the token." "The token could not be duplicated using any manufacturing technology in existence or planned.... One future use of the tokens could see them being embedded into credit cards." "... the first products using the tokens could be developed in as little as six months." http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992828 BIBLIOPHILES ARE COMMITTED, OR OUGHT TO BE Interesting quote, attributed to Margaret Meade, that could apply to our subscribers: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." On a related note, Kavan Ratnatunga writes: "The collecting addiction is recognized and discussed here: http://www.virtualstampclub.com/marotta.html There is a also a diagnostic test and some help on one aspect of numismatic addiction: http://www.netaddiction.com/resources/auction_houses.htm" GOBRECHT'S INSPIRATION Coin designers' artistic inspirations are a popular topic among numismatic researchers. In a newspaper advertisement (of all places) I recently saw a reference to Gobrecht's inspiration for one of his Liberty head designs. It was an ad peddling $10 gold coins. A search of the net found a couple thirdhand references, but no original source material. I was hoping to find an image of the painting in question. In any event, perhaps one of our E-Sylum readers can shed some more light on the issue. The best account I found was on a dealer web page which credited Numismatic Guarantee Corp. (NGC) for the story and photos. I was unable to find the same text on the NGC web site. "Director Robert M. Patterson was instructed to produce eagles, and Acting Engraver Christian Gobrecht, replacing the ailing William Kneass, prepared dies for a new design. Gobrecht's design, inspired by the portrait of Venus in Benjamin West's Painting Omnia Vincit Amor (Love Conquers All), also became the prototype for the half-eagle and large cent of 1839." From http://www.oldcoinshop.com/coinhistory/10-1838-66.htm This page has links to several images of West's paintings: http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/west_benjamin.html BEER MONEY: DADDY MADE IT One of my favorite sources for contemporary accounts of 18th century numismatics is The Gentleman's Magazine. Stan Stephens, writing in the Yahoo Colonial Coins news group transcribed this interesting item from vol 44 (1774): "31 March: 'Information having been given to Sir John Fielding, that a company of coiners made a business of coining halfpence in a house on Fish-street-hill, that magistrate applied to the Lord Mayor for his warrant to apprehend them, which he obtained, and sent five of his people, well-armed, to take them by surprize. There were no less than eight of them at work, who, when they found themselves discovered, endeavoured to make resistance, and one of them received a ball in his head before he surrendered. The night before, they had sent a child for some beer, with new halfpence to pay for it; and the landlord observing to the child that they were warm, she innocently replied, that her daddy had just made them. A cart-load of Implements were found In the house, and carried to Bow-street." (p.185). To subscribe to the Colonial Coins group, send an email to: colonial-coins-subscribe at egroups.com FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site was suggested by Larry Mitchell, who writes: "I can't remember if you've covered this site or not - The British Museum's World of Money. In any event, it's an especially good site for the younger set: http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/worldofmoney/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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