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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 6, Number 18, May 4, 2003: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2003, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE Among recent new subscribers are Steve Huber, courtesy of Andy Lustig, and numismatic literature dealer John H. Burns Welcome aboard! We now have 551 subscribers. One of our subscribers has never been able to receive fresh copies of The E-Sylum as they are mailed. His email address is indeed on the list, as we have checked and re-subscribed him a number of times. I'm not aware of any other subscriber having such a problem. We're stumped. Has anyone else encountered such a problem before? GOODBYE, OLD MAN America has lost an old, old friend. New Hampshire's "Old Man of the Mountain" went to meet his maker this week. The natural rock formation, long a symbol of the state, was featured on the New Hampshire state quarter in 2000. From today's Portsmouth Herald: "The venerable granite symbol of New Hampshire slid unseen down a mountain and into the past sometime Friday or early Saturday morning. A state park trails crew reported around 7:30 Saturday morning the 40-foot tall stony face was gone from the side of Profile Mountain in Franconia Notch. The Old Man was covered by clouds Thursday and Friday, so no one knows when it actually fell." http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/05042003/news/26834.htm MINIATURE NUMISMATIC BOOKS? That other "ol' man" of New Hampshire, Dave Bowers, sent your editor a copy of the Winter 2003 newsletter of the Fellowship of American Bibliophilic Societies. One featured article is "The Large World of Miniature Books" The earliest miniature book printed in English was produced in 1601. The article mentions no numismatic titles, but we wonder - there are plenty of candidates for the largest numismatic book, but which is the smallest?" COUNTERFEITING VIETNAMESE NOTES Herb Friedman writes: "David Fanning asks about U.S. counterfeiting of Vietnamese currency. I have written on this subject in depth on several occasions and just recently put a modified story (for military PSYOP students, not numismatists) on the Internet. Even though I removed Pick catalog numbers. etc., I think it will answer the primary questions. Actually, the hardest part was removing all the things that we numismatists find important: paper, size, color, catalog numbers, watermarks etc., because most people have no interest in all that. They just want to see the pictures. http://www.psywarrior.com/Vietnambanknote.html" NUMISMATIC LITERATURE BIBLIOGRAPHY Asylum Editor Tom Fort writes: "Ralf Boepple's submission of the article by Barth on 500 years of numismatic journals in Germany (E-Sylum vol. 6 #16) is exactly the type of thing for which I am looking for the numismatic literature bibliography in the Summer issue of The Asylum. His help is much appreciated. If anyone else out there has any material please feel free to send it to either Wayne or myself at etfort at aol.com." NEW COAC SPEAKER: BRIAN J. DANFORTH The American Numismatic Society has announced an additional speaker for the upcoming Coinage of the Americas Conference (COAC). See the April 20 E-Sylum (E-Sylum vol. 6 #16) for registration information. Brian J. Danforth will speak on "New Interpretations on Irish Coppers in the American Colonies: The St. Patrick, Wood's Hibernia and Voce Populi Series." Mr. Danforth's talk was added to the program after the announcement of the event went out. "Based on original research conducted in Ireland, England and America, this paper presents a new perspective on selected Irish coppers that contributed to the circulating medium of colonial America. The highlights of the presentation shall include: the minter and production sequence of St. Patrick coppers, the circulation of Wood's Hibernia coinage in Ireland and the American colonies, and the events surrounding the issuance of the Voce Populi series. PHILIPPINE COUNTERSTAMPED COINS BOOK David Levy writes: "I´d like to ask the group about the new book, "Philippine Counterstamped Coins 1828-1839", published by Quint Jose Oropilla y Fortich in 2001. All I have about it is the article written for the Ponterio sale and would be interested in more information about it." OPINIONS ON MARGINALIA Gene Collier, a columnist in our local paper, posed the following question no April 30th. It should be of interest to all bibliophiles: "In general terms, here's the hot issue: Should people who insist upon writing in the margins or underlining the text in books be lauded as deep thinkers who sustain the book's dialogue for generations, or merely shot through the head at close range?" "Any marking of the text is an affront to the next generation of readers, some say. You wouldn't visit an art museum and make markings on the paintings, say others. What's more, at least one respondent said, "underlining is a fool's way of absorbing knowledge." Collier credits Steve Leveen, co-founder of Levenger "tools for serious readers" for naming the two factions "Preservationists and Footprint Leavers". To read the full article, follow the link below. Me, I'm a Preservationist who as a kid who threw hissy fits when anyone would dare make a mark on my books, and would be in the "bullet to the head" camp should anyone mar my numismatic books. But that's emotion for you. Intellectually, I certainly appreciate and value the notations made by numismatists of bygone years. What say you, dear readers? http://www.post-gazette.com/columnists/20030430gene6.asp FOLLOW-UP FROM RUSTY GOE Rusty Goe of Southgate Coins writes: "Just to update you on a notice you posted for me in The E-sylum a few weeks ago: Regarding Gobrecht Collective Vol. 3, I sent an order to John McCloskey at LSCS this week, because some subscribers seemed to think that he still had copies available. I'll be grateful if he does. I sent in a couple of orders in the past, and was told he was out of them. So, we'll see. As for the Krause Auction Prices Realized 1991 edition, the publisher has been out for quite some time. But I got lucky. I found one at a "flea-market-like" online bookstore. The copy is brand new, and cost me 1/5 of what I usually pay." CARSON CITY COINAGE QUERY Rusty Goe has another question for our readers: "Does anyone have a copy of the source document showing where the revision in mintage figures for 1872-CC dimes and quarters came from? I realize that since 1977 the revised mintages for these two dates has been accepted by numismatic researchers. But I'm looking for a copy of the source document proving it. Also, does anyone have copies of source documents showing the delivery dates for coins minted at Carson City between 1870 - 1874? For example: 1870-CC Quarters: April 20 - 3540 pieces May 24 - 1400 " Aug 15 - 3400 " S. Q. LAPIUS Regarding my query about the book by S. Q. Lapius, Len Augsberger writes: "First of all, the name "S. Q. Lapius" has that "weird" look to it, like it might be an anagram or pen name. I checked http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram and did not find any reasonable matches. A Google search shows S.Q. Lapius was in New York in 1900, in a letter he wrote to a periodical. Lapius refers to a "patient" and may have been a doctor. http://www.attic.utoledo.edu/att99/auto/ha3.html O. Henry makes an allusion to Mr. Lapius in one of his stories at: http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/O_Henry/ The_Gentle_Grafter/II_Jeff_Peters_as_a_Personal_Magnet_p3.html O. Henry was American, which weakly implies that Lapius was also American. There are few hits at ancestry.com, though they do suggest a pocket of Lapius families in New York, one of whom (John H. Lapius) was a Civil War veteran. The surname is very unusual -- switchboard.com lists NO Lapius families anywhere in the US. Nothing on amazon.com. I do see another S. Q. Lapius in Newry, UK, in 1828: http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/NIR-DOWN/2002-12/1040481358 This article suggests that the writer may be a doctor. My next step would be to check Syracuse, New York directories for 1900, then with address in hand check the 1900 census (which is available imaged but not indexed online). If there is a historical society in Syracuse they might have something too. I speculate that the name is so unusual that the two individuals here are likely father and son, both doctors, with the father in the UK and the son in America. The evidence is not strong but that's the first theory I would work with. All that said, perhaps the most expeditious way to get the Lapius book would be to call up the bookstore in the UK where the writer says he found it!" [For sheer amusement, I recommend readers check out the first of Len's links. It describes a comical incident with a newfangled steam-power automobile, and introduces a new vocabulary word: autogorium! Len's research is very interesting. I should have spent more time myself looking online. More information came from John Kleeberg, who writes: "I did some some searches on OCLC and RLIN. OCLC provides four entries for books by this author, all books of poetry published in Columbus, Ohio. "Coins from a Country Railway Station" is, like the others, a book of poetry. Only three copies listed in OCLC, none on RLIN; the three copies on OCLC are all in Ohio libraries around Columbus. An entry for a collected book of Lapius' poetry ("A Ship at Sea and other Rhymes") says that the name was a pseudonym for the physician Justin Allis Garvin (1886-1946), but something must be wrong because those dates are hard to reconcile with the date of "Coins from a Country Railway Station" (1893), unless Garvin was unusually precocious. The New York Public Library only has a handwritten transcript of one of Lapius' poems about tobacco farming in, of course, the Arents Tobacco Collection. The British Library has none of Lapius' work, so I think his books were only published in the United States. We usually think of "Railroad" as American English and "Railway" as British English, so it's natural to think that a book with the title "Railway" found in Wales was published in Britain, but the truth is that the two terms Railway/ Railroad are used on both sides of the Atlantic, even if Railroad slightly predominates in the United States and Railway slightly predominates in Britain." [ OCLC = Online Computer Library Center http://www.oclc.org/home/ RLIN = Research Libraries Information Network http://www.rlg.org/rlin.html Another web search turned up a reference to a two-page poem by S. Q. Lapius in The New England Magazine on 1895 titled "Along the Dust White River Road" Combining this fact with Len and John's notes lends credence to the supposition that "S. Q. Lapius" was the pen name of a poet/doctor whose real name may have been Justin Allis Garvin. So what does all this mean? For one, you find an amazing amount of information on the Internet these days, but it is only just a start. It can also lead you down blind alleys at the speed of light. The real work still has to be done offline. And there is no substitute for getting a copy of a book in question and reading what's in it. Despite the fact that the book is likely to contain poetry, the numismatic reference still has me curious to see a copy. Here's where the Internet comes in handy again. I located a copy through an online bookseller and ordered it - it turned out not to be expensive. I'll have more to report when the book arrives. -Editor] MEDIEVAL BULGARIAN REFERENCE Regarding the query for a reference on Medieval Bulgarian coinage, Jess Gaylor found a reference to: "A catalogue of Bulgarian medieval coins, 9th-15th centuries (Katalog na bulgarskite srednovekovni moneti IX-XV vek) Radoushev, A\Zhekov, G( ED) 1999. Sofia, 210x290, b/w photos, b/w and colours illus., bibl., In Bulgarian. Hdb, 251pp. Notes: This book is composed on the basis of numismatic material from the largest and fullest private collection of medieval Bulgarian coins, some unique exemplars have been added from the historical museums in Sofia, Bucharest, Belgrade and Skopje. The degree of rarity of every type of coin included in the catalogue is determined by the quantity of exemplars known to the numismatic science so far, and for those with a larger distribution by their percentage content in findings, collections and their presence on the market. The degree of rarity is classified in ten levels and can be used for determining the price of the concrete exemplar, by taking into account its quality. It depends on the degree of preservation, the entirety of the inscription, the centering, the presence of patina, the silvering and the artistic and aesthetic qualities." FORT KNOX Stephen Pradier writes: "I find it strange that the Travel Channel wants to do programming on the Fort Knox Depository. First off, the History Channel had a program where it featured the depository. It was either the one on the U.S. Mint or the one they did on Gold. Second, if you wanted to travel to Kentucky to see it, you would only be able to see it at a distance as no visitors are permitted at the Depository. This policy was adopted when the Depository was established, and is strictly enforced. There is a little information at the U.S. Treasury's web site at http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/currency/fort-knox.html and then again there is information elsewhere on the web. Here is a question/answer from the U.S. Treasury. Question: I want to see the United States' gold reserves. What can you tell me about visiting the United States Bullion Depository at Fort Knox? Answer: Unfortunately, for security reasons, no tours are permitted at the Fort Knox Bullion Depository." Maybe they should just stick to Travel." JAPANESE-AMERICAN INTERNMENT CAMP TOKENS Referring to an ANA "Money Talks" script I once wrote on Japanese-American Internment Camp Tokens, David Klinger writes: "Is there a good reference work on these tokens? I haven't been able to find one." Actually, I don't know of a single-volume specialized reference on these, but believe there are several entries on these tokens in "World War II Remembered. History in your Hands, a Numismatic Study" by Fred Schwan & Joe Boling (BNR Press, 1995). NUMISMATIC ETHICS In response to our prior discussion of numismatic ethics, Henry Bergos writes: "When I still had my fabric store, a fellow came in and asked if I bought coins. I affirmed and he took out about 30 or so coins and Civil War Tokens. My jaw dropped when I looked at the VF 1794 half cent. We agreed on all the others and I told him NUMEROUS times that I would take the 1/2 c and sell it for him on consignment; I couldn't afford it. Numerous times he said that he looked it up and that it was worth $50! Numerous times I told him that it was worth "a hell of a lot more than that". He finally asked me if I want it for $50 or not -- that's what he wants for it. You know where it is. As for finds in numismatic literature, I once found a bookworm in a book. I wanted to return it. ALIVE!" BOOK SALE FINDS Here's a book find of another sort... Ray Williams writes: "All my friends are aware of my addiction to collecting colonial coins. There was one day at work when a co-worker came to me saying his church was having a book sale and there were a few books on coins. He said he'd be willing to bring them in the next day if I might be interested. I said sure... The next day came and John brought in a box with two outdated Red Books, a few auction catalogs and a couple Numismatic News issues. I offered him $10 for the group, looking at it as a charitable donation. He said that the church would have only looked to get 25 Cents each for the material... Years later I became an EAC member, after reading that inspiring introduction that Sheldon wrote in Penny Whimsy. Years later I started collecting colonials and discovered that two of the auction catalogs I bought from the church sale were Early American Coppers sale catalogs, the valuable 1975 and 1976 issues! I figured someone upstairs was rewarding me for the donation!" ISAAC NEWTON, MINTER - AUTISTIC? A recent article in The New Scientist discusses the possibility that Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton had autism. "They were certainly geniuses, but did Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton also have autism? According to autism expert Simon Baron-Cohen, they might both have shown many signs of Asperger syndrome, a form of the condition that does not cause learning difficulties." "Newton seems like a classic case. He hardly spoke, was so engrossed in his work that he often forgot to eat, and was lukewarm or bad-tempered with the few friends he had. If no one turned up to his lectures, he gave them anyway, talking to an empty room. He had a nervous breakdown at 50, brought on by depression and paranoia." Sounds like a few numismatists we know.... http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99993676 FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site was mentioned in the April 2003 issue of Numismatic Views, the journal of the Gulf Coast Numismatic Association, edited by E-Sylum subscriber Nolan Mims of Alabama. Tom Deck wrote: "I now have my large cent collection online... I have found that this is a good way to share it with others while my coins are safe in a bank safe deposit box." http://www.largecents.net/collection/index.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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