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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 6, Number 21, May 25, 2003: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2003, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ERIC! Dave Bowers writes: "Today, May 25th, is Eric P. Newman's 92nd birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ERIC, from all of your friends in the Numismatic Bibliomania Society, and all good wishes for many, many more!" WHAT DOES THE F. C. C. STAND FOR? Internet sleuth Gar Travis helped us answer Darryl Atchison's question about collector F.C.C. Boyd's initials. He located Boyd's great grandson Frederick C.C. Boyd, III, Esq. in Atlanta, GA. The answer? F. C. C. stands for Frederick Charles Cogswell. JOSEPH J. MICKLEY AND THE TURK Karl Moulton writes: "I too, read with interest the letter to the editor in the May 19th edition of Coin World about Joseph J. Mickley and "The Turk, Chess Automaton" by Dr. Gerald M. Levitt. While he offered no information about this connection, from my research about Joseph Mickley, I can only presume that "The Turk" played a catchy musical tune in order to generate the crowd's interest before it was ready to "play" chess. Most likely, Mickley did some musical repairs to the "Turk" at one time or another. Perhaps Dr. Levitt will elaborate further." [I don't recall ever reading anything about The Turk playing music. There are two recent books about The Turk. In addition to Levitt's 2000 publication, "The Turk: The Life and Times of the Famous Eighteenth-Century Chess-Playing Machine" by Tom Standage was published in 2002. Perhaps the answer to Mickley's connection lies in one or both of them. -Editor] Moulton continues: "Most people involved with American numismatics only know the Mickley name in regards to numerous, albeit incorrect, stories regarding Mickley's various coin collecting endeavors. However, long before he became a serious coin collector, he was a musical repairman and maker of piano-forte's in Philadelphia. That was his life's occupation, and he was very good at his chosen field. Interestingly, it was through his association with people in the music field (Herr Joseph Plich) which ultimately allowed him the financial freedom to pursue his interest in coin collecting after May 1841, when he first visited the US Mint with his older brother." MICKLEY BUSINESS JOURNAL FOUND Karl Moulton adds: "I'd also like to announce that I was fortunate to uncover the whereabouts of Joseph Mickley's daily business journal which covers the years from 1840 to 1848. Yes, this is one of the "Missing Masterpieces" that fellow researcher and good friend, Joel Orosz outlined in his Asylum article from Summer 2000, p.73. And NO, this announcement is not an April Fools prank. This is Joseph Mickley in a personal manner, the way in which none of us have ever seen before. It is his daily musical business journal of his many customers, sales, repairs, travels, rents, domestic expenses, etc. This is mid-19th century Americana at its best. There are 573 pages of entries in Mickley's clearly legible handwriting. Copies of this historically important work will be available later this summer for $79. plus $6. S/H. As a special bonus, this reprint will offer Jacob Bunting's (close personal friend of Mickley for decades) 28 page biographical sketch about Mickley, written in 1885. Orders are being taken now and this 600 page reprint is available exclusively through Karl Moulton at numiscats at aol.com" NUMISMATIC TIMES AND TRENDS Peter Mosiondz, Jr.writes: "For an article I intend to submit to Numismatic News on one of their acquisitions in the early 1960's, I need help in locating information on a short-lived publication named "Numismatic Times and Trends". I seem to recall the heavy use of red ink on the front page and columns slanted towards the younger/beginning collector which included me during those times. Help in ascertaining the publication dates of the first and last issue would be helpful. I seem to recall its debut around 1961 and, if memory serves, I believe it lasted but a couple of years. Was it a weekly or bi-weekly? My memory fades on this. Also, to the best of my knowledge, once Krause Publications bought the paper they ceased publication and merely merged some of the features into Numismatic News. Copies of this publication that I could borrow would be appreciated and duly returned. I have placed "buy" ads in the commercial press over the years and have scoured numismatic literature auction catalogs but failed to locate any issues. Perhaps one of our readers can help in my research effort. Thanks so much. Peter Mosiondz, Jr., PO Box 221, Glendora, NJ 08029- 0221; (856) 627-6865; petemos at jersey.net" DANMARKS PAPIR PENGE Bob Knepper writes: "I recently purchased "Danmarks Papir Penge" by Kim Svend Jensen in four paperback volumes dated 1992-1996. Volume 4 implies, in a note at the back, that there will be more volumes. Will appreciate if someone can advise me how many, if any, additional volumes exist." READER'S NOTES Recent monthly issues of of COINage, and the journals of the American Numismatic Society and American Numismatic Association (Numismatist) have a number of interesting items. I won't go into detail, but wanted to point some out. The June 2003 issue of COINage has some interesting background on The Franklin Mint, feature articles on nickels, artist Marcel Jovine, and an article by David Alexander on collector Farran Zerbe. The Spring ANS publication features "The Renaissance of the French Cast Medal." The May 2003 Numismatist has information on the upcoming Summer Seminar, an article by Ed Rochette on Samuel Pepys visit to the Royal Mint in 1663, David Sklow's piece on the ANA's electrum membership medals. On the library's "wish list" is "Das Deutsche Notgeld" by A. Keller, 1977. If anyone has a copy to donate of sell, please contact librarian Nancy Green. SKALBE COUNTERSTAMPS Dave Wnuck writes: "Pete Smith asked for information on a coin that had been counterstamped by "J E Skalb". It is actually the work of current coin dealer James E. Skalbe, who runs Colonial Trading Company, Inc. in Boston, MA. Jim makes a habit of counterstamping cull and damaged coins (usually U.S. large cents, from what I have seen) for free distribution at his table. I have a question for Pete: Where can I buy a copy of his "Names with Notes"?" John Kraljevich writes: "I'm sure others will reply, but Pete Smith's counterstamp was made by Jim Skalbe, the still-very- much-alive colonial coins specialist who was once partnered with Russ Smith as Colonial Trading Company. The J.E. Skalbe Numismatist stamps are also known on low grade large cents, colonial Canadian tokens, and other such low-end junk box material. I can only imagine Jim's response upon discovering that he was the subject of a research inquiry!" Rich Hartzog adds: "James E Skalbe is a well-known numismatist of Winthrop, MA, who worked for Worthy Coin and Colonial Trading Co. I've known him since 1975, a member (or former member) of ANA, CWTS, TAMS, CSNS, ANS, CNA, EAC, APIC, APS, FUN, etc." Ken Barr writes: "According to a prominent EACer I know, J. E. "Jim" Skalbe is a contemporary Boston numismatist, presumably still counterstamping worn and damaged 19th century coins for use as personal/business cards ... Many exonumists (myself included) have reportedly been quite excited to discover this "vintage, unlisted" counterstamp only to find out the Real Story later ... The following links illustrate two Skalbe-counterstamped coins a holed 1858 Seated Liberty quarter, and a well-worn British large penny." http://www.kenbarr.com/JPGS/skalbe1.jpg http://www.kenbarr.com/JPGS/skalbe2.jpg" Ray Williams writes: "Jim Skalbe is the current Region 1 C4 Vice President. He is the Colonial Trading Co , 101 Tremont St, Suite 501, Boston 02108. Jim has counterstamped many coins and given them out at conventions over the years. Hope this helps Pete and I'm assuming the counterstamp is not another numismatist's due to the slight difference in the spelling of the name. [The counterstamp is SKALBE, but Pete's letter referenced SCALB. We were innundated with responses from all points of the compass - the above are just a sampling. Mr. Skalbe is well known around the hobby. -Editor] MEDAL REFERENCES Alan Luedeking writes: "I read with interest Mr. Atchison's request for Spanish, French and Dutch references concerning medals given to North American indian chiefs. I can recommend one which fits the bill for all three and then some, this being José Toribio Medina's last major numismatic work, published at Buenos Aires in 1924, "Medallas Europeas Relativas a América." As the title implies, it is a compendium of European medals relating to America, and as such includes a few examples of medals having to do with indians, if not necessarily chiefs, though a cursory glance revealed one listing for a medal for the indian chiefs of Cumaná in the reign of Phillip V, however, that's a far cry from North America. Nevertheless, there are also French medals for indians in Canada. With three excellent indexes, the book is very easy to use and heavily illustrated. One of the indexes references everything alphabetically by personal and tribal names, another by topics (i.e. geographical, ships, battles, etc.), and the last by country, including, besides the desired three, those of Italy, Portugal, Germany, and Sweden, all of which also had dealings with America over the centuries. Although quite scarce, this book is not among the hardest to obtain of the great Medina's works; in fact, I believe there is an example upcoming in Kolbe's next sale. I also glanced through my Scholten for Dutch overseas colonies but this work concentrates only on coins. Ditto for Zay and Mazard regarding French colonies." MORE ON INTERNMENT CAMP TOKENS Bob Leonard writes: "In addition to Crystal City tokens, there was a series in gray fiber reading DEPT. OF JUSTICE/ I. & N. SERVICE around INTERNEE/ CANTEEN, with value on reverse. See "Internment Camp Tokens" by Jack F. Burns, The Numismatist, May, 1962, pp. 586-7. These were issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and were for enemy ALIENS, not the Japanese-American internees from the West Coast. Burns lists denominations of 1c, 5c, and 25c. I have a partial set consisting of 1c, 5c, and $1 in my collection. (Presumably a 50c was issued also.)" BOWERS, BOWERS, AND BOWERS Karl Moulton writes: "The mention of George Bowers could use further clarification. This was George W. Bowers, who is not to be confused with the other George Bowers, from Camden, Arkansas, who joined the ANA in 1953, #21285. I can find no reference confirming that George W. Bowers ever belonged to the ANA, yet he was an active collector of numismatic books and most likely a nice collection of American coins. The mention that "the truly rare stuff went for a song" at the local West Virginia auction is quite accurate. Out of the 20,000 or so volumes in the collection, I was fortunate enough to end up with one of the great rarities from the Bowers holdings. Apparently, Bowers was a good customer of Wayte Raymond in the 1920's. A confirmation of this, was that he had a nice original, regular edition 1925 Ard W. Browning book on U. S. Quarters. However, the best "find" was the 1928 Wayte Raymond publication "United States Gold Coins of the Philadelphia and Branch Mints." It is only the second example traced of the Deluxe Leatherbound Interleaved Edition with George W. Bowers' name imprinted in gilt on the front cover. The book is in Near Mint condition and autographed by Raymond on the title page. It is marked copy "E" of a presumed run of 10 (according to an ad in the Feb. 1931 Numismatist). It originally sold for $15., which was a rather lofty price for a coin book during the depression. The only other copy that has come to the market was William C. Atwater's fine copy which was sold in George Kolbe's February 1990 sale, lot 451, for $1650. on an estimate of $500. [I was referring to some of the coins, which went for a song according to one dealer who attended the sale. I recall him saying he purchased a high-grade Continental Dollar for about 10% of its retail value at the time. -Editor] THE MOREAU HOARD OF POSTAGE STAMP ENVELOPES David Gladfelter writes: "The leading reference today on Civil War postage stamp envelopes is Milton Friedberg's series, "Catalog of Enveloped Postage," that ran in 11 consecutive issues of Paper Money from 1993 to 1995. I don't know whether he has published this series as a book. Only selected specimens were illustrated in this series, but I still have a draft of his manuscript that illustrates them all. Through the cooperation of Dave Bowers I was able to get a photocopy of every specimen in the Moreau hoard about which H. R. Drowne wrote (the Moreau hoard was eventually consigned to Bowers & Merena, I believe by John Ford, and sold at auction). I have made up a catalog of the Moreau hoard with a page for each envelope, for my own use, it has not been published. Milton Friedberg's personal collection of these envelopes was sold at auction by Currency Auctions of America who published a special hardbound edition of this catalog. I have corresponded with Milton but never met him in person, and I carry his catalog to the bigger shows in hopes that our paths will eventually cross. It was a real pleasure assisting him with the Paper Money series." Fred Reed, Editor PAPER MONEY writes: "Civil War stamp envelopes were admirably cataloged by Milt Friedberg in Paper Money a while back. They were illustrated and serialized over a two year period (11 issues) in these issues of Paper Money: Friedberg, Milton R. Catalog of enveloped postage, illus 1993 vol 32, whole no. 168 pp 188ff 1994 vol 33, whole no. 169 pp 22ff 1994 vol 33, whole no. 170 pp 54ff 1994 vol 33, whole no. 171 pp 98ff 1994 vol 33, whole no. 172 pp 138ff 1994 vol 33, whole no. 173 pp 170ff 1994 vol 33, whole no. 174 pp 208ff 1995 vol 34, whole no. 175 pp 27ff 1995 vol 34, whole no. 176 pp 65ff 1995 vol 34, whole no. 177 pp 109ff 1995 vol 34, whole no. 179 pp 198ff" MORRIS' MIRRORS An article in a local paper mentioned an interesting tidbit about Robert Morris, the financier of the American revolution. It came from a book by Eleanor Young titled "Forgotten Patriot: Robert Morris." As a founder of first Bank of North America, a forerunner of the Federal Reserve System, Morris knew "... there was always a danger that investors would make a run on the bank and deplete its store of gold and silver coin. And so, according to biographer Eleanor Young, Morris fitted the bank vault with mirrors that "multiplied the coins, dazzling the eyes of the spectators." Having seen such wealth, the public felt no need to withdraw any of it." For the full text of the article, see: http://www.pghcitypaper.com/archives/newsarch/ask/ask03/ya052103.html IRAQI "SWISS DINARS" On Tuesday, May 20, The Wall Street Journal provided an update on the Iraqi currency situation. See The E-Sylum v6#07, February 16, 2003 for the original discussion. "Eager to stabilize Iraq's shattered economy, the Bush administration wants the country to print a fresh supply of its pre-1991 Gulf War currency -- the last national bank notes free of Saddam Hussein's portrait -- and expand their use nationwide." "...they say the best course is to replace existing "Saddam dinars" with a new issue of "Swiss dinars." Since 1990, the Swiss dinar, so called because of its stability, has circulated only in the Kurdish north, an area not under Mr. Hussein's control. One option the Treasury is considering is printing new notes on existing presses in Baghdad, if they are operational. The drawback is that the presses apparently produce low-quality bills; the Saddam dinars have an almost-homemade appearance that facilitates counterfeiting." WHISTLIN' DIXIE Chick Ambrass writes: "While visiting my daughter in Richmond, VA, we visited the Tredegar Iron Works on the banks of the James River. This facility was in existence pre-Civil War, and at it's biggest during WWII. They made machinery and various parts, ordinance, and their Civil War specialty was cannon. It is now a Civil War Museum. At the gift shop, I purchased a book entitled: THE CIVIL WAR - STRANGE AND FASCINATING FACTS, written by Burke Davis, author of GRAY FOX . It makes for light and easy reading. It has a lot of short (1-2 pages) chapters, not going into depth on much of anything. One fun chapter told the story of how the south got the nickname "DIXIE". I had heard the story before but was pleasantly reminded. A Louisiana bank had printed $10 notes, and because of the French influence they had the french word for "10", "dix" on the reverse. Hence these became known as "dixie notes". The reference to south came in 1859, when song writer Daniel Emmett wrote the song: "I wish I was in Dixie's Land". In 1861 it was played at a procession for the just inducted President Jefferson Davis. On April 8, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln was on a paddle boat, the River Queen in harbor. An Army band boarded and began to serenade. After a couple of numbers, Lincoln turned to another guest, and asked: "have you heard the Rebel song, Dixie?" The guest shook his head. Lincoln replied; "The tune is now Federal Property, and it's good to show the Rebels that with us in power, they will be free to hear it again. It has always been a favorite of mine, and since we've captured it, we have a perfect right to enjoy it." MORE ON ANNOTATIONS Fred Reed writes: "Regarding. your discussion of adding context or interpretation to the printed word: I do it prodigiously. I don't read without a pen or pencil at hand. Underlining is useless for the most part, but commenting, including posing questions or debating points in narrative is a must. I call the work product "interlinear" (in other words "between the lines") and if I recall correctly that stems from my graduate school days and reading Lawrence Durrell's ALEXANDRIA QUARTET. Durrell's magical four books weave and interweave, layer upon layer, interpretation upon interpretation, leaving more reality than mere facts alone. A vintage pristine book is like an old maid . . . wasted opportunity." Henry Bergos writes: "Regarding "marginalia": New books that have short print runs I will never write in. I usually have a piece of paper in the book with any marks that I may want referencing the place and the notation. On the other hand I have made notations in "common" books with errors. Mark them for the next person! I also spent a few hours attributing a large cent "some years ago" and couldn't find it. I had 5 books on the table and couldn't find this coin with the large cud that I was sure would be listed. Finally I took out Andrews, and there it was!! I marked this in the margin of my Sheldon, gently in pencil." LONGS-ROULLET BOOKBINDERS David Lange writes: "Alain Roullet was the binder for the first edition of my Buffalo Nickel book. The entire print run was perfect bound, so all hardcover copies were produced after the fact, being ordered as needed. Alain was recommended to me by my publisher, and he created several varieties of cloth bindings in red, brown and black, respectively. This was not my intent, but he evidently used whatever colors were available when an order was placed. The font size for the title also varied, particularly with the brown covers, which were produced in slightly greater numbers. I also commissioned him to create the deluxe edition. This consisted of just six copies bound in leather, with actual Buffalo Nickels mounted heads and tails on the front cover. While these books certainly gained some novelty and rarity value, I elected to go with a more conventional presentation for my later books. I found Alain's work to be satisfactory, given the reasonable cost, but I've used Alan Grace for all subsequent bindings. The coins on the cover idea was never repeated." ALAN GRACE Joe Boling writes: "On the subject of bookbinders, is Alan Grace no longer working? I had him rebind some volumes for me and was very pleased with the work. (Most are now in the ANA library.)" NEW ANTI-COUNTERFEITING DEVICE? Len Augsberger writes: "For those who missed it, David Letterman featured one of the new $20 notes on his program this past week. Splitting the bill in half, he removed a "moist towelette" from the inside of the bill, "virtually impossible" to counterfeit, according to Mr. Letterman. [Len adds: "Wayne, you mistakenly gave me credit for David Klinger's note." Oops - I should stop working on the E-Sylum at midnight. Sorry. -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is an old favorite. Ed Krivoniak came across it while researching Bungtown tokens on the web. He writes: "I came across this site at Notre Dame. It seems that they have a fully researched coin collection in their possession. They also have the Vlack plates and a few others on the site." http://www.coins.nd.edu/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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