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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 6, Number 41, October 12, 2003: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2003, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. CANADIAN NUMISMATIC BIBLIOGRAPHY DEADLINE Darryl Atchison writes: "the deadline is rapidly approaching for people to order the new Canadian Numismatic Bibliography at pre-publication prices. If anyone needs ordering instructions again or any further information, they can contact either myself at atchisondf at hotmail.com or Ron Greene at ragreene at telus.net. Thank you." JOHN KRALJEVICH INTERVIEW NBS Board member John Kraljevich was featured in a Washington Post article last Sunday, October 5th. "I've always had an interest in history, and I've always liked money. When I was 7 years old I went to Europe, and instead of buying souvenirs, I collected coins from each country and put them in a little album." "There's not a coin that passes through my hands that I don't look at. I do collect the state quarters. I put away the first I find -- not the nicest or the prettiest, just the first." To read the full article, see: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A33979-2003Oct2.html NEW 20'S SPOTTED YET? The new U.S. $20 notes were to be released into circulation this week, but your editor has yet to see any. I asked at a local bank only to be told they would have them "sometime in November." Have any of our E-Sylum subscribers seen a new $20 in circulation yet? MINT BUILDING INFO SOUGHT Mark Borckardt of Bowers and Merena writes: "I am working on preparations for an ANA Summer Seminar class on the history of the second United States Mint and branch mints. As part of this class, I want to discuss the physical building, construction thereof, and a floor plan. Do you or any E-sylum members have such information or know where the same is located? I have found a few clues and may need to recreate the actual floor plan as close as possible. AM Smith?s history of the Mint has a ?tour? of the mint, letting us know that the entry hall is round, the coining department encompassed nearly all of the east side of the first floor, etc. Another article appeared in an issue of Harper?s Monthly with a similar guided tour of the mint building, telling us for instance that the coining department was separated in the middle by a walkway with iron fences. This is illustrated in Harper?s. I have seen floor plans of the first Mint building, but not the second. I am also planning a trip to the old New Orleans Mint building to sketch a floor plan. My understanding is that the physical New Orleans Mint building is virtually unchanged from the days of coinage production, and that it is known what each room in the building was used for!" [See The E-Sylum, v6n32 (August 10, 2003) for mention of "A History of the United States Mint, New Orleans, Louisiana" by Charles J. Collins Jr. -Editor] 1986 JOHN J. FORD VAULT ARTICLE One interesting side aspect of the John J. Ford collection being auctioned by Stack's is the way in which it was housed for many years. In 1986 Coin World published an article titled "Ford has special shelter for sale" which described Ford's fallout shelter turned numismatic vault/workroom. Since he was moving from the New York area to Arizona, Ford's old house and shelter were up for sale. The 187-ton nuclear blast shelter, designed to survive a 10 megaton five-mile surface blast, was later converted by Ford into "a quiet, comfortable place to sort and list coins and things." The August 6th article was followed up by an article by Ford himself on October 8th (from which the above quote was taken). U.S. COLONIAL COIN FOUND IN BRITAIN Gar Travis sent an Associated Press article dated October 8th about an "exceptionally rare American coin found in Britain." "The rare New England silver sixpence turned up when relatives of a deceased British man were rummaging through his belongings. They sent it to an expert for identification. ''It just came through the post in an unregistered envelope but when I opened it I recognized the sixpence straight away and my heart leapt. It is exceedingly rare and a very exciting find,'' said Rick Coleman, the senior valuer at Bonhams auctioneers." CATALOGUING FUN Reading auction lot descriptions can be enlightening and amusing. We note a couple items from the September 26, 2003 sale by Heritage's Currency Auctions of America. Lot 1046 is a 25 cent New York, NY scrip note which "bears one of the great all time vignettes used on any scrip note, depicting a crowd of thin, almost stick figures, rushing to enter the establishment, while from the other door pours a group of obviously well fed and corpulent individuals, no doubt sated after dining at this eatery." (Pettit & Crook, Harris 872) The cataloguer describes lot 1082, a 25 cent notes from Archibald & John C. Blue as "an interesting notes from the Blue's brothers, printed, quite appropriately, in blue." WALDO C. MOORE HALLOWEEN SCRIP Appropriately for the season, the October 6, 2003 issue of The Numismatic Perspective (Issue #4) by American Numismatic Galleries features an article by Frank Van Valen about "Halloween Carnival Currency" produced by Ohio numismatist Waldo C. Moore from about 1912 through 1933. CALICO, CALICO & TRIGO BOOK SOUGHT Granvyl Hulse, Numismatics International librarian writes: "In reply to my query regarding Ferran Calico, Xavier Calico, and Joaquin Trigo's "Monedas Espanolas desde Felipe IV a Isabel II 1621 a 1868" someone mentioned that it was still in print in a later edition. We have been asked to find out where this later edition could be purchased. Does anyone in the E-Sylum group know who is selling current copies? Thanks." MORE HAITIAN NUMISMATIC SALES Mike Knight writes: "I just stumbled across your website and noticed the recent correspondence on Haitian coinage. I have a copy of a Sotheby Wilkinson & Hodge sale 18 Feb 1907, that contains the TW Kitt of Woodbridge Road, Guildford collection of Haitian material. Lot 182 contained 201 coins plus 15 medals in gold. silver and copper. The following lot contained his collection of paper currency, a letter from Henri Cristophe, postage stamps, and a book of postcards (124 items in all)." WORLD COLLECTORS ORGANIZATION? Granvyl Hulse writes: "Is there any such organization known as the "World Collectors Association?" It supposedly has branches around the world." SO THIS BUFFALO WALKS INTO A BAR... Submitted by Dick Johnson: A buffalo with only three legs walks into a coin shop. He sees a 3-Legged Buffalo Nickel in the dealer's case of coins for sale. "I posed for that," boasted the buffalo. "No you didn't," said the coin dealer, "it was created by sculptor Fraser. The missing leg was due to a filled die in the press at the Denver Mint." "Denver has a Mint?" asks the buffalo. "Ever since 1906!" exclaimed the coin dealer. "Where is it?" asked the buffalo, and the dealer gives the address to the buffalo. A month later the buffalo shows up at what he thinks is the Denver Mint having walked all the way on his three legs. But he didn't remember the exact address and had showed up instead at a saloon down the street. "I lost a leg here in 1937," the buffalo told the saloon keeper, "I want it back." The buffalo raises the stump of his front leg. The saloon keeper paused for a minute, then walked away. He came back with a platter of deep fried meat. "Here," said the saloon keeper, "we don't have your leg, but I see you lost your wings as well!" QUIZ: THREE-LEGGED BUFFALO DISCOVERER We haven't had a quiz question in some time, so here goes: Who is credited with the discovery of the 3-legged buffalo nickel variety, and when did this occur? -Editor LIVING AT THE POST OFFICE Gar Travis saw the following exchange on the Moneta-L mailing list "and thought the "chuckle" was worthy to share...." "Does anyone have a phone number or another email (other than the email provided by "customer service") for Elibron book co.? I ordered a book." - Rob Thank you John, I just received an email from them that the book was returned from my PO box address because "nobody lived there." What the ----? "I responded that indeed, nobody lives there; it's too small." -Rob FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is about an early contemporary reference to the chopmarking of coins in China. http://www.sycee-on-line.com/Chopmark_publication.htm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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