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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 6, Number 50, November 23, 2003: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2003, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. LAKE BOOKS SALE 71 PRL AVAILABLE Fred Lake writes: "The prices realized list is now posted to our web site at: http://www.lakebooks.com/archive.html After opening that page, scroll down (or press the "2003" link) to sale #71. Due to our travel plans this week and the Thanksgiving holiday next week, our usual "speedy" packing and shipping of lots to the winning bidders will be a bit slower. Many thanks to all of our bidders for making this a most interesting sale. Our next sale will be held on January 20, 2004 and will feature Part III of the library of Dr. William E. Hopkins. Excellent reference material in the field of ancient numismatics will be highlighted." BYRON KANZINGER Regarding token author Byron Kanzinger, David Gladfelter writes: "To know him was to like and admire him. Although terminally ill and he knew it, he called upon all of his energy to provide leadership to the Civil War Token Society in his typically upbeat manner. He wanted to do all that he could, knowing that he didn't have much time to do it, so he got right to work, leading by example. He got as much out of the hobby as anyone I know and made many friends along the way." Dick Doty writes: "Having been blessed with a melanoma myself, that hit home. But thirty-two is obscene..." CANADIAN NUMISMATIC BIBLIOGRAPHY DEADLINE Darryl Atchison writes: "The pre-publication deadline has passed but if anyone wishes to enquire if they can still get in under the wire, they should contact Ron Greene at ragreene at telus.net. I cannot make any promises, however." [The cutoff date for ordering the new Canadian Numismatic Bibliography had been pushed back from October 15th to November 15th. -Editor] LIBERTAS AMERICANA REPLICA INFO SOUGHT John W. Adams writes: Back in the early 1960's, Stanley Apflebaum of FCI ran a promotion on replicas of the Libertas Americana medal. Does anyone in the readership possess one of these replicas and/or have literature relevant to the offering of these items? This information could prove helpful to the Comitia American survey that I am doing in conjunction with the Massachusetts Historical Society. Thanks for your help. (jadams at ahh.com)" 1910 PATTERN CASE INFO SOUGHT Roger W. Burdette writes: "Saul Teichman referred me to you on the following subject: Can anyone tell me anything about a legal case involving pattern coins (legality of private ownership?) that was being handled in Philadelphia in September 1910? I did a search of Lexus/Nexus but their database does not go back that far. Probably the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (Federal Court) - possibly NNN vs MacVeagh, or NNN vs United States. I found a reference to it in a letter from A Piatt Andrew (Asst Treas Sec) to William Woodin. (There are also other letters with reference to a pending "pattern decision" by Andrew. This appears to be part of a larger US Mint issue in 1910 involving pattern coins and dies. Thanks!" ADDING CYPRUS AND MALTA TO DESIGN OF EURO NOTES An article from the Reuters news service on November 7th describes an upcoming change to the design of the Euro notes. "If the designs on euro notes now in the pockets of millions of Europeans are to be believed, Cyprus and Malta have sunk. But the two Mediterranean islands are due to join the European Union next year and now want their inadvertent omission from the notes, which feature maps of the continent, set right. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?storyID=3777140 DROOLING DOLLAR Regarding the "drooling dollar" question, Joe Boling was the first to respond with an answer. Neil Shafer chimed in soon with some additional detail: Joe writes: "Nepal, several denominations (2, 100, 500, 1000 rupees, Pick numbers 29, 34, 35, 36). The two low denominations carry little premium for the "drooling" variety; the two higher denominations are priced more than double for the early variety (so is the 2 rupee, but the difference is only $1.50)." Neil writes: "The "drooling dollars" are from Nepal. King Birendra Bir Bikram's first notes, issued in 1981, did show him with what is thought to be a line of "drool" coming from his lower lip on some notes, specifically the 2,100, 500 and 1000 rupees. The Standard Catalog of World Paper Money lists two varieties of the 2 and 100-rupee notes, with and without the drooling line. As far as we know, the others with the drooling line were not issued in the corrected version. The 5, 10, 20 and 50 rupees were not issued with the drooling line. There is only a slight premium on the 2-rupee drool piece, and even less on the 100." NEW BOOK ON BULGARIAN COUNTERFEITS A new book has been published on the counterfeits of ancient coins emanating from present-day Bulgaria. From the press release by Eugeni Paunov & Ilya Prokopov, Sofia, Bulgaria: "We have the pleasure to announce the recent publication of a new book: "Modern Counterfeits and Replicas of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins from Bulgaria", by Ilya PROKOPOV, Kostadin KISSYOV and Eugeni PAUNOV., in English, format 16°, 78 pp., glossy black paperback, 192 coins in bronze, silver and gold. Sofia, September 2003. ISBN 954-91396.1.1. Publisher's price per single copy: Euro / USD 20,-- (P&P not included), /or USD ~23. with P&P to America/. [Retail price discount available for distributors and larger orders]. This is a second booklet on the counterfeits of ancient coins from present-day Bulgaria. In 1997, a team of three co-authors lead by Dr Prokopov prepared and edited a first small book of fake coins, which was subsequently published in Sofia. It covered a large group of contemporary fakes of ancient Greek and Roman coins from Bulgaria ? 204 specimens in gold, silver and bronze. The present catalogue is the result of that first booklet. The authors prepared the second book in 1998 in the same format. It was not until 2003 that a publisher for this book was found. Prior to publication it was necessary to edit and reformat the manuscript - this publication is the result of that work and reflects information gathered up to the spring of 2003. In this small format (22.5x14.5 cm) catalogue is published a large group of modern forgeries of ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins coming from Bulgaria. 192 coins in gold, silver, copper and bronze are catalogued and illustrated with nice black&white photos in chronological and geographic principle. From the total number, 112 specimens are Greek (2 in gold, the remainder in silver); 78 Roman (Republican - 5 denarii and a gold coin of 60 asses; Imperial - 18 in gold, 34 in silver, 5 in bronze, including 5 interesting 4th c. AD? multipla/medallions in gold and silver), as well as 2 Byzantine pieces. A special section of the catalogue is devoted to a group of 77 modern fakes of Thasian type Celtic/Thracian imitation tetradrachms, all in silver. For the first time, 8 sets of modern steel dies for striking of Roman Republican and Imperial coins are illustrated and commented. A comprehensive 5-pages introduction provides background information about the phenomenon of modern coin forgery production in Bulgaria. The patterns, technology and workshops known are discussed as well as some up-to-date references quoted. Publication is devoted to serve to professional numismatists and amateur collectors and make familiar with the modern fake types of ancient coins. Such imitations are offering for sale in museum giftshops as replicas and souvenirs in Bulgaria and in the West and North America for use in coin jewelry. The series will include a third issue with more than 119 additional forgeries. We will be glad to accept orders from interested individuals and institutions. SP & P Publications Ltd. Mr Stoyan POPOV Sofia BG-1000, BULGARIA e-mail: ccchbg at abv.bg tel/.fax: +359-2-718630. JOHN FORD TAPE AND CHARLESTON SLAVE TAGS Gathering dust in your editor's home office were a set of audio cassette tapes. They appeared to be unlabeled but inside the case were notes I'd made indicating that they were from a previous American Numismatic Association convention. "I'll label these properly when I have some time," I surely said to myself, and of course, the time never came. I believe further research will confirm that these are from the Baltimore convention in 1993. The note with this tape indicated it was a recording of John J. Ford speaking at 4pm Thursday, probably as part of the Numismatic Theatre. I listened to it in my car over the course of a couple days, and although it was hard to hear parts of the talk, it was very interesting and informative. One part of the talk touched on coins as an investment, and he mentioned the 1881-S Morgan Dollar, which is plentiful in high grades. "I handled 127 bags of 1881-S dollars. That's 127,000 coins. They aren't rare." [I'm paraphrasing here - this isn't a transcript of his exact words.] As an example of something he collects that IS rare, Ford mentioned Charleston, S.C. slave tags. Ford had been accumulating these for years at $100-$200 apiece. His collection of slave tags was about to be auctioned by Stacks, and Ford estimated they would bring $1,000-$2,000 apiece. For reference, here are links to some interesting web pages about the badges. http://charleston.net/stories/022403/loc_24badges.shtml http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/smithsonian/issues03/feb03/object.html http://www.atlantahistorycenter.com/turningpoint/pages/6.3.htm http://www.wakeforestcoins.com/slave%20badges/slave%20badges.htm At the Stack's sale, I believe some slave tags brought considerably more than Ford's estimates. Ford's other topics included dealer B. Max Mehl, Ford's discovery of Walter Breen, and a brazen broad-daylight theft of rare early American medals from the New-York Historical Society. ANA HALL OF FAME In response to last week's question about the American Numismatic Association Hall of Fame, Chris Fuccione quickly located the information on the ANA web site. I suspected it could be found there. Gail Baker, the ANA's Education Director, also responded quickly. She writes: "The ANA Hall of Fame with a listing of all the inductees is in the ANA web site (www.money.org) at http://www.money.org/halloffame.html" The following is from the web page: "To perpetuate and enshrine the names of the most important numismatists of all time, the American Numismatic Association established the Numismatic Hall of Fame at its headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The brainchild of Jack W. Ogilvie, a Hollywood film writer and editor who served as ANA historian from 1950 to 1970, the Numismatic Hall of Fame was created in August 1964. A constitution and bylaws were drafted that year, and the first inductees were named in 1969. The next group was enshrined in 1970, with subsequent honorees inducted every two years thereafter." S.I.N. ARCHIVES PRESERVED In response to my query, "What is to become of your archives?", Phil Iverson of the Society for International Numismatics writes: "We have preserved all the files of our history that we could including all the publications that we know of. Several years ago we donated our library to the Getty Museum here in Los Angeles. We plan to donate whatever money we have left at the end of this year to the ANA to be used for young numismatists. Hopefully, our name and memory will continue on..." DENVER MINT TOURS In last week's item about the Denver Mint, it was noted that "tours for schoolchildren still can be arranged, but adults hoping to see the mint must ask their congressman to arrange a visit." Gail Baker reports a third option: "attend the ANA Summer Seminar! We have arranged a fabulous optional floor tour of the Denver Mint for Friday, July 9, 2004." FRANKLIN MINT ARTICLE LINKS Dick Johnson writes: "The two links in this week's item on Franklin Mint both led to a dead end. Both led to delcotimes.com but neither had a Franklin Mint story. Perhaps for this daily it changes text that often. FM now is old news for them. I searched for their archive news stories but could not find them. Perhaps this is a persistent problem in giving out news links. It ain't there when you want it. Even a day or two later. I am also leery of putting any Internet address in any published book -- or citing this in any bibliography. How long will it be available? It is always questionable. I just read that CD technology will be obsolete in five years (before I had the chance to get my directory published in print and available on CDs!) This is frustrating. But it does point out the certitude of a bound book. As long as there are human eyeballs, the technology will always exist for downloading the printed page!" David Gladfelter unlocked the secret of the missing pages. Go to http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/ Click on "Articles last 7 days" Choose "Go to articles older than 7 days" Type "Andrew Cassel" in subject box Click GO to find his column for Nov. 14. [The broken link problem is a never-ending battle for web publishers. That's why I like to quote key sections of articles or web pages referenced in The E-Sylum. At least the quoted text will remain in the E-Sylum archives even if it disappears 10 minutes later from the original web page. I believe most citations meet the "fair use" criteria for copyrighted works, but when in doubt I do prefer to err on side of over-quoting. We'll be happy to retract or expunge anything the original author objects to, but in six years of editing The E-Sylum, this hasn't happened yet. -Editor] URBAN LEGEND, RIGHT? A bank story making the rounds of the Internet recently: "A thief burst into a Florida bank one day wearing a ski mask and carrying a gun. Aiming his gun at the guard, the thief yelled, "FREEZE, MOTHER-STICKERS, THIS IS A ****-UP!" For a moment, everyone was silent. Then the sniggers started. The security guard completely lost it and doubled over laughing. It probably saved his life, because he'd been about to draw his gun. He couldn't have drawn and fired before the thief got him. The thief ran away and is still at large. In memory of the event, the banker later put a plaque on the wall engraved with the words, "Freeze, mother-stickers, this is a ****-up!" FEATURED WEB PAGE In light of this week's anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, this week's featured web page discusses the 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar. "The story of the Kennedy half dollar?s inception is perhaps best told in the words of then Chief Engraver of the United States Mint, the late Gilroy Roberts: "Shortly after the tragedy of President Kennedy's death, November 22, 1963, Miss Eva Adams, the Director of the Mint, telephoned me at the Philadelphia Mint and explained that serious consideration was being given to placing President Kennedy's portrait on a new design U.S. silver coin and that the quarter dollar, half dollar or the one dollar were under discussion. A day or so later, about November 27, Miss Adams called again and informed me that the half dollar had been chosen for the new design, that Mrs. Kennedy did not want to replace Washington's portrait on the quarter dollar. Also it had been decided to use the profile portrait that appears on our Mint list medal for President Kennedy and the President's Seal that has been used on the reverse of this and other Mint medals. This work was undertaken immediately, Gilroy Roberts sculpting the portrait obverse, while his longtime Assistant Engraver, Frank Gasparro, prepared the reverse model bearing the presidential seal." http://www.ecoinprices.com/kennedy-halves.htm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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