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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 19, May 9, 2004: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE Among recent new subscribers is Jim Lucas, the marketing & communications director at the American Numismatic Association, courtesy of David Sklow. Welcome aboard! We now have 658 subscribers. KOLBE FORD AUCTION CATALOGUES George Kolbe writes: "As of Monday May 3rd, the last of the June 1, 2004 John J. Ford, Jr. Library auction sale catalogues went out in the mail. Those not currently on our mailing list may order a printed catalogue by sending $35.00 ($37.71 for California residents) to George Frederick Kolbe. P. O. Drawer 3100, Crestline, CA 92325-3100. Supplies are limited. We are also pleased to announce that, for the first time, a fully illustrated catalogue is accessible at our web site: www.numislit.com, along with an unillustrated version as usual. Comments are invited. Those wishing to attend the sale are advised that, subject to availability, special room rates may still be available at the Mission Inn. Please visit our web site for further information." NBS ASYLUM ADVERTISERS WANTED David F. Fanning, Editor-in-Chief of our print journal writes: "I am soliciting ads for both the Spring and Summer 2004 issues of The Asylum, the quarterly journal of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. While the Spring issue will be a normal issue of the journal, I'd like to remind everyone that the Summer issue will be a special issue to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the organizational meeting of our Society. The special Summer issue will be considerably larger in size than a normal issue (at least 150 pages and perhaps a good deal more) and the plan is to publish a special limited edition hardcover version as well as the usual card-covered version. It will feature outstanding research from bibliophiles and researchers from across the globe, with a special emphasis on works of the highest quality. Ad rates for the Spring issue are the same as usual: $60 for a full page, $30 for a half page. Ad rates for the special Summer issue are $100 per page (no half page rate available). We would like all advertising materials for both of these issues as soon as possible. If you have questions about the technical requirements, please contact Editor Tom Fort at etfort at comcast.net. Thank you for your support of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society." E-SYLUM AND ITS MEMBERS AMONG THE BEST Peter Koch writes: "The Internet is populated with sites offering regularly updated information to its visitors. "Updates made weekly, be sure to visit us often." Unfortunately, it's a promise that's tough to keep. Revisits to many of these sites reveal no new information, or that no one has updated the site in any way for months, or longer. Disappointing, but one can understand. Anyone who's been involved in producing a periodical under a deadline knows, it ain't easy. That this newsletter has maintained a flawless published schedule at such a high level of quality is vibrant testimony to the marvelous collation of unique, enabling subject matter, knowledgeable members and contributors, and the commitment and tireless efforts of our editor. Amazing. The E-Sylum is well written, looks good and always informative. If there's another timely, superb resource in numismatics as good as this one, I truly would like to know. It's been more than a month since I posted a request for a copy of John Ford's 1957 Obituary of Wayte Raymond. No less than three subscribers came to my aid. I want to publicly thank David Gladfelter, Bill Malkmus and a special thanks to Bill Swoger for the speed of light in producing scanned images of the obit on my monitor. Fantabulous! My genuine thanks." BOOK AUCTION TO BENEFIT THE A.N.S. George Kolbe writes: "On August 19, 2004 we will be conducting donated book auction to benefit the Francis D. Campbell Library Chair at the American Numismatic Society. 1. We need your book donations with an average value of $300 each 2. We need you to attend and bid wildly Place: Tambellini's Restaurant (easy walking distance from the ANA Convention) cocktails: 5:15 p.m. followed by dinner & Auction Tickets: $50.00 each, reservations to: John Adams 60 State Street, 12th floor Boston, MA 02109 jadams at ahh.com Books: Send to George Kolbe by the end of May P.O. Drawer 3100, Crestline, CA 92325." [I scouted the location and made the reservations. It's a nice old-time Pittsburgh Italian restaurant in the Cultural District, just a few blocks from the convention center. As noted in an earlier E-Sylum, I've contributed a few lots to the sale. I'm looking forward to the dinner and auction - it should be a fun and relaxing evening for a great cause. Please consider donating some material via George, and get your dinner reservatinons into John early. We're looking forward to seeing many of you there. -Editor] NBS ACTIVITIES IN PITTSBURGH After a fun evening at the ANS book auction, there is even more in store for bibliophiles at the August convention of the American Numismatic Association. The following morning, August 20, the Numismatic Bibliomania Society will hold its annual meeting. In honor of our club's 25th anniversary we are working to plan a lunch following the meeting. After lunch, NBS members who have registered will embark on an afternoon bus tour to two private local numismatic libraries, those of Asylum Editor E. Tomlinson Fort, and myself. See the next Asylum issue for more information. Regretably, we have dropped the Carnegie Library from the tour due to time constraints. Fortunately, there is little in the way of numismatic literature in the Carnegie collection that doesn't appear in one of our libraries. Equally regretably, we must cancel the planned viewing of coins from the Carnegie collection. Although our contacts at the museum were initially willing to set something up, they have been overruled by their boss. Like many museums across the country, The Carnegie is understaffed. Recent layoffs have greatly depleted their staff. I'd like to thank and apologize to those who earlier expressed interest in the Carnegie visits, and hope you will be able to join us for the remaining library tours. THE VICTORIA CROSS Joe Boling writes: "Whatever prices you were reporting for the Victoria Cross auction records, they came through severely truncated, no doubt because of the attachment of a non-standard Sterling symbol." [Mea Culpa. From the beginning, one goal of The E-Sylum was to keep the format as simple as possible in order to allow the widest possible distribution. Plain text is the lowest common denominator across the wide range of devices attached to the Internet. I've allowed some special symbols to be published more recently, partly out of laziness, but also in order to see if problems would arise. This is the first time I've heard of symbols being a problem. I'll try to be more careful in the future. Meanwhile, here are the Victoria Cross hammer prices reported in last week's item. All prices are in Pounds. Mr. Jackson's Victoria Cross "... went for 235,250 at the Spink auction house in London on Friday, smashing the old record for a VC of 178,250." -Editor] Doug Andrews writes: "Congratulations on yet another terrific issue of E-Sylum! Your "Featured Web Site" link on the Victoria Cross to victoriacross.net is a treasure trove of information, and I hope that E-Sylum readers will take full advantage of the links there to well over one hundred books about the Victoria Cross, its history, and its recipients. With the Royal Canadian Mint's recent coin issues honoring Canada's veterans, the numismatic connection to our military has never been stronger. Of the 90 Canadian recipients of the VC, three are particularly noteworthy for your readers. CSM Frederick William Hall, Cpl. Leo Clarke, and Lt. Robert Shankland were all from Winnipeg, Manitoba, where I live. They all were awarded the Victoria Cross for their gallantry in World War One. If having three Victoria Cross recipients from one city on the Canadian Prairies isn't a great coincidence in itself, all three lived on the same street, Pine Street, in Winnipeg! The bravery of these men and their heroic deeds were recognized when Pine Street's name was changed to Valour Road. Many numismatists and bibliophiles also have an interest in military decorations. Whenever NBS members are contemplating an excursion to Winnipeg to visit the Royal Canadian Mint, or to view the Hudson Bay Company token collection, a side trip to Valour Road to see the plaque erected there would be highly worthwhile." DYE-STAINED NOTES Joe Boling writes: "Regarding dye-stained bank robbery notes, I see notes in circulation regularly with these stains along their edges - usually $20 bills." [I've seen some inkstained notes, too, but hadn't given them much thought. Perhaps that's what they were. Interesting, but they would be far more interesting if the notes' stories were documented. -Editor] SALVADOR DALI, MEDALIST Dick Johnson writes: "Tuesday, May 11, 2004 is the centennial of the birth of Salvador Dali. Did you know he was a medalist? He created four medals struck by the Paris Mint. A series of 12 medals of his design were struck in the USA by Medallic Art Company, and a separate Leda The Swan Medal by AMI, Art Medals Incorporated. Yes, he is listed in my Directory of American Artists, Diesinkers, Engravers, Medalists and Sculptors. His first two medals, in 1967, were uniface models in which the Paris Mint added a reverse for each incorporating his famed signature. These were not wild designs as you might expect, but rather tame designs of Pallas Athena and Unicorn Dionysiaque. In 1969 came his wild design for the Club Francois de la Medaille. It was modeled entirely of spoons! Title: Dali By Dali. Perhaps you can find his portrait outlined in the obverse design of spoons. He created a second Club edition in 1972, titled Sceau de Dali. A supreme being at self promotion, yet these medals exhibit he did have talent. The American series is the Twelve Tribes of Israel; they were modeled by an Italian-born American, Domenico Facci, from Dali's graphic designs and struck in 1973-74. Leda The Swan was also struck in 1974. Tuesday starts a Year of Dali celebration, mostly in his native Spain (centered at the Center of Dali Studies in Figueres, where he was born), but also in the US in Philadelphia, and at the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. I wish I had thought of it before he died (January 23, 1989). I would have suggested he create a Dali Deli Platter Plaquette. Oh, what he could have done with food!" NATIONAL GALLERY NUMISMATIC VOLUMES Steve Pellegrini writes: "The National Gallery of Art, Washington, in their series of publications 'Studies in the History of Art' has at least two volumes devoted to numismatics. I have Volume 22 which is called 'Italian Plaquettes.' Volume 21 is about Italian Medals of the same Renaissance period. I have been looking for a copy of this volume for quite awhile without success. Any of my fellow Bibliomaniacs know where a copy might be had?" MEDALS ON STAMPS Steve Pellegrini writes: "In the Perhaps Better Late then Never Category: Medals on Stamps. Munich medallist Karl Goetz produced an essai set of four stamps which featured four of his medal designs. These were produced for the 1932 Deutsche Bundespost stamp design competition. The 15 pfennig stamp carries the exact design of the medal Goetz lists as his Opus 289. Gunther Keinast, in his very scarce book 'Goetz II, A Supplement' gives the 4 denominations a group opus number of K-639. Also by Goetz is the ubiquitous postage stamp of the Weimar Republic - the medallion portrait of Presided Paul von Hindenburg. This postal portrait is based directly on a 1927 pattern 5RM commemorative coin (K-387) Goetz had submitted to the Bavarian Mint in competition. Although the Hindenburg 5 Mark pattern was not adopted by the Mint Goetz removed the denomination from the design and had it privately issued as a medallic gedenkentaler for Hindenburgs 80th birthday (K-386). This 'so-called taler' was to become Goetz' best-selling work with a mintage of well over 100,000. These are today a perennial favorite on EBay where a nice example can be picked up for about $35." COINS ON COINS David Menchell writes: "A partial answer to Alan Luedeking: Perhaps the earliest examples of coins depicted on coins are the obol and hemiobol attributed to Samaria, listed in Meshorer and Qedar's Samarian Coinage as numbers 141 and 142. The reverse of these coins depicts five overlapping discs with images of owls on each, thought to represent Athenian coinage." Martin Purdy writes: "NZ $1 1983, South Africa 1 rand 1974 (interesting because the coins depicted have had their denominations removed!), Argentina 25 pesos 1964-68 - a genuine circulating coin this time, rather than a commemorative." Reid Goldsborough writes: "I, and possibly others, collect modern coins and currency honoring ancient coins in those areas I specialize in, including: Alexander the Great * 1992 Greek 100 drachmas coin -- Alexander III portrait from Lysimachos' tetradrachms * 1956 Greek 1000 drachmas note -- portrait from Tarsos medallions * 1942-1943 (undated) Ionian Islands 10 drachmas note -- portrait from a sculpture in the British Museum * 1941 Greek 1000 drachmas note -- portrait from Aesillas tetradrachms * 1941 Greek 2 drachmas note -- portrait from Lysimachos tetradrachms * 1926 Albanian one lek coin -- portrait from Aesillas tetradrachms * 1923 Greek 5 drachmas note -- portrait from Tarsos medallions * Wanted: 1921-22 Greek 50 drachmas note -- portrait from Aesillas tetradrachms Athenian Owls * 2002 Greek one euro coin -- owl from Classical Owl tetradrachms * 1973 Greek two drachmas coin -- owl from Classical Owl tetradrachms * 1944 Greek 100,000 drachmas note -- owl from Classical Owl tetradrachms * 1912 Greek ten lepta coin -- owl from ancient New Style tetradrachms" VOTER PEACE MEDAL Steve Pellegrini writes: "I recently received in the mail a Voters Information Booklet for Multnomah County, Oregon. Featured on the cover is a large photo of the handshake side of a Jefferson Indian Peace Medal. How cool. I wonder if we have a collector in the Voter's Info Office or if this was just a bit of random utilization. Another pleasant surprise was that the example was not of a modern re-strike but was of an authentic original which had seen its share of honest wear. Indian peace medals are one of the few numismatic items I believe are far better holed, ticked-up and worn than in pristine, as-struck condition." BREEN AND RAYMOND'S STANDARD CATALOGUE David F. Fanning writes: "I know Walter Breen was involved with the 17th and 18th editions (1954 and 1957, respectively) of Raymond's Standard Catalogue of United States Coins, but was he involved with any earlier editions? If so, in what capacity? Thanks." AMERICAN SESQUICENTENNIAL MEDALS Syd Martin writes: "With respect to the 1926 "so-called-dollar" discussed previously, the picture on the front was of George Washington, NOT Franklin." David Menchell writes: "In answer to Ron Abler's question about the "so-called dollar" for the 1926 Sesquicentennial, he appears to have most of the details correct, except that the obverse depicts a bust of George Washington facing right, not Ben Franklin. Information can be found in Hibler and Kappen's reference, where this series of medals is listed as numbers 451 through 454. It was minted in bronze, brass, nickel, and copper, the nickel being somewhat scarce and the copper rare. The bronze pieces were struck from higher relief dies. The medal was designed by Albin Polasek and struck in the Mint Exhibit at the Exposition." Dick Johnson writes: "To answer Ron Abler in last week's E-Sylum: Medallic Art Company did strike a Sesquicentennial Medal in 1926, but not the official medal which is listed in So- Called Dollars by Hibler and Kappen. Medallic Art struck the Sesqui Sports Medal (26-28) which was modeled by R. Tait McKenzie for the celebration's sports contests in which the artist was involved. Incidentally, Ron, there is no "s" in Medallic Art -- either the name of the company or the field of fine medals. This is important because there was a firm in Rochester by the name Metal Arts -- with an "s" -- and by adding the "s" you could confuse your listener or reader. Medallic Art Company is still in business (in Dayton, Nevada); Metal Arts is no longer in business." NEW MINT ARTISTS HAVE A LOT TO LEARN Dick Johnson writes: "To answer Charles Danek, the L.A. artist named to the Mint's Artistic Infusion Program: Perhaps the Janvier reducing machine is not what you think it is. Are you searching for a machine only to reduce your bas-relief models? The Janvier can do this, yes, but its primarily use is to cut a die (from a three-dimensional bas-relief pattern). From your clay model, a plaster cast is made, from that plaster cast a hard-surface pattern is made -- either by electrodeposition to form a galvano, or by casting in epoxy. This is what is mounted on a Janvier for a tracing point to traverse its surface and transmit this image pantographically to a cutting point that exactly duplicates that relief in a steel die. You cannot put clay or plaster on a Janvier - it must be a hard surface. There are other brands of die-engraving pantographs, each with its own distinctive characteristics. The Janvier, for example, starts with the tracing point at the center of the pattern, and the cutting point at the center of the die and both transverse outwards. Others start at the edge and progress inwards. Most mints and medallic companies prefer the Janvier, however, for its ease of use, its versatility, but most of all, for its integrity in reproducing all the detail that is in the artist's original model. Now there are some things the artist MUST know. One. No undercuts in your relief; a die cannot strike "overhang" -- a ten degree bevel is absolutely required on the sides of all your relief - for the die to strike and withdraw. Two. No areas of deep depression surrounded by tall relief -- in a die these deep areas are tiny tall projections and are vulnerable to breaking off. Three. Be aware of the high points of your design; these will be where the coin or medal will wear. (For large medals it is even recommended to put three equally high points on the reverse, these will be "support points" to bear the weight of the medal when it rests on any surface. Of course these points will wear first, but they will protect the rest of the reverse design from wear. Often these high points can be incorporated into the design so they appear inconspicuously.) Four. Be aware of the border on your design. For coins, all your relief must be below the height of the border. Borders on medals do not require this but are more for the human hand to hold it - for a large medal consider making a border of several elements, levels and shapes - this aids humans tactile ability to hold on to it. Five. Place a flange around your model, say two inches in width (this aids fastening the pattern onto the reducing machine). Six. Be super-aware of the height of your relief. Seven. Ask for specific instructions from the mint or medallic company concerning the limits of this relief height and as many other particulars as possible. Ask if it is to be struck in proof surface or not. Once you are proficient, you could even ask about the kind of press in which the coin or medal will be struck, as the design you create in your studio could even eliminate problems in striking later on." NUMISMATICS AND RIOTS Steve Pellegrini writes: "When thinking about the incidence of Riots on Medals I immediately thought of the 1478 medal by Bertolo di Giovaanni which commemorates the Florence riot instigated by the Pazzi conspirators to cover the assassination attempt on the Medici brothers, Lorenzo and Giuliano. In fact only Giuliano was killed. Lorenzo escaped with only a flesh wound. Stephen Scher, in his beautiful book 'The Currency of Fame' has assigned this medal #41 - and included photos of the historical piece on pp. 129 & 130. Another example of medals, or rather a tokens with riotous connections are the Middlesex Conder Tokens issued by Thomas Spence featuring the portrait of Mendoza, the popular prize fighter of 1790-1810 London. During the 'Old Prices' riots in Covent Garden in Sept.- December 1809 Mendoza and his boxing colleagues were hired by harassed theatre owner John Kemble. Kemble hired Mendoza and his boxing cronies to help keep order in the theater on performance nights. The boxers were prominently seated (free of charge) where all the theater-goers could not fail to see them. Should any 'New Prices' dissenters begin to disrupt the performance Mendoza and his boxers very publicly made swift work of them. During this period prize fighting was dominated by Jewish boxers, much as was US boxing during the hard immigration years of the early 20th century. The anti-Semitic allusions found on these 'Old Price Riot' tokens stem from Kemble's employment of these Jewish boxers to suppress further rioting." S. E. COE SOUGHT Saul Teichman forwarded the following request from Richard Frajola of Ranchos De Taos, NM: "I just purchased a stamped cover from the mid 1860's because it is addressed to Elliot Woodward, who I know a little bit about. Apparently from the docket it enclosed a letter about a 1794 dollar from somebody named S.E. Coe in Mohawk, New York. Does that name ring any bells with our readers? Who was S.E. Coe?" JULIAN'S POLITICAL/SATIRICAL MEDALS Steve Pellegrini writes: "Over the last few years I have slowly but surely been assembling a set of R.W. Julian's series of Political-Satirical medals from the late 1970s and early 1980s. Each year a different medal with a different topic and featuring the portrait of a different great American.was struck. The gallery included Washington, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, etc. Each was available in two different metals: Bronze and Cu-Ag. I've just about completed the entire set but have come to a screeching halt at the very last medal in the series, the 'Gen. Macarthur' medal. I imagine this medal, in either composition, is the 'key' to the series. As this issue seems so elusive I wonder was this medal produced in far smaller numbers than the others in the series? And if that's the case, what were the mintages for the Macarthur medal? Is anyone familiar with the minutia of this great American series? If there is any info among the membership please email me at ginocatt at comcast.net." BISON RANCHER QUESTIONS HORNS A Saturday, May 1st article in the Kansas Star cites a bison rancher's complaint about the proposed design for the Kansas quarter. "The state animal will need a little cosmetic surgery if it's chosen as the design for the Kansas quarter." "In the design, the animal's horns point forward. A real bison's horns point up. "This my pet peeve about artists," former buffalo rancher Don Carbaugh said. "They assume buffalo have horns like cattle. But they're built differently." "But if the error isn't corrected, he said, "It'd just be an embarrassment. They'll probably turn into a collector's item. They sure screwed up there." To read the full article, see: Full Article FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is recommended by Arthur Shippee. It's the online version of The Handbook of Biblical Numismatics." amuseum.org/book/page0.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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