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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 22, May 30, 2004: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE Among recent new subscribers is Gregory N. Mirsky, courtesy of Dick Johnson. Welcome aboard! We now have 664 subscribers. NBS MEMBERSHIP REMINDER Numismatic Bibliomania Society President Pete Smith writes: "If you have not renewed your membership in the NBS, now is the time! The Winter 2004 issue of The Asylum included a notification and reminder for members who are not current. Our special 25th Anniversary issue of The Asylum is expected to exceed 150 pages. This will only be sent to members who are current as of July 1, 2004. At last report, there were still more than 100 former members who have not renewed for the current year. While the number of unpaid subscribers to The E-Sylum continues to increase, our paid membership is dropping. The NBS board supports the E-Sylum as a service to our hobby. Two years ago there were about equal numbers of paid members and E-Sylum subscribers. Now there is just one paid member for three E-Sylum subscribers. The E-Sylum is a fast and convenient way to communicate with those who collect and enjoy numismatic literature. However, many of us still like to see ink on paper, such as our printed journal, The Asylum. Membership in the NBS also supports meetings at the ANA, FUN, Central States and other conventions. This year we plan a special lunch for members and tour of Pittsburgh Numismatic libraries during the ANA convention. If you have just forgotten to renew, consider this a timely reminder. If you have not been a member in the past, now is a great time to join." [The following text appears in every issue of The E-Sylum, but we'll place it up front to make it easier for those wishing to join or renew their membership in NBS. -Editor] The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. For those without web access, write to W. David Perkins, NBS Secretary-Treasurer, P.O. Box 212, Mequon, WI 53092-0212. For Asylum mailing address changes and other membership questions, contact David at this email address: wdperki at attglobal.net MEDALS OF HONOR RETURNED TO VETERANS The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a press release May 27th regarding three Medals of Honor which the department confiscated from eBay auctions. The release did not say how the medals came to be for sale. It is illegal to sell a Medal of Honor. "FBI Director Robert S. Mueller today presided in a ceremony at FBI Headquarters to return three Medals of Honor recovered in an FBI investigation to the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. Members of the Congressional Medal of Honor (MOH) Society have gathered in Washington, DC, to participate in the Memorial Day Weekend dedication of the World War II Memorial. The MOH is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the armed forces of the United States. The MOH is generally presented by the President of the United States on behalf of Congress and, therefore, it is often called the Congressional MOH." "These recoveries are as follows: - A Spanish-American War era MOH awarded to Navy Seaman Robert Blume who was awarded his MOH in 1898 while serving aboard the USS Nashville near Cuba during the Spanish American War. - A MOH awarded to U.S. Army First Sergeant George W. Roosevelt during the Civil War, who received an extremely rare dual citation MOH in 1862 for heroic acts performed during the Second Battle of Bull Run and the Battle of Gettysburg. - In Newark, New Jersey, a WWII Navy/Marine Corps MOH in the original presentation box (recipient unknown). These medals were being sold illegally over e-Bay and were recovered as a result of a joint investigation. Fifteen Canadian and U.S. law enforcement agencies assisted the FBI's Buffalo Cyber Task Force investigation. To date, one person has pled guilty to Federal charges involving the unlawful sale of any MOH." LAKE BOOKS SALE #74 PRL AVAILABLE Fred Lake writes: "The prices realized list for our sale #74 which closed on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 is now available for viewing on our web site at: http://www.lakebooks.com/archive.html Once you have opened that page, click on the link marked "2004" (or scroll down) to sale #74. You will find two options for viewing the prices realized. One is PDF format and the other is MS Word. Our thanks to our bidders and please note that our next sale will be held on July 27, 2004." ANS LIBRARY: SIXTH FLOOR & RARE BOOK ROOM [The following is the second of two submissions by Dick Johnson on the new library of the American Numismatic Society. -Editor] Librarian Frank Campbell escorted me onto the elevator and we rose one floor. This is the second level of the American Numismatic Society's new home for the World's Largest Numismatic Library (on floors five and six). Imagine! Two floors of numismatic books, journals, documents, data! I had died and gone to numismatic book heaven! Layout of the sixth floor is similar to the fifth, with two more separate rooms. A small receptionist room to the right as you enter, and a large room at the far left rear for the rare books. This level will be the domain of assistant librarian Barbara Bonous-Smit. Her office is at the rear directly above Frank's on the floor below. I perceive this level will be the entrance for visitors of the future. Sign in please. Shelving -- similar to the movable shelves on the floor below ? is at the sides like on five. Here are all the library's numismatic journals and all the nonnumismatic books. These are already shelved and ready for action. Study tables are intended to be in the center of the room. I noted the wires to be connected to outlets at the tables. Thank you, thank you. My laptop is so old my batteries cost more than a new Dell computer (and twice as heavy). I need to plug in. At the old library there was only one table (on the lower level) that had a plug hidden next to the set of Benezits behind the only chair to access that plug. (Only once, though, did I have to ask someone to move so I could do so.) It is the Rare Book Room on this floor that is the epicenter of the numismatic book world. Here will be found the one-of-a-kind numismatic literature, the irreplaceable documents, the nearly 150-year old library has acquired. [November 3, 2008 will be the library's 150th anniversary.] It is inconceivable you could write so much as a 2-page article on any numismatic subject without research at this resource. At first glance, most of what you see in the RB Room are archival boxes. Oh, what numismatic knowledge they contain! Frank pointed to a row of seven or eight gray boxes. ?Here is New Netherlands archives,? he said. ?Auction catalogs and bid books?? I asked of the NN archive. ?That plus some correspondence as well,? Frank replied, with mention of Walter Breen, John Ford, and others (sometime employees of the NYC numismatic firm, prominent in the 1950s and 60s). The story is these surfaced in Charles Wormser?s estate, were acquired by Anthony Terranova, who donated them to the library. Overall the appearance of what is on the shelves is Clean and Well Organized. Not only for the Rare Book Room but for the library total. So well organized ? despite the fact the shelf labels are not on the shelving yet ? that Frank and Barbara may have less to do. You won't need to ask them the location of what you are looking for. That, plus all the holdings are on computer, even down to articles in journals. (Not every article, is cited, of course, but citations to Coin World articles have long since passed the 5,000 mark years ago, more than any other journal.) Seeing those well housed, labeled, organized, and indexed items ready for use ? particularly in the Rare Book Room ? made me think. What in my own library should end up here? I do have some rare books, one or two unique, the bid books from my own auction firm, perhaps some of my own files. A ten-drawer photo file, one file cabinet drawer of numismatic subjects, another of my writings. I made inquiry to Frank about receiving donations. I don't remember his exact words, but somehow it meant, ?later, not now.? His routine work has been set aside for the move. He did state it has been weeks since he viewed his email. He expected it contained thousands of messages, mostly public inquires requiring answers. So for the present, don't email Frank don't call, don't write. He's very busy. But think of what books in your library should be added to the World's Largest Numismatic Library. Meanwhile, there is a donation book auction to support the Francis D. Campbell Library Chair (details elsewhere). I couldn't think of a better service to numismatic literature. The library is slated to be available for the summer graduate seminar (for graduate students and junior faculty) June 1 and open to the public June 18." BOOK AUCTION TO BENEFIT THE A.N.S. LIBRARY As a reminder, here is an item published earlier this month (May 9, 2004, v7n19). Donations are still being actively solicited. George Kolbe writes: "On August 19, 2004 we will be conducting donated book auction to benefit the Francis D. Campbell Library Chair at the American Numismatic Society. 1. We need your book donations with an average value of $300 each 2. We need you to attend and bid wildly Place: Tambellini's Restaurant (easy walking distance from the ANA Convention) cocktails: 5:15 p.m. followed by dinner & Auction Tickets: $50.00 each, reservations to: John Adams 60 State Street, 12th floor Boston, MA 02109 jadams at ahh.com Books: Send to George Kolbe P.O. Drawer 3100, Crestline, CA 92325." DAN COLEY'S ANA HEADQUARTERS VISIT Don Coley writes: "On Monday May 24, I had the good fortune to be in the area on business and happened to have a few hours to visit the ANA in Colorado Springs. Of course, this is a great time to visit, as several world class dollar rarities such as the Dupont 1866 Dollar and the 1794 Dollar that have recently been featured in the Numismatist are on display. Unfortunately, the library was closed on Monday. Disappointment turned into delight when I recognized Barbara Gregory telling the receptionist that she would be happy to come down and work on some editing in the library while I spent a few minutes looking for a few items. I was looking for a specific auction sale referenced in the Clapp notebook and was unable to locate the Frossard May 7-8 1896 catalog. However, I left a note for the librarian to research and get back to me. As I continued to browse, Barbara found the catalog, and had already made 2 copies for me! What a great surprise! This was truly a great experience for me, and we had a wonderful conversation about the ANA and the many great people in numismatics. I appreciated her going beyond the call of duty and exceeding my expectations. As we were speaking, a gentleman came by looking for information on a dime that his wife had found in a box at home. My pulse quickened..could it be a 1894-S? Not to be, it was a well worn 1901-O. I shared with him that it was made in New Orleans ... and Barbara gave him the mintage figures and the value of around $2.00. Of course, the Bass Display was fantastic, the patterns and gold are truly remarkable and the display is world class. It was interesting to view Harry Bass' notes and to hear from folks like Dave Bowers and Julian Leidman. Having just read an article by Dave Bowers in The Numismatic Sun on Museums, it was fitting ... as Dave says the "artifacts" in the Bass exhibit are the "reason to be" There are many reasons to visit the ANA in Colorado Springs. People like Barbara, and of course the books and the "artifacts" !" NEW U.S. PAPER MONEY BOOKS The June 2004 issue of Bank Note Reporter announces the publication of three new books on U.S. paper money. "The Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC) has released the latest state catalog in its long-running series of books chronicling the obsolete paper money of antebellum America. Entitled "A History of Nineteenth Century Ohio Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip," written by Wendell Wolka, this book eclipses all of the previous state books in terms of the sheer size of the undertaking. The 2-1/2 inch-thick, hardbound book contains nearly 1,100 pages, has over 900 illustrations and lists nearly 7,000 different notes ..." "Wolka jokingly confided that, had he known the book was going to be this big, he might have had second thoughts about taking on the project six years ago." (p4) [Single copies are $66. Orders should be sent to Wendell Wolka, SPMC Ohio Book, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142. Checks should be made out toe SPMC. -Editor] An ad by publisher BNR Press (p59) offers two new books: "National Currency: An Analysis with Values" by Robert Liddell and William Litt, 600+ "large format" pages. Paperbound: $55; hardbound $80; numbered collector's edition, $125. "U.S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes" by Gene Hessler, second edition. Hardbound: $40; limited collector's edition, $95. Shipping is an additional $4 per order (not per book). Order online at http://www.papermoneyworld.net or email bnrpress at papermoneyworld.net. ANS GRADUATE SEMINAR ARCHIVES From a mailing by Joseph M. Ciccone, Archivist of the American Numismatic Society: "As part of the Archives' efforts to provide members with increased online access to the Society's history, we have launched a new site devoted to the history of the Graduate Summer Seminar. Located at http://www.amnumsoc.org/archives/GraduateSeminar.html the site offers visitors information on students, scholars and staff who have participated in the program since its founding in 1952. Images of seminar participants have been included when available. Please note that the Archives is looking for images related to the seminar, especially any images of the program prior to 1982. If you have any such images, or any other questions ] or concerns about the site, please do not hesitate to contact me." BREEN'S MANA JOURNAL EDITORSHIP TENURE Dick Johnson writes: "To answer David F. Fanning's question in last week's E-Sylum: Walter Breen and I put out the first issue of the MANA News. We worked in the basement office in the home of Eldridge Jones, one of MANA?s founders and longtime MANA secretary. Walter was in Washington DC at the time doing his research at the National Archives (I was in the Air Force stationed nearby). It was July 1953. I remember the night we worked that first issue. We had to get the text to Ed Rice in New Jersey who had made arrangements to print it. We rushed the envelope containing the final text to the Main DC Post Office ? at that time they kept a window open until midnight or 2 am (Oh! there was no FedEx then). We kept asking the clerk for a faster way to get it to the New Jersey destination. His harried reply: ?The only faster way to get it there was to take it yourself!? Later Walter and I went on a buying trip through the South to Miami, underwritten by Ben Douglas, a coin dealer with a shop in DC. He wanted us to buy up all the Confederate currency we could find. I remember Walter's best buy, however, was a Heaton Mint Canadian coin in a junk box at an antique dealer in Charleston, SC. Incidentally I taught Walter to drive a car on that trip. Walter had rented a room in a basement apartment on Connecticut Avenue next door to the Ecuadorian embassy in DC. It had an elevator with an open cage. Walter hated it. But on our trip to Miami he complained he was paying triple rent: His apartment in NYC, the room in DC and a hotel room on the trip. I don't know how long Walter's name was kept on the MANA News masthead. Later issues were still done in DC while Walter was in NYC and still later the name was changed to MANA Journal. Roger Cohen of half-cent fame who lived in Baltimore may have been involved. (My name was removed when I was discharged, entered Washington University in St. Louis to complete my coolege educashun.) Anyone with a run of these MANA periodicals can pinpoint those exact dates." Clifford Mishler writes: "In the event no one has come forward with more definitive information, perhaps I can be helpful to David Fanning in his pursuit of information on the span of time Walter Breen was involved with the MANA Journal. I happen to have a reasonably good run of the Journal, along with its predecessor, MANA News, from the mid- through the late 50s. My earliest issue of the News is vol. 2, no. 2, July 1954, where he is listed as editor, as he is in vol. 2, no. 3, October 1954, through vol. 5, no. 1, March 1957. That ends my run of the News. The first issue of the MANA Journal that I find is vol. 1, no. 2, October 1957, where he is listed as associate editor, as he is for the issues of 1958 as well. For the issues of 1959 he is listed as a contributor. Thereafter, his name is not present." BANKING IN MAINE BOOK SOUGHT Dave Bowers writes: "If anyone has a copy of BANKING IN MAINE, by Ava H. Chadbourne, they would be willing to loan/rent to me I would be very grateful. This modern book does not seem to be available in numismatic circles, at least not easily." QUIZ: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Hudson's Bay Company was in the news this week. The following excerpts were taken from a May 19th New York Times article. "The Hudson's Bay Company has had its share of adventures since it was formed by King Charles II of England 334 years ago to open trading opportunities in North America. By bartering furs with Indians and then building a far-flung network of trading posts, the early Bay men laid the foundation for Canada's biggest chain of department stores. Now Hudson's Bay, which claims to be North America's oldest corporation and whose stores are a landmark in every big Canadian city, is facing what could be the biggest adventure in its illustrious history: being taken over, and possibly broken up, by an American corporate raider." "The chairman of Hudson's Bay still holds the title of governor conferred by the original royal charter in 1670, and the corporate coat of arms features four beavers, two moose and a fox." To read the full article, see: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/19/business/worldbusiness/19hudson.html QUIZ QUIZ: what numismatic item is the company known for? HELLO, DALI Steve Pellegrini writes: "As a brief follow-up on the Salvador Dali series of medals mentioned a few weeks ago. I saw this entire series offered (by the piece) on eBay not long ago. Although I never returned to the bid page to check on their final prices they seemed to be staying with-in the under $50.00 range. Not bad for art medals by Dali. Even more reasonable is the beautiful little coin designed by Dali for El Salvador in 1971. Although listed in K-M as commemorating the 150 years of Salvadoran Independence it is in actual fact a design Dali created for the 'International Year of the Woman.' It was struck in both BU and Proof, in silver (KM#141) and gold (KM#143). The easiest way to get hold of an example of this little beauty is to pick up a 1971 El Salvador Proof Set (KM#PS6). This contains the silver 1 Colon by Dali.. These sets used to sell for about $15-20 and were always readily available. I don't know if that's still the case. But I do know it is one of the most gorgeous coins of the modern era. The gold 25 Colones has a relatively small mintage of only 7,650. These can be found in the much more expensive Proof Set KM#PS6 which are catalogued in my 1996 K-M at $915.00." ANOTHER HOFMANN BOOK: VICTIMS Myron Xenos writes: "There is at least one more book about Mark Hofmann. The title is VICTIMS: The LDS Church and the Mark Hofmann Case, by Richard Turley, Jr., 1992, University of Illinois Press. I also obtained a one-page letter from Mark to the late Armand Champa asking for an 1826 Bust Half, which he apparently intended to use with some forged document. Quite a case out of Utah!" ROME TOURISTS LEARN LATIN, FAIL TO VOMIT A May 20 Reuters report described efforts to promote the teaching of Latin to tourists in Rome, as part of a program to immerse visitors in the ancient culture of the region. It would be an interesting promotion of numismatics to also include Roman coins in the program. "Tourists have long been drawn to the Colosseum and ruins of magnificent Roman temples in the heart of the Italian capital, but starting this week they can immerse themselves in ancient history and even pick up beginners' Latin. The regional government along with two historical societies is offering free Latin classes to tourists in a bid to lure even more of the sword-and-sandals loving crowd to Rome." "They say interest for everything ancient skyrocketed after the success of Hollywood blockbuster "Gladiator" and is expected to just keep growing with films like "Troy," starring Brad Pitt which opened in the United States earlier this month." "But the fun won't stop with Latin. For those itching to really live the Roman experience, organizers plan to team up this summer with the Scuola Gladiatori Roma, or gladiator school, to offer a package with Latin classes and a crash course in gladiator fighting. After donning tunics and helmets, tourists would be treated to a typical Roman feast. "Tourists are always looking for something 'typical' of a region -- well for ancient Rome it doesn't get much more typical than gladiator fighting and Latin," said Pediconi. Still, he said the ancient post-supper vomiting ritual would be dropped." To read the full article, see: http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?storyID=5205963 FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is about the Dutch leeuwendaaler or "lion thaler". "The word thaler comes from its place of origin: the town of Saint/Sankt Joachimsthal/Joachimstal in West Bohemia [then Germany; today Jachymov in Czech Republic]. Joachimstal means, literally, "Joachim's Valley" [Tal means valley in german language]. Here, from locally mind silver, the Joachimsthaler, better known by its clipped form thaler or taler, was minted for the first time in 1519. This silver coin -made of a now unknown silver alloy that never tarnished- became one of the most successful coins in monetary history and was widely imitated not only in Germany but also in the Dutch provinces. In the Dutch provinces, the leeuwendaalder [i.e. lion thaler] were first coined in 1575 during the struggle for independence. Soon thereafter leeuwendaalder were issued by six [of the seven] Dutch provinces, along with independent issues produced by some of the major imperial towns..." http://www.genealogy.ro/banat/leeuwendaalder.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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