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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 3, January 16, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE Among our recent subscribers are Luis Alberto Manzano Eddy, president of Sociedad Numismática de Monterrey, and Dr. Carlos Abel Amaya Guerra, vice-president of the same society. Both are courtesy of Adrián González Salinas. Welcome aboard! We now have 709 subscribers. E-SYLUM SUBSCRIPTION MANAGEMENT A reminder: with our new mail system, to update your E-Sylum subscription, go to the following web page: https://my.binhost.com/lists/listinfo/esylum . For future reference, remember that this address appears at the bottom of each E-Sylum issue. INAUGURAL MEDALS FROM GEORGE TO GEORGE From the Dallas News: "An official coin-like medal has commemorated each presidential inaugural since at least 1896. They've had different shapes, sizes and metals. Some were mass- produced, and others are rare. All are on display at Southern Methodist University as part of "From George to George," an exhibit that shows memorabilia from presidential elections dating to 1789. The gold, bronze and silver medals, once stored in boxes by collector and Dallas native Hervey Priddy, document a century of political change from William McKinley to George W. Bush." "The exhibit boasts many other rare campaign relics, including a bronze George Washington clothing button, celluloid campaign pins, and colorful signs and paintings. Even 1992 candidate Ross Perot's famous economic charts are on display. What: From George to George Where: SMU's Bridwell Library, 6005 Bishop Blvd., University Park When: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, until Jan. 20 Cost: Free Information: George To read the full article (registration required): Full Story ANS EXHIBIT REOPENS IN NEW YORK From the press release: Monday, January 10th, The American Numismatic Society Exhibit, Drachmas, Doubloons and Dollars re-opens to the public at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty Street, New York City. In August 2004, the exhibit was temporarily closed after a sudden Orange Alert from the Department of Homeland Security, which warned of "casing and surveillance activities" against major United States financial institutions. The ANS exhibit includes the exceedingly rare 1933 Double Eagle, the world's most valuable coin valued at $7.59 million and on long term loan to the exhibition along with a Brasher doubloon, a 1804 dollar, a Confederate States half-dollar and an ultra-high relief 20-dollar gold piece designed by Augustus Saint-Gaudens. More than 800 examples of the American Numismatic Society's noted collection of one million coins, bills and other forms of currency used worldwide and spanning 2,700 years are also on view. For further information ANS or The New York Times Metro Section Full Story Arthur Shippee also pointed out the very interesting Times article, which has pictures of the 1933 Double Eagle being placed on display. Here are some excerpts: "Until last week, the world's most expensive coin was hidden in the world's most valuable gold vault. That is to say, in the brilliantly lighted blue-and-white stronghold of E Level, the deepest sanctuary of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the city's bank of banks. The coin was locked in a compartment at bedrock, 80 feet below Liberty Street in Lower Manhattan, surrounded by $90 billion worth of gold bars - some 550,000 of them - from 60 foreign institutions. That is more gold than at Fort Knox, and indeed, more than in any other repository." "For the double eagle's return from the underworld, The New York Times was granted rare permission to enter the vault on a recent morning as the coin was transferred, after agreeing not to describe the bank's security arrangements or print the names of its subterranean guardians. Among those present were: three federal officers with automatic weapons. The archivist of the bank. A senior vice president of the bank. The head of the American Numismatic Society. The coin owner's representative. The coin's historian. A vault keeper. An auditor. A custodian. And yes, the two carpenters who actually did the work. This, then, was the retinue monitoring the transport of the double eagle, a 34-millimeter-wide, 0.96-ounce stamped disk that is 90 percent gold and 10 percent copper. The length of the journey was but five floors: from the vault to the street-level exhibition space." [I'm glad to see the exhibition has been remounted. I had the pleasure of viewing it last year. By all means, be sure to see it when visiting New York. -Editor] REPORT FROM SRI LANKA E-Sylum subscriber and contributor Kavan Ratnatunga filed the following report from Sri Lanka: "A report on a trip I did to South East Lanka on Dec 31st was published in the Lankan Sunday Times 9th Jan. Since the eEdition of the Sunday Times requires a subscription I copied the article and added the images. Please see Full Story I hope to also write up a trip to Unawatuna/Galle in southern Lanka." THE COIN OF COINS Yossi Dotan sent to me a copy of a booklet issued by the Israel Museum in Jerusalem in conjunction with their exhibit, "The Coin of Coins," featuring the Aitna Tetradrachm. It's very nicely written and illustrated (48 pp). We discussed this coin and exhibit in The E-Sylum beginning with the June 6, 2004 issue (v7n23). Thanks! WISCONSIN QUARTER VARIETY STORY The Arizona Daily Star of Tucson, AZ published a story this week about newly discovered varieties of the Wisconsin State quarter. It's unusual enough for the mainstream press to write about coins at all, but to have a story about minting varieties is downright rare. The variety was featured in a Coin World story last week. No doubt every person who reads the new article and has a Wisconsin quarter in their pocket will call the nearest coin dealer wanting to cash in their winning lottery ticket. "Coin collectors are starting to see green over unusual markings that look like extra corn leaves on some of the new Wisconsin quarters circulating around Tucson. So far the extra "leaves" - and why they've been reported only in Tucson - remain a mystery. "It's hard to say what the value of these things will be," said Rob Weiss, who owns Old Pueblo Coin, 4420 E. Speedway. "Just to discover two varieties like this - it is just so exciting. It is something that really is a major thing in the coin industry." The Wisconsin quarter, which started circulating last month, has the nation's first president, George Washington, on the front and a state design on back that includes a cow and an ear of corn. "What we discovered was on a very small percentage of these Wisconsin quarters there are two (varieties) that contain extra leaves," Weiss said. "One variety has an extra leaf that goes up," he said, and a second has a "leaf" that curves down. "It is as clear and crisp and sharp as can be. These are not depressions on the coin. These are raised leaves. "To find one of the varieties would have been incredible. The fact that there are two completely different varieties that we discovered is completely mind-boggling," Weiss said. Weiss' shop made the discovery more than a week ago, and as of Monday it was still waiting for an explanation from the U.S. Mint." Full Story THE MAN FROM LISBON Some time ago, following an item about Operation Bernhard, the WWII German effort to counterfeit British notes, I wrote: "I've been a fan of Mr. Bloom's writings on counterfeiters for many years. I've read them all cover to cover, and especially enjoyed The Man Who Stole Portugal. It's an unbelievable true story which I always hoped would be made into a film someday." Ron Haller-Williams writes: "I missed this at the time, but I have two books of Bloom's, the one you cite and "Money of their Own". I also have a novel based the saga of Artur Alves Reis: Thomas Gifford, "The Man from Lisbon", 418pp (Hardcover, McGraw-Hill, 1977, N.Y. ISBN: 0070231877) (Paperback, Pocket, Oct. 1978, ???? ISBN: 0671820702) (Hardcover, Hamish Hamilton, 1978, London ISBN: 0241898528) (Paperback, Futura Publ., 1978, London ISBN: 0708814220) It's described as a best-seller and differs in MANY details from Bloom's account. The fun thing is, on my paperback copy of Gifford's version (1979 Futura reprint), it says "soon to be a major film"! [I do have the Gifford book in hardcover, and enjoyed reading it several years ago. Does anyone know if the story of Reis' counterfeiting scheme ever actually made it to the silver screen? -Editor] CSNS PROGRAM FOR LOCAL LIBRARIES. Dick Johnson writes: "The Central States Numismatic Society has launched a grant program to help pay for numismatic books to be donated to school and public libraries in an effort to improve its educational thrust. Under the innovative plan the regional organization requires its member coin clubs to select and buy the books. CSNS reimburses the local coin club half the purchase amount up to $250. The "Library Support Program" was inaugurated in 2004 and made public to CSNS members in the Winter issue of The Centinel, Central States’ official publication, where ten points of the plan are listed. The program is administered by CSNS president, Marvin Mericle. Consideration is given to a specific library’s need which must be identified in letters of application for the grant. Such letters must also list books intended to be donated. Basic numismatic literature is given higher priority than "narrowly focused material." The program is well planned and officers of CSNS are to be congratulated for launching such a beneficial activity. The program is a winner at several levels, providing exposure of numismatics to the public at a convenient location, donating books to libraries which are often starved for funds, expanding the base of people interested in numismatics, and, obviously, adding to the educational activity of the organization. The details of the plan are given at www.centralstates.info Click on Library Support Program. Other numismatic organizations might want to emulate the plan." U.S. MINT PLANS ATTACK ON COLORIZED COINS Dick Johnson writes: "Mint Director Henrietta Holsman Fore was interviewed by the Associated Press which released the story January 11, 2005, that she wants to crack down on entrepreneurs who alter her agency’s coins and offer these in elaborate and boastful advertising. The AP story is fraught with misused phrases -- "unscrupulous coin dealers," "fake commemorative coins," "scam artists," "bilking the public" – are used in just the first three sentences. The people who are doing this are generally NOT coin dealers, they are people, however, who are familiar with American coins. Coin dealers, generally, dislike these objects as much as those of us in the field who have been around awhile. (I discount them and have none in my collections, but if someone else wants them that’s okay with me.) They are not fake coins, but genuine coins that have been treated in some way, to add color, or plated to add a different metal covering. They are not made by scam artists (it takes some skill if these are "painted," to use the article’s word, to add the color). Maybe the advertising is questionable, perhaps even "deceptive." But compare this to much of what is prepared for our field by advertising agencies unfamiliar with numismatics. (Dare I say like some of the agency-prepared U.S. Mint's own ad copy?) It is still "buyer beware." And for "bilking the public" implies the buyers were forced to make the purchase. The U.S. Mint faces some tough times ahead to curtail this practice. I am not a lawyer, but aren’t the coins in your pocket your property? Can’t you do anything you wish with them? Paint ‘em, plate ‘em, cut ‘em up, whatever? Doesn’t the illegality come if you try to spend the coin, to return it to circulation, to make it legal tender again? If you sell it for many times its face value, colorized or untreated naked metal, I don’t believe this is against the law. Gosh, there are a million transactions like that every week in the numismatic field. Perhaps Mrs Fore should be less concerned with these coin sales. She can do one of two things: beat ‘em at their own game -- have the Mint sell colorized coins -- OR, create so much desirable coin and numismatic products at the Mint that we poor collectors don’t have enough money left to buy the colorized items. To ask Congress to enact legislation to make this practice illegal is questionable and perhaps a waste of time. I would welcome your opinion after you read the article: Full Story This practice all started with a John Wayne Congressional Medal made by the U.S. Mint in 1979. If you are interested I’ll write about this next week. Tell me you want to know (or if you have a John Wayne medal in your collection). dick.johnson at snet.net" [British enameled coins of the late 1900s are what come to mind when thinking of these modern versions. 100 years later these are collectible works of art. These were probably considered the schlock of the Victorian era, and collectors of the day probably disdained them just as we do these. See this web page for images: Images I would like to learn more about how these modern versions are made. I thought I read somewhere that the colorization is outsourced to low-paid workers overseas. Is that true? -Editor] MAX VON BAHRFELDT PHOTO FOUND In response to David Gladfelter's request for information, Jørgen Sømod forwarded a photo of Max von Barhfeldt, which I forwarded on to David. If any one has any other information on Bahrfeldt, please let us know. MYSTERY QUOTE ANSWER David Fanning writes: "Regarding the mystery quote, I'm pretty positive this is a Breen quote, but I can't think of what it's from and don't have time to look into it. Big help, huh?" Later, David added: "Actually, now that I think about it, I think Breen was talking about only one coin--not "these coins." I think it was a silver center cent." Well, it's a good start. David was barking up the right tree. Mark Borckardt sent us the following: "I guess it's time for a hint: It is from a firm that took its name from the State Tree of Maine." Figured it out yet? Karl Moulton did, and he didn't even need Mark's hint: Karl writes: "The answer to Mark Borckardt's quotation (of sorts) can be found by looking at the cover of the September 18, 1974 GENA sale conducted by Pine Tree. Walter Breen wrote "I didn't think I'd ever see (let alone catalogue) this coin!" He was referring to the 1792 silver center cent which appeared as lot #1272a." John Kraljevich also had the answer. He writes: "I'm surprised no one guessed the source of the mystery quote. It's from the Pine Tree 1974 GENA sale regarding a 1792 Silver Center cent, the one that showed an uncomfortable close up of Walter Breen and the quote in his own handwriting. Here's hoping no other auction firm ever decides to put a larger than life image of their cataloguer on the cover of a catalogue (including mine!)." [Thanks to Mark and our contestants for a fine exchange. Karl and John win bragging rights until the next quiz, and as runner up David gets a coupon for half off next year's E-Sylum subscription. -Editor] NUMISMATIST ON MICROFICHE Henry Bergos writes: "We have been talking about the "rarity" of the early Numismatist issues. Has every one forgotten that the ANA republished them in microfiche format in the 1980s? The reader they sold with the set is LOUSY and not a good unit. Of course I found a better reader AFTER I bought the one from the ANA. Any one wanting further info just tell me and I will excavate the info from my mess err den." [Does anyone else have the microfiche version? I do recall this being offered but decided against ordering it. I have the full set hardbound on my shelves (first six volumes in reprint) and just prefer to have the real books rather than images. The electronic version would be much easier to deal with than the microfiche, however. -Editor] DELUXE RED BOOK David Lange writes: "I got busy last week and forgot to post that I also received one of the deluxe Red Books as a contributor. Whitman did a nice job with it, and they're looking to make further improvements to the content of the regular edition for 2006. HELP TURN HOLES INTO WHOLES From the American Numismatic Society E-news (from which I stole the great headline): "Although most libraries strive to create collections that are complete, it is virtually a given that there will always be certain items, old or new, that are lacking on their shelves. The ANS Library is no exception so, perhaps you can assist in helping us find the following for our shelves. "Coinage Magazine," Vol. 23, No. 2 (Feb., 1987) and No.6 (June, 1987). "The Asylum," Vol.2, No. 4 (1984). Contact: ANS Librarian Frank Campbell Campbell at numismatics.org " On a related matter David Lange writes: "I discovered that I'm missing the December 1938 issue of The Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine from my otherwise complete set. If anyone has a copy of this issue available for sale, I'd like to hear from them at DLange at NGCcoin.com." [While we don't ordinarily publish individual wanted / for sale listings for individuals, we'll make an exception to help Dave complete his set. Can anyone supply the missing issue (with only a teeny weenie increase in price)? -Editor] ANS WEB SITE BIOGRAPHIES From the American Numismatic Society E-news: The ANS Archivist, Joe Ciccone has been adding biographical material on prominent former officers and staff to the Society's website, Individuals profiled so far include: Edward T. Newell, Sydney Noe, Charles Anthon, Daniel Parish, Jr., George C. Miles and Agnes Baldwin Brett. The most recent additions are: Edward T. Newell - Edward T. Newell Margaret Thompson - Margaret Thompson GOOGLE DIGITIZING SPAWNS COPYRIGHT REFORM REQUEST. Dick Johnson writes: "A law professor at Stanford University, in a January 12, 2005 article, responds to the announcement a month ago of Google partnering with five major libraries to place 20 million books in its search base. He recognizes this could be a dramatic change in how research is accomplished – to the betterment and spread of culture – but identifies what he calls "a dirty little secret," the legal right to copy these books. Lawrence Lessig’s article "Let a Thousand Googles Bloom," proposes that the copyright law be changed, to make it easier to track who owns what copyright. He illustrates this need in the number of books which were copyright in the year 1930 and how many of these are still in print. The 99 percent which are out-of-print are still under copyright, but locating the owner is nearly impossible. He proposes that copyrights should be renewed every five years. This would create the database of owners who could approve – or reject – placing the full contents of a book in a search database. His title implies there should be many Googles. Copyright concern dramatically affects numismatic books. Our field may be unusual in that 100-year-old books are still in active use. Often a numbering system created within the text of a specialized numismatic work becomes permanent. Out-of-print numismatic books are often reprinted for their continued utility, particularly those with universal use of their numbering systems. Publishers of ephemeral books may drop a title after only a year’s exposure to the book-buying public. Numismatic books are different, they are slow sellers -- no blockbusters here! -- but remain in active demand for decades. Two examples of 100-year-plus books come to mind: Baker’s Medallic Portraits of Washington (1885) and Betts’ American Colonial Medals (1894). Baker has been revised twice (by indefatigable toilers Russ Rulau and George Fuld), while Betts remains surprisingly intact after 108 years. How long should these original authors, and their heirs, have been paid a royalty for their copyrighted works? If you research in the numismatic field or are a numismatic author, read this: Full Story ANTIQUE DIGEST ARTICLE ON STRAWBERRY LEAF CENT The Maine Antique Digest published a very nice article on the recently auctioned U.S. 1793 strawberry leaf large cent. It's one of the best-written numismatic articles I've ever seen in a non-hobby publication. Was it ghostwritten by a numismatist? Check it out at: Full Story COMPULSIVE COLLECTOR BOUGHT "OFFICE SUPPLIES" Collecting is a compulsion, and numismatists can at least understand the enthusiasm of an Ontario, Canada collector of hockey cards who went a little too far in raising funds to feed his habit: "Canadian police charged a former senior federal bureaucrat with fraud on Friday, alleging he used government credit cards to fund his passion for collecting sports cards. Donald Billing, a former director of Measurement Canada, was charged with 11 counts of fraud. Police say he used government credit cards to buy hockey cards valued at approximately C$185,000 ($150,000), and tried to pass off the purchases as office supplies." "As a result of the case, Fox said: "There's now an increased monitoring of credit card purchases and the number of credit cards in use by Measurement Canada has been reduced by 42 nationally." To read the full story from Reuters, see: Full Story ISAAC NEWTON LIBRARY ON THE MOVE? One item which didn't make last week's issue appeared in last Sunday's Pittsburgh Post Gazette. The article was later published by the Associated Press, and Dick Johnson forwarded a copy. It relates to Isaac Newton. "Pittsburgh is a leading candidate to land a library and institute now located at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that would bring to this city one of the nation's pre-eminent collections on the history of science and technology. The 50,000 rare books, 30,000 secondary titles and assorted other materials include one of the world's three greatest assemblages of works by and about Sir Isaac Newton. They are contained in the Burndy Library, which is weighing a move to another city now that an agreement that has kept it on MIT's Cambridge, Mass., campus since 1992 will end in August 2007." "The Burndy Library was established in 1941 to accommodate holdings of the late Bern Dibner, a wealthy Ukrainian-born engineer, author and philanthropist whose fascination with Leonardo da Vinci spurred him to become an avid collector. The various items Dibner amassed, including manuscripts and artifacts like early microscopes, are rivaled by only a couple of other collections in the United States, said Ronald Brashear head of special collections at the Smithsonian Libraries, part of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C." "Around 1930, Dibner purchased a book about the history of invention and became fascinated by da Vinci, according to the Dibner Institute's Web site. Before too long, Dibner was acquiring rare books and other items not only on da Vinci but also on the Renaissance and other aspects of science and technology dating from the 15th century to modern time." "Instead of going out and becoming a playboy, what he did was go out and become a historian of science," Cronenwett said. "He had a consuming passion, and it was to be absolutely certain that, in the future, people knew what the history of science and technology was all about." To read the full article (registration required): Full Story [That's my story! Instead of becoming a Playboy, I collected all this numismatic literature! I was unaware that such a trove of Newtoniana was in the U.S. I wonder how much of the material (if any) is related to Newton's tenure at the Royal Mint? -Editor] HOW MANY COINS IN A "COMPLETE" U.S. COLLECTION? Nick Graver writes: "Recalling that Eliasberg story of: "Every U.S. Coin (made/issued for circulation)," just how many coins would that have been? What is the count today? Just how many U.S. coins would comprise a 'Complete Set?' I never heard of anyone even guessing the total. The Ground Rules would need to be defined, regarding circulating, proof, and commemorative coins. Same with 'struck, but not issued' coins. The Red Book would have to be the common element, since obscure or rare references would not be available to the average participant." [I don't believe we've ever had this question in The E-Sylum, but I recall reading some articles on the topic over the years. The topic is sure to invite debate, since there are probably as many definitions of "complete" as there are collectors. Here is one collector's definition of a U.S. type set; even if we were to agree on a set of types, we could also disagree on how many coins of eachtype are necessary. For example, the 1974 Lincoln cent was made in two different compositions of metal - I would argue both should be included, but others may disagree. Full Story -Editor] INFLATION CURRENCY Henry Bergos writes: "When I rented a store in Israel during our hyperinflationary period, just over 500%/year, in 1984 I had to wrote a check for over 1 1/2 million Shkolim. I quipped to my banker as I did it that I was getting writers cramp from this large number. He almost fell off his chair laughing. It took two lines to write it." A SCHOOL FOR COIN AUCTIONEERS? I've never heard a coin auctioneer imitate a French maid, but as prices of high-end numismatic items rise, maybe all of them will do a stint at auctioneer school, as Tuesday's article in the Wall Street Journal described. Here are some excerpts: "You have your numbers down, but you need to play a little more, use your body, your eyebrows, smile. You are the host of a party," he says, suddenly taking another tack. "You want to make everyone comfortable. Build a relationship with me. Don't make me feel like a number." The student straightens his spine and tries again, and this time Jamie smiles: "I really felt it that time," he says. "You finally connected." Welcome to Christie's auctioneering school -- an in-house program of classes and practice sessions designed to take ordinary Old Master and jewelry specialists and turn them into gavel-wielding stars. It's harder than it looks, for auctioning art is an art in itself. Auctioneers must be able to compute a constant stream of numbers in their heads, while never taking their focus off the room. They must be witty and charming enough to make spending money in six-figure increments jolly good fun, and skilled enough to make it inevitable." "To do it well, you must want to be at the center of the action. Auctioneering is a performance." "To help Christie's auctioneers cultivate their inner performer, Mr. Krass calls in former actress Jan Nulty, who addresses issues of breathing, alignment and vocal production, then goes on to loosen up her striped-suited charges with improvisational techniques right out of the Actor's Studio. Trainees have been asked to sell a lot without saying a word, in slow motion, as a ringmaster and in the flirtatious accents of a French maid. "It tricks them into playing outside of their own comfort zone," Ms. Nulty explains. "They posture less, and connect more spontaneously with bidders." This connection is what separates a good auctioneer from a great one: "It's not just about eye contact," Mr. Krass says. "To make the bidder go one more, you have to convey that you know his bid matters to him, and that it matters to you too." "The next step is much trickier: Before selling each lot, the auctioneer must consult the sale "book" (inscribed in Christie's secret code, a dead ringer for Enigma before Bletchley Park), which lists the reserve for each lot (the price below which it cannot be sold) and any "absentee bids" (placed by those who can't make it to the sale). Then, he must strategically open the bidding so that he will "land" where he needs to be (selling on the reserve if there is no further interest, or to an absentee bidder at the lowest possible price). This is known in the trade as "being on the right foot," and it can flummox even seasoned veterans. If you make a mistake, you must deftly modify the next increment, without floundering and destroying the momentum of the sale. At a recent practice session, a wrong-footed student recovered so smoothly that even the picky Mr. Krass recognized a home run. "Stud!" he grunted, all but high-five-ing him." NFL TOSSING COIN Chris Faulkner writes: "A slow Saturday evening up here in the Great White North and I was watching the end of the Steelers-Jets NFL playoff game. As E-Sylum subscribers who watch this stuff will know, the game went into overtime. There is a coin toss, and one team calls the toss to decide who will have the privilege of receiving the ball on kickoff. (It is better to receive than give because the first one to score points wins the game). The referee flipped the coin and let it land on the field. The camera zoomed in far enough so that one could clearly see that the coin had landed tails up. I admit to seeing this only out of the corner of my eye, but I thought I saw a Morgan dollar reverse with distinct evidence of wear (all that flipping maybe). This was a surprise. Why weren't they using a current dollar coin? Whose dollar was used in the toss? The referee's personal coin? One supplied by the league? Now, there was another game going on after this one, and there are two more tomorrow. The NFL is certainly not flying this coin all around the country for coin tosses, so every referee for every game has to show up with a suitable coin in his pocket. Do they all have Morgan dollars? Does the NFL have a policy on coins and denominations to be used for game tosses? I may have been mistaken about the Morgan dollar reverse, but the coin was certainly not a current issue. Does anyone know anything about this? Does anyone care? Help, I'm trapped up here in the Great White North with nothing to do but amuse myself with trivia." [I was watching the game, and also saw what looked like the reverse of a worn Morgan dollar. Interesting question - can any of our readers answer? The Steelers managed to eke out a win in the game, so those of us here in the Pittsburgh area were pleased to see the hometown team win. Go Steelers! -Editor] FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is about the Texas commemorative half dollar designed by Texas sculptor Pompeo Coppini, from the The Coppini Academy Of Fine Arts web site. The text was written by Dave Bowers. Thanks go to Pat McBride, who gave a talk on the Texas Half Wednesday night at a meeting of The Sphinx Society here in the Pittsburgh area. The coin would be a tough one to use for a coin toss, since it's confusing to tell which side is meant to be the obverse (which could be yet another discussion topic - exactly what feature(s) define what is considered to be the obverse or reverse of a coin? Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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