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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 5, January 30, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE Among our recent subscribers are Carlos Amaya and Clyde McAuley. Welcome aboard! We now have 716 subscribers. INCOMING EMAIL PROBLEM Some sort of problem has kept your editor from receiving incoming emails today, so any late submissions did not make it into this issue and should appear next week. Sorry. NEW BOOK ON MEXICAN REVOLUTIONARY BILLS Adrián González Salinas of Monterrey, Nuevo León, México writes: "I'd like to inform The E-Sylum's readers about a new Mexican numismatic book: Title: Los Billetes de la Revolución Mexicana (1910-1925) (The Mexican Revolution Bills) Author: Antonio García C. Paper: Glossy Dimensions: 21.6 (W) x 27.8 (L) x 0.7 cms Pages: (1),48 (one page per sheet) Cover: Soft Year: 2004 (October) Photos: 107 (in color) Language: Spanish Edition: 500 copies ISBN: 970-93447 Índice (Index): 1) Prólogo 2) El Billete en la Revolución Mexicana 3) "Los Cartones" 4) "Los Infalsificables" de Don Venustiano Carranza 5) La Comisión Monetaria 6) La Paridad Cambiaria Durante la Revolución Mexicana 7) Epílogo de los Principales Personajes Revolucionarios 8) La Revolución Mexicana - Sus Logros 9) Cronología de los Presidentes de México (1911-1928) 10) Dimensión de la Billetística Mexicana 11) Feria de Billetes Revolucionarios (Plates) 12) Bibliografía This book was printed by Talleres de Supergraphic, S.A. de C.V. in Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. All of photos of this book are in full color at real size. For any additional information, please send an e-mail to the author at gaca at prodigy.net.mx." Also, I'd like to wish to The E-Sylum readers a very prosperous 2005 year." KOLBE HONORED AT ANS John Adams submitted this summary of events at the recent ANS Gala for numismatic literature dealer George Kolbe: "On January 14th, George Kolbe was honored by the American Numismatic Society at its annual Gala. Attendance was 120 (not bad at $500 per ticket). After a reception. lavish dinner, and some dancing, George was introduced by John Adams. Singled out was his extraordinary record as a builder - 1) builder of a business, one now having 94 domestic auction and 14 joint auctions with Spink under its belt, 2) builder of a reputation - amongst numismatic bibliophiles, George is the "last word", 3) builder of the ANS with his time, talent and treasure and 4) builder of a hobby that is now one of the most energized, interesting and supportive segment in all numismatics. Lest this extraordinary record of accomplishment go to the awardee's head, mention was made of a continuing FBI investigation into a 1990 scam having to do with a certain auction in Fort Worth, Texas. George began his modest acceptance speech by, once again, proclaiming his innocence. He received a thunderous ovation both before and after his brief remarks." ONE-COIN BOOKS? Ralf W. Böpple of Stuttgart, Germany writes: "Thanks again to the E-Sylum for having brought to my attention a recently published book. This time it was David Tripp's work 'Illegal Tender', the story of the 1933 Double Eagle, which was discussed some weeks ago. I immediately ordered the book and have so far managed to read halfway through it (so many books, so little time!). This brings me to what I think could be an interesting question to challenge the E-Sylum readership with: Are there any other books (that is, not just articles) that tell the story of a unique coin? [The 1933 Double Eagle may or may not be unique. Time will tell. There are certainly books that deal with a single coin, although not always unique specimens. What about the exhibit catalog for the Aitna Tetradrachm that we discussed a couple issues ago? The coin is unique, and the 48-page softbound catalog qualifies as a book in my mind, but I suppose it could be termed a monograph. -Editor] WILL BETTS EVER BE UPDATED? Dick Johnson writes: "In answer to Granvyl Hulse’s inquiry last week whether Betts "American Colonial Medals" will ever be updated, the answer is both No and Yes! If someone 30 years ago attempted this chore the researcher probably realized the near impossibility of this foreboding task and abandoned the project. The scope of Betts’ book is so broad it would require a global search among both private and public collections that several lifetimes might be required. This gives us far more admiration for what the Betts family accomplished in gathering material for this original 1894 book. As you may know, Betts monumental work was the theme of the American Numismatic Society’s COAC Conference last May. The fact nine scholars delivered papers all based on this one book is evidence of its wide scope and permanent utility. Even with this concentrated, unduplicated study, each of the speakers could only approach a small portion of the overall subject. The definition of "America" in the book title – and thus the topic of Betts’ interest – was all of the Western Hemisphere. In the United States we are so provincial that we think our citizens are the only Americans. To Betts’s global concept "America" included Canada right down to the tip of South America. Thus the Medals of the Western Hemisphere is a daunting subject, even if your cutoff point is the beginning of American Independence, as was Betts "Colonial" criteria. That’s why Betts will not be updated in the near future. However all is not lost. Numismatic scholars are portioning the subject with plans to publish significant works on topics within his total scope. First, be on the lookout for the ANS printed edition of the COAC papers due out next summer. There is lots of good Betts material coming up. For example, John Adams is doing work on the Comitia Americana group – those medals authorized by the United States Congress and struck at the Paris Mint -- later restruck at the Philadelphia Mint. He is well along on this work Be on the watch for these publications. But don't hold your breath for a revision of Betts' book." John Adams writes: "Regarding a revision of the 1894 classic by C.W. Betts, it is a great book but it is so broad - six languages, 12 counties, over 200 years -- that it tends to overwhelm collectors who might get interested. My own intention is to update (and intensify) in much smaller chunks: my book on George III Indian peace medals is done, my work on John Law medals is at the printer, Comitia Americana medals next year, Vernon medals the year after. David Menchell will publish a three-part series in the MCA Advisory (published by the Medal Collectors of America) beginning with the January issue that will cover the medals of the French & Indian War. And so, there will be created a body of knowledge that goes far beyond Betts and that, hopefully, will stimulate a renaissance of interest in what is undoubtedly a neglected part of our hobby." [The MCA web site is MCA Membership is only $20/year. David Menchell's exhibit of medals at last year's American Numismatic Association convention blew me away; I'm looking forward to reading his articles. -Editor] ANA SUNDMAN LECTURE SERIES >From the American Numismatic Association's MoneyMail e-mail newsletter: "If you would like to be considered as a presenter for the Maynard Sundman Littleton Coin Co. Lecture Series on July 25 in San Francisco prior to the 2005 ANA World's Fair of Money, submit an abstract of under 500 words on a topic that illustrates the history of American numismatics to ANA Director of Numismatic Curriculum Lane Brunner at brunner at money.org. Deadline for submission is March 31, 2005. Selected speakers will receive up to $500 travel reimbursement, a $250 honorarium, and more. See the February Numismatist for more details." [To subscribe to this free e-newsletter, send email to: moneymail at money.org. -Editor] EMPEROR NORTON'S NAME MAY GRACE 'HIS' BRIDGE A news item we missed last month was brought to our attention by an article in the Fall/Winter 2004 issue of The Brasher Bulletin, the newsletter of the Society for Private and Pioneer Numismatics (SPPN). A December 15, 2004 article in the San Francisco Chronicle described efforts to rename the San Francisco-Oakland Bay bridge after Emperor Norton, the colorful 19th-century character known to numismatists for the scrip notes his issued to fund his "government". "More than a century after a quirky San Francisco character who called himself Emperor Norton I ordered a bridge be built spanning the bay, a move is under way to name the later-day Bay Bridge in his honor. The drive was publicized by Chronicle cartoonist Phil Frank in his strip "Farley" -- perhaps a fitting forum for a man who walked the streets of San Francisco in the late 1800s with a plume in his hat and a sword in his hand, issued his own currency and declared that calling the city "Frisco" was a High Misdemeanor." "The resolution, if approved by Mayor Gavin Newsom, next will travel to the Oakland City Council and on to the California Legislature. Frank, who also is a historian, said he came up with the bridge-naming idea while working on cartoons illustrating how students these days know little about California history." "Joshua Abraham Norton -- who, according to his Chronicle obituary, hailed from Scotland -- was a businessman who came to San Francisco by way of South Africa in 1849 to try his luck in the Gold Rush. It is said that he lost his fortune -- and his mental stability -- after making a bum investment in the rice market a few years later. In 1859, he proclaimed himself Emperor of the United States and, shortly thereafter, the Protector of Mexico. For the next 20 years, he issued proclamations defending minorities and championing civil rights, which were reproduced in local newspapers. He roamed the city accompanied by his dogs, Bummer and Lazarus, and some eateries honored Norton's own specially printed paper money. In 1872, Norton ordered "a bridge be built from Oakland Point to Goat (Yerba Buena) Island and thence to Telegraph Hill." Though his proclamation received little notice at the time, such a bridge would open in 1936, described by President Herbert Hoover as "the greatest bridge ever erected by the human race." Full Story ive/2004/12/15/MNGUMAC6LN1.DTL The Brasher Bulletin reprinted the article as well as the cartoon series and an article by Dr. Robert J. Chandler titled "What Do We Want? The Emperor Norton Bridge! When Do We Want It? Now!" Chandler, an E-Sylum subscriber referred by Dave Bowers, is the Chairman of His Majesty's Bridge Committee. Good luck to the committee in their quest! Huzzah! ON COPYRIGHT AND REIMBURSING AUTHORS Jorg Lueke writes: "I wanted to comment on the L.A.Times story on Copyright law. In working on the Electronic Numismatist and some other related ideas for digitizing older works I've run into copyright issues time and again. Sure, anything before 1923 is clear sailing, but anything between then and 1963 you really need to research to make sure the copyright was not renewed. As these records are not all available online that can involve some cost or a trip to D.C. Works from 1964 are protected at least 70 years after the death of the author. Excessive or not, it is very difficult to track down the owners of the copyright even if you wanted to. Say a collector published a interesting treatise in 1964. Having passed away the copyright passed to his heirs, but how depends on what country and what state he/they reside in. Tracking the path can become horribly cumbersome. The end result is that this persons one published contribution becomes lost for fear of some lost claimant suing for a violation. While I am all for protecting author's rights I think after an initial term any extensions should at least be filed in a place that can be easily searched. Let the public have access to all those interesting but forgotten words as we enter the digital age of words. If anyone has any ideas on how such proposals might reach the ears of Congress, I'd be delighted to hear them." Ed Snible writes: "As a web-publisher of numismatic works that have lost copyright protection, I would like to respond to Mr. Mortensen. In E-Sylum v8#4, Morten Eske Mortensen writes: "Any copyright laws ought to include a paragraph 'No title can lose the copyrighted status before the author has been paid the equivalent in royalties of a full salary for his work.'" The problem Mr. Mortensen writes about is real. Numismatic book buyers are apparently unwilling to purchase books at prices and in quantities sufficient to provide authors decent wages. Extending copyright will not help. Copyright law guarantees copyright for 70 years after the death of the author (or, in the case of older works, 95 years after publication). During this period the government provides free enforcement of a monopoly on printing the book. This protection is a pretty good deal for the author. Most small businesses fail; I know of no other industry that receives governmental protection even seven years after failure -- let alone 70! For the past two years I've been scanning 19th and early 20th century works on Greek coins for free use on the web. The long-dead authors receive no payment for the works I've web-published. Perhaps my contribution helps living authors? I hope the Digital Historia Numorum makes it easier for authors to research Greek coins. I also hope that the free availability of older works pushes book buyers to target their limited book-buying budget on new authors, rather than towards the reprint publishing houses. I would be curious to know the market value of publication rights to older numismatic works (1900-1950s, say). How much do Ares, Forni, Durst, University Microfilms, etc. pay to copyright holders for publication rights?" SUNKEN TREASURE LITERATURE CLUB Last week I asked about the Sunken Treasure Literature Club that had a meeting at the recent F.U.N. show. No one had an answer for us, but the February 7, 2005 issue of Coin World has a nice article about the club by Paul Gilkes on p92. "F. Gordon Frost and David Crooks organized the club for the purpose of sharing information about books, pamphlets, and auction catalogs on the topic of shipwreck coins, other artifacts and treasure salvage. The club plans to hold its second annual meeting Jan. 6 2006, when the FUN show returns to Orlando." Crooks prepared an annotated bibliography of his collection of literature and posted it online at sunkentreasurebooks.com Gordon's a longtime NBS member. Good luck with the new organization! MAKOYA MOOLAH A January 28, 2005 article tells more about the transition to new bank notes in South Africa: "The face of the currency is changing, and to make sure you know what's going on, a far-reaching campaign has kicked off to take the message to millions. The SA Reserve Bank will begin distributing its new banknotes on Tuesday, and before you get a nasty surprise at the ATM, you should have heard about the Makoya Moola, "the real money". "Makoya Moola - rands you can trust" is the theme of the Reserve Bank's nationwide campaign to inform people. Makoya is derived from "the real McCoy" and moola is old slang for money. On Wednesday at the Ottery Hypermarket, people clustered at the "Makoya Moola" stage trailer to hear about the new notes." "The campaign includes television and radio ads, 40 information gazebos at taxi ranks, roving stage trailers and an edu-drama on the new notes, which will be broadcast on national and local radio stations. A special song will be sung in all 11 official languages. A million posters will be distributed. The campaign's estimated audience is 25 million people." "To celebrate South Africa's democracy, the upgraded banknotes will include the South African Coat of Arms and use all 11 languages across the denominations." To read the full story, see: Full Story HAMMERING DOLLARS INTO BADGES? Carl Honore' writes: "Does anyone have any resources to research on the topic of hammering out silver dollars to make sheriff and marshall badges? I was in my tax preparer's office and he turned it into a museum of sorts featuring old west memorabilia. I noticed that some of his collection of Sheriff's badges had ridges on the edges . I asked him about it and he said it was common practice to make them out of silver dollars. Does anyone have any info on this at all?" ["Other uses for coins" would be an interesting side topic. Those that come most easily to mind use the practice of cutting down U.S. cents for washers or gears. But until now I hadn't heard of the practice of turning dollars into badges. Anyone? -Editor] PAVED WITH SILVER DOLLARS Regarding the question about a bar with a silver dollar floor, Karl S. Kabelac writes: "A key word search of the Proquest Historical Newspapers database did not turn up anything relating to the Jacob Riis reference, but did turn up a 1929 New York Times article, "Veterans to Protest Dollars in Bar Floor." The bar room of the new Hotel Telegrafo in Havana was leased to a British citizen who had "caused American dollars to be imbedded in the tile on the floor of the saloon for decorative effect." American World War veterans in Havana were protesting it to the American Ambassador, and it was said that several other veterans' groups would protest also. The Cuban police had visited the bar and requested the proprietor to appear before a judge, but it was felt that "Cuban officials will take no action." [A web search turned up a link to web page for a Hotel Telegrafo in Havana. Could this be the same place? Are the dollars still there? Full Story "The Hotel Telégrafo once located on Amistad street worked since the year 1860. Located hemming the Campo de Marte, one of the then campuses for military practices. Around the year 1888 it moved to one of the most crowded corners of all times in the city, formed by the streets of Prado and Neptuno where this traditional hotel stands to its present day. " -Editor] THE CHANGING (PIMPLEY) FACE OF THE COUNTERFEITER Jeff Reichenberger writes: "There was an interesting article in today's (1/24) Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel about counterfeiting entitled, 'The new creators of counterfeit currency'. Mainly talking about digital technology, scanning, photography, etc. The secret service in Milwaukee has been busy tracking down mostly teenagers with nice computers who duplicate $5 and $10 bills and use them at retail stores and McDonalds. I just finished reading the book, 'Money of their Own' -the stories of the worlds greatest counterfeiters- by Murray Teigh Bloom. 1957. Therein describes the most elaborate, sophisticated, drawn-out, and carefully planned counterfeit schemes the world has known, from 'Operation Bernhard' (the nazi plan of WWII), to William M. Jacobs, the successful Pennsylvania cigar maker who decided he wasn't making enough money selling nickel cigars. It struck me funny that it used to be big criminals trying to get filthy rich making phoney money, or wartime strategists trying to bring down the enemy by flooding it with bogus bills. Now the secret service has to chase teenagers who just needed a burger and fries! The times they are a'changin'." To read the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal article, go to Full Story OK, OK, I'LL SAY IT: PENNIES! Regarding last week's discussion of the age-old problem of the popular vs. correct name for the lowest U.S. coin denomination, Tom DeLorey writes: "At least three times in 15 years at the coin shop, I have had people tell me excitedly that they "had a penny that says ONE CENT on it!!!!!" In each case it was a "wheatback" cent, on which the denomination must be more painfully obvious than it is on the Memorial cent." PHOTO YELLOW PAGES DEBUT Those of us who research tokens or paper money spend a lot of time looking through old city directories searching for addresses and other information relating to their issuers. Sometimes we come across a real treat - an illustration of the issuer's place of business within an advertisement. Wouldn't it be great if we could find illustrations of every business we looked up? Well, researchers of the future may have that ability. Amazon this week announced a new feature, a local yellow-pages listing that displays photos of neighborhood businesses. >From the New York Times: "With the service, Amazon joins Yahoo, Google and many other companies in offering the electronic equivalent of the yellow pages. But the Amazon service, developed by its search-focused subsidiary A9, adds a novel twist: 20 million photos of buildings in 10 major United States cities, with more on the way. To achieve this, A9 sent out a sport utility vehicle equipped with a digital video camera. In Manhattan, for example, a driver spent more than a week cruising down streets, capturing images and cataloging the location of each business using a global positioning system receiver. " "The printed yellow pages have been around for 100 years, and they haven't changed much," Mr. Dorfman said. "This is a way of taking it to the next level." "Initially, the local search service will offer photos from Manhattan, Chicago, Dallas, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Portland and Denver. The search results will have related advertisements provided by Google." To read the full article, see: Full Story Wouldn't it be great to look up photos of the storefronts of the great numismatic dealers of the past? For fun, I looked up coin dealers in Manhattan. It didn't take long to realize that the accuracy of the GPS system, as impressive as it is, delivers far from pinpoint accuracy. More often than not I ended up looking at a boarded-up storefront or the convenience store down the street instead of what I was hoping to find. But the saving grace of the system is the ability to pan left and right for alternate views of the screetscape. The entry for Stack's shows a building a few doors down to the right. But using the "Walk left" button I was able to find Stack's a few doors away. Here's a link to the initial page - use "Walk left" or the left arrow button to find Stack's about six images away: More Info Those arrow buttons are very useful - you can take a walking tour of the city from the comfort of your desk. I found the entry for the Lord & Taylor department store, which I remembered being on Fifth Avenue. Then using the right arrow key, I "walked" up Fifth Avenue, past the New York Public Library and continued for several blocks. Before my next trip to New York I'll locate my hotel and take a "walk" around the area to show my kids where I'll be staying. As an exercise for the readers, who can find us some images of other coin dealerships? I poked around, but without much luck. And is anyone else a little disturbed to know that a passing truck could secretly photograph you and post your image on the internet for all to see? A public street is in the public domain, and no one should have any expectations of privacy, but I'm sure glad the truck didn't drive by on my last visit to Stack's and catch me scratching my posterior while deciding where to go for lunch afterwards. I wouldn't be surprised if these yellow pages images end up being featured in a Law & Order episode, allowing the cops to confirm (or demolish) someone's alibi. Welcome to the 21st century, like it or not.... TIPPING POINT FOR COIN DISAPPEARANCE? Last week I asked "... at what point do older coins become so unusual that the general public starts actively putting them aside? When they are about 25% of the mix? 10%? My theory is that there must be some sort of tipping point where hoarding starts. Thoughts, anyone? Tom DeLorey writes: "Obviously the tipping point is 15% ....... But seriously, it may just be that the nickels before 1960 have naturally worn out from continued circulation, as all coins used to do before the Treasury took the radical step of changing the cent reverse in 1959 or removing silver from the dime and quarter in 1965. I find the thought depressing since I started collecting coins around 1960, but that's the way life goes. There sure were a lot of dateless Buffaloes around back in 1960." Steve D'Ippolito writes: "Regarding Jefferson nickels from 1938-1961: I've been playing that game for about a decade. I think I've filled about a third of the holes in my Whitman folder from circulation. It now seems that every time I *do* get a pre-1962 piece in circulation, it's a duplicate. Sometimes in slightly better condition. I'll see one of these coins about once every couple of months on average. So they are definitely out there." Jeff Starck writes: "I want to reply to the query about the hoarding of pre-1960 Jefferson nickels. >From October 1995 to Jan. 2004, I worked in retail as a cashier, etc., while I was going through high school and college. I always found pre-1960 nickels in circulation, and probably found 40 or more war nickels (35% silver, etc.) just in the last three years. In that time, I probably found three dozen silver Washington quarter dollars, 30 or 40 silver Roosevelt dimes, about that many "Buffalo" nickels (mostly worn dates) and even some "Mercury" dimes and Liberty nickels. Silver Kennedy halves popped up often enough; I'd say I got two dozen. I even found two Indian Head cents, 1899 and 1904, in Good and Very Good condition, respectively. I even found two Proof coins, just one day apart! As for paper money, not much was out there other than worn silver certificates (though I did find a blue seal and red seal note once). As for hoarding of pre-1960s nickels, I set aside all that I could find, unless they were spectacularly junky, and amassed thousands of them in that time. I also pulled aside all the "Wheat" cents I could find, and there were always at least a hundred or more a year, sometimes 200+ in a year. Anyway, it is out there, and most people I worked with knew nothing about the coins I didn't tell them (and even then, they didn't pay attention!). So, that would mean there's still hope to find some old stuff!" MAX VON BAHRFELDT Jørgen Sømod writes: "Max Von Bahrfeldt is mentioned several times in Danish and Norwegian numismatic literature because of his 80th birthday in 1936 and shortly thereafter in necrologies. Nothing bad is here told about him." ON EXHIBITING GOLD Regarding the exhibit of Gold in Houston that Dick Johnson informed us about, Brad Karoleff writes: "Wow! A gold exhibit where you can actually touch a 25 pound gold bar! I am sure almost everyone will want to caress it during their visit to the exhibit. I just wonder how much less it will weigh at the end of the show. I wonder if the museum will be willing to take a very accurate weight of the pre and post show bar to determine the loss. Or, maybe we shouldn't tell them to keep them from changing their minds on allowing the "hands on" learning experience." [One would think the museum would at least take the step of laquering the bar to prevent loss. Perhaps they already have. I wonder what the guards would think if someone walked up and sandpapered their fingertips before touching it... -Editor] HEADS I WIN The Shelby Star of North Carolina published this story about a local man who found a double-headed quarter: "Cherryville resident Carl Young opened a pack of quarters he got from the bank this week and found an unusual item — a two-headed quarter. After consulting with a U.S. Mint spokesman and a Shelby coin collector, however, it appears that the quarter is most likely a novelty item. “These are coins that are altered outside of the Mint,” said Michael White, U.S. Mint spokesman. Double-headed quarters are novelty items created by private companies, he said. Companies that sell them have to advertise plainly that they are altered novelty items or else they can be charged with a crime if “ fraudulent intent” is identified, White said. Young’s coin has the head of a 1989 quarter on one side and the head of a 1995 quarter on the other. Coins like this that are used for novelty purposes are called “magicians’ coins,” said Steve Costner, who works at First Charter Bank" Full Story POUR LE MERITE MEDAL: THE BLUE MAX An article in the Kansas City Star reports that "The Liberty Memorial Museum has received a rare German Pour le Merite medal, also known as the Blue Max. The medal was the highest honor awarded by the imperial German government until the end of World War I in 1918. It was part of a collection of war artifacts donated by a Kansas City man. “It's a German medal with a French name,” said Eli Paul, the museum's director." To read the full article, see: Full Story The web has a number of sources of information about the medal: "Although it may sound incongruous Germany's highest military medal awarded during World War One was the decidedly French sounding Pour le Merite (also known the as 'The Blue Max'). The award dates back to 1667 when, in the German state of Brandenburg, the Ordre de la Generosite - the Order of Generosity - was created by Frederick William I. Given that French was the language of the royal court the naming of the merit award would have appeared a natural choice. The award's name was subsequently modified in June 1740 to Pour le Merite by Frederick the Great." Full Story See also: speedace.info pourlemerite.org So, dear readers: who was the most famous awardee of The Blue Max medal? No fair snooping around! HOW MANY COINS IN A COMPLETE U.S SET? Mark Borckardt writes: "Further to this interesting question: When Louis E. Eliasberg, Sr. set about to complete a collection of US coins, he used the old Green Checklist (I believe, and Dave Bowers could verify this). Based on that guide, his collection was in fact a complete collection. It is certainly not fair to suggest he did not have a complete collection because he did not own the 1870-S half dime. That coin was not discovered until after he passed away. He did own the unique 1870-S three dollar piece, for example, as it was known to exist years earlier. Every numismatist could answer this question a little bit differently. Do we include individual die varieties of early US coins? These were not mistakes or errors within the Mint, thus perhaps they should be included. Do we include every coin listed in the Guide Book? Many doubled dies and other varieties are listed. Do we include overdates and repunched mintmarks? Some will say yes and others will say no. What about the US Assay Office gold coins of California? Are these US coins to be included in the collection? What about Fugio Cents? The list of coins to be included or excluded could go on and on. The suggestion that the number of entries in the Breen Encyclopedia be tallied is not useful in my mind. A number of different pattern coins are included in his listings, for example, but not every pattern coin is listed. Of course, to answer the question, we are also faced with a moving target. Shall we include every VAM dollar variety, and who keeps track of the list as new varieties are discovered? What about the recent discovery of a new variety in the state quarter series? To me, a complete collection of coins would include every date and mintmark issue currently known, including coins from transitional years. Both 1807 half eagles, Draped Bust and Capped Bust, must be included in a complete collection. Overdates are not separate issues unless there was no normal date variety for the year, such as the 1815/2 half dollar. A few years ago, I set up an Excel spreadsheet with listings for all US coins, including die varieties of early coins, pattern coins, and other items. My spreadsheet contains about 10,000 entries, and even this is far from complete. Before we can answer the question, we must all agree on the specific parameters. I don't believe that it would be possible for all of us to agree on the parameters, but it might be interesting to try." KOLBE CELATOR COLUMN Last week Dave Kellogg patted George Kolbe on the back for his great "Profiles in Numismatics" column in The Celator. George Kolbe writes: "Poor Wayne Sayles and Kerry Wetterstrom. As proprietors of The Celator, both have labored long and hard to produce each month a biography of a notable numismatist and, often with even greater difficulty, to locate a likeness to accompany it. And I get all the credit! It's been a great series and those who enjoy it can provide a real service by providing likenesses to The Celator of talented numismatists of the past who have contributed to the study of ancient coins and who have not previously been chronicled in its pages." NOSTRADAMUS' POCKET PIECE, PERHAPS? A January 28th press release describes "An unidentified flying object on a 17th century French coin continues to mystify rare coin experts. After decades of seeking possible answers about a mysterious UFO-like design on a 17th century French copper coin, a prominent numismatic expert says it remains just that: an unidentified flying object. After a half-century of research, the design has defied positive identification by the numismatic community. "It was made in the 1680s in France and the design on one side certainly looks like it could be a flying saucer in the clouds over the countryside," said Kenneth E. Bressett of Colorado Springs, Colorado, a former President of the 32,000-member American Numismatic Association and owner of the curious coin. "Is it supposed to be a UFO of some sort, or a symbolic representation of the Biblical Ezekiel's wheel? After 50 years of searching, I've heard of only one other example of it, and nothing to explain the unusual design." Bressett said the mysterious piece is not really a coin, but a "jeton," a coin-like educational tool that was commonly used to help people count money, or sometimes used as a money substitute for playing games. It is about the size of a U.S. quarter-dollar and similar to thousands of other jetons with different religious and educational designs that were produced and used in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. "The design on this particular piece could be interpreted as showing either a UFO or Ezekiel's wheel, but little else. Some people think the Old Testament reference to Ezekiel's wheel may actually be a description of a long-ago UFO," he explained. "The legend written in Latin around the rim is also mystifying. 'OPPORTUNUS ADEST' translates as 'It is here at an opportune time.' Is the object in the sky symbolic of needed rainfall, or a Biblical reference or visitors from beyond? We probably will never know for certain," said Bressett. "It is part of the lure of numismatics that makes coin collecting so intriguing." Full Story [Be sure to click on the images of the token to see enlarged views. Sure looks like a classic UFO to me! Nostradamus lived from 1503 to1566, over 100 years before this jeton was minted. But he predicted everything else, so why not UFOs and this token? -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is the Digital Historia Numorum. Featured Web Site Wayne Homren The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at coinbooks.org. There is a membership application available on the web site at this address: Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Membership is only $15 to addresses in North America, $20 elsewhere. For those without web access, write to: David M. 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To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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