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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 11, March 13, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATE Among our recent subscribers is Dennis Hengeveld of The Netherlands. Welcome aboard! We now have 731 subscribers. A few subscribers did not receive their issue last week because of their ISP's spam filters. If you miss any issue, back issues are archived on our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org JEROME H. REMICK 1928-2005 George H. Cockburn of Québec, Canada writes (Wednesday, March 9): "Searching Google, I just came across your request for information (E-Sylum : Vol 7 no 42) on Jerry Remick. Unfortunately, Jerry passed away last week in Quebec City, where he lived. The funeral was yesterday. I knew him well since he worked for me for a few years as a geologist. Everyone knew he was an expert in numismatics. Though he was English-speaking and born in the US, he worked in French for the Quebec Department of Natural Resources during his long career as a geologist spanning well over 35 years. Amongst our geologists, he was was certainly one of the most prolific. In Quebec, Jerry was known as Jérôme and was very appreciated by his colleagues as well as the the mineral exploration industry. He retired about 10 years ago. Enclosed is the death notice which appeared in Le Soleil, the Quebec City newspaper on March 5th 2005. He apparently died alone in his apartment and was discovered several days later. He was related somehow to actress Lee Remick." [The death notice, in French, was very brief. Would any of our readers be able to share memories of Mr. Remick with us? -Editor] SHOW ME THE MONEY! "The Standard Catalog of Motion Picture, Television, Stage and Advertising Prop Money" by Fred Reed has been published by McFarland Inc., N.C. Some of you veteran readers of The E-Sylum may recall that this book was conceived on line in an exchange of E-Sylum messages initiated by Numismatics International Librarian Granvyl Hulse, who challenged E-Sylum readers to do such a book and offered assistance. Fred Reed, author of the award winning "CIVIL WAR ENCASED STAMPS: The Issuers and Their Times", thought that was a worthy task and stepped up to do the job. That was four years ago. Fred writes: "Now, in case any of you have been holding your breath, you can breathe once again. My book, "SHOW ME THE MONEY! The Standard Catalog of Motion Picture, Television, Stage and Advertising Prop Money" is out now." Word at Reed residences in Oklahoma, Texas, California and Florida is that it is the family's most beautiful "baby" ever. Father and "son" are both reportedly doing well. Specifics of this newest addition to Reed's numismatic family are impressive: 788 pages, 2071 pictures (according to the publisher's count. "I'll take their word for it," Fred notes), includes bibliography and an extremely comprehensive index. Fred adds: "the book could have been a lot bigger but the publisher printed the Index in teeny, tiny type---my apologies to those who like the large print versions of Reader's Digest and Playboy.". SHOW ME THE MONEY catalogs more than 300 different series of prop notes, comprising more than 1,800 types, and over 2,000 varieties covering more than a century of movie making. Virtually all are illustrated with large, excellent quality photographs. "Prop money is graphically exciting," Reed says. "Film characters vie for it, lie for it, steal it, kill for it, fondle it, and even examine it and philosophize about it just like people in normal life," he notes., Many of these notes are truly historic, and a good number of them have been confiscated by the Secret Service at various times ("full details disclosed in the book," Fred says). Several hundred pages of historical and movie information make it a good read ("Get it? - Good REED!"), as well as hundreds of illustrations from Reed's large collection of movie stills and movie posters depicting money, which make it a visual delight, according to those who have seen it. The book also includes a catalog numbering system, prices every note, gives rarities, provides eras of film use for most varieties, and specific instances of use for many of these notes. In addition to lots of spade work, Reed interviewed Hollywood insiders such as prop masters, set decorators, and art directors, and production crew members. He also viewed more than one thousand movies ("yes, that's right, 1000-plus") to write its authoritative text. Fred writes: "Eventually (hopefully positive) reviews will appear in all the RIGHT places, but E-Sylum readers can be the first on their respective blocks to see it themselves since it is already for sale on both amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com." "The ISBN is 0-7864-2037-5 (Orders filled in 2-3 days according to those sellers)," Reed reports. It is also available from the Publisher, McFarland Publications, 1-800-253-2187 or Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640 and has appeared in that firm's fall, winter and spring catalogs, as well as publisher's trade ads in BIG REEL and elsewhere. As a special offer to E-Sylum readers, they can order the book straight from its author for $82.50 postpaid at this address: Fred Reed P.O. Box 118162 Carrollton, TX 75011-8162 The book won't be autographed (note: it will be shipped from North Carolina) but E-Sylum orders from the author will receive an autographed, GENUINE prop note from author Reed's personal collection that they can tip into the book or use as a bookmark. "Since it will be a genuine $100 prop note, the book will be practically free," he affirms, "just don't try to spend it or he'll have to do an update chapter about his readers and the Secret Service." Many E-Sylum readers have assisted in the preparation of this work and all are acknowledged. Fred writes: "If you feel so moved to purchase a copy, I would appreciate your feedback because I'm already deep (30-years' worth) into my next book on Abraham Lincoln --and I don't want to make the same dumb mistakes all over again." [I'm looking forward to getting my copy, and I hope a number of our readers will order copies as well. This is an obscure but very interesting and important topic. Here's our chance to be know-it-alls and trump our movie buff friends with our knowledge, all thanks to Fred's monumental effort. Congratulations, Fred! -Editor] VOORHIES PAPER MONEY BOOKS DONATED TO ANA With permission we are reprinting the following article by Nancy W. Green, Librarian of the American Numismatic Association. It appeared in the latest issue of the ANA's Numismatist magazine. "The ANA’s Dwight N. Manley Numismatic Library has received many magnificent donations through the years, and this past January another was added to its resources. The Dr. Jack M. Vorhies Syngraphic Research Library now is here in Colorado Springs, thanks to the generosity of Dr. Vorhies and the enthusiastic assistance of ANA Governor John Wilson. Containing more than 200 volumes, all in pristine condition, this wonderful assemblage of numismatic research material is too extensive to list in its entirety, but here are some highlights: A needed addition to the ANA Library’s shelves are seven copies of Heath’s Infallible Counterfeit Detectors—two of the original 1864 edition; two 1866 editions, one of which is the banking edition; and an 1870, 1873 and 1879. Previously, the Association had only six copies of the publication—two 1866 editions (one pocket-size) and an 1867, 1870, 1873 and pocket-size 1877. Other wonderful volumes include a copy of Jacob Perkins by Bathe, Dor and Grenville; a volume of vignette proofs from American Bank Note Company; a book of specimen vignettes from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing; and a copy of Ormsby’s Description of Bank-note Engraving. My personal favorite is a collection of 1907-08 issues of an American Bank Note Company publication called The Imprint. Leather-bound with gilt edges, the two volumes contain beautiful color illustrations portraying a bygone time of elegance and graciousness that people today can only imagine. Thank you, Dr. Vorhies, for sharing your outstanding library with the ANA membership. It will prove a valuable resource for years to come." BUFFALOED? Jeff Starck of Sidney, OH writes: "I couldn't help but send this, an "Appreciations" item in the March 6 New York Times, by Verlyn Klinkenborg." [I've always enjoyed reading contemporary criticisms of new coin designs. This one is headlined "The (Old) Buffalo Nickel" -Editor] "Last week, the United States Mint released a new nickel, the third in its Westward Journey series. On the obverse is a portrait of Thomas Jefferson, who seems to loom into the porthole of the coin. The word "Liberty" appears in a facsimile of Jefferson's handwriting and is dwarfed by "In God We Trust." On the reverse, a bison stands on a small patch of prairie, fenced in by the words "United States of America," which nearly surround him. It is perhaps a meaningless artifact of design that this bison is facing to the right. The new buffalo nickel is, of course, meant to recall the old buffalo nickel, which was minted in Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco between 1913 and 1938. That nickel was one of the most attractive coins ever issued in this country." "The mint distributed more than 1.2 billion of those nickels, and they have nearly all been retired. But even in the early 1960's, you could still find a buffalo nickel in your change from time to time. It was always an occasion to stop and look closely. This was a coin that worked in a purely iconographic fashion. It had a visual economy that is still moving. In the face of that Indian and the somber mass of that bison, you can visualize the tragic undertone of American history. To come upon a buffalo nickel - one of the old ones - in your pocket was to come upon a work of art." To read the original article, see: Full Story [Everyone's a critic when a new coin hits the scene. I wonder what people had to say when Fraser's "Buffalo" nickel debuted in 1913. Does anyone have a contemporary critique of that coin? -Editor] LITTLE ANT HILLS [Some people start complaining about a new design before it's even finished. The following is from an article published March 9th. -Editor] "The U.S. Mint will release Colorado's state quarter in 2006, but it's still not certain what it will look like. The five designs that are being considered were unveiled Wednesday in a special ceremony at the state Capitol." Barb McTurk, a former superintendent at Denver's Mint, unsuccessfully fought for a Western artist to be appointed to the project, fearing Easterners wouldn't understand their request for "majestic mountains." Frances Owens admitted the first designs shipped back were a little disappointing. "We really did have little ant hills," she said. The designs went back and forth several times before the commission was satisfied." "Each of the five designs incorporates the Rocky Mountains, and includes the banner, "Colorado 1876." One design features Mesa Verde’s famous Cliff Palace, another has a visual of Pikes Peak with a miner's pick and shovel, while a third includes an alpine soldier with the words "Birthplace of the 10th Mountain Division." The other two designs have rugged mountain backdrops -- one with the inscription "Colorful Colorado," and the other with columbine flower over the words "The Centennial State." To read the full article, see: Full Story COINAGE YEARBOOK BOOK REVIEWS The 2005 Coin Collector's Yearbook, published by COINage magazine, contains a nice article by Col. Bill Murray reviewing recent coin books. Books reviewed include multiple new titles published by Whitman Publishing, and "The Mint on Carson Street by Rusty Goe "The Copper Coinage of the State of New Jersey, Annotated Manuscript of Damon G. Douglas," published by the American Numismatic Society "A History of Nineteenth Century Ohio Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip" by Wendell Wolka. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY PICTURE COLLECTION Dick Johnson writes: "A tribute should be given to the New York Public Library Picture Collection and I am glad to learn a part of it has been placed on the Internet as mentioned in last week’s E-Sylum and the New York Times March 3, 2005. This was, and is, a national treasure. Our field is indebted to the NYPL Picture Collection for design research for literally thousands of American coin and medal designs. Medallic sculptors – as well as American artists among 40,000 viewers a year – have used this collection to "look up" what people looked like (portraiture), for authentic period costumes, for historical scenes and events, for seals, symbols, logos, for a myriad of design details. These could be found so easily in that third floor room at the NYPL at 42nd and Fifth Avenue. With a library card you could check out the illustrations you found, take them to your studio or office, photocopy them, adapt them for your design project at hand -- or simply use them for artistic inspiration -- and return them in the required time. Case in point: At the height of his medallic activity, medalist Ralph J. Menconi was creating at least one new pair of medallic models a week. Sketch the design. Get the design edited and approved. Then create the models in clay. Cast the clay in plaster. Not only was he creating five medallic series at once, he worked on several medals in varying stages at once. All this, in addition to his normal medallic – and art – commissions! This frenzied activity required help. His solution was close at hand, his wife Marge. Ralph’s New York City studio was on 56th Street, 14 blocks south was the NY Public Library. Marge Menconi would go there to pour over the well organized table-high bins of illustrations filed in large gray folders. She would find as many illustrations for Ralph’s designs as practical. The illustrations were prints and photographs, items cut from discarded books, magazines, catalogs and from and hundreds of other sources. This was the only way Ralph could get the meticulous accurate detail in his medallic designs, in as quick time as he did, for all five medal series! Other medallic artists knew of this amazing resource and used its facilities in similar fashion. It was a boon to New York City artists. It became their gigantic "clip file." Art directors sent their staff artists and art researchers there. The picture collection was open to the public. Anyone could search here. (Medallic Art’s plant and office was six blocks away when it was in NYC – I occasionally did just that, search on a spare lunch hour. I even donated some MAco sales literature with many medals illustrated which I thought would be useful.) But this picture collection also served Medallic Art’s numismatic interest in another way. And there is a story behind that. As a Medallic Art employee I was charged to catalog their medallic archives. President Bill Louth wanted it in a form he could see the image, in addition to required data, along with clients’ name and location. That was a tough challenge. Remember, this was before PCs, some computer cards at the time did exist with a film negative inserted, but both Bill and I rejected it as not "human readable." I realized I was cataloging medal images, so I made an appointment with the lady in charge of the NYPL Picture Collection. This was 1967 and I learned the lady was Ramona Javitz, who had created the collection in 1929. despite her advanced years, she had some useful suggestions for Medallic Art’s medal image catalog. She encourage topic categories (much like how collectors now collect medals). She retired officially the following year, having placed five million prints in the collection (but lived 12 more years, she died 1980). We called on Eastman Kodak for their aid. A salesman understood our problem, took me to Time-Life to examine the catalog of their massive photo collection (of, I believe 8 million photos). Their solution was to reproduced in postage stamp size on a 3 x 5 inch photo print with their required details (negative number, photographer, subjects, event and such). From these two concepts I devised a format of taking 35mm photographs of archive medals, both sides. From contact sheets we cut out the medal image and pasted these down on cards we typed with the name of the medal, size & composition(s), artist(s), client name, location, and some topics (like how a numismatist would collect). We had special card stock made so we could photocopy four of these at a time on a special photocopy machine. When cut apart we filed these cards in a 3x5 library card file cabinet. It worked. A separate set of cards was kept in the storeroom. When I purchased the storeroom surplus medals in 1977 I received this card file as well. It has 7 trays containing over 5,000 cards. I still find this useful in medal research. The wooden card file cabinet with perhaps 30,000 cards filed by categories went to Medallic Art Co, now in Nevada, but in the meantime everything on those cards has been entered into the firm’s computer database. All thanks, in part, to the founder, Ramona Javitz, of the NYPL Picture Collection. Her story in a press release for a 1997 exhibition can be read at: Full Story GALVANOS AND EPOXY PATTERNS ARE LUBRICATED Dick Johnson writes: "Michael Schmidt responded to my item on galvanos by mentioning the U.S. Mint film showing the Sacajawea dollar pattern on the die-engraving pantograph. I saw that same film and recall that scene. What looked like the destruction of the epoxy pattern was actually lubrication fluid flowing across the face of the pattern. This is required of all patterns – copper galvano or epoxy – to aid the trajectory of the tracing point. Please note the headline in last week’s item was incorrect: REUSING EPOXY GALVANOS. You cannot have an "epoxy galvano." It should have read Epoxy Patterns. Incidentally a similar lubricating fluid is played across the die being cut. But here it has an additional job of carrying away the minute chips of metal removed by the cutting point. The oil keeps the die and cutting point cool, facilitates the cutting action and collects the chips. The contaminated oil is piped away to a collection pan. In time this pan looks like mud but is the gray color of the steel diestock." [I'll take responsibility for the inaccurate title. Sorry! Thanks for setting the record straight. -Editor] JUDD'S HANDWRITING LOCATED Matt Hansen writes: "Just thought I'd update everyone on what is transpiring out of a snippet from the most recent issue of The E-Sylum. In that issue, there was a request for information about Dr. Judd that had been posted by Mitch Kerns. I passed along Mitch's request to my friend and fellow numismatist Jim McKee here in Lincoln. Jim also happens to be the owner/operator of a local book store, an enthusiastic collector of U.S. patterns, as well as someone who knew Dr. Judd. Apparently Jim has at least one sample of Dr. Judd's handwriting and can supply Mitch with a copy of the same." [Chris Fuccione also chimed in with a an offer of assistance. Thanks, everyone! -Editor] NEW IRISH NOTES DEBUT In earlier issues we discussed the plans to recall and replace Irish paper money in the wake of a massive theft of currency. See E-Sylum Volume 7, Number 52, (December 26, 2004) and Volume 8, Number 2, ( January 9, 2005). The following article was published March 9th: "The new Northern Bank notes, unveiled today, will become common currency from Monday when they will be available in ATMs and bank branches. While the overall design of the new notes is unchanged, they will feature a new logo, are a different colour, will have new serial number prefixes and will feature the date January 19, 2005. The new logo features the word 'Northern' in small letters rather than capitals and is in italics." To read the full article, see: Full Story WHAT TO CALL E-SYLUM READERS? Recently I suggested the term "E-Sylumites" for readers of this electronic newsletter. Dick Johnson suggested "E-Syluminaries" (pronounced e-si-loom’i-nar-ies).. Next Larry Gaye chimed, "I prefer "inmate." Carl Honore suggested: "E-nmates" This week Tom DeLorey adds: "Use the KISS Principle: -Nuts." [KISS means "Keep It Simple, Stupid!" Since we're book lovers I would have thought "B-Nuts" more appropriate, but needing an "E" to denote electronic, we would then have "E-B-Nuts" or "BE-Nuts." Outsiders would be correct in thinking that We Be Nuts in a big way. -Editor] WHAT TO DO WITH VIRGIN BOOKS Henry Bergos writes: "Regarding the discussion about opening up an unsplit book:. I attended the CW Post campus of Long Island University in 1974/5. I was doing some research on English law and requested a book that turned out to be an original from 1763. It was unsplit!!! I asked what to do about it and the library assistant told me to do as I liked, so I split some of the pages. It kinda hurt to do it. What good is a book that has never been read? We as book lovers like to have pristine copies, but unread??? I have two copies of a book one of my Professors wrote: one in the shrink wrap and one that I read." THE MINI 50TH ANNIVERSARY RED BOOKS Matt Hansen writes: "Regarding Neil Shafer's comments in he March 6, 2005, issue of The E-Sylum about the small 50th Anniversary Red Book/coin folder, I have the following comment/correction: I attended that same show in Denver in 1996 and remember well those mini books they gave out at the Krause booth. However, as I recall, they held dimes rather than cents. In fact, I believe that there was a 1996 dime already in each book, leaving the collector to add the 1946 dime." THE ROMISCHE HERRSHERBILD SERIES Joe Geranio writes: "To all you Roman coin collectors: There is a great series that was done by Dietrich Boschung called "The Romische Herrsherbild series, which currently number 10 volumes. I am currently doing research on the portraiture of Caligula. The fun thing is the pages of high grade sestersius, aureus, denarius that are pictured. The coinage is an important part in identifying Roman portraiture. These kinds of studies make collecting Ancients a lot more fun. The series is expensive, but well worth it. Thanks to The E-Sylum for helping find a Journal on Ancient numismatics." MELTED MEDALLIONS? We recently discussed some interesting ancient gold medallions (see The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 7, February 13, 2005). Henry Bergos writes: "I remember reading about some French workers finding Roman Medallions. They were told that they were counterfeiting them and would land in prison if they didn't stop. The workers MELTED them!!! They were gold and from the first 1/3 of the fourth century. As I remember it this happened in 1924 as they were building a subway in Paris." [Have any of our readers ever heard such a tale? -Editor] WHAT HAPPENS TO LIBRARY TABLES Last week, Dick Johnson noted that any dream library must have a table. Joe Boling writes: "Ah, but it does not work. A table is an empty horizontal surface, and soon gets covered, and eventually buried. I have two in my office - the available space now is dictated by what I can do on top of the items that are occupying the table tops." BOOKS ON UNIQUE COINS Several issues back, we asked about books (not just articles) that tell the story of a unique coin. Rich Hartzog writes: "Hmmm, wasn't there a booklet on the 1836 half dollar?" PUTIN GIVES KIM A MEDAL The Asia Pacific News reports that the reclusive Kim Jong-Il of Korea gave a rare public appearance in order to receive a medal commemorating WWII from Russian President Vladimir Putin: "Kim received the medal in person "commemorating the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War" from Russia's envoy on behalf of Putin, the agency said. It is rare for the secretive leader to attend award ceremonies. "A ceremony of conveying the medal took place in grand style Tuesday. Kim Jong-Il was present there," the agency said without specifying the venue. The reclusive leader, who was accompanied by ranking North Korean government, military and communist party officials at the ceremony, expressed gratitude to Putin, it said." "He expressed thanks for the kind invitation and had an amicable and friendly talk with the ambassador before posing for a photograph with the staff members of the embassy," it said." To read the full article, see: Full Story WHERE TO ARCHIVE? Michael Marotta writes: In April 2004, the Michigan State Numismatic Society appointed me to be the editor of MichMatist, their quarterly journal. As a patron of the State of Michigan Library, I know that The MichMatist is on the shelf and that issues are missing. This is significant, because the mandate of this library is only secondarily to serve the people of the state. Its primary mission is to serve the legislature. I also know that Coin World received the magazine, and I know that their archives were incomplete. In all, I have written to the following librarians, offering to gather back issues from our members and forward them, in order to bring their holdings up to date: Library of Michigan; Coin World; Krause Corporation; American Numismatic Association; American Numismatic Society. Are there other libraries or archives that should receive the MichMatist? For anyone reading this list with suggestions, my email address is mike49mercury at AOL.com." AHWASH BOOK PREMIER EDITION Roger Burdette writes: "In response to John McCloskey's inquiry about the "premier edition" of Kamal Ahwash's seated dime book, I did many of the photos for Kam's book and pictures he occasionally sent to customers. When his book was printed in 1977 he gave me a copy of both the regular edition and the padded cover edition (#088). At that time I recall him saying there were 100 copies of the premier edition. He never mentioned the total press run, however. Back then, I occasionally obtained space at an unoccupied table (thanks to Hank Greenberg or Gordon Berg) at the Suburban Washington Coin show, and set up my cameras, bellows and flash to take photos of coins for collectors. Rarely did more than break even, but got to meet many interesting people and photograph coins that I could never afford to own. Kam would sometimes stop by my table with a box of 2x2s and leave them for photography, while he wandered off to make a deal." THROWING YOUR MONEY AWAY Dan Gosling writes: "Thanks to Dick Johnson for suggesting that a recreational vehicle could be used to reduce the cost of accommodation while doing numismatic research. An RV with air conditioning would be much better accommodation than when I stayed at the dormitory of the University of Ottawa in 2002 while researching my chapter on numismatic literature for the soon to be released Canadian Numismatic Association/Numismatic Educational Services Association Correspondence Course Part II. The mistake I made was arriving on the day the temperature reached 100 degrees Fahrenheit only to find that my room did not have air conditioning, a fan or a window bigger than a handkerchief. If those three factors were not enough to completely roast me, my room was on the top floor immediately below the hot roof and located on the south wall! Dick mentioned that one of the disadvantages of RV’s is the poor mileage. While I was thinking about the risk of throwing my money away on the cost of gasoline I came across the following on page 133 in the April 1936 issue of Spink & Sons Numismatic Circular: Coin Thrown 270 Feet. George Washington Feat Emulated Virginian Town Wins a Bet. From Our Correspondent Fredericksburg. Virginia, Sunday. Thousands of excited citizens crowded the muddy banks of the Rappahannock River here yesterday afternoon to see whether Mr. Walter Johnson, the famous baseball player and the hero of every American schoolboy, could emulate the feat accredited to George Washington of throwing a silver dollar 300 feet across the river. American school books relate the story of Washington's pitching feat side by side with the famous cherry tree anecdote. Washington's 204th birthday was nationally celebrated yesterday. Mr. Solomon Bloom, who represents New York in Congress, conceived the idea, presumably for publicity reasons, of betting 20 to 1 that the throw could not be repeated. Dozens of State Officials and scores of reporters and cameramen stood knee-deep in thick ooze on the river banks while Mr. Johnson, removing his coat, warmed himself by a few preliminary throws. Then, taking a specially minted dollar, he tossed it with ease across the 270 feet of turbulent water. An excited crowd of souvenir hunters fought desperately to obtain possession of the trophy. The scene was broadcast throughout the country to millions of interested listeners." "G. W. E. Russell has a story of how at least one doubter was silenced before the experiment was made. An Englishman wondered whether Washington had ever thrown the dollar. "Of course he did", reported an American diplomat. "To throw a dollar across the Rappahannock would be nothing to a man who had pitched a Sovereign across the Atlantic!" "While searching the web for more information on George Washington's baseball throw I came across the following joke: While showing tourists Washington, D.C., a guide pointed out where George Washington supposedly threw a dollar across the Potomac River. "That's impossible," said a man. "No one could throw a coin that far." "You have to remember," answered the guide. "A dollar went a lot farther in those days." At the following site: More "In 1936, at the age of 44, Cooper was coaxed out of retirement to attempt to set a new world record of sorts. The idea was for the lefty-hander to throw a silver dollar clear across the Monongahela River in downtown Pittsburgh. Previously, Walter Johnson had hurled a coin 300-feet across the Rappahannock River in Virginia, something Gen. George Washington is also credited with accomplishing. But Cooper could not reach the other bank of the Monongahela, which was some 900 feet away. When the silver dollar disappeared into the water, Cooper said, "I never was much good at throwing money away anyway." At the following site: Additional Info [Now here's A different account of the recreation story. -Editor] "On February 22, Walter arrived in Fredericksburg to be greeted by a crowd of 8,000, a large group of reporters, and a CBS Radio news crew who would be broadcasting the event live. He made two preliminary throws across the Rappahannock, the first with a washer that fell just short and the second with a coin that just did make it. Now before the newsreel cameras, Johnson made the official toss with a silver dollar minted in 1779. The coin smoothly sailed over the freezing waters to land on the other side having cleared an estimated 317 feet." At the following site: And More Dan adds: "I live in an igloo the frozen north in Canada I am not very knowledgeable about the coins of the United States of America. Is it easy to obtain one of the silver dollars minted in 1779 and are they very expensive?)" [The first U.S dollar coin is dated 1794. If 1779 is indeed the correct year, perhaps it was a Spanish coin.. But the first article said it was a NEW silver dollar. So which was it? -Editor] FILTHY LUCRE Chick Ambrass writes: "Concerning the comments about "dirty" money, I have a few comments in response. It's been a number of years since I've attended Pharmacy School, but I do continue with my required Continuing Education, and new antibiotics come to the market every year, and I do try to keep up as much as possible. The practice of putting the money in "quarantine" for a day to help with the SARS epidemic was just so they could say they were doing something...many bacteria, spores, and viruses can remain dormant for very long periods, just waiting for the right amount of heat, moisture, and susceptible host to become active. The comment about metals and their electroactivity being anti-microbial, as far as I know....that pertains to silver almost exclusively. The Phoencians would put silver coins in their water containers to keep the water fresh over long sea journeys. Right here in the United States, the explorers heading west during the 1800's also practiced the same. The comment "born with a silver spoon in his mouth" was not a statement about wealth...but of "health". You see, children fed with a silver spoon, as opposed to a wooden spoon (which was more likely to harbor bacteria) generally were healthier babies...but it was due to the silver... not any other substance, either wood, nor copper. As far as the metal coins having less bacteria because they are metal....generally accepted as the "dirtiest" item in your home, is not the floor, not the toilet...but the door knob most often has more bacteria stuck on its surface than anything else in your home. So wash your hands after every time you touch the door knob, and don't worry about the money, you'll be much better off." DELIGHTED TO LEARN OF ERROR Dick Johnson writes: "A tip of my hat and a "thank you" to Elizabeth Rosenberry who corrected a statement I had repeated in E-Sylum. I had stated that the founder of Bois Durci, Charles LePage, had also developed LePage Glue. Madame Rosenberry attributes the glue to a Canadian LePage, the French LePage had, indeed, developed Bois Durci. I forget where I obtained my incorrect fact – it was several years ago. [At my age, I can attribute it to long term versus short term memory. Elsewhere in this issue is the name Ramona Javitz which popped into my mind, despite that fact it has been over 35 years since I spoke her name. Now don’t ask me what I had for lunch today. Wait! It was potato soup and Oreo Desert.] I do remember looking in my 2-volume Larousse Universal Encyclopedia for Bois Durci. Now I remember. I found the incorrect fact on the Internet. Darn! I should have known better. My slightly bruised ego takes a back seat to knowing I now posses a corrected fact in my mental databank. Thanks again, Ma'am" NORFOLK COIN HOARD DECLARED TREASURE Arthur Shippee forwarded the following item from the Explorator newsletter. He writes: "A hoard of Roman coins found in Norfolk were declared treasure this week." From the March 10th article: "A hoard of Roman bronze coins and a 4th-century gold ring found on farmland in West Norfolk were declared treasure today. Stephen Brown found 25 coins, believed to date back to 150AD using a metal detector between December 2003 and January 2004." "The artefacts have been sent to the British Museum for analysis, but it is hoped they will be acquired by Norwich Castle." To read the full article, see: Full Story COUNTERFEIT TEST FAILS On Wednesday, March 9, 2005, the Illinois Journal-Star published an article noting the shortcomings of a popular test for determining counterfeit currency. "When Scott Stanard ordered his usual sausage, egg and cheese biscuit combo Monday morning, he got two policemen on the side. Stanard said the staff at McDonald's, 3600 N. University St., called police after he handed over a $10 bill that they said was a fake. "I kept wondering why they weren't giving me any change," said Stanard, who sat in the drive-thru lane in his work van for several minutes before deciding to pull up and park." Two officers arrived, talked to him and went in the restaurant to get the alleged funny money. "(The police) said it was old - a 1950s series $10 bill - and the markers they use don't work on old money," Stanard said." Businesses often use a special marker on the bill to test whether the cash they receive is legitimate. If the mark turns brown or black, it usually indicates counterfeit money, otherwise it's the real thing." "Pingolt recalled a Baltimore man being cuffed and arrested recently for passing counterfeit $2 bills that later turned out to be genuine." To read the full story: Full Story DOLLAR BILLS ON THE WALLS A review in my local paper earlier this week mentioned a restaurant with an interesting decor: "Imagine the familiar crowd, favorite foods and friendly buzz of our own Tessaro's in Bloomfield. Now add a deck, a wharf and picnic tables on the beach. That's Mar Vista in old historic Longboat Village. In a poll a few years back, USA Today listed it as one of the 10 likeliest places to meet a millionaire. Dollar bills "paper" the walls, because it was customary for fishermen to pin a dollar bill to the wall or ceiling to make sure there would be beer money in case the day's catch was poor. The tradition stuck." To read the original article: Original Article To visit the restaurant's web site: marvista-restaurant.com [Has anyone been to this restaurant to see the dollar bills? Are there any other establishments that have this feature? -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is for a research project on New Hampshire currency. From the press release: "Q. David Bowers of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire and David M. Sundman of Littleton, New Hampshire announce a website detailing their long-term New Hampshire Currency Study Project is now available at www.nhcurrency.com. To present the scope of the proposed book, New Hampshire Provincial, State and National Currency, the authors have published a sample chapter on this website. The chapter selected features the currency and financial history of Lancaster, New Hampshire, a town located in northern New Hampshire and famous to numismatists and note collectors for the “Santa Claus Note” shown on the home page, issued by the White Mountain Bank of Lancaster. It concludes with the history and notes of the Lancaster National Bank. Additional chapters will be added from time to time. This project is being done in coordination with the Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC), with help from many museums and other entities, including the Smithsonian Institution, the New Hampshire Historical Society, and more. This expansive project is a work in progress, and help and contributions of information and suggestions are requested. Although the work is quite advanced, Bowers and Sundman are still seeking information regarding rare New Hampshire currency 1700-1935. All information that is used will be acknowledged in the published book. If you possess new information or resources that would assist in this important work, please contact: Q. David Bowers P.O. Box 539 Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896 David Sundman 1309 Mt. Eustis Road Littleton, NH 03561-3735 email: info at nhcurrency.com" Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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