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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 8, Number 51, December 4, 2005: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2005, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE'S WORDS Among our recent subscribers is Patrick MacAuley. Welcome aboard! We now have 823 subscribers. We have two new book announcements this week, and the latest issue of our print journal, The Asylum, is at the printers. It is only available to members of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society, so please consider joining. Membership information is included at the bottom of every E-Sylum issue. We resurrect the topic of library care and preservation, and invite readers to share their experience and tips. Several readers responded with information on the Philippine bank note error. Speaking of errors, Russ Rulau reported a mistake in last week's E-Sylum: "There was a confusing typo in my recollections of Bill Spengler. Our 3-week trip to the Soviet Union was in June, 1973, not 1993 as reported. The Soviet Union, of course, had ceased to exist in 1991." Off topic: What happens when people go a teensy bit overboard with holiday light displays (video file): Video File Quiz question: A striking image of the veins of the human body is the central theme of which upcoming banknote? To find the answer, and to see what happens when someone takes the term "laundering money" a bit too literally, read on. Enjoy! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society BUST HALF FEVER SECOND EDITION PUBLISHED Myron Xenos writes: "I recently published the 2d edition of Bust Half Fever, 530 pages, everything you ever wondered about bust halves. It is selling for $79.95 plus $5 postage from the Money Tree, 1260 Smith Ct. Rocky River, Oh. 44116. We just printed 150 copies and it is already 1/2 spoken for." BOWERS' EXPERT'S GUIDE HITS THE JOURNAL Dave Perkins writes: "Expanding coin collecting (and investing?) beyond Coin World and Numismatic News? Last week’s Wall Street Journal had an advertisement for Whitman Publishing and Q. David Bowers’ new book The Expert’s Guide to Collecting and Investing in Rare Coins. The ad highlighted that ““Coin-collecting, the “Hobby of Kings,” pays rich dividends in fun and enjoyment. But it can also pay the old-fashioned way: with a huge return on your investment.” [It's great to see Whitman investing in marketing to a general audience. This is good for the book and the hobby in general. -Editor] NUMISMATIC LITERATURE EXHIBITS AT MSNS SHOW NBS President Pete Smith writes: "Last week I attended the Michigan State Numismatic Society show in Dearborn, Michigan. The show has an excellent exhibits area including a classification for numismatic literature. This show had two exhibits in that class. Laurence Sekulich took first place for “The Provenance of Tudeer 99A.” That coin is a Tetradrachm of Syracuse listed in a book (in German) by Lauro O. Tudeer, published in 1913. The exhibit included several books and catalogs that illustrated his coin. Steven Bieda took second place for “A Complete Library of Books on Official U.S.A. Presidential Inaugural Medals.” The title pretty well describes the exhibit. This leads to a numismatic trivia question. In addition to being legal counsel for the MSNS, what is Bieda’s numismatic claim-to-fame?" [Congratulations to the exhibitors, and thanks to MSNS for making them possible. It's never too early to start thinking of putting together a numismatic literature exhibit for a future show. Our Featured Web Page this week is a record of a very nice exhibit from the 2002 American Numismatic Association convention. I'd also like to note that Pete Smith's great exhibit on "The Challenging Literature of A. M. Smith" is also online at the NBS web site. amsmith.html -Editor] REDBOOK TALK PLANNED FOR 2006 FUN SHOW Fred Lake writes: "David Crenshaw, Director of Numismatic Research at Whitman Publishing will give a talk at the Numismatic Bibliomania Society meeting at the Florida United Numismatists annual convention in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, January 7, 2006 at 11:00 AM. His presentation is titled "What is black and white and read all over?" The Power Point talk will highlight the 60th Anniversary of the ubiquitous "Redbook." Ken Bressett will also be in attendance to answer questions from the audience." UPDATE FROM DAVID GINSBURG David Ginsburg, who's researching the circulation of gold coins in the pre-Civil War era, writes: "First of all, my thanks to the subscribers who responded to my request for suggestions for books to read. I'm having some very good luck finding books on economic and financial history. Our local library is a member of a county-wide cooperative of public libraries; their entire catalog is online (so it's easy to search) and the books I request get delivered to my local library. So far I've got a list of nine books that I want to read. I've skimmed "Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution to the Civil War" by Bray Hammond (Princeton University Press, 1957) and tomorrow I'll be picking up "A History of Currency in the United States" by A. Barton Hepburn (MacMillan Company, 1915). Since I only get the books for a few weeks, I take notes and copy the sections that I'm really interested in, including the bibliography. The best part is that I get to give the books back after I'm done with them, so they won't further overload my already crowded bookshelves. After I've gone through the county-wide cooperative, I'll see if I can get more titles through their other inter-library loan facilities, and, I've also discovered an electronic repository of academic journals, so perhaps in the summer I'll go to our local state university to see if I can get them to print out some articles for me. Finally, if there's anything I really want to own, I can almost always find it on the Internet - I love www.abebooks.com!" NUMISWIKI: A COLLABORATIVE NUMISMATICS PROJECT Arthur Shippee forwarded a link to NumisWiki, a "Collaborative Numismatics Project." From the site's home page: "It is a collection of numismatics and history references and articles that YOU can read, edit, correct or update right now. The online format includes edit features that allows all FORVM members to add new documents or to modify the existing ones. Any member can edit any page including this page you are reading right now.... Numiswiki has titles at this time." The site is devoted to ancient coins. Here's a link to the index: Numiswiki Index LIBRARY CARE AND CONSERVATION Ken Schultz writes: "Did you ever publish any beginner pointers/guidelines on how beginning bibliophiles can best take care of their holdings, that is, library care and conservation?" [We have discussed this topic in the past, but it's high time we revisited it. I'll start, but I'll admit that I'm no shining example. Given that, perhaps it would be best to start with a couple basic things NOT to do. DON'T stuff your shelves to the gills. Get more shelves or start thinning your library. I know it's hard for a bibliophile to part with a single book, but for every book you love, there is one you may love just a little bit less. Bite the bullet, and set one free. Ken Lowe told me one time about John Ford's philosophy in this regard, and it sums up the matter succinctly: "Whenever you buy something cute, sell something less cute." DON'T let your books lean this way and that as a consequence of having too FEW books on a given shelf. That's what bookends are for! Letting them lean or sag too long is an invitation to trouble. What other advice do our readers have to offer? -Editor] ANOTHER THING NOT TO DO WITH BOOKS Bill Malkmus writes: "The note from Gerry Anaszewicz regarding his copy of the 1876 second edition of Hawkins' "Silver Coins of England" obtained from an unpromising source reminded me of one of my earliest acquisitions. Almost 50 years ago, when I was in grad school in Oregon, my wife came home from an end-of-the-month sale at the local Bon Marche, saying she'd come across a table of leather-bound books and hoped that what she had picked up was something worthwhile. It was a copy of Hawkins' first edition of 1841! It is still my all-time favorite bibliofind. (Not trying to one-up Gerry!) This was at a time when leather-bound books were in as a fashion statement (contents irrelevant!) and I still remember seeing a lovely creation consisting of a half-dozen or so leather-bound books glued together and drilled through to provide a base for a lamp!! I still cringe!" NEW U.S. $10 NOTES COMING MARCH SECOND According to a December 2 press release from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Information Office, "The U.S. Department of the Treasury and Federal Reserve Board announced today that redesigned $10 notes will be issued beginning on March 2, 2006. On this day of issue, Federal Reserve banks will begin distributing the new notes to the public through commercial banks. The notes will begin circulating immediately in the United States, and then be introduced in other countries in the days and weeks following, as international banks place orders for $10 notes from the Federal Reserve." "If you would like to learn more about today's announcement and new U.S. currency designs, please visit www.moneyfactory.gov/newmoney. [The following is from a lengthier press rerlease On the BEP web site. -Editor] "Highlighted by images of the Statue of Liberty's torch and the words "We the People" from the U.S. Constitution, the new $10 note incorporates easy-to-use security features for people to check their money and subtle background colors in shades of orange, yellow and red. "As always, you don't have to trade in your old $10 notes for new ones. Both new notes and old notes maintain their full face value," said Federal Reserve Board Assistant Director of Reserve Bank Operations and Payment Systems Michael Lambert." " "We expect to update currency every seven to ten years in order to stay ahead of the latest digital technology available to would-be counterfeiters," said BEP Director Tom Ferguson. "Each time we introduce a redesigned note into circulation, our objective is its seamless transition into daily commerce, both in the United States and around the world." To read the full press release, see: Full Story BUS DRIVER REFUSES BOY'S LEGAL TENDER The Bury Free Press of Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk, England reported on December 2 that " A teenager was thrown off a bus for trying to pay his fare with a Scottish banknote. Distraught Adam Telford-Dinsmore, 13, of Bury St Edmunds, was told the Royal Bank of Scotland £5 note was not acceptable and was turned off the bus he catches every day to King Edward VI School in the town. His mother, former bank worker Sonia, said the whole family was distressed by the incident." "She phoned bus company First Eastern Counties and was told that while Scottish notes were acceptable, drivers had to manually key them in. "We were fuming," added her husband, Paul. A spokeswoman for First said: "It is our policy to accept Scottish pound notes and we would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused to the passenger." Mrs Telford-Dinsmore, who worked at Lloyds TSB in Bury for more than a decade, added: "I dread to think what could have happened in slightly different circumstances – if it had been a young girl trying to get home in the dark with no means of communication." "Scottish notes have been accepted as currency in the UK since 1727 – though curiously they are not legal 'tender', in strict law, even in Scotland." To read the complete article, see: Full Story THE "LIBERTY DOLLAR" Speaking of "Legal Tender", Andrew W. Pollock III writes: "I found this website that you may be interested in telling your readers about. It seems sort of like the Lesher dollar idea c. 1900-1901. My guess is that the feds will probably shut them down pretty promptly because the inscriptions and denomination values appear to be similar to actual coins. Have you heard about them before?" Full Story [No, this was a new one on me. Readers? To me, it looked like a new wrinkle in marketing overpriced pseudo-coins. Here are some amusing excerpts from the web page: "My name is Bernard von NotHaus and I was so concerned about what is happening to our money that I designed and developed the Liberty Dollar. For 25 years, I was the Mintmaster at the Royal Hawaiian Mint and have devoted my life work to the study of money, why it is valuable, and how we use it to fulfill our dreams. Like you, I am paying a lot higher gas prices, but I am also saving a lot of money because of a simple change I have made to my money." "While I was the Mintmaster in Hawaii I harbored a secret project. For over 23 years I worked on developing a value backed paper currency to complement the Mint's commemorative coin business. Not satisfied with just copying the paper money from the Kingdom of Hawaii of the 1800's, I wanted to create a totally new free market currency that met the demands of the current free market in precious metals and would represent real gold and silver stored in an independent warehouse." "Here's what people who use the Liberty Dollar are saying: "I now pay for my lunch in real money." V. Callaway, Tacoma WA "I simply hand them the currency and 95% of the businesses accept it." C. Athanas, Austin TX" A web search found a number of references to this operation, including this: "The Militia Watchdog has learned of a new organization which, as described, carries considerable potential for fraud or misuse. The Militia Watchdog urges all law enforcement officers, journalists, activists and others to scrutinize this organization and its activities carefully." "In the early 1980s tax protester Tupper Saussy created a stir with his "Public Office Money Certificates," which were a sort of bogus promissory note. In the late 1980s, various conmen created illegitimate "sight drafts" that were alleged to be as valid as federal reserve notes. And in the mid-1990s a host of groups including USA First, Family Farm Preservation, the Republic of Texas and, most famously, the Montana Freemen, created billions of dollars worth of bogus money orders and checks. This last resurgence resulted in scores of successful prosecutions around the country." "American Liberty Currency." This consists of "silver certificates" in $1, $5, and $10 amounts. The $10 certificate is allegedly backed by one ounce of .999 pure Troy silver, and the other certificates backed proportionately. However, the silver itself is kept in a "warehouse" run by "Sunshine Minting." The current price of silver is only about $5.10 per troy ounce." "NORFED is an abbreviation for a group calling itself the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act." [and run by "Hawaiian Mintmaster" NotHaus. www.norfed.org is synonymous with www.libertydollar.org] "NORFED is also engaged in the creation of "a National Network of Redemption Centers." The function of these centers is "to exchange Federal Reserve Notes for American Liberty Currency (warehouse receipts)." In other words, to take people's dollars and give them this new "currency." Redemption Centers can buy certificates from NORFED at a 10% discount, then provide them to others. Ostensibly, these centers will also exchange silver certificates for silver coins. The centers are also urged to recruit "members" and will get a portion of the membership fee." Full Story -Editor] MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY ONLINE CATALOG Anne E. Bentley, Curator of Art, Massachusetts Historical Society writes: "This is in reply to Dave Perkins who has discovered our online catalog...eventually we hope to have everything in our collection described online, including numismatics, but that section of the holdings is far in the future. Until then, I'm afraid, researchers will have to contact me directly to find out if we have what they're looking for and to make arrangements to consult the collection. I would like to tell him that I have Chester Harding's copy of Gilbert Stuart's portrait of Gov. Caleb Strong hanging above my desk, and he's welcome to come see that if he pleases. Gov. Strong was elected a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1800 and remained active in the Society until his death in 1819. As was customary, his "memoir" appeared in our official transactions: Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society (series I, vol. 1: pp. 290-316) written by Henry Cabot Lodge, Ph.D. (1850-1924). The printed version of our Proceedings began in 1859. Volume I for 1791-1835 wasn't published until 1879, which is how Sen. Lodge came to write a "memoir" of a man who died before Lodge was ever born..." SPANISH DOLLARS: GOLD OR SILVER? In our last issue, we quoted a catalog entry from the Massachusetts Historical Society online catalog: “Documents regarding the shipment of $40,000 Spanish-milled gold dollars to Batavia (Jakarta) aboard ship Rebecca, by James and T. H. Perkins. Includes justice of the peace certificate for William Stevenson signed by Mass. Gov. Caleb Strong, declaration, invoice, and bill of lading.” Bob Leonard writes: "I think the Massachusetts Historical Society cataloger must have misunderstood the source here; the Spanish milled dollar was a silver coin, not a gold coin. While the gold half escudo was roughly equivalent to a gold dollar, I don't believe it was ever referred to as one. If gold was to be exported, it would have most likely been in the form of full doubloons of 8 escudos. I have a bill of lading documenting the shipment of "Eight hundred & thirty one Doubloons and one eighth part of a Doubloon" from Bristol, Rhode Island, to Mantanzas, Cuba, January 31, 1823, on the brig Maria. An accompanying letter gives the rate of exchange for a doubloon as $17. Shipments to Batavia at this time would most likely have preferred doubloons or full dollars also." I forwarded Bob's comments to Anne Bentley, who writes: "I've forwarded your e-mail to our cataloging staff who will be able to amend the catalog record. Thanks also to your correspondent for the useful data." LEVICK'S PLATE AND JOURNAL Jim Neiswinter has a great article on the famous Levick plate in the November 2005 issue of Penny-Wise, the official publication of Early American Coppers, Inc. The Levick plate of 1793 cents was published in the April 1869 issue of the American Journal of Numismatics, the first photographic plate in American numismatic literature. The article illustrates obverse and reverse plates owned by Eric Newman, with inscriptions in Levick's handwriting, which likely were his working prototypes. "Levick kept a journal during this project that is called Levick's Book of Rubbings. The first 11 pages contain pencil rubbings and notes on some of the submitted cents, followed by 12 pages of hand-written text that include descriptions of the different varieties as well as the names of their owners." A TYPO OF PRESIDENTIAL PROPORTIONS Steven Bellin and Roger deWardt Lane sent an article with details on the Philippine bank note error: "A press statement issued by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Sunday advised the public it had received "a batch of P100 banknotes bearing the misspelled surname of the President, a small number of which had been released." The central bank said it has apologized to the President for the mistake. The statement did not say was the typographical error was but The Times learned from a central bank insider that Arroyo appears as "Arrovo" in the bill. The source also said a few thousand bills had been printed before the mistake was spotted. The central bank gave the assurance that the misprinted banknotes are "considered legal tender and should be accepted as genuine currency." Full Story I also asked if anyone was able to view the associated News video. Roger adds: "Try this link. It plays with Microsoft Windows Player: video link " Finally, I asked if anyone could point us to an image of the note. David Klinger writes: "This URL is from an eBay listing. There are many of these available there. They are selling at about $15 right now. Full Story" VIETNAMESE BANKNOTE MISTAKES AND COUNTERFEITS Howard A. Daniel III writes: "I am sitting in my home office here in Ho Chi Minh City with the latest edition of your "The E-Sylum" and saw your request for information about other recalled bank notes. The one that immediately comes to mind here in Viet Nam is the 10,000 Dong 1990 Pick-109 note that was issued in mid-1992. The image of Ho Chi Minh on the right makes him appear to be sick, but it took several months for anyone high enough in the government to notice and take action. A new 10,000 Dong note was ordered with the same exact design except for a date of 1993 and Ho's image. It was issued in late 1994 and the 1990-dated notes were pulled from circulation and became scarce, especially in Uncirculated condition, before most of the dealers and collectors here realized what was happening. This was also a time when counterfeiting in South China of Vietnamese notes started rolling and they were being smuggled into northern Viet Nam, so counterfeits of both notes exist. For those of you who collect counterfeits, these two notes are very, very difficult to acquire as counterfeits, as my old friend and collector of counterfeits, Joe Boling, can confirm. I buy all counterfeits presented to me and I have purchased none in more than a year. The government is doing a much better job of grabbing the smugglers just after crossing the border and destroying all of them. And the banks and money exchanges are getting better at detecting them and turning them in to the police. I can hear Joe complaining now." [Can anyone locate an image of this note for us? -Editor] DESIGN FLUB ON AN ISREALI COIN Howard Spindel writes: "Not a banknote, but a coin - Israeli Jacob and Rachel gold coin with "Israel" misspelled in Arabic. A number of them escaped into circulation." SWEDISH 1,000 KRONER NOTE IMAGE In response for my request last week, David Klinger, Jeff Starck and Adrián González Salinas all found this page with an image and description of the Swedish 1,000-kronor banknote: Full Story AMERICAN BANKNOTE'S DEMISE "From a recent "list of scoundrels who populate the upper tiers of our democracy's political and business worlds.." "Morris "Mickey" Weissman (CEO of American Banknote convicted of fraud in 2003; artificially pumped up company's earnings so a 1998 IPO would succeed; based on false 1996 and 1997 numbers, the 1998 public offering of the company's subsidiary, American Banknote Holographics, was a success, netting the company $115 million. When the accounting fraud was uncovered in early 1999, the spinoff's shares dropped from about $16 a share to $1.80 a share. The stock was delisted in August 1999.)" Full Story [It was a sad end to a firm that traced its roots to 1795. Here a link to an article on the firm's history, from Financial History, published by the Museum of American Finance: Full Story -Editor] THE E-SYLUM LINE BREAK SURVEY Last week I asked for opinions on the use of line breaks in E-Sylum messages. Before publishing each issue, I insert line breaks to keep each line to about 70 characters or less. This is meant to ensure readability on the widest range of devices. Is it still necessary? Here's what some readers had to say: NO LINE BREAKS: Ray Williams, Bob Neale and others wrote against keeping the line breaks. John Isles writes: "Just a note to let you know my slight preference for E-Sylum paragraphs to have no line breaks. I print it to read it, and this would save some paper. I have no problem with the 70-character lines though." Dave Kellogg writes: "The format with NO line breaks works well at my end. It fills about 2/3 of my screen. (Your paragraph with line breaks at about 70 characters fills about1/2 my screen and results in an approximate 55 character line.) I continue to enjoy your weekly editions and appreciate greatly the effort you take to publish them." Howard Spindel writes: "All modern email clients perform wrapping to fit their viewing windows. When you provide hard line breaks in emails you send, you interfere with the email client's wrapping. This can cause undesirable effects - for example, the email client can wrap a line and then encounter your hard line break shortly thereafter on the next line which creates a long/short repeating pattern of lines. Best practice is to avoid hard line breaks in email. This allows the email client to format the lines to match the viewing window the end user has selected." YES, KEEP THE LINE BREAKS: Adrián González Salinas, Gary Dunaier and others wrote for keeping the line breaks in: Ralf Boepple writes: "Please stick to the 70 characters line break. While it doesn't really make any difference on screen, I've had unpleasant results printing it out. And I do print it out, despite the fact that it is an electronic publication, because I don't always have the time to read it immediately!" Ken Schultz writes: "This week's edition prompts me to write you and request a 70 character line limit. Your 2nd test paragraph is irritatingly hard to read with every other line containing only a few characters on my Yahoo mail account." BOTTOM LINE: Status Quo. While I agree with Howard Spindel that most email programs handle (or at least are *supposed* to handle) text without line breaks, it seems that web-based email isn't there yet. While keeping the line breaks would be preferable to some, eliminating them would be a bigger problem for others. So for the time being at least, I'll continue to insert the line breaks. ON OUR AOL PROBLEMS A reader writes: "Concerning AOL, I had a problem sending my brother(an AOL ISP customer) Yahoo News e-mails. The links for the news articles didn't work. I suspect that AOL doesn't like their customers using competitor's services and thus the links were purposely disabled. If you remember AOL's advertising during the early days of the web, they asserted that AOL's customers could obtain most(if not all) of what they were seeking within AOL's site, without actually using the web. Initially, this 'value added' approach helped AOL to become the largest ISP. In the intervening years, AOL's customers have realized that the same information is readily available on the web. Today's sophisticated web user only cares about fast access to the web at the cheapest price possible. Consequently, AOL has been hemorrhaging customers for years. Perhaps my problem with hot links to Yahoo! News Articles has something to do with your situation." J. E. BASS INFORMATION SOUGHT On the Colonial Coins mailing list, Roger Moore writes: "I would ask for some help researching a past collector of New Jersey colonials from the late 1800's to the early 1900's. His name was J. E. Bass and he had a number of written communications with Dr. Maris, as well as Chas. Stergerwald. I was VERY fortunate to obtain some of these written communications last weekend and would like to look into the life of Mr. Bass. I do not think he had a major named auction of his coins but one of Maris' letters would indicate he had most of the varieties. Anyone with ANY knowledge of this gentleman - no matter how obscure or unrelated to numismatics - I would appreciate in learning what you know. Thank you in advance!!" ABOLISH THE CENT? PRO AND CON VIEWS Dick Johnson writes: "It is amazing where you find articles of numismatic interest. Thanks to Google’s power to pull in data from around the world the same day it is published, I found an article of interest published this week in, of all places, a college newspaper, The Calvin College "Chimes" of Grand Rapids Michigan. Subject: Should America eliminate the penny (read "cent")? The format was a debate -- point, counterpoint. Whether the writers were students or faculty is not material. It was a good debate with salient points on both sides with evidence of some good library research. Neither writer, however, mentioned the strongest factor to force such a decision. That force is the American economy. It is expanding faster than the gases escaping from the Crab nebula. Our economy will change -- much like it has changed in the last 225 years -- and the value or purchasing power of the dollar (and the cent) will continue to change as it has in the past. Thomas Jefferson devised our monetary system and chose the denominations, even named them. (Americans accepted all these terms after Noah Webster included them in his first American dictionary, all except the $100 "Unite"). Jefferson’s ideal coins were based on the decimal system – brilliant idea! – most countries in the world have copied this decimal concept. (Even England succumbed two centuries later, converting their pound-shilling-pence nightmare to 100 pence to the pound.) Jefferson invented the "cent." He also created the dime as the tenth of a dollar, and the cent as a tenth of dime; he also included a tenth of a cent – the "mill." The mill was a money of account, no need for a mill coin even in 1792 when the first coins were minted. America coined a half cent, but this became unnecessary in 1857 when the cost of copper in the half cent coin rose above its face value as a result of the expanded economy. It is inevitable in the future that the cent is destined to be a money of account like the mill – too small for an expanding economy. When will this happen? The 2010s? Or by 2050? Only the American economy will dictate this. But the ideal plan will be to abolish both the cent and the nickel at the same time. Our dime will be the smallest coin when the average worker earns perhaps $50 an hour. (You read it first here in E-Sylum!) Paper transactions can be for less than a dime (as they are now, less than a cent, even to four and five decimal places). But CASH transactions will indeed be rounded off to the nearest dime. (It’s bunk that buyers will lose because sellers will always round up – it will be an insignificant amount for individual sales and it will all even out in the end!) Coin collectors should not despair. As we eliminate two coin denominations, we should add several new coins for our circulating media. At the time we abolish the cent and nickel, $5 and $10 coins will become common coins in circulation. There is an ideal number of coin denominations for any country’s active circulation. That ideal number is between five and seven. (How do I know? I did my research. I counted the number of partitions in a cash register!) Are you penny pro or no penny con? You might find some evidence – or at least some good debate in this site: Full Story " DEAD PRESIDENTS? BAH, HUMBUG Howard Spindel forwarded a copy of a letter he "sent to Coin World and my CongressCritters" about the Coin legislation we discussed last week. Here's an except: "Instead of dead Presidents, why not have a series of truly American symbols? The Statue of Liberty, Mt. Rushmore, Old Faithful, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Space Needle, an Apollo rocket launch, the World Trade Center - I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Another idea would be to revive the classic U.S. coinage designs - relive the history of our country's coinage from its inception on our modern day coinage. More dead Presidents? Bah, humbug!" NATURE PRINTING RETURNS, IN A FASHION The Times of London reported on November 29 that "A striking image of the veins of the human body is the central theme of a proposed 20 Swiss franc banknote which won first prize in a competition organised by Switzerland’s central bank to design a series of notes. Like euro notes, launched by the European Central Bank in 2002, the designs by Manuel Krebs, a Zurich-based artist, are already controversial — but for different reasons. While the euro notes were attacked by single currency enthusiasts and opponents as a bland compromise, Krebs’s images have sparked controversy for their challenging subjects such as Aids, death and a foetus." Full Story Designs submitted to the Swiss National Bank for the banknote design competition are found on this web page: Full Story 11TH CENTURY NORWEGIAN COINS FOUND IN ICELAND Arthur Shippee forwarded the following item, which was mentioned in The Explorator newsletter. Iceland Review reports " two coins from the 11th century reign of Norwegian King Haraldur which were found in the ruins of three houses which were discovered last year at Háls at Kárahnjúkar have now been examined. The house ruins are almost 600 metres above sea level. Páll Pálsson, farmer at Adalból, found them, and Landsvirkjun (the National Power department) decided to have them examined, a process that was only completed this year. According to Anton Holt, a coin expert at the Sedlabanki Íslands coin collection, these coins are very rare. He says that today there are only 33 other known specimens of this coin." Full Story TOLL TAKER ARRESTED IN COUNTERFEIT SCHEME A November 29 Associated Press story reported that "A San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge toll taker was arrested on suspicion he accepted dozens of counterfeit $100 bills and provided real change to an accomplice, authorities said. Maurice Grays, of San Francisco, was arrested earlier this month after toll supervisors noticed he was turning in an unusually large number of counterfeit bills after his shifts, according to a U. S. Secret Service arrest affidavit. On average, toll takers accidentally take about two counterfeit bills per year, but Grays had a total of 24 fake bills in his collection deposits during the period from June to October, the affidavit said." Full Story MONEY LAUNDERING FOR DUMMIES The Vanguard of Nigeria published an amusing story about a young man who didn't quite understand the concept of laundering money. It reads like an Abbott and Costello script. Here's an excerpt: "The young man obviously didn’t know what he was talking about. He wanted to know if he could get stinking rich by going to London to launder money. Worse than that, he asked me to tell him how to go about it. “You have come to the wrong person,” I told him. “The only time I was involved in money laundering was when I forgot to empty the pockets of my agbada before sending it to the washerwoman. The two hundred naira banknote I had left in one of the pockets came back washed and starched. I don’t think that’s the kind of money laundering you are talking about.” “Did the washing and starching of the two hundred naira note make you rich?” the young man asked, still not getting the point. “No, it didn’t,” I replied, “but it did make the banknote look much cleaner.” “So why do people bother to launder their money?” “That’s what I have just been telling you,” I said. “When people make plenty of money from dirty deals, and want to make the money less filthy, they launder it. Money laundering is simply a process of making illegally obtained money appear legally obtained by passing it through a foreign bank.” "You mean,” the young man said, struggling to understand, “they take their dirty money to a foreign bank, the bank washes it and then returns it to them clean and without blemish?" "Something like that." Full Story FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is Jim Neiswinter's exhibit, "First Photographic Plate in American Numismatics" from the 2002 ANA. Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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