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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 02, January 8, 2006: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2006, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE's WORDS Among our recent subscribers is Bill Bremmer. Welcome aboard! We now have 834 subscribers. I'll skip the commentary tonight, although I can think of a few choice words for the managers of the hotel I'm staying at tonight while out of town on business. The wireless Internet access I was promised doesn't exactly work very well in my room. So here I am in the parking lot at midnight, tapping away at my laptop keyboard in my car, parked in a space near the office, where the connection actually works. What I won't do get an E-Sylum out the door.... Have a great week. Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society BOOKLOVER's REPAIR KIT John Isles of Hanover, Michigan writes: "Further on the topic of book repair, I see that remaindered copies of "The Booklover's Repair Kit" by Estelle Ellis et al. are now being sold by HamiltonBook.com for only $29.95. This comprises a book and a box of supplies that I've found very useful for small repairs, while I've used its soft red archival tape to hold together some of my worst cases until I get around to having them rebound. Here's the full description: THE BOOKLOVER's REPAIR KIT: First Aid for Home Libraries. By Estelle Ellis et al. Unique kit provides step-by-step instructions and everything you need to clean, patch, preserve, repair, and restore the books you love, in your own home and with no previous experience. Includes guide book, document-cleaning pad, transparent mending tape, red cotton library tape, binder's board, archival mat board, brushes, clamps, etc. 65 photos. 117 pages. Published by Knopf. Hardbound . Remainder . ISBN 0375411194 . Item #3256774 Save $95.05. Published at $125.00. Your Price $29.95 hamiltonbook.com Of course I have no stake in the kit or in Hamilton Books, but I have to say that at this price it's worth buying a couple just to stock up on supplies." [We mentioned this kit in the September 11, 2005 E-Sylum. Here's what we said: v08n39a23.html. I've also seen the kit for sale in discount mall bookstores. Lucky me, I got one for Christmas thanks to a well-placed hint. -Editor] PHOTOGRADE PRINT RUN INFORMATION SOUGHT Bill Bremmer writes: "I recently purchased a copy of Photograde, the 1970 edition. It states the various printings as follows: 1st printing August 1970 2nd printing September 1970 3rd printing October 1970 4th printing November 1970 It would seem that the book must've caused quite a stir in 1970 to have that many printings so fast. Would you happen to know how many books would have been a typical printing back then?" [Great question - does anyone happen to know the answer? How many printings did the 1970 edition go through in all? What's the highest printing number anyone has seen? -Editor] LANDMARK NUMISMATIC LITERATURE The previous question about Photograde brings to mind a more general topic for discussion: landmark literature in numismatics. Which books or catalogs caused such a stir at their issuance that they changed the hobby landscape forever? Here in the U.S., each major modern grading guide could probably fit in that category (Brown & Dunn, Photograde, ANA Grading Guide). Among U.S. titles published in the 19th century, Dickeson's Numismatic Manual and Heaton's book on Mint Marks are probably sure-fire nominees. What do our readers think? What publications would you nominate for a list of landmark numismatic works? DEL MONTE BANANA LABEL ERROR NOTE SELLS FOR $25,300 The Orlando Sentinel covered the story of a famous error note sold at the FUN show: "Collectors covet flaws, and one of the most dramatic defects in recent years fetched $25,300 at an Orlando auction Friday. The drab $20 note sports a colorful Del Monte banana sticker next to the solemn portrait of Andrew Jackson, one that was undoubtedly affixed before the bill left the printer. "You'll never find another item like this one," said Michael Moczalla, consignment director with Heritage Galleries & Auctioneers, the agency that conducted the sale. "We had pretty heated bidding. The room was packed." An unidentified Texan placed the winning bid, becoming the bill's third owner since an Ohio college student scooped it from a cash machine in 2003 and auctioned it for $10,100 on eBay." "The red, green and yellow sticker -- the kind stuck on Del Monte bananas -- covers part of the background design but is itself stamped with a serial number. The 1996 series bill most likely was printed in the late '90s but didn't surface until years later. Just how the sticker ended up on the bill is a mystery. Bradford said a printer might have accidentally dropped it. "It is possible that it was done intentionally, but if that happened, it would seem somebody might have tried to profit from it," Bradford said. "These things just happen occasionally." To read the full story and view an image of the note, see: Full Story ANOTHER VICTORIA CROSS DONATED On January 3, the Ottawa Citizen reported the donation of another Victoria Cross medal to a local museum: "The price of the rare Victoria Cross medal is reaching extraordinary heights when it comes up for sale at international auction houses. But the Merrifield family of Sault Ste. Marie has decided its Victoria Cross will never be sold to the highest bidder and will never leave Canada. In November, the Merrifields donated the Victoria Cross medal set that belonged to Sgt. William Merrifield to the Canadian War Museum. The family was donating a military artifact that would be worth a lot of money on the collectors' market; a British Victoria Cross sold for $482,000 in 2004. William Merrifield was an infantryman in the First World War who became one of only 94 Canadians to win the high honour. He won the medal in France for attacking German machine-gun posts that had trapped his platoon, then leading the platoon forward on the battlefield. He was wounded twice. He received the medal from King George V at Sandringham in January 1919." "The family saw the rising amounts of money being sought for military medals, and saw the angst and controversy over the recent sale of Fred Topham's Victoria Cross. The executors of Mr. Topham's widow's estate wanted to auction the medal in Britain, causing a national outcry in 2004. The federal government eventually stepped in and bought the medal for $300,000. The Merrifield family wanted to avoid all that." "We don't want it sold and off to another country, just regarded as a piece of metal. We were taught as kids that this was a very highly respected honour and we should keep it that way. The museum was a good way to do it." "So the family decided to hand over the medal set to the Canadian War Museum in a little ceremony in November." "Families typically do a lot of thinking before donating such a piece, says Mr. Glenney. So far, the war museum has collected 29. Mr. Glenney says the medals are great for the museum to collect, not just because they are small and easy to store and display, but also because there's a story behind each set and it's the museum's mission to tell those stories." To read the complete story, see: Full Story BOSTON "T" TOKENS GO BY THE WAYSIDE A January 8 Associated Press story covers the story of the end of transportation tokens in Boston: "Transit tokens have jingled in the pockets of Bostonians since 1837 -- from the silver-colored coins of the horse-drawn Roxbury Coach, to the worn brass discs that have been plunked into MBTA turnstiles since 1951. But soon, in the city that is home to America's first subway, where folk singers have rhapsodized about public transportation, tokens won't be good for a ride. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority recently announced that the $1.25 token will be phased out in early 2007, making way for fare cards. "I think there is certainly something symbolic in the passing of the token," said transit system general manager Daniel A. Grabauskas, who has already ordered his set of commemorative token cuff links." "Chicago killed its token on May 31, 1999. The New York Times ran an obituary for its 50-year-old subway token on the last day it could used in turnstiles -- March 14, 2003." "Tokens were as revolutionary a technology change in their day as electronic fare collection is today," said Clarke, who has written nine books on public transportation. "Instead of fishing in your pocket for two dimes and a nickel, you just had to find a single coin." There been have about 12,000 different transit tokens minted in the United States and Canada, said Rev. John M. Coffee Jr., editor of The Fare Box, a monthly newsletter for transportation token collectors. Three hundred to 400 are still in use in smaller cities and towns, he said." To read the full story, see: Full Story DROPPED "THE" PROMPTS RUCKUS OVER BANKNOTE "Korea's online community is up in arms at the decision to omit the definite article from the new 5,000-won ($5) bill, leaving "Bank of Korea" to stand alone. "If the bank has omitted 'the' by mistake," read one online posting, "then it has not only wasted taxpayers' money, but caused our national shame." The story of the new banknote, released on Monday, started auspiciously. With its new design, holograms and other anti-forgery features, demand for the new notes was such that local banks had to limit the number of new bills they will exchange for old ones to 10 per person. But eagle-eyed netizens soon spotted that on the new notes, the name of the nation's central bank is printed as "Bank of Korea," prompting curious users to ask the bank why "the" has been dropped." "In response, the central bank said it left out "the" for design purposes. The bank added its official title, The Bank of Korea, has not changed. The central bank also said a number of foreign countries such as New Zealand, India, Israel and Hong Kong do not use "the" when referring to their respective central banks." Full Story THE DRIFFIELD NEW YEAR COIN SCRAMBLE Last week Dick Johnson shared an article about New Year's traditions around the world that involve coins. Jeff Starck forwarded this article from a Yorkshire newspaper about the annual "coin scramble" in the East Yorkshire town of Driffield: "IT IS as much a sign of the dawning of a new year as the chimes of Big Ben and the quaffing of champagne. And yesterday, once again, the annual Driffield coin scramble attracted a crowd. For more than 200 years the children of Driffield have scrambled in the gutter for sweets and treats, in a ceremony whose origins have been lost in the mists of time. Yesterday saw the annual coin scramble in the East Yorkshire town, with dozens of children scuffling and laughing in the street as they tried to scoop up treats." "And, with all the fervour of their predecessors, they chanted the old rhyme: "Here we are at our toon's end wi' a shoulder'a mutton and a croon ti spend Are we doon 'arted? - No! Shall we win? - Yes!" The festivity was first recorded in the 1700s, and for decades children up to the age of 12 have run through Middle Street in the scramble. Although it is all now fun and games, shopkeepers added a cruel twist to the game in years gone by when they heated the coins on metal shovels before throwing them to the children." Full Story ROBERT COULTON DAVIS PAPERS SOUGHT Roger Burdette writes: "Do any E-Sylum readers know of the existence and whereabouts of the personal papers or collection notebooks of R. Coulton Davis, 19th century Philadelphia druggist and coin collector? Thanks!" COLLECTION DES HOMMES ILLUSTRES INFORMATION SOUGHT Bob Fritsch writes: "My question is a simple one -- does anyone know about this series which appeared around 1830+ in Switzerland? The medallist I am studying, Antoine Bovy, did a few of them, but I have never seen anything else in the same series by other medallists. Appearing around the same time were two French series, GALERIE METALLIQUE DES GRAND HOMMES FRANÇAIS and SERIES NUMISMATICA UNIVERSALIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRUM. If one wants to extrapolate to modern times, maybe a comparison with the Franklin Mint who issues medal series like THE INVENTORS OF GRASS SEED could be made. In particular I am looking for the names of the medals in all three series, and most importantly, printed references about them. Just the reference would be valuable to my research. A Happy New Year to all!" BASHLOW PLATINUM CONFEDERATE CENT RESTRIKE INFORMATION SOUGHT Harold Levi writes: "In a recent article I wrote for Coin World, I included information received from David Laties, Bashlow's partner at the time the so-called second Confederate cent restrikes were made. Laties stated that a large number of coins were struck in platinum, but all were melted when a deal fell through that Bashlow was working on. In a recent e-mail, Jesse Patrick (The Patrick Mint) stated that as a dealer he has handled a platinum Bashlow restrike. According to his information, one or more of the platinum restrikes were found in Walter Breen's estate when he died. Patrick believes that three copies escaped melting. Can anyone shed any light on this issue? My e-mail address is haroldlevi@hotmail.com." MINOR COINS CHANGE IN MODERN SOCIETY Dick Johnson writes: "There is a reason we call minor coins "change." Events are causing a lot of change in our coin change. ATMs, debit cards, and Coinstar coin-counting machines - products of modern technology - are all influencing how we make small payments thus affecting the very existence of our cents, nickels, dimes and quarters. This was dramatically brought to mind this week by an excellent article in the Delaware News Journal. Writer Christopher Yasiejko reported some interesting facts including these two: about $10.5 billion in coins sits idle nationwide, and the average U.S. home has about $99 in idle change [read "minor coins"]. "A stream of innovations," Yasiejko reports, "during the past quarter-century have made it easier to avoid coins altogether." He cites credit cards, EZPass, Speedpass and PayPass among these innovations. He notes that some coins are lost. "Mostly, though, change ends up at home, scattered atop tables and counters or collected in a container for later use." He cites several examples of people recognizing this fact, carting their coin stash to the local supermarket or bank and converting coins to cash. Commerce Bank in seven states in his area placed coin-exchange machines in each of their banks and coin counted nearly $349 million in 2005. He also quoted coin dealer Steven Hershkowitz, owner of the Coin Gallery of Delaware, who reported he doesn't much like debit cards. (Do you, E-Sylum reader?) He mentioned Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz) introduced a bill in 2001 to eliminate the cent. His proposed legislation, Legal Tender Modernization Act, died in committee. Four pages long, this great article (he even gets penny / cent usage correct) can be read at: Full Story " CALLS TO LEAVE SCOT BANKNOTES ALONE According to a report published The Scotsman, "NATIONALISTS launched a petition today calling on the Treasury to leave Scottish banknotes alone." "Bank bosses say the proposals, aimed at modernising the way money is issued in the UK, do not threaten Scottish notes. The SNP is demanding that the present independent system be left alone." "Mr Hosie said: "The proposals hand power over to the Bank of England to determine what denominations of Scottish notes are acceptable and even the design of Scottish notes. "The Treasury proposals offer no benefit to Scottish banks and simply place more burdens on them. It is another example of London government attempting to eliminate Scottish traditions". Three Scots banks are allowed to issue their own notes, the Bank of Scotland, Clydesdale Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland." To read the full story, see: Full Story TURKISH MUSEUM PONDERS MYSTERY OF GOLD COINS OF PERGAMAN Arthur Shippee forwarded the following from The Explorator Newsletter: "One of two surviving golden coins stamped during the period of the foundation of the Kingdom of Pergamon is being exhibited at the Eregli Archaeology Museum in Konya." "Pergamon was an ancient city founded on the Aegean coast of Anatolia at the site of the present-day city of Bergama. Located 100 kilometers north of Izmir in the Bakirçay River basin, Bergama is one of Turkey's oldest civilized settlements, inhabited from pre-historic times through the periods of the Ionic, Roman and Byzantine civilizations." "Stressing that only two golden coins remain from that time, Bilici said the one exhibited in the Eregli Archaeology Museum was unearthed from a tomb on a hill located five kilometers east of Eregli during excavations in the region in 1974. "This golden coin, along with some other finds from the same tomb, is being exhibited at our museum. It'll be worthwhile to put these coins and the other unearthed items under comprehensive technical observation, as according to the age's religious beliefs coins were put into tombs for the dead as a gift to be given to the keeper of the Sirat Bridge," he said. "However, it's a great secret as to how the coins came from Bergama to a central Anatolian settlement." Bilici said Eregli will also be a place of major interest for archaeologists and art historians from all around the world if the body found in the tomb is proven to be one of Alexander the Great's commanders, as some archaeologists presume." To read the full article (registration required): Full Story ANS LIBRARY CATALOG ENTRY FOR LES MONNAIES D'ARLES Bob Leonard writes: "Bob Knepper should consult the ANS on-line library catalog, which is far, far superior to the ANA catalog. In it he would find: Main Author: Ferrando, Philippe. Title: Les monnaies d'Arles : de Constantin le Grand Romulus Augustule (313-476) / Philippe Ferrando. Publication Info: [Arles] : F. Ferrando, 1997. Extent: 254 p. : ill., map, tabls. ; 25 cm. Note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 238-240) and indexes. Summary: Roman coinage of Arelate from Constantine I through Romulus. Subject Info: Rome Mints Arelate.Arles (France) Antiquities, Roman. Year: 1997 Thus we see that his suspicion is confirmed, this is a catalog of the Roman coins minted at Arelate (modern Arles) from A.D. 313 to 476, and has nothing on his paper notes." DON TAXAY FOLLOWUP Fred Reed writes: "I'll add my two cents on the Don Taxay thread in the recent E-Sylum. On Dec. 26, 1991, John J. Ford (presumably, he wrote the introduction) renewed the copyright on Taxay's "Counterfeit, Mis-struck, and Unofficial U.S. Coins" (originally registered May 15, 1963) in favor of himself and Don Taxay. Also, on October 14, 1998, Scott Publishing Co. (owned by Amos Press since 1985) renewed the copyright on Taxay's "Scott's Comprehensive Catalogue and Encyclopedia of U.S. Coins, 1971" which had originally been registered on Dec. 3, 1970. This is the straight poop. It's from my significant numismatic date database which forms the basis of my "The Week That Was" weekly column in COIN WORLD, and is based on Copyright Office records. As for the suggestion that Taxay sold rights to his "The U.S. Mint and Coinage" for some exorbitant sum such as $100,000, and the disposition of his other works, I can't add anything since I refer to the records on line which only go back to 1978." [Ron Benice, using an Internet people-search service writes that it "shows a Donald Taxay, age 72... The age seems about right." I've edited out other details. This may or may not be the Don Taxay we're curious about, but in any case, if he wanted to reconnect with the numismatic world he could have done so. This has been an interesting topic, and I'd still like to hear other stories from those who knew him, but as far as our search goes, we'll stop here. -Editor] ANOTHER REVIEW: FRICKE's COLLECTING CONFEDERATE PAPER MONEY John and Nancy Wilson forwarded their review of the Pierre Fricke's "Collecting Confederate Paper Money: A Complete and Fully Illustrated Guide to All Confederate Note Types and Varieties". They write: "This hard bound fully illustrated 800 page book contains both full color and enlarged black and white pictures of each of the Criswell Type notes and also some color varieties of some notes. The book contains much original information from sources including the late Dr. Douglas J. Ball. Many of the rare types have the known surviving serial numbers as well as some condition census information. Prices in several conditions are also included. When we received the new reference by Pierre we could hardly put it down. We were amazed at the valuable information contained within the pages of this important reference. We have a nice type set of CSA issues, not including the rare First Series, Essays, or Indian Princess note(s). This reference helped us find some scarce varieties we never would have known about if it wasn't available. This CSA reference will add information greatly needed by the collectors of these important numismatic items. It was obvious that the Author, Pierre Frick spent countless hours in the research and production of this Confederate States of America reference. This reference could also be "The Book of the Year" because of the important information contained as well as the high quality printing and pictures. It will be a must for all collectors of Confederate States of America Issues. It now takes up a prominent location in our Numismatic Library. Visit www.smytheonline.com for more information on the book." DON'T MESS WITH NUMISMATISTS On Sunday, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer published an editorial correcting some numismatic errors in an earlier story. Regret the Error, a web site devoted to "corrections, retractions, clarifications and trends regarding accuracy and honesty in the media" wrote: "We already mentioned that the press needs to come correct when it writes about Star Wars, comics, and other elements of geek-culture. Add coin collecting to the list. The editorial page editor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer got slapped down, numismatics style, for a column about coins. I'd like to start the New Year by correcting a mistake. Actually two mistakes. A couple of weeks ago I wrote a column and suggested we get rid of paper dollars and instead use coins." The following excerpts are from the Post-Intelligencer: "I read your editorial and found it interesting," wrote a reader. "I find any story about numismatics interesting, primarily because the information contained within is rarely correct. It seems that whenever the price of gold or silver makes any kind of significant move, or a new coin design is forthcoming, the newspapers throw together a story or editorial riddled with inaccuracies. While your editorial was rather tame in that respect, errors were made." The first error was a dumb one: Nearly a billion Susan B. Anthony coins were produced -- not the million I said. I just looked at the number wrong. The other error sits on my desk, too. I compared the Susan B. Anthony coin to the Sacagawea -- and said they were different sizes. That's not true. They are the same size (and weight, for that matter) but the gold-toned Sacagawea has a smoother edge with a wide rim. It just looks different. The column was posted online and immediately I heard from folks who picked up on the misstatements... And that's what's best about the Internet -- there's a large body of knowledge out there, representing people who care deeply about an infinite range of topics." To read the full article, see: Full Story MORE ON REMOVING LINE BREAKS Alan Luedeking writes: "Bob's suggestion was good, but instead of Line breaks find Paragraph breaks instead. All you need is the caret-p command instead of caret-l. To make sure you get it right, put this in the 'Replace What' field. To get there: Edit/Replace/More/Special and choose Paragraph Mark. Then put a space in the 'RepLace With' field. To facilitate this every week, go to Tools/Customize/Commands/Edit and put the Replace button on your Word toolbar. This exercise is only necessary with older versions of Outlook, since newer versions do indeed allow automatic removal of line breaks: Tools/Options/Preferences/E-mail Options: Check the "Remove Extra Line Breaks in Plain Text Messages" checkbox. Simply resize your mail message window to the desired print size and print. If you like headerless E-Sylums, then copy/paste to Word and do as Bob said to format." NUMISMATIC HARDWARE: COMMEMORATIVE COIN TOILET SEAT Stephen Pradier of Murfreesboro, TN writes: "I periodically search eBay's Coin Publications listing and have noticed that the US section is receiving listings for a more than just books. One seller is offering a toilet seat embedded with "U.S. and Commemorative coins". I haven't ever taken my numismatic books to that area of the home. Perhaps this is for the very serious numismatic bibliophile." Ralf W. Böpple of Stuttgart also saw this one. He writes: "This is definitely the weirdest item I have ever seen at offer in the coins publications section of eBay! Somebody took his desire to be as close as possible to his collection at any time a little too far, I guess!! I leave it to you to decide whether it's something for the E-Sylum (I can guarantee that I do not have any business interest in this auction, though)!" FEATURED WEB SITE: AMERICAN VECURIST ASSOCIATION This week's featured web site is the Wikipedia entry for the American Vecurist Association, which has some interesting information about the history of the standard workS on transportation tokens: "In 1920, Mr. F.C. Wentworthy began cataloging his transportation token collection. Five years later, Mr Wentworthy handed his work off to Mr. R.W. Dunn. In 1932 Mr. Dunn printed his list of U.S. and foreign transportation tokens. Shortly after printing, Dr. Dunn passed the task of cataloging transportation tokens off to Ronald C. Atwood. In 1948, Mr. Atwood had his National Check and Premium List of All U.S. Transportation Tokens published by the American Numismatic Company of Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Mr. R.L. Moore began publishing the Fare Box, a monthly newsletter about transportation tokens. On October 31, 1948, the American Vecturist Association was formed in New York City out of interest sparked from Mr. Moore's newsletter. Two months later, Mr. Moore turned over the Fare Box to the newly formed American Vecturist Association." wikipedia.org Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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