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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 05, January 29, 2006: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2006, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE's WORDS Among our recent subscribers are Bill Tatham and Fabienne Burkhalter. Welcome aboard! We now have 853 subscribers. The topic of numismatic oral history comes up this week with note from Dick Johnson. Preserving this kind of ephemeral information is what The E-Sylum is about as well. If your phone rings and it's Dick calling for an interview, sit down, put your feet up, and take a trip down memory lane. Another thing we just can't get enough of here at The E-Sylum are first-hand accounts of goings-on at the U.S. Mint, and this week brings a nice article from an Ohio newspaper about Mint Director William Brett and the political fallout from Republicans over the depiction on the dime of Democrat Franklin Roosevelt. The article also addresses the 1950s phenomenon of nickels piling up in Cincinnati, dimes in San Antonio and quarters in Minneapolis. Any guesses on why? Another type of first-hand numismatic history are stories relating to the design and marketing of the state quarter series - this week brings criticisms of the Washington and Utah designs. But perhaps the most unusual item this week is a story from The New Scientist on how banknotes are being used to help predict the spread of disease. Read on to find out. Enjoy! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society NBS CONVENTION SUGGESTIONS SOUGHT Pete Smith, NBS President writes: "The NBS Board is making plans for the 2006 ANA summer convention in Denver. We are looking for speakers or other suggestions for programs. Perhaps after doing the same things for many years, it is time for a change. What else should we offer to serve the interests of our members? Please present comments to The E-Sylum or forward comments to me through Wayne." [We'd love to hear from you, so please let us know what you think. I'll compile the suggestions for the next E-Sylum; if not for publication I'll forward them to Pete. -Editor] BOOK ON ARMENIA's MONEY PUBLISHED Taken from a press release: "Central Bank of Armenia released a book titled Armenia's Money Emissions. The CBA press service says the book can be interesting for those persons keeping watch on money circulation in Armenia and Armenian numismatics. There is a brief review of Armenian ancient coins in the book. The main stages of the record of money circulation in Armenia are presented here as well. Besides, there is detailed description of today's Armenia. Banknotes and coins issued by the Central Bank over a period between 1993 and 2005 are presented. The book contains information about money and the information about how it is being issued and put in circulation." Full Story FIRST WOMAN SINCE WWII AWARDED SILVER STAR Although it has just come to our attention through a recent blog entry, on June 16, 2005 Kentucky National Guard soldier Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester became the first woman awarded the Silver Star for actions in Iraq, for heroism during a March convoy mission. According the the blog entry quoted below, Hester was the first woman since WWII to be awarded the medal: "The 23-year-old retail store manager from Bowling Green, Ky., won the award for skillfully leading her team of military police soldiers in a counterattack after about 50 insurgents ambushed a supply convoy they were guarding near Salman Pak on March 20. The medal, rare for any soldier, underscores the growing role in combat of U.S. female troops in Iraq's guerrilla war, where tens of thousands of American women have served, 36 have been killed and 285 wounded, according to Pentagon figures. After insurgents hit the convoy with a barrage of fire from machine guns, AK-47 assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, Hester "maneuvered her team through the kill zone into a flanking position where she assaulted a trench line with grenades and M203 rounds," according to the Army citation accompanying the Silver Star. "She then cleared two trenches with her squad leader where she engaged and eliminated three AIF [anti-Iraqi forces] with her M4 rifle. Her actions saved the lives of numerous convoy members," the citation stated." To read the full entry, see: Full Story A mention in Stars and Stripes (see June 16): Full Story NUMISMATIC ORAL HISTORY SAGA Dick Johnson writes: "I want to do oral history. I want to call numismatists, or people who have specialized numismatic information and interview them. But nothing is easy. We have unlimited long distance calling for our telephone service. Great! I can talk for hours. All I need is a tape recorder hooked up to the telephone. Two aged tape records sit on the top shelf in my office but provide only intermitted service so off I go shopping for an industrial strength telephone tape recorder. Froogle leads me to exactly want I want -- record, dictate, transcribe -- all in one machine made by Sony. Even has a foot control for playback transcribing. $140 more than what I had budgeted, so I print the specifications and picture and off I go to Radio Shack. No, they don't have anything like that in stock. Salesman punches some keys on the cash register (I never understood that!) and says the chain doesn't carry it. So I order it off the Internet and it arrives the next day. Unpack, assemble, only to learn the telephone recording adaptor is not included. I can not hook up the telephone to the recorder without it. I contact the dealer I bought it from. No, they don't carry it. Sony, how could you sell a product that is incomplete? Back to Radio Shack. Salesman taps keys on cash register again. No, they don't carry it. They tried to sell me a $3 suction cup to connect telephone to the recorder. In my mind I know that's not going to work. Urgent call to son-in-law in Minnesota who is the family electronics guru. Email details what I need. He installs very high-tech video display systems all over the world. He would know. He searches the Internet and makes some calls. Finds company in Silicon Valley that has what I need, he says. I call to order, only to learn they no longer stock it but refer me to another SV firm. Now it's getting serious. This firm really makes telephone recording systems. Record all day long from all extensions in headquarters and a dozen branch offices. They ask me if my phone is digital. No, I learn its not. (I'm still an analog guy in a digital world!) If it was, salesman says, you can hook up your phone to your computer and record the text of all your conversations right on the computer. But the salesman was talking in a language I really didn't understand and I can't even describe here. I think I described to him what I need and I ordered what I think will work. Nothing is easy today. All I want to do is record numismatic interviews. So if I call you and say, "This is Dick Johnson in Connecticut. I'd like to ask you some questions. Mind if I turn on the recorder?" You will know I got hooked up." [This is a great project idea. Too much information is lost to history because it never gets recorded. Periodically the ANA has a project to collect oral history, and I'd be curious to know who all has been interviewed so far, and if and how these tapes are cataloged in the library index. And here's another question. We all know who the "A-list" of interviewees are. Who out might be a little less known to the general collecting public, yet has a wealth of numismatic history to relate? -Editor] ON PHILIP GRIERSON David Gladfelter writes: "For many years I have used Grierson's "Bibliographie Numismatique." It wan't until reading his general work "Numismatics" (London, Oxford University Press, 1975) that I realized that French was not his native tongue." SCOTTISH COIN CONSIGNOR INFORMATION SOUGHT E. Tomlinson Fort, Editor of The Asylum writes: "I am presently working on a study of Scottish coins and for my references need the full names of two people who sold their collections anonymously: 1. The "Dundee" sale [a joint auction of Spink and Bowers and Merena] 19 Febuary 1976. In 1981, Lord Stewartby listed the owner as S.P. Fay, but he did not state what the S.P. stood for, do any readers know? 2. The "Douglas" collection auctioned by Spink [sale no. 119] on 4 March 1997. Does anyone know who this person was? Please send the answer(s) to etfort@comcast.net." DIMES AND POLITICS: MINT DIRECTOR WILLIAM BRETT The Repository of Canton, OH published a story this week about a former U.S. Mint Director's experiences. Here are a few excerpts: "Fifty years ago, former Stark County resident William Brett was keeping political party members from playing penny-ante politics with America’s money. OK, technically the ante was a dime in the middle of the 1950s. Specifically, the 61-year-old former Alliance businessman was attempting five decades ago to calm Republicans who were annoyed by the Roosevelt dime. Those members of the Grand Old Party couldn’t understand why a Republican presidential administration that of Dwight D. Eisenhower would continue to make a coin with a famous Democrat’s head on it." "The director tried to tell his fellow party members that the coin controversy really was out of his and Eisenhower’s hands. “I simply tell them, in as unprejudiced way as I can, that these Roosevelt dimes, by law, must be made until 1971,” Brett explained in 1955. The design of any coin could not be changed for 25 years, he explained. The Roosevelt dime was first coined in 1946. With that rule in place while Brett was head of the Mint, the only coin design that could have been changed and all changes were made on the decision of the Mint’s director was the Lincoln penny, which was first coined in 1909. “And I can assure you,” Brett said, “I won’t do that.” "Through his job, Brett encountered some “puzzling situations” concerning the distribution of coins, the newspaper article noted. Coins had a penchant for accumulating in certain areas of the country, the writer explained. A lot of nickels were found in Cincinnati, for example. Dimes, to the chagrin of Republicans there, accumulated in San Antonio. Quarters piled up in Minneapolis. “We think we know the explanation for the quarters in Minneapolis,” Brett told the reporter. “There are a lot of cereal companies there, and people are always sending them box tops, with quarters.” "Even if party politics had been successful in stopping the production of Roosevelt dimes in 1971, the dimes already in circulation would have lingered for two to three decades through several more Democratic and Republican administrations. We have the benefit of enough hindsight, of course, to know that new mintings of the Roosevelt dime continue to pop up in our pocket every year their existence guarded, at least for a few years, by a Stark County Republican who was nonpartisan when it came to pocket change." To read the complete story, see: Full Story WASHINGTON STATE QUARTER DESIGNS PANNED Every coin design has its critics. An article from Vancouver, WA discusses one politician's beefs with the proposed designs for the Washington state quarter: "Vancouver Mayor Royce Pollard said none of the three designs shows much creativity and he won't be adding the final coin to his collection. Southwest Washington certainly didn't get any recognition among the finalists. Two of the three designs feature Mount Rainier, even though Mount St. Helens arguably is the most famous of Washington's volcanoes. The other is an American Indian-style drawing of a killer whale. "Not a lot of imagination there," Pollard said of the three designs chosen from thousands of entries. "You have to wonder what they had to choose from. I wouldn't pick any of them." To read the complete article, see: Full Story SALT LAKE TRIBUNE EDITORIAL PANS BEEHIVE DESIGN FOR STATE QUARTER An editorial in the January 29th Salt Lake Tribune objects to the proposed beehive design for Utah's state quarter: "I began to wonder what the design for Utah's quarter would be. That's where the beehive comes in. In July 2000, The Salt Lake Tribune published a story explaining the selection process and how, under the Mint's guidelines, depictions or logos of specific religious organizations were inappropriate for the quarters. That meant, according to the story, no Brigham Young, no Salt Lake LDS Temple, no beehive on the Utah quarter. Imagine my surprise, then, when first lady Mary Kaye Huntsman earlier this month unveiled the three "concept designs" chosen by the state's commemorative coin commission: the completion of the transcontinental railroad, a snowboarder and - drum roll, please - the beehive." "But given the Mint's guidelines, and the beehive's place in Utah as a Mormon symbol, it doesn't belong on the Utah commemorative quarter because it is not universal. It is representative of the LDS Church and Utah's Mormon roots, but not of anyone else." "Yes, I know. The beehive has many secular applications in Utah. It appears all kinds of places, from the state flag and the state seal to highway signs. But ... the root of the Utah obsession with the beehive is Mormon iconography ... " "Given this history, and the Mint's prohibition of exclusive religious symbolism on the state commemorative quarters, I am puzzled that the beehive was not disqualified as a design element." "The one-paragraph narrative that Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. provided to the Mint talks about the beehive's place on the state's flag, how Utah's nickname is the Beehive State and how the honey bee is the state insect, but makes no mention of how all of these symbols derive directly from Mormonism. It looks to me like state and Mint officials are being either deliberately superficial or downright deceptive. I'm not sure which." To read the complete editorial, see: Full Story COULD BANKNOTE TRAVELS PREDICT DISEASE SPREAD? An article this week from The New Scientist shows how Researchers might use data from the Where's George database to help predict the spread of disease. "Tracking the movements of hundreds of thousands of banknotes across the US could provide scientists with a vital new tool to help combat the spread of deadly infectious diseases like bird flu. Modern transport has transformed the speed at which epidemics can spread, enabling disease to rip through populations and leap across continents at frightening speed." "But now physicists from the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen, Germany, and the University of Santa Barbara, California, US, have developed a model to explain these movements, based on the tracked movements of US banknotes. Dirk Brockmann and colleagues used an online project called www.wheresgeorge.com (George Washington's image is on the $1 bill) to track the movements of dollar bills by serial number. Visitors to the site enter the serial number of banknotes in their possession and can see where else the note may have been." "Although the movements of individual bills remain unpredictable, the mathematical rules make it possible to calculate the probability that a bill will have travelled a certain distance over a certain amount of time. "What's triggering this is our behaviour," Brockmann told New Scientist. "That is what you need if you want to build quantitative models for the spread of disease." Brockmann admits that the movement of money may not perfectly mirror that of people. For one thing, he says, it may be that only certain types of people are interested in seeing where their bills have been and entering that on www.wheresgeorge.com. However, he says comparing the model to publicly available information on passenger flights and road travel suggests that it is accurate." To read the complete article, see: Full Story SAFE DEPOSIT RESTRICTIONS? The Snopes.com web site is investigating a claim making the rounds of the Internet that the U.S. "Department of Homeland Security is secretly putting restrictions on what customers can remove from safe deposit boxes in case of "national disaster." The claim states that: "A family member from Irvine, CA (who's a branch manager at Bank of America) told us two weeks ago that her bank held a "workshop" where the last two days were dedicated to discussing their bank's new security measures. During these last two days, the workshop included members from the Homeland Security Office who instructed them on how to field calls from customers and what they are to tell them in the event of a national disaster. She said they were told how only agents from Homeland Security (during such an event) would be in charge of opening safe deposit boxes and determining what items would be given to bank customers. At this point they were told that no weapons, cash, gold, or silver will be allowed to leave the bank - only various paperwork will be given to its owners. After discussing the matter with them at length, she and the other employees were then told not to discuss the subject with anyone." [I haven't seen this claim before and haven’t heard of any such planned restrictions. Readers? -Editor] To read the full story, see: Full Story ANOTHER BOOKBINDER RECOMMENDATION Jim Barry writes: "I have used Southeast Library Bindery at 7609 Business Park Drive, Greensboro, NC, 27409 for binding both books and special catalogs. Their telephone number is 1-800-444-7534." TORN DOLLARS: TWO RIDES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE The Sun News of Myrtle Beach published a story about counterfeit notes that mentions another scheme to stretch the value of a dollar: "A crackdown on fare fraud at Lymo has caused at least one bus rider to find a more creative and illegal way to beat the system. The mass transit agency has found three counterfeit $1 bills in its fare boxes on three separate occasions in recent weeks, according to Myers Rollins Jr., Lymo's general manager. The counterfeit bills started showing up after Lymo began an anti-fraud program called "Show Me the Money," in which riders must show their dollar bills and change to a bus driver before inserting the money into a fare box. Before that program started, Rollins said, drivers sometimes would find wooden coins, pieces of paper and dollar bills torn in half in their fare boxes at the end of the day. "Some riders would tear a dollar in half and fold it up and put it in the box," said Stephen Anderson, the authority's assistant general manager. "Then, they'd use the other half for the trip back. They'd get two rides for the price of one." Full Story VIETNAMESE BANKNOTE COLLECTOR MAKES RECORD BOOK >From the Thanhnien News comes this story of the Achievement of a Vietnames collector of world banknotes: "A 33-year-old man has made it to Vietnam Guinness Book Center (Vietbooks), which records Vietnamese records, for owning currency notes from the most number of countries. Ho Minh Hiep says he has collected paper currencies from 222 countries and territories, adding he only lacks a Palestinian note to complete the whole global set." "He has in his collection noted from territories which no longer exist in their original form. He is also a numismatista coin collectorwith a collection minted in 218 countries and territories. He has coins made in gold, silver, and bronze and from as long ago as the 19th century. He has 200 Vietnamese bills, some of them narrating the country’s history and ancient features. Others are so old that Hiep has to go to great lengths to preserve them. These include notes issued in 1948 by the French colonial Indochinese government." "Hiep says among his Vietnamese collection are several bills issued by the Northern government during the American War which are unique. Called Truong Son grocery notes, they were used as food coupons by the military. The notes were issued in 1962 and, unusually, have the image of Ho Chi Minh on one side and nothing on the otherthey are blank on one side. The bills are of 1, 2, 5, and 10 dong denominations. Hiep also has notes that were printed but never saw the light of day. The former Saigon printed batches of 5,000 and 10,000 dong notes in 1975 and prepared to issue them when the regime fell. He says he found these rare notes in Singapore." "Hiep became interested in collecting currency bills by chance. In 1996, when he worked at the Tan Son Nhat International Airport duty free shop, a tourist presented him a South African note. “The unique feature of the bill set me off on my quest to collect global currencies,” he says. He adds that the regular opportunities to meet foreigners helped him expand his collection day by day." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [Our intrepid Southeast Asia reporter Howard Daniel hadn't seen the article, but he's now trying to contact the collector. -Editor] OREGON PIONEER GOLD TRADES HANDS On January 24, The Associated Press published a story About the sale of a pioneer gold Beaver coin: "A rare $5 Oregon gold coin minted in 1849 has fetched $125,000 from a collector who now has a link to a time when people in the Oregon Territory began to end a life of bartering with gold dust, beaver pelts, wheat, salmon and horses." "If this coin could talk, what would it say?" said Rick Gately, a rare-coin dealer in La Grande who made the sale this month between the coin's owner in Rogue River and a buyer from La Grande." "At the time the coin was minted, the Oregon Territory's merchants, hunters, trappers, sailors and Indian tribes numbered about 13,000 and needed a better medium of exchange than barter, said Donald H. Kagin of Tiburon, Calif., author of "Private Gold Coins and Patterns of the United States." So in February 1849, the territorial legislature ordered the creation of a mint. But the plan quickly went awry. Gen. Joseph Lane, the new territorial governor appointed by President Polk, arrived in Oregon City less than a month later and immediately halted the preparations." "But Kagin said the declaration did not stop eight "men of affairs" from immediately forming the "Oregon Exchange Company" and building their own private, illegal mint in Oregon City, fashioning their equipment from wagon wheels and scrap metal. They began stamping out $5 Oregon Beaver coins, 6,000 in all, using yellow metal from the California gold fields. The $5 gold pieces were engraved on one side with a picture of a beaver and a single initial of each of the men who started the mint. On the opposite side were the words, "Oregon Exchange Company" and "Native Gold." The dies had two glaring errors. Instead of "O.T." for Oregon Territory, the coins had the letters "T.O." for Territory of Oregon." And a letter signifying one of the men, John Gill Campbell, was presented as a "G" instead of a "C." "In their day, the coins quickly became known as "Beaver money." At the time, $3 would buy a Navy Colt revolver and $20 would get a frontiersman a prime piece of property or a suit of clothes, boots, sidearm and a horse, Gately said. Most of the coins, though, ended up in the pockets of the well-to-do. Gately noted that 1870s cowboys earned only about $1 a day." Full Story OLD BOOK JOKE Bob Johnson forwarded this one. It sounds familiar, but I don't think we've published it before: "A collector of rare books ran into an acquaintance who told him he had just thrown away an old Bible that he found in a dusty, old box. He happened to mention that Guten-somebody-or-other had printed it. "Not Gutenberg?" Gasped the collector. "Yes, that was it!" "You idiot! You've thrown away one of the first books ever printed. A copy recently sold at an auction for half a million dollars!" "Oh, I don't think this book would have been worth anything close to that much," replied the man. "It was scribbled all over in the margins by some guy named Martin Luther." Full Story FEATURED WEB PAGE: WHO REALLY DESIGNED THE ROOSEVELT DIME? This week's featured web page is from the NGC article archive, about the John Sinnock / Selma Burke controversy over the design of the Roosevelt Dime. Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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