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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 44, October 29, 2006: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2006, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE's WORDS We have no new subscribers this week. The issue is a lengthy one, with another assortment of topics from all over the numismatic map, including my trip to Pittsburgh for the PAN show this weekend. I have a short write-up on the show later in this issue. For those of you who read their issue late Sunday, outgoing email problems delayed publication of this issue until Monday morning - sorry. On Saturday I had the pleasure of meeting longtime E-Sylum subscriber Paul Landsberg, who had a table at the show, as did Julian Leidman. Quite a number of E-Sylum readers were in attendance. The awards banquet was most enjoyable - at my table were Tom Sebring and his wife, Cliff Mishler, and longtime PAN supporters and officers Jerry Kochel, Dick Duncan and John Eshbach. We open the issue with sad news of the loss of a longtime subscriber and numismatic author. Dick Johnson provides us with a fascinating account of his recent interview with a friend who personally knew many of the major U.S. mint coin designers of the early 20th century. Two interesting items in this issue involve the olfactory senses - one addresses the question of coin smells, and another describes how dogs are being used to sniff out counterfeit currency! Read on to learn more. Have a great week, everyone! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society NUMISMATIC AUTHOR HAL DUNN DIES Duane H. Feisel writes: "It is with a heavy heart that I report to you that Hal Dunn suddenly and unexpectedly passed away Thursday morning, October 26. His wife, Sharon, called to let me know of this sad news and asked that I advise friends. Burial services will be held on Monday, October 30 beginning at 2:00PM at the First Presbyterian Church in Elko. A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, November 1 beginning at 2:00PM at the First Presbyterian Church in Carson City. My own friendship with Hal goes back for more than 40 years. We made trips to Omaha together, and shared a bourse table at NTCA and WESTS shows. Hal always was a willing hand in providing assistance to me for the auctions I conducted. I worked extensively with Hal on his great catalog of Western States good-for trade mirrors as well as other projects. In recent years I don’t think a week went by that we weren’t on the telephone with one another, and we exchanged frequent e-mail messages. On occasion we visited the homes of one another. Hal attended many of the ANA shows and was well known in numismatics. He wrote numerous scholarly articles on a variety of topics, and was involved in various aspects of cataloging tokens and other collectables. Hal is also well known in the law enforcement community in Nevada. We all will miss him greatly." [Hal became an E-Sylum subscriber in May 2001 on the recommendation of Bill Murray. Here's his subscriber profile: Numismatic interests: Carson City coins, Carson City Mint memorabilia, Nevada tokens and medals, Wyoming tokens. Numismatic literature: I have authored three exonumia catalogs and numerous articles on Nevada and California exonumia. I collect published material (numismatic and otherwise) on the Carson City Mint. I have been a coin collector for over 50 years and involved with exonumia since the mid-1960s. Currently I am president of the National Token Collectors Association, past president of the Token and Medal Society, the ANA district delegate for Nevada, and an officer in our local coin club. esylum_v04n19a03.htm Hal submitted articles to The E-Sylum on several occasions and also donated books for the annual NBS fund-raising auction. In February of this year he attended the launch ceremony for the Nevada state quarter and filed a report for us. Links to some of his E-Sylum submissions are included below. ON GOING CASHLESS esylum_v05n38a16.html NBS DONATION AUCTION esylum_v06n31a05.html UNCUT SHEET PRANKS esylum_v07n24a14.html FIRST-HAND REPORT: NEVADA STATE QUARTER LAUNCH CEREMONY esylum_v09n06a17.html Hal will be missed. Our thoughts go out to his family. -Editor] DECEMBER 2006 COLONIAL NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED CNL Editor Gary Trudgen writes: "The December 2006 issue of The Colonial Newsletter (CNL) has been published. First up in this issue is an update on the DK token. The discovery of this token and its historical significance was reported in our last issue by Dr. Louis Jordan. The update is provided by Paul Berry, the Chief Curator of the Bank of Canada Currency Museum. Paul reveals that some exciting new discoveries have been made concerning the DK token. We now know that the token was not cast as reported in our last issue but rather struck with a hand-held die and hammer. Also, to date, three denominations of the DK token have been uncovered but it is uncertain what their purchasing value was within the community where they were current. Archeology is continuing at the Ferryland site in Newfoundland and perhaps new finds will be made which will increase our understanding of this early North American lead token. Our next paper reports the discovery of a new Atlee halfpenny variety, Vlack 5-74A, and how the study of two similar dies in this series led to its discovery. Authored by Jack Howes, this study of Vlack obverse dies 5 and 8 not only shows that these are, in fact, the same die but how today's new digital imaging technology can be used on your home computer to facilitate such studies. Jack's paper is an interesting read as he methodically works his way to a conclusion with the surprise of a new variety discovery thrown in at the end. In 1988 the American Numismatic Society, in their Museum Notes 33, published a paper by Eric Newman titled "Were Counterfeit British Style Halfpence Dated 1785 Made Specifically for American Use?" Within this paper, Eric made the first attempt at categorizing the dies that were used to strike the 1781 and 1785 imitation British halfpence series. As one might expect, nearly twenty years later, new dies and die marriages that were unknown to Eric have come to light for each of these coinages. The next two papers provide update information on these coinages along with new die marriage and attribution plates. The principal author of the 1781 paper is Dr. Roger Moore with co-authors Eric Newman and David Palmer. The 1785 paper is authored by Byron Weston and Dr. Roger Moore. Byron is the primary author of this paper with Roger providing the attribution information and plates CNL is published three times a year by The American Numismatic Society, 96 Fulton Street, New York, NY 10038. For inquires concerning CNL, please contact Juliette Pelletier at the preceding postal address or e-mail pelletier@amnumsoc.org or telephone (212) 571-4470 ext. 1311." [Your Editor welcomes news releases from all hobby publications. If you're the editor of a national or international numismatic specialty publication, feel free to follow Gary's lead and send us regular updates on the contents of each issue. It will help spread the word about your hard work and may lead to more readers and subscribers for your publication. -Editor] MINT ENGRAVERS AMONG WILLIAM LOUTH's RECORDED REMINISCENCES Dick Johnson writes: "I had a two-day appointment with William T. Louth, my old boss, who had retired as president of Medallic Art Company shortly after the 1976 American Bicentennial and its tremendous outpouring of medals. I had not seen Bill since three years ago when Donald Scarinci asked me to accompany him to interview Bill for data for the Society of Medalists book he is writing. I had asked Mark Sartori, president of my local coin club, to join me this time as a driving companion on the long trip to Cape Cod for some numismatic chitchat along the way. Mark sat in on one of the recording sessions with Bill. Well into the first hour Bill mentioned he remembered John Flanagan, sculptor and coin designer. I saw Mark’s jaw drop. I could almost read his mind - "Here is someone still alive who knew John Flanagan in person!" I prompted Bill to tell us everything he remembered about Flanagan, then mentioned something about other coin designers. "I remember Adolph Weinman," he said, picking up on our numismatic interest. He went on: "and the Frasers, Laura and James." "How about Anthony DeFrancisci?" I asked. "Tony!" he corrected me. "I remember Tony." He filled us in on the personality of each of these. I tossed out John R. Sinnock’s name. "Sure." "Didn’t he do your portrait?" I said, remembering Sinnock had done the portrait of Bill’s uncle, the longtime president of Medallic Art, and the firm’s entire board of directors. "No, that was Gilroy who did my portrait." Then I remembered that occurred after Sinnock had died. But I marveled at the first-name basis he used with all these artists -- he had been that familiar with them (and probably they were with him!). Here we were, chatting about 20th century coin engravers, all long gone. Every one of these sculptors had done private medals which were produced by Medallic Art â€in addition to the work they had done for the U.S. Mint. Bill had not only known them, but worked with them, and often socialized and even visited their studios many times. Despite fading memories, we "squeezed the orange" to use Don Scarinci’s term, gleaning as many recollections as we could from an old-time friend. It was tough to say goodbye to Bill, now in his 80th year and in declining health. But I was glad, however, for the opportunity to have had these conversations and get them on tape." WILLIAM BARBER's PICTURE AND PROFESSIONAL IMAGE In response to last week's request for a picture of William Barber, Dick Johnson writes: "U.S. Mint Chief Engraver William Barber was a heavy set man. There is a tiny illustration of him -- but he is not identified -- in a group photograph of the engraving department on page 38 (it is Roman numeral "xxxviii" in the Introduction) of Robert Julian's "Medals of the United States Mint The First Century, 1792-1892." Barber is shown with mallet raised standing behind a table of medal dies in the center of the room. This same image also appeared on a postcard in a set of sixteen interior photographs within the Third U.S. Mint building in Philadelphia shortly after the Mint moved into the new building at 16th & Spring Garden Street in 1904. (This is a scarce postcard; it is missing in my set of interior shots -- I'm a buyer if anyone has one for sale.) The original photograph is in the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. Wayne Craven and I saw it when we were researching this mint building in 2000. William E. Barber's professional image has become somewhat tarnished in the minds of numismatists over the years. He was not above taking credit for others' work. He "adapted" (read "stole") Olin Levi Warner's bas-relief portrait of Christopher Columbus for the 1892 Columbian Expo commemorative half dollar (and took full credit, with no mention of Warner). He even copied his own father's engraved design of the 1881 Assay Medal (Julian AC-24a), added his own C.E.B. initials and passed it off as his own creation! He also replicated the work of Moritz Furst and John Reich (NA-8, -11, -15) without crediting previous mint engravers. He ran the engraving department (since 1880 on the death of his father, William) for far too long a time -- 37 years -- in effect being Chief Engraver for Life. As the years progressed his ego grew and he became more feisty. He opposed anyone who he thought was encroaching on what he insisted was his sovereignty and prerogative. His conflict with St-Gaudens over the 1907 gold coin designs is well known. St-Gaudens' critical artistic acumen comments on the Mint's engravers were aimed directly at Barber. Observing his life's mediocre engraving work led me to wag "Charles Barber would have been better cutting hair than dies." [Barbara Gregory, Editor-in-Chief of the American Numismatic Association's NUMISMATIST Magazine was able email a picture of Barber to Sylvana Aicken for her daughter's project. Many thanks for everyone for their assistance. -Editor] NEW RESEARCH ON THE FRANKLIN MINT Katie Jaeger writes: "Last week's E-Sylum carried the story of the recent sale of the Franklin Mint. I wanted to let everyone know that the Coin World issue of Nov. 6, 2006 carries the first half of my two-part article on the "glory days" of the Franklin Mint, when medals, casino tokens and coins of the realm were its primary business, from 1964-1980. Joe Segel and the late Chuck Andes were at the helm in those days, and I had the privilege of interviewing both of them in September 2005, while gathering information for a book. Later Mr. Segel lent me his entire Franklin Mint archive, and I built my article from the interviews and from his published and unpublished materials. I got to know both men a little bit through my subsequent correspondence with them, and I have to say, I took a hearty liking to both of them, and was as shocked as everyone else by the news of Mr. Andes death in August. I've managed to amass quite a bit of information on the Franklin Mint, if anyone has specific questions, feel free to ask." ZABRISKIE SALE BUYER SOUGHT Denis Loring writes: "At the Zabriskie sale (Henry Chapman, June 1909), a few lots were bought by someone named something like 'Podhaiski'. At least one of these lots reappeared in the Gregory sale (S. H. Chapman, June 1919). Does anyone know if 'Podhaiski' was a code name for Gregory or a real person? If the latter, does anyone know anything about him/her?" SALVADOR RODRIQUEZ MINT SOUGHT Alan Roy writes: "I'm hoping a reader can help me. I'm trying to find out the name of a private mint in Mexico that was owned by Salvador Rodriguez B (I'm not sure if the "B." is part of his name or not) in the mid 90s. I believe he worked for Mexicana de Medallas at the time. Thanks." SCHULMAN PERIODICAL: BOLETIN IBERO-AMERICANO DE NUMISMATICA Ralf W. Böpple of Stuttgart, Germany writes: "I would like to approach the combined knowledge of The E-Sylum readership with a few short questions: In Clain-Stefanelli's "Numismatic Bibliography", I found a reference (No. 413) to the following numismatic periodical: BoletÃn ibero-americano de numismática. (New York, 1949-1951, issued by Hans Schulman) According to the entries in the American Numismatic Society database, there seem to have been nineteen issues in one volume. Can anybody tell me more about this? Was this indeed the total of bulletins issued, in which format, and why was it stopped after two years?" [The Fitzwilliam museum library catalog also lists nineteen issues in one volume. Can anyone confirm that this is the entire run? BOLETIN IBERO-AMERICANO DE NUMISMATICA, New York {Med. Room Lobby} 1949: vol 1 nos 1- 5; no 7; 1950: vol 1 nos 8-13; 1951: vol 1 nos 14-18; 1953: vol 1 no 19 Full Story -Editor] ORDERING BOOK ON COINS AND BANKNOTES OF ISRAEL AND THE BRITISH MANDATE In our October 15th issue we discussed a new book published by the Bank of Israel on banknotes and coins of the State of Israel and the British Mandate from 1927 to the present day. At the time we did not have information on how to order the book. Howard Berlin writes: "I personally know the author Yigal Arkin and Dr. Barkay. When I was in Israel in May, I talked with them her office at the Bank of Israel and they told me that Yigal was finishing up this book. I will be going back to see them in April. I found the ordering info for the book on the BOI site at: ordering info For those who don't speak Hebrew, be sure to order the ENGLISH version." To read the October 15th E-Sylum item, see: esylum_v09n42a03.html HOWARD BERLIN's WORLD NUMISMATIC MUSEUM TOUR Howard Berlin adds: "Since my retirement from teaching electrical engineering two years ago, I've been doing a lot of traveling. Often I try to visit museums that have numismatic exhibits. I have written one article for Coin World and have several others pending about museums in Berlin, the Kadman Museum in Tel Aviv, etc. I will be in Rome in two weeks and will visit the Vatican stamp/coin museum and the Italian Mint museum. Beyond next month my schedule currently looks like this: December 2006: St. Louis - Newman Money Museum January 2007: London - Bank of England Oxford - Ashmolean Museum Cambridge - Fitzwilliam Museum February 2007: Istanbul - Archeological Museum Athens - Athens Numismatic Museum, Alpha Bank Collection March 2007: Ireland: nothing planned yet April 2007: Jerusalem Late 2007: Brussels, Dusseldorf, Cologne These museum visits will be chronicled in a new magazine column (with some photos) to begin in 2007. I welcome information from E-Sylum subscribers on numismatic museum exhibits in those cities where I haven't yet identified a suitable collection to visit. If there are none, then I'll just take in the usual tourist sights." Regarding the Bode museum discussed last week, Howard adds: "I will be in Berlin again next month. I have been by the Bode several times in the past two years when it was closed for renovations. I will check to see about a numismatic library as it is right next to the Pergamon Museum which was displaying some of the Bode's collection of ancient coins during the renovation." Jorgen Somod writes: "Yes, the Bode Museum has a big library and it is one of the most important coin collections in the world. I visited the museum in 1977. It was fantastic. However, some of their books may be missing as I was at the State Historical Museum in Moscow and saw numismatic books with a rubberstamp from the museum in Berlin. Many things happened in the years after 1945, when the collection was deported to the Soviet Union and after some years went back to Berlin - except some books." PAN SHOW EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS AND TALKS This weekend's Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists (PAN) coin show had 41 cases of top-notch educational exhibits, including a number by E-Sylum subscribers. Several knowledgeable visitors commented on the high quality and variety of exhibits by adults and young numismatists alike. My personal favorite was "Roman Coin Reverse Designs" by Paul Schultz. Sam Deep won the People's Choice award for "101 Ways to Collect Coins". Other topics included "Fun With State Quarters" and "U.S. History on State Quarters", "German Reform Out of the Ashes" (on paper money), "A Carson City Type Set", "Gold Coins of the Charlotte Mint", "My Favorite Coins", "Our Most Beautiful Coins", "A Special Roosevelt Inaugural Medal", and "The Holland Society of New York". I was unable to attend all of the meetings and presentations, but Ed Krivoniak did a great job explaining proper coin storage to about 100 kids and parents at the at the Saturday Coins4Kids meeting. At the same meeting Tom Sebring spoke on Pirates and shipwreck coins, and he spoke again at the banquet Saturday evening (on his experiences as a collector). Tom's two exhibits at the show were "Shipwreck Coins and the Sea" and "The 124 Patriots of Ireland Medal". The recent lifting of the Pennsylvania sales tax on coins contributed to a large dealer turnout - the show was sold out. The public also came out in force, with a crowd of 150 gathered for the opening at 10am Friday. Congratulations to PAN for a great show and continued emphasis on numismatic education. COUNTERFEIT DETECTION VIA SERIAL NUMBER Leon Worden writes: "The line about "100 percent certainty" from the woman at the bank was amusing, but checking potential counterfeit notes against a list of serial numbers isn't far-fetched. Years ago I worked in a bank and grew quite adept at detecting counterfeits. When I had any doubts, I'd call the local office of the Secret Service, which would check the serial number against a hot list or hit list or whatever they called it. As noted in the last E-Sylum, counterfeiters often manufacture a large number of bogus notes from a small number of real ones; thus, many fakes will have the same serial number. If 100 or 1,000 copies of the same note exist, odds are you weren't the first person to find one with that serial number and report it to the Secret Service. On the off-chance you are the first person to detect a note with a particular serial number as counterfeit, the Secret Service adds the serial number to the list when you send it in. (And if you've tried everything and it doesn't detect as counterfeit and it isn't on the Secret Service list but you're still unsure about it, you have the choice of withholding $20 or $100 from the customer's account and sending it in for verification, or accepting it and going about your day. Guess what actually happens?) Now, what if you're the holder of an original note that has been copied, and its serial number is on the Secret Service list? It doesn't matter. Either you're the counterfeiter, and the Secret Service has found it in your possession during a raid, or you're a law-abiding citizen to whom it was passed -- and because it is authentic, no checker at the supermarket who swipes it with one of those pens will think it's fake. On a somewhat related topic, I love Tom DeLorey's latest idea about copies of coins, medals and tokens. If they must exist, make them significantly larger or smaller than the original! Tom mentions that the Treasury Department "used to" have that requirement for print reproductions of bank notes. Is that no longer the case?" [We've discussed the laws surrounding the illustration of paper currency in previous E-Sylums. In the March 28, 2004 issue, Martin Gengerke wrote: "For the record, I wrote the law regarding the photographic/ print/media reproductions on U.S. Currency! Black and white photographs and color photographs are legal if they are less than 75% or more than 150% of actual size. Black and white and color transparencies are legal in any size. There are NO restrictions on the appearance of U.S. Currency in movies, television or stage performances whatsoever. Photos, slides, etc. are supposed to be for numismatic, educational, or advertising purposes, and the negatives/slides are supposed to be destroyed after use (but this is so hazy an area it is not enforced). TV MONEY NOW LEGAL esylum_v07n13a16.html -Editor] A UNIFIED PERSIAN GULF CURRENCY BY 2010? According to an October 24 news report, there are some plans for a unified currency in the Persian Gulf region - can any of our readers provide more background? Is this a pipe dream or potential reality? "... the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) paid attention to monetary aspects in the implementation of Article 22 of the Unified Economic Agreement, which stipulates, "Member States shall seek to coordinate their financial, monetary and banking policies and enhance cooperation between monetary agencies and central banks, including the endeavor to establish a joint currency in order to further their desired economic integration." The GCC has achieved many accomplishments in this regard, which were culminated in the agreement on the issuance of a unified Gulf currency at the beginning of 2010." To read the complete article, see: Full Story To access the Gulf Cooperation Council homepage (in English), see: gcc-sg.org VIETNAM NEWSPAPERS SHUT DOWN FOR REPORTING POLYMER BANKNOTE PROBLEMS According to a news release, "The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the suspension of two newspapers in Vietnam that reported on corruption and printing problems with the country’s new non-paper banknotes. The Ministry of Culture and Information slapped a one-month ban on two small newspapers and was considering disciplinary measures against other, more widely read newspapers in connection with their critical reporting on the new notes, according to international news reports." "Local media recently ran a series of articles highlighting misprints and other problems with the new plastic polymer banknotes, which replaced paper notes. Some published allegations that the son of a high-level banking official had profited from the printing contract." To read the complete news release, see: Full Story COUNTERFEIT COINS CIRCULATING IN THE PHILLIPPINES On October 27th the Mindanao Daily Mirror reported that counterfeit coins have been circulating in the Philippines: "The proliferation of fake coins was brought to the public’s attention after a Manila businessman turned over the P10 coins which he allegedly got from Taiwanese men who used to change his peso bills to coins." "The counterfeit P10 coin is bigger than the genuine. It has a rough texture unlike the genuine coins which are smooth. Balan said it is easier to detect fake P10 coins because they stick to magnets while the real P10 coins do not stick to magnets. The counterfeit P5 coin is more difficult to detect because one has to closely examine the coin to notice the differences. One indication is that real P5 coins have twelve scallop border designs that are equal in size while the fake P5 coins have unequal designs." To read the complete article, see: Full Story MONOGRAPH ON NUMISMATIC ELECTROTYPES IN THE WORKS Dick Johnson writes: "Bob Lyall’s comments in last week’s E-Sylum in response to my item the previous week on electrotypes is hereby noted. I stand by my statement that electrotypes are cast. It is just a form of casting you might not think of. It is a form of "electrogalvanic casting" from the field of electrometallurgy (in contrast to die striking). There are a half dozen forms of casting, the most common, of course, is like foundry casting, and this is perhaps what Bob thinks I meant. Sorry I wasn’t clear, Bob. But the "cast" term is correct. Bob goes on to explain in general the electrotype technology. The oil he mentions is a "release agent," and not a good one at that (it is too thick). Let me state my experience with electroforming and electroplating. This technique is widely used in the manufacture of medallic art and pattern making for dies. From many hours, hundreds of hours, leaning over the electrolysis tanks, this technology became embedded in my mind while I was director of research at Medallic Art Company. I also had to explain this technology during many plant tours by visiting VIPs (from local coin club members to artist Andy Warhol). First of all, to make a replica of a genuine coin it is best to make a plaster cast of each side so you do not damage the original coin. (You need a release agent for this also -- don't let plaster come in contact with the original coin -- it will get in the crevices and is next to impossible to remove once it hardens!). Then you can make an electrotype from those casts (and later affix the electrotype shells together). Casting changes polarity, so it is necessary to have the negative plaster to make a positive anyway. Instead of using oil, we used bronze powders - the finest, flaky form available. This is ideal for two reasons: it is electrically conductive and it acts as a release agent (after the electrolytic cast is made and to break it away from its pattern). Bronze powder must cover the entire surface; it can be applied in a very thin coating (so it does not alter the design as the oil would do minutely). Bob Lyall is partly correct in mentioning silver nitrate in the electrolyte solution, but you must also have a cyanide chemical (as well as water and one other chemical) to effect the transfer of ions from the anode (the silver bar) to the pattern. The coin pattern must be wired to a rectifier which is the source of a very low voltage direct current. All this technology will be explained in a monograph John Kraljevich and I are writing on Numismatic Electrotypes. We just recently discovered an eight-page manuscript by Elvira Clain-Stefanelli who translated a small portion of an Italian work on the subject. The technology therein blew our collective minds! We will reveal this all in our monograph. We recognize the vast misunderstanding of this technology in the numismatic field. A recent example is an article on the Libertas America medal in the September issue of "Numismatist," page 54, which states "At least one numismatic expert with whom he spoke raised the possibility that it is an electrotype (but such pieces usually are exact duplicates of the original (including depressions, scratches and other diagnostics) AND MADE OF LEAD." Impossible! Lead does not conduct electricity. Electrotypes must be made of a metal that conducts an electric current. The major coinage metals â€Editor. LOST COIN RETURNS TO OWNER AFTER OVER FIFTY YEARS The Regina Leader-Post of Canada reported on October 23rd the story of a local collector who was recently shocked to discover at a coin show a numismatic souvenir he'd lost in the early 1950s. "Coin collector Royce Hall buys and sells numerous rare and hard-to-find coins. But even he was surprised at the coin that turned up on his table at the Regina Coin Club's fall show this weekend. The Dauphin, Man. resident was only eight years old when his mother took him to a fair around 1950. "They had a machine there you could put in a dime and you could print out on an aluminum disc (with) your name and address," he said. "So I had printed 'Royce Hall, Dauphin Manitoba.' And somewhere within the next year I lost it." But upon attending the coin show Saturday -- which he has attended for the majority of the last 40 years -- he was surprised to see his old souvenir again." To read the complete article, see: Full Story WHY DO COINS SMELL? An article published online October 25th by the journal Nature asks: "Why does metal smell? Chemists have found a surprising answer: it doesn't. After you've grasped an iron railing, a door handle or a piece of steel cutlery, your hand often gives off what seems to be a metallic odour. But Dietmar Glindemann of the University of Leipzig, Germany, and his co-workers say that you're not smelling the metal at all. They have found that the musty odour comes from chemical compounds in your skin, which are transformed in an instant by the touch of iron." "Copper has a similar effect, accounting for the metallic smell created by handling coins made of copper alloys. "When a shopkeeper hands you a coin," says Glindemann, "you're smelling his body odour." To read the complete article, see: Full Story DOES THAT MONEY SMELL FUNNY? ASK THE COUNTERFEIT-SNIFFING DOG An article published Saturday on the NewsMax site notes: "According to a new report released jointly by the U.S. Secret Service, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Board, Colombia was revealed as the primary purveyor of counterfeit dollars entering the United States. In fact, this report estimates that Colombia is responsible for about 15 percent of all circulating fake currency." "The Secret Service now has a new weapon in its never-ending fight against Colombian-based bogus bill manufacturers: the counterfeit money-detecting canine. Yes, it's true! According to a Secret Service press release, these latest doggy additions to the arsenal of tools used in combating international counterfeiting graduated from their special training program. With funding from the Secret Service, Colombian authorities established a counterfeit detection canine program where teams, each comprising dog and its handler, undergo a 12-week training program. The first graduates of this innovative training program are now being used to discover counterfeit currency. The special agent in charge stated that just as working dogs have been trained to detect a variety of items â€copper, silver, gold â€especially if it is his own, but he is too much wrapped up in the old coins. Why can't he collect old postage stamps, goodness knows there are much cheaper. My little son buys a whole thousand for a quarter and it takes him weeks to find out where to paste them in a book. But just because stamps are so cheap dad doesn't value them, he must have coins. I'd like to tell you what I think about that article in your January number. Any man who could make a joke about trading his wife off for a coin is no man, only an excuse for one. I don't think that Uncle George ever had a wife. If he had he would show more respect for womanhood than he did. You should not have printed such a thing. Perhaps you are surprised at my reading your paper but sometimes wives read them on the side just to see what it is that interests their men so much. Dad gets two papers all about coins, but yours is the only one he reads. He says the other is too highbrow for him and mostly full of reports of meetings that men go to just to see their name in print afterwards. I am writing to you to ask you not to send dad any more coins for some time, but if you cannot do this only send him a few of what he asks for. I expect he would be fine and mad if he knew I had written to you. A KICKING WIFE. It seems to us there is some misunderstanding on both sides here. It might be better if the husband explained how interesting he found his collection, and the pleasure he took it it. We fancy he would gain the sympathy of his wife--she shows this in her letter and is simply a little jealous of his interest in coins. At the same time we wish to say, the money spent in coins is not money wasted. The collector who has paid good money for good coins can always rely on getting the greater part of it back if for any reason he wishes to turn his collection into cash again. In many cases he would get even more than he paid for certain coins, as many increase in value during the years of collecting. The money spent cannot be a total loss. We are sure that "Uncle George" had no desire or intention of insulting womanhood in the letter referred to. His remark about the value of his wife proves that.â€are excellent conductors, thus ideal for coin electrotypes. I had not heard the story of the British Museum buying back their own electrotype. I love it! Can anyone document this? We would like to include it in our monograph." COLLECTOR GAILLIOT TESTIFIES IN NOE TRIAL According to an article in the October 27th Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Millions of dollars of rare coins that Tom Noe said were the property of two state-funded coin funds were actually the property of former Federated Investors executive Henry Gailliot and former business partner John Russ, the pair testified yesterday. Mr. Gailliot and Mr. Russ told jurors in the embezzlement trial of the former coin dealer and Republican fund-raiser Noe that they owned coins listed as inventory of the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation's coin funds, and that sales records produced by Mr. Noe's business were bogus. Mr. Gailliot, for years the chief economist at the Downtown-based mutual fund giant, also said that at times he would sell coins on consignment with Mr. Noe. When the state seized the company's assets in May 2005, some of Mr. Gailliot's coins were seized as well." "Mr. Gailliot said he owns some of the most coveted gold coins in the United States, worth millions of dollars, and that Mr. Noe helped him acquire them. He also said he "would never contemplate selling'' two of his rarest coins, from the Trumpeter collection, and had no explanation why they would be listed in inventories of the rare coin funds." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [The article misspelled the name of the Trompeter Collection. Can anyone tell us which two Trompeter coins Gailliot owns? -Editor] PLANS UNDERWAY FOR SOUTH DAKOTA QUARTER LAUNCH CEREMONY According to an article this week in the Rapid City Journal, "There will be speeches and music, but the star of the Monday, Nov. 13, ceremony will be the shiny new coin making its first public appearance. The South Dakota commemorative quarter, the 40th coin in the series honoring all 50 states, will make its debut that day at Mount Rushmore National Memorial." "Edmund C. Moy, director of the U.S. Mint, is expected to attend the event. Gov. Mike Rounds and first lady Jean Rounds will be there, too." "The South Dakota commemorative quarter, engraved by John Mercanti, features an unlikely scene of a pheasant flying over Mount Rushmore National Memorial. The Chinese ring-necked pheasant is the state bird, and Mount Rushmore is the state’s most recognizable image." "On the day of the event, the Mount Rushmore History Association will be selling commemorative packages featuring two uncirculated South Dakota quarters. The history association, an arm of the Mount Rushmore Memorial Society, raises funds for interpretive and educational programs at the memorial." To read the complete article, see: Full Story 1876 GOLD LIFESAVING MEDAL In addition to the Zachary Taylor medals mentioned in recent E-Sylums, the upcoming Stack's Rarities sale includes a number of notable items, including an 1876 Treasury Department Lifesaving medal in gold. It's a magnificent looking piece - be sure to view the lot online. "The designs are still used for the Coast Guard's Gold Lifesaving Medal, though in a much smaller and significantly modified form, a prize last distributed in 1997. They are perhaps Paquet's most stunning, with sweeping surf sculpted in lifelike form surrounding two men and a woman in a boat while another is being pulled from overboard. Their wrecked vessel, sails in the sea, may be seen behind them. On the reverse, a large area for the engraving of the name of the lifesaver and the nature of the feat remains blank, ready for inscription." "It is amazing to consider that these dies, for which Anthony Paquet was paid a nearly unheard of $1500 sum in 1875, are known by only four surviving specimens in all metals, though perhaps another copper specimen could be tracked down. As a point of contrast, C.C. Wright was paid $1600 in 1849 for the dies he produced for the Zachary Taylor medal offered above, but those dies were used by the Mint for decades. This First Class Lifesaving Medal style was abandoned just a year after the dies went into production, replaced by the smaller (and cheaper) Julian LS-7 dies that were used until 1882." To view the complete lot description and view an image of the medal, see: lot description 1799 WASHINGTON GOLD SKULL AND CROSSBONES MEDAL Another interesting item in the Stack's Rarities sale is a 1799 Washington Skull and Crossbones Funeral medal, also in gold. "Crosby was an avid collector of Washington funeral medals, collecting them by die variety long before George Fuld was a twinkle (though Crosby would have loved to have had his research help we suspect!). He owned 10 different examples, including a gold Urn, three Silver Urns, the unique copper Urn that reappeared in the Steinberg Collection, two silver Skull and Crossbones, and a white metal Skull and Crossbones. He did not own gold Skull and Crossbones, though one of his silver examples of this type was called "Silver. Uncirculated. Sharp. Perfect." That piece was struck from the same dies as this piece and the silver piece in Ford. Many objects in numismatics are desirable because they're rare, and there is a certain joy in owning something that few can possess. Even more special are the objects that are both rare and historic, the pieces with a connection to an important historical person, story, or event. But how many pieces that meet those criteria can be placed in a certain place at a certain time 206 years ago? How many of that tiny subset has a provenance that is well defined and unbroken since Lincoln was in the White House?" To view the complete lot description and view an image of the medal, see: lot description SAN FRANCISCO MORGAN DOLLAR REVERSE DIE One final mention for the Stack's Rarities sale: since we've recently discussed surviving examples of U.S. Mint dies, it's interesting to see that an original San Francisco Mint reverse die for a Morgan silver dollar is available in the sale: "The die is in excellent condition although has been cancelled with a large "X" chisel mark at the center. The die surface has patches of light verdigris and a few nicks and small marks, probably from post minting handling. No die cracks or other identifying elements readily present themselves so it is not known when this die was used, but the "S" mintmark style is that of the 1880s or perhaps the 1890s. No rim breaks are present in the denticles. Cancelled dies are seldom offered or found from this period. Most were apparently destroyed and never found their way into collectors' hands. Most seen have similar cancelled chisel marks at the center, and some have identifying numbers on their sides, but not the present one." To view the complete lot description and view an image of the die, see: lot description REPLICA RUCKUS: BEWARE THE SWITCHEROO ACCUSATION Following up on our discussion of the pros and cons of numismatic replicas, Bob Rhue writes: "I'd like to make my fellow E-Sylum members aware of a remote yet potentially serious risk that can arise around them. I understand that perhaps 15 years ago someone called a major coin firm claiming to have some extremely rare colonial coin. The dealer said to mail it insured for whatever the owner thought it was worth. Upon receipt the dealer immediately determined that it was a replica, of "no value", & said so in a note to the owner, which accompanied the return of the coin. The dealer's shipping dept saw that it was of "no value", and returned it to the owner without insurance or a request for proof of delivery. Of course it became "lost" in the mail, the customer insisted in his claim that HIS coin WAS real, and demanded payment accordingly. After protracted negotiations the coin company settled with the owner of this 'rarity' for a large sum of money, learning a BIG lesson in the process. After hearing that story, I could see the possibility of the obvious next extension to that scenario: An unknown person calls me claiming ownership of a 'rare' whatever. I tell him there are a lot of replicas of that particular piece out there, but he's sure his is genuine since it's been in the family for so long, or because of whatever other delusion he's operating under. So I tell him to ship me the piece insured for whatever he thinks it's worth. Upon receipt I see it's an obvious replica, return it to him properly insured with a note to that effect. The next week I receive a letter from his attorney alleging that this doesn't even look like the same coin his client sent me, demands that I immediately return his client's rare "original" specimen or he will sue me for the $50,000 that the Redbook says his A.U. coin was worth when I 'switched' it for this worthless replica. Nuf Sed? Don't ever acquiesce in someone sending you one of these 'rarities'. Have them send it first to a grading service or to the ANA or whatever - just not to YOU. For that matter a risk always exists that you'll be accused of having 'switched' his 'superb gem' whatever for the piece of 'nominal value' that you returned to him. Just be aware." [This is an age-old problem of dealing by mail; as Bob notes, it can involve any type of numismatic item, not just replicas. In my own experience with examining items, I always do it in person or not at all. Like most experienced numismatists, I can usually tell by the verbal description that the piece in question is likely a replica. But I describe to them the procedure I'll use to confirm my suspicion - I have a scale and books that tells me how much the genuine piece weighs. When we get together I let them put the piece on the scale and show them what the book says. If a common fake is listed in the Hancock-Spanbauer book, I show them that, too. The scale tells them the bad news, not me. I make a point of going through these theatrics even when I can tell from across the room that the piece is a worthless cast copy. -Editor] A HALLOWEEN PENNY PUZZLE Dick Johnson writes: "Ralph and Terry Kovel have made an industry of collectibles -- writing dozens of books and price guides, also newspaper columns, a web site and appearing on TV. They occasionally mention numismatic items in their activity on collectibles. For their book on limited editions Mrs. Kovel (Terry) traveled from their base in Cleveland and spent a day at Medallic Art Company, where I supplied her with data on all the limited edition medallic items we had produced. Thus I was impressed by the thoroughness of their research. For this Halloween week's column they mention Halloween collectibles. The puzzle for E-Sylum readers is to click on this URL. Don't use your Find key, but try to find the word "penny." It is hidden. Go ahead. Click here and Have a Happy Halloween! Full Story [And here's another Halloween quiz, which should be easy for longtime E-Sylum readers. Which U.S. numismatic author owned a business which manufactured paper decorations for Halloween and other holidays and special occasions? -Editor] MEHL NUMISMATIC MONTHLY: A KICKING WIFE's PROTEST Dan Gosling writes: "I copied this item from an issue of Mehl’s Numismatic Monthly (page 35) when I was in the ANA Library during Member's Appreciation this past summer. But I forgot to note the volume and issue number. Are you aware of an index to Mehl's Numismatic Monthly?" [I don't know of a MNM index, but one would be welcomed. It's an underrated periodical. I was unable to locate the reference in my own incomplete set. Can anyone fill us in on which issue this piece came from? -Editor] A WIFE's PROTEST Mr. Mehl: Dear Sir: No doubt you will be astonished to receive this letter from me, but I should like you to know that my husband is not a millionaire and really he cannot afford to invest so much money in old coins as he has been doing of late. I simply think he is crazy to buy so many coins. I call it throwing his money away and goodness knows he has to work hard enough for it. You may wonder why I should write to you instead of telling him what I think. I have talked to him until I am sick and tired of doing so and its no use my trying to reason with him so I am writing to you. He is simply throwing his money and has nothing, but a few old coins to show for it. I suppose you are not the only one selling coins in this country but you seem to be about the only one he buys any amount from. He receives other catalogues but just glances over them and throws them aside, but after one of yours comes he sits reading it evening after evening and marks it all over with figures of how much he intends to bid. When he is not looking at your catalogues or paper he is pottering about his old coins brushing them up and putting into envelopes and packing them away in boxes, or putting them in little drawers he has in his cabinet. He is too busy to go out with me to make a visit or to go to a concert or the movies. In olden times when a man got married during the ceremony he said to the bride, "This gold and silver I thee give. With all my worldly goods I thee endow." But today he does not include his old coins in these gifts and endowments, he draws a line at them, and is as jealous of me seeing or touching them as our dog is of a bone he has buried in the back garden. Things might not be so had if Dad would only handle me differently, the least he might do is to tell me a little about what he is doing and why. But I expect he thinks I would make a big kick if I knew how much his coins cost him, so he treats me as if I were not capable of understanding his old coinsâ€as if I were only a child. He is a good man, kind and generous to a faultâ€explosives, agricultural products, missing people â€we have had success in teaching them to detect many of the commonly produced counterfeit U.S. notes. In fact, dog-and-handler teams provided by the Secret Service have already proven themselves in helping to locate clandestine printing operations throughout Colombia. " To read the entire article, see: Full Story FEATURED WEB SITE: NEW JERSEY PAPER CURRENCY, 1709-1786 This week's featured web site is New Jersey Paper Currency, 1709-1786 by William W. Bradbeer, republished in 1996 by Digital Antiquariea, Inc. Featured Web Site Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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