For NBS members awaiting their next copy of The Asylum: Editor George Kolbe reports that the issue is now being printed. The volume 16, number 4 issue has 44 pages. The contents include:
- President's Message-Michael Sullivan
- Some Random Numismatic Reminiscences Part 3-Randolph Zander
- The Printer's Devil, The 9th Annual Shammies-Joel J. Orosz
- Letter to the Editor-Mike Hodder
- The Asylum: 1999 Publication Schedule
- The Whitman Numismatic Journal-Bob Christie
- New York Auction Trumps Montel Show on NBC-V. Arefiev
- ¡Show and Tell!-Wayne Homren
- More on Charles C. Rood-Pete Smith
- George Marion Klein of Vicksburg: My Great-Grandfather-J. H. McInnis
- Variants of the 1851 Roper Auction Sale Catalogue-P. Scott Rubin
- News from the Net-Pete Smith
"News from the Net" is a new column by Board member Pete Smith
summarizing the NBS activity in this newsletter and our web site.
Perhaps it will entice more of our brethren to get online and join in.
Wayne Homren, Editor
Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
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