Craig N. Smith writes: "I read with interest the various comments
regarding the binding of periodicals. Although I agree with
George Kolbe that binding rarely pays in an absolute sense, I
wonder if we are being short sighted in viewing this on only a
return on investment proposition.
Perhaps, a longer or different view should be taken. I wonder
how many complete copies of the Numismatist would exist, if
none had ever been bound? I think one could argue that many
of the existing copies would have been carelessly thrown away
by relatives who did not recognize the value of this little known
periodical. By binding these issues in volumes, the series takes
on the value of something that appears to be of greater value
than just an individual issue might have to the non-numismatist.
I think it could be argued that the very act of binding imbues
these periodicals with a greater value than they might ordinarily
appear to have."
Wayne Homren, Editor
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