Myron Xenos of The Money Tree writes:
"In response to Allan
Davisson's curiosity about the usage of the term "Conder Token",
I would opt for the most obvious. James Conder was obviously
an obsessive-compulsive about the trade tokens, so I have visions
of him running all over England and Ireland looking for new
varieties, much like we do today with large cents, bust halves,
V.A.M..dollars,etc. By the time he wrote his book in 1798 on
the trade tokens of Britain and Ireland, I imagine his peers all
over England were referring to these tokens as "Conders", maybe
in honor or maybe tongue-in-cheek.
An issue of the Coin Collector's Journal back in the 1930's
referred to them as Conder tokens, and at least two of my peers
have used that reference in their catalogs.
To conclude, I am sure that if James Conder were alive today, he
would be at the A.N.A. conventions on PNG day just to be sure
he could cherrypick every scarce "conder" on the floor."
By the way, there is a nice article on Conder tokens by
subscriber Michael E. Marotta in the April 17th issue of
COIN World (p86).
Wayne Homren, Editor
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