Dave Bowers has made a few chapters from the draft of his upcoming book available for comment by NBS members and E-Sylum subscribers. The book is
prospectively titled "The History of the Gold Rush as Illustrated by Treasures from the S.S. Central America"
The chapters are available for review on the NBS web site. Go to, then choose
the new "Research" link.
Of special interest to E-Sylum readers is the information on Ezekiel I. Barra, who was discussed in previous issues. Bowers also notes: "Another
numismatist, Philadelphia physician Lewis Roper (whose coins were auctioned in 1851) is said to have been part of the Gold Rush, and to have been
lost at sea - but I have not included him as I cannot find a lost ship sunk in 1850 on its way back from California (or the Panama connection) that
might be a candidate."
Please send any comments to Dave by October 30, 2000, as the project is nearing completion.
Wayne Homren, Editor
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