Adrián González Salinas of Monterrey, N.L. México writes:
"I would like to congratulate you for your extraordinary effort
to structure The E-Sylum week after week and very punctually
...with a lot of valuable information for all of us. Every Monday
morning I enjoy reading it with a good coffee cup. It has a lot
of information unknown to me. In my case, I have a very
humble library of Mexican numismatic books, plus the latest
books of Mr. Q. David Bowers.
According to your very interesting article titled "A Chronology
of Lyman Low's Treatise on Mexican Revolutionary Coinage"
(The Asylum - Volume XIV, Nos. 2-4 - Fall, 1996), I would
like to inform you that in December 2000 I obtained a copy
titled: "La Moneda del General Insurgente Don José María
Morelos" Ensayo Numismático - Lyman Haynes Low y Dr.
Nicolás León - Tipografía del Gobierno de Morelos - Dirigida
por Luis G. Miranda - Cuernavaca - Año 1897.
This is a facsimile publication printed in Morelia, Michoacán,
México on December 21, 1981 by Ediciones Casa de San
Nicolás (Morelia, Michoacán). This edition is totally in Spanish.
Until now, I couldn't find any better reference of this treatise.
At very recent numismatic auctions (in USA, Spain and Mexico)
I remember some of the Morelos coinage has appeared, and in
many cases, some of them uncataloged."
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