Dick Johnson writes:
"Question: Do you know how to tell a book collector?
Answer: He has bookcases in his garage.
How many other numismatic book collectors are like me? I have books in every room in the house (except the kitchen and bathroom). They overflow everywhere. I even have book cases on both sides of the garage. It is like driving into a library when I park my car."
[Editor's note: You know, I just knew I was at the right house when I pulled into John Bergman's driveway and there were curtains on the garage door windows. The bulk of his library was in the former garage, and the cars were parked in the driveway.]
Coincidentally, in response to last week's "Death of a Bibliophile" item, George Kolbe writes:
"This reminded me of the first time I visited Jack Collins. To gain entry to his bedroom cum library one had to turn sideways and navigate carefully between two six foot stacks of bound Coin Worlds that Jack had recently purchased at a local library sale.
Once through the eye of the needle, one was surrounded by lawyers bookcases filled to brimming; the bed was covered with boxes full of the overflow. Imagine having to move book boxes every evening before retiring for the night. The head of the bed was fortunately away from the Coin Worlds, but the lawyers bookcases were probably close enough to cause serious injury should an earthquake occur. Perhaps Jack, as Del Bland recently related, was intentionally close at hand to protect his library from any peril - natural or manmade."
Wayne Homren, Editor
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