V11 2008 INDEX
The E-Sylum: Volume 11, Number 16, April 20, 2008, Article 9 SCULPTURE REVIEW ARTICLE ON PAUL MANSHIP'S MEDALLIC ASHTRAYS [Dick Johnson submitted the following item on a topic we've discussed earlier - the unusual medallic ashtrays created by Paul Manship. -Editor] In 1915 famed American sculptor Paul Manship created the first of an unusual adaptation of medallic art -- the medallic ashtray. He created a series of 12 of zodiac theme among other such ashtrays. Robert Mueller, a scholar who has studied the work of Manship for decades (and is curator at New York's Salamagundi Club), has written a fantastic article on these medallic items in the Spring 2008 issue of 'Sculpture Review.' Illustrated in color, with two displayed oversize, Mueller documents these rare issues, a combination of sculpture and medallic art in utilitarian form. Manship was a cigar smoker in an age when smoking was widely accepted. His medallic ashtrays were popular as gifts. Manship turned to Medallic Art Company to replicate his medallic creations. I once commented we tried to keep at least one of these in the company's New York City's showroom at all times, but these were the most stolen item at the firm. Recently, before he died, Sam Pennington ran an article on these medallic ashtrays in his Maine Antique Digest (June 2007, the first of a monthly column on medals). He had a rare opportunity as publisher of an antique publication to observe -- and collect -- just about anything that turned him on. He collected aviation memorabilia and medals. Once he discovered medallic ashtrays he was committed. Sam was impressed by the fact he could acquire an object created by Paul Manship, whose sculptural works often sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yet he could purchase a Manship medallic ashtray for only a few hundred dollars- which he did as often as they came on the market. For his M.A.D. article Sam contacted Bob Mueller who furnished him with background information on this series. He contacted me for the Medallic Art connection and I put him in touch with Hugo Greco, the only living employee who remembered casting and giving these art objects their impressive patinas. Never produced in quantity, they were only made one or two at a time, according to Greco. The zodiac were most requested, obviously clients wanted their own zodiac symbol. So the number in public hands is uneven; it is a major feat that Bob Mueller acquired a full set, illustrated in his 'Sculpture Review' article. Of average 6-inch size, these objects were small sculptures, but larger than a typical medal. It gave the artist a larger canvas for their medallic creation. Mueller calls Manship's ashtrays "deftly modeled... created for the sheer joy of modeling." Pick up a copy of the Spring issue of 'Sculpture Review' at better newsstands while they are still available, $7 U.S., $9 Canada, 8 Euros. You will surely experience a medallic thrill with this article. MANSHIP MEDALLIC ASHTRAYS MADE BY MEDALLIC ART COMPANY esylum_v10n12a12.html Wayne Homren, Editor The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at To submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: To subscribe go to: | |
V11 2008 INDEX
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