Richard Nancy Oliver & Richard Kelly forwarded this
release about their newest book. Congratulations! -Editor Introducing a brand new numismatic work, full
of information never before published! This book contains 16 intimate
biographies of the memorable men who were in charge of the 1st and 2nd San
Francisco Mints. Contained in this work are the likenesses of all but one
of these gentlemen (a collection of which you will find nowhere else). The
job of mint superintendent was an awesome responsibility, which you will
discover as you read through the pages of this book. Also revealed are
many of the ups and downs they faced during their tenure as
superintendent. In addition, included in their biographies, are some
interesting revelations concerning their personal and social lives.
The legacies for many of these men have been
lost to time, but after considerable digging, enough information has been
unearthed to fill two full pages on each of them. You will find many of
their stories quite fascinating, humorous, and sometimes tongue-in-cheek.
Nancy Oliver and Richard Kelly are the writers and publishers of
this work which is 41 pages (8 1/2 by 11), with some color, and is spiral
bound for easy reading. The cover price is $20, but to E-Sylum subscribers
we will defray the extra cost for shipping and handling so the total cost
remains at $20. If you are interested, please email Nancy Oliver and/or
Richard Kelly at
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
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