MORE ON THE BURNETT ANDERSON MEMORIAL AWARD FOR NUMISMATIC WRITINGLarry Gaye writes:Im another of those in the crowd to watch you receive
your well deserved Burnett Anderson Memorial Award for the ANA. I was a
back bencher way back at table number 27. There were a lot of folks
standing and applauding your work. Thanks for doing what you do.
It was kind of a blur for me, trying to smile for the
cameras and manage not to drop the plaque or medal or trip over my own
tongue. The room was so large it was difficult to take it all in. Thanks
again to everyone for your good wishes. Neil Shafer, Gene Hessler and
several others have written to me since the ANA. Here's another photo from the banquet, provided by John Wilson. That's John Eshbach of the Lancaster area with my wife Dee and I, and the famous $10 glass of wine. -Editor Larry adds: Walt Ostromecki is a current ANA Governor re-elected last
year. Im sure he would be very sad to hear that he had been again taken
off the board. Whoops! Sorry, Walt - don't pack your bags again. I do try
to identify most of the people named in The E-Sylum since not everyone
reading will know. The problem is my fact-checker (me) is a total
screw-up. Now that my feet are back on planet Earth, on with tonight's
issue! -Editor THE BOOK BAZARREWayne Homren, Editor The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at To submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: To subscribe go to: All Rights Reserved. NBS Home Page Contact the NBS webmaster |