NEW BOOK: AMERICA'S MONEY, AMERICA'S STORY (2ND EDITION) BY DR. RICHARD DOTY![]() Whitman was kind enough to send me some sample pages of the new book. The difference between the two editions is readily apparent - there is a night and day difference in layout and design. The advances in computer imaging, design and layout tools over the last ten years, coupled with the expertise of Whitman's production staff, have made the new edition a work of beauty. Doty's masterful text displayed with new color photos of both coins and historical scenes and figures make this edition the one to have. The publisher's web site displays this apt description of the book and its place in the world of American nonfiction: ![]() With a professor.s knowledge and a raconteur.s wit, Doty weaves a tale that stretches from Europe to the New World, from pre-colonial days to the modern era. Why were Pine Tree Shillings minted? Why were Mexican silver dollars more common north of the border than U.S. dollars, even long after the Philadelphia Mint got underway? Why was tobacco once used as money (and why did that system go up in smoke)? Why has war brought such dramatic changes to our money? The territory is immense, and Doty is an able and companionable guide. Hundreds of books have been written about American coins, and thousands on American history. Rarely do the two subjects meet. While coins, tokens, and paper money are part of the chronicle of our country, usually numismatic books don.t delve deep into American history. Conversely, American history books seldom discuss money. This very curious gap is elegantly bridged by America.s Money, America.s Story. ![]()
Dennis Tucker of Whitman Publishing had made the following offer - the first two subscribers willing to commit to writing a review of Doty's book for The E-Sylum will get a free review copy of the book. Just let me know if you're willing and I'll put you in touch with Dennis. For more information on the book, see: America.s Money, America.s Story (http://www.whitmanbooks.com/Default.aspx?Page=55& HTMLName=ReviewUpcoming_0708) Wayne Homren, Editor The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at coinbooks.org. To submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: whomren@gmail.com To subscribe go to: https://my.binhost.com/lists/listinfo/esylum All Rights Reserved. NBS Home Page Contact the NBS webmaster ![]() |